Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

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Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by Uly » Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:59 am

Wow, things are getting indeed a bit chaotic! I'll stick with PA_G and PA_H until more tests are done in latest versions (I guess one doesn't need the GTB one if one doesn't use tablebases?)

Meanwhile, here's a cross-post from RF by Ancalagon.
Eelco de Groot wrote:The code becomes a bit simpler a again if there is just one ok_to_use_TT( function, as fruity intended. Then you don't have to test for being in a PV node etc. Especially since there is only one search() for both PV and non PV, this is a bit neater. In non PV nodes the only difference is that beta is alpha +1 because of the zero window searches, but all the ok_to_use_TT( code could function the same in PV nodes and non PV nodes. The only question is if you lose elo by lifting some of the restrictions you have now for accepting a hash value, for instance if an VALUE_EXACT should still be inside the alpha beta window in a PV node. I can't see a real reason for it except that sometimes the PV is too short, or examples where the PV gets stuck in an draw by repetition where actually the opponent has a better move. This probably is some hash effect I have been trying to resolve it just by changes in search but there may be no real solution. If you don't accept hash hits in PV nodes you will at least search deeper and I believe Vas mentioned in a thread many years ago, that at least these hash problems are resolved by searching deeper. Anyway, for the moment all versions need to accepth TT hits in PV nodes so going back to the old scheme from Stockfish is not an option.

But back to the code, implementing it as I think Fonzy, just without requiring that the value should be inside alpha beta and keeping the option to switch of Preserve Analysis, I have it as follows

Under local functions:

Code: Select all

  // Preserve Hash
  bool ok_to_use_TT(const TTEntry* tte, Depth depth, Value alpha, Value beta, int ply);

in search()

    if (UsePreserveHash ? (tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, depth, alpha, beta, ply))
                        : (!PvNode && tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, depth, alpha, beta, ply)))
        ss->bestMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE
        return value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply);

in qsearch()

    if (UsePreserveHash ? (tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, ttDepth, alpha, beta, ply))
                        : (!PvNode && tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, ttDepth, alpha, beta, ply)))
        ss->bestMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE
        return value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply);

  // ok_to_use_TT() returns true if a transposition table score
  // can be used at a given point in search.

  bool ok_to_use_TT(const TTEntry* tte, Depth depth, Value alpha, Value beta, int ply) {
    Value v = value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply);
  return   (   tte->depth() >= depth
              || v >= Max(value_mate_in(PLY_MAX), beta)
              || v <= Min(value_mated_in(PLY_MAX), alpha))

          && (   ((tte->type() == VALUE_TYPE_LOWER) && v >= beta) // == can also stay & here
              || ((tte->type() == VALUE_TYPE_UPPER) && v <= alpha)  // == can also stay & here
              ||  (tte->type() == VALUE_TYPE_EXACT)); // <- Maybe requiring this case to be inside alpha-beta improves the depth of the PV search
                                                                                //  - it depends on the rest of the code for search<PV>, you can compensate
                                                                                // according to taste/testrequirements etc. in other places.


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Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by BB+ » Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:21 am

The problem seems to be discussed at: ... 00779.html
When there is a read event, I do an ifstream::getline() on the input stream class. The problem occurs when the sending program sends two lines at once, i.e. before the listener task is run again. [...] However, my guess is that the ifstream class has an internal buffer which has the next command inside, so the poll() returns false.
I'm not sure any of the answers are useful.

There is also: ... ffers.html
It was my understanding that doing something like 'cin.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(NULL, 0)' would cause any buffering troubles to stop. I am not sure where the problem resides, but I am experiencing difficulties in this area. [...]
When the interface sends two commands (separated by \n) to the engine quickly the engine gets the first but then fails to read the second or following.
Again I don't think anyone had a solution, so I'm basically just putting these links here for future reference.

Peter C
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Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by Peter C » Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:01 am

Uly wrote:(I guess one doesn't need the GTB one if one doesn't use tablebases?)
Well, it's got Smooth Scaling and a configurable version of the techniques used in H...[/shamelessselfadvertising]


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Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by Uly » Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:36 am

Thanks, oh, I remember Stockfish 1.6s was one of my favorites.

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Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by gaard » Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:17 am

Uly wrote:Wow, things are getting indeed a bit chaotic! I'll stick with PA_G and PA_H until more tests are done in latest versions (I guess one doesn't need the GTB one if one doesn't use tablebases?)

Meanwhile, here's a cross-post from RF by Ancalagon.
Eelco de Groot wrote:The code becomes a bit simpler a again if there is just one ok_to_use_TT( function, as fruity intended. Then you don't have to test for being in a PV node etc. Especially since there is only one search() for both PV and non PV, this is a bit neater. In non PV nodes the only difference is that beta is alpha +1 because of the zero window searches, but all the ok_to_use_TT( code could function the same in PV nodes and non PV nodes. The only question is if you lose elo by lifting some of the restrictions you have now for accepting a hash value, for instance if an VALUE_EXACT should still be inside the alpha beta window in a PV node. I can't see a real reason for it except that sometimes the PV is too short, or examples where the PV gets stuck in an draw by repetition where actually the opponent has a better move. This probably is some hash effect I have been trying to resolve it just by changes in search but there may be no real solution. If you don't accept hash hits in PV nodes you will at least search deeper and I believe Vas mentioned in a thread many years ago, that at least these hash problems are resolved by searching deeper. Anyway, for the moment all versions need to accepth TT hits in PV nodes so going back to the old scheme from Stockfish is not an option.

But back to the code, implementing it as I think Fonzy, just without requiring that the value should be inside alpha beta and keeping the option to switch of Preserve Analysis, I have it as follows

Under local functions:

Code: Select all

  // Preserve Hash
  bool ok_to_use_TT(const TTEntry* tte, Depth depth, Value alpha, Value beta, int ply);

in search()

    if (UsePreserveHash ? (tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, depth, alpha, beta, ply))
                        : (!PvNode && tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, depth, alpha, beta, ply)))
        ss->bestMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE
        return value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply);

in qsearch()

    if (UsePreserveHash ? (tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, ttDepth, alpha, beta, ply))
                        : (!PvNode && tte && ok_to_use_TT(tte, ttDepth, alpha, beta, ply)))
        ss->bestMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE
        return value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply);

  // ok_to_use_TT() returns true if a transposition table score
  // can be used at a given point in search.

  bool ok_to_use_TT(const TTEntry* tte, Depth depth, Value alpha, Value beta, int ply) {
    Value v = value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply);
  return   (   tte->depth() >= depth
              || v >= Max(value_mate_in(PLY_MAX), beta)
              || v <= Min(value_mated_in(PLY_MAX), alpha))

          && (   ((tte->type() == VALUE_TYPE_LOWER) && v >= beta) // == can also stay & here
              || ((tte->type() == VALUE_TYPE_UPPER) && v <= alpha)  // == can also stay & here
              ||  (tte->type() == VALUE_TYPE_EXACT)); // <- Maybe requiring this case to be inside alpha-beta improves the depth of the PV search
                                                                                //  - it depends on the rest of the code for search<PV>, you can compensate
                                                                                // according to taste/testrequirements etc. in other places.


Here is one more to keep your head spinning. Includes the code suggested by fruity and Eelco de Groot. I am going to test this one thoroughly before I put out any more.

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Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by Uly » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:34 am

PA_G beat PA_H on a [statistically meaningless] 1+3 match at 1CPU (Because it uses 1/4 of the time to run than a 4CPU match)
1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move
Engine Match, 2011.02.05
                                 Score     1234567890123456
 1: Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU  10.0 / 16   =1====11=1======
 2: Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU   6.0 / 16   =0====00=0======
16 games: +4 =12 -4
Looking at the games live, I noticed PA_H very often would be low on time, and would need to play from the increment, while PA_G would be comfortable.

My small hypothesis is that the time management code isn't able to deal with the latest code changes, and it (the time management, not necessarily the new code) may hurt the performance.

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. d4 Nf6 {+0.20/18 3s} 2. Nf3 {+0.12/17 3s} e6 {+0.20/17
3s} 3. e3 {+0.12/18 3s} d5 {+0.12/17 7s (Be7)} 4. c4
{+0.12/17 3s} Be7 {+0.12/18 11s} 5. Bd3 {+0.28/17 3s
(cxd5)} O-O {+0.12/19 4s} 6. Nc3 {+0.12/18 5s (O-O)} c5
{+0.12/17 2s} 7. O-O {+0.16/19 5s} dxc4 {0.00/17 6s (cxd4)}
8. Bxc4 {+0.24/17 5s} Qc7 {+0.12/17 4s (cxd4)} 9. Nb5
{+0.08/16 5s (Qc2)} Qb6 {+0.04/17 3s} 10. dxc5 {0.00/17 4s}
Bxc5 {+0.08/17 5s} 11. Nc3 {0.00/18 5s} Qc7 {0.00/16 2s}
12. Nb5 {0.00/18 4s} Qb6 {0.00/23 4s} 13. Nc3 {0.00/20 6s}
Qc7 {0.00/20 3s} 14. Nb5 {0.00/17 4s} Qb6 {0.00/25 13s}

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 {+0.40/16 4s} Nc6 {+0.64/15 5s (e6)} 2. d4 {+0.60/17
6s (Nf3)} d5 {+0.52/15 5s (e6)} 3. e5 {+0.44/18 3s} e6
{+0.40/17 3s} 4. Nf3 {+0.60/18 5s} Nge7 {+0.44/18 8s}
5. Bd3 {+0.48/18 5s} Nf5 {+0.52/19 7s (Ng6)} 6. c3
{+0.64/18 4s} Be7 {+0.64/19 3s} 7. O-O {+0.72/18 4s (Qc2)}
O-O {+0.64/19 4s} 8. g4 {+0.72/18 7s (Qc2)} Nh4 {+0.92/17
5s} 9. Nxh4 {+0.76/17 4s} Bxh4 {+0.80/19 4s} 10. Nd2
{+0.76/19 5s} Bd7 {+0.80/18 3s (Be7)} 11. Nf3 {+1.21/17 7s}
Be7 {+0.84/19 8s} 12. Qc2 {+1.01/18 4s} g6 {+1.01/18 2s
(h6)} 13. Bh6 {+0.96/14 3s} Re8 {+1.05/18 3s} 14. Rfe1
{+1.01/17 3s (h4)} Bf8 {+0.92/18 3s} 15. Bg5 {+0.84/17 3s}
Be7 {+1.01/18 4s} 16. Bf4 {+0.96/17 4s} a6 {+0.84/18 4s
(Nb8)} 17. h4 {+0.84/15 3s (Qc1)} Bf8 {+1.21/14 4s (Na5)}
18. h5 {+1.57/16 7s} Ne7 {+1.33/16 4s} 19. Kg2 {+1.37/17
4s} c5 {+1.53/15 4s (Bg7)} 20. dxc5 {+1.53/18 12s} Qc7
{+1.57/17 3s} 21. Rh1 {+1.49/16 4s} Bg7 {+1.65/17 5s}
22. Rh3 {+1.65/17 5s} Qxc5 {+1.73/17 7s} 23. Bh6 {+2.14/15
4s (Rah1)} Bxh6 {+1.13/11 0s (Bb5)} 24. hxg6 {+2.26/15 0s}
Nxg6 {+2.30/14 2s} 25. Rxh6 {+2.90/14 3s} Qf8 {+3.11/15 5s
(d4)} 26. Rah1 {+3.79/17 2s} Qg7 {+3.31/18 2s} 27. Bxg6
{+6.02/19 9s (Qd2)} hxg6 {+5.37/15 3s (fxg6)} 28. Qc1
{+15.31/16 3s (Ng5)} g5 {+8.84/16 3s} 29. Nxg5 {+15.87/16
1s (Qb1)} Kf8 {+14.90/16 6s} 30. Rh7 {+16.76/16 1s} Qg6
{+20.00/15 5s} 31. Rxf7+ {+23.39/15 4s} Kg8 {+22.42/16 3s}
32. Rxd7 {+25.09/15 2s} Rf8 {+24.32/16 5s (Rec8)} 33. Rdh7
{+M17/16 3s (Rxb7)} Rxf2+ {+M10/15 5s} 34. Kxf2 {+M10/6 0s}
Rf8+ {+M9/10 0s} 35. Kg2 {+M9/11 0s} Qd3 {+M8/10 0s}
36. Rh8+ {+M8/6 0s} Kg7 {+M7/6 0s} 37. Nxe6+ {+M7/6 0s} Kf7
{+M6/6 0s} 38. Rxf8+ {+M6/6 0s} Ke7 {+M5/6 0s} 39. Qg5+
{+M5/6 0s} Kd7 {+M4/6 0s} 40. Qg7+ {+M4/6 0s (Qd8+)} Kc6
{+M3/6 0s} 41. Qc7+ {+M3/6 0s} Kb5 {+M2/6 0s} 42. Qxb7+
{+M2/6 0s (Qc5+)} Ka4 {+M1/6 0s (Ka5)} 43. Qb4# {+M1/6 0s}

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. c4 e5 {-0.12/17 4s} 2. Nc3 {-0.04/17 4s} Nf6 {-0.04/18
5s (Nc6)} 3. Nf3 {-0.12/18 4s} Nc6 {-0.12/19 5s} 4. e4
{+0.04/19 4s (a3)} Bc5 {-0.08/18 3s} 5. Be2 {-0.04/18 3s}
O-O {-0.12/19 5s} 6. O-O {-0.12/19 6s (d3)} d6 {-0.08/20
4s} 7. d3 {-0.12/19 4s} Nd4 {-0.12/18 8s} 8. Nxd4 {-0.08/19
4s} Bxd4 {-0.08/19 4s} 9. Be3 {-0.12/20 9s} c6 {-0.12/20
4s} 10. Bxd4 {-0.08/19 3s} exd4 {-0.12/19 0s} 11. Nb1
{-0.08/20 4s} Qb6 {-0.12/19 4s (Bd7)} 12. Qb3 {0.00/19 3s
(Qc2)} Bd7 {0.00/17 3s} 13. Nd2 {0.00/19 4s} Rfe8 {-0.08/17
4s} 14. Rfc1 {+0.04/19 4s} Qc5 {0.00/18 3s (Qa5)} 15. Rab1
{0.00/16 3s (a3)} Qb6 {+0.16/18 13s} 16. Qxb6 {+0.08/18 6s}
axb6 {+0.04/15 0s} 17. a3 {+0.12/20 4s} g6 {+0.16/17 3s}
18. f4 {+0.16/20 3s} Bg4 {+0.20/19 5s} 19. Bxg4 {+0.16/20
4s (Bf3)} Nxg4 {+0.16/17 0s} 20. h3 {+0.20/20 3s} Ne3
{+0.24/20 4s} 21. Kf2 {+0.20/20 3s} f5 {+0.16/19 5s (Kf8)}
22. Re1 {+0.08/19 6s} fxe4 {+0.24/20 5s} 23. Nxe4 {+0.16/19
3s} Re6 {+0.24/21 4s} 24. Ng5 {+0.16/20 4s} Re7 {+0.20/20
3s (Ree8)} 25. g3 {+0.16/20 3s (Nf3)} h6 {+0.20/20 3s
(Kg7)} 26. Nf3 {+0.08/19 5s} c5 {+0.12/20 4s} 27. Nd2
{+0.16/19 6s} Kf7 {+0.24/19 3s} 28. Kf3 {+0.16/19 10s} Rae8
{+0.16/19 4s} 29. Re2 {+0.28/19 7s (h4)} d5 {+0.28/17 3s}
30. cxd5 {+0.16/19 2s} Nxd5 {+0.16/19 3s} 31. Rxe7+
{+0.20/19 3s (Ne4)} Rxe7 {0.00/19 3s} 32. Ne4 {+0.16/21 3s}
Ke6 {0.00/21 4s (Kg7)} 33. b4 {+0.44/18 2s (h4)} cxb4
{+0.32/21 6s} 34. axb4 {+0.12/20 4s} b5 {+0.44/21 8s}
35. Re1 {0.00/21 5s} Nxb4 {+0.12/22 4s} 36. Nc5+ {+0.16/22
3s} Kd6 {0.00/22 3s} 37. Rxe7 {+0.28/21 2s} Kxe7 {0.00/23
3s} 38. Ke4 {+0.28/23 3s} Na2 {0.00/23 4s} 39. Nxb7
{+0.36/23 3s (Nb3)} Nc3+ {0.00/23 3s (Nc1)} 40. Kxd4
{0.00/20 1s (Ke5)} Ne2+ {0.00/20 2s} 41. Ke5 {0.00/24 3s}
Nxg3 {0.00/23 2s} 42. d4 {0.00/24 3s} Nf5 {0.00/23 2s}
43. d5 {0.00/24 2s} Kd7 {0.00/24 3s} 44. Nc5+ {+0.32/23 3s}
Kc7 {0.00/24 2s (Ke7)} 45. Ne6+ {0.00/21 2s} Kb6 {0.00/25
2s} 46. d6 {0.00/25 2s} Kc6 {0.00/27 3s} 47. Nd8+ {0.00/26
3s (Nc7)} Kd7 {0.00/27 2s} 48. Nb7 {0.00/29 2s} Kc6
{0.00/30 2s} 49. Na5+ {0.00/30 2s (Nd8+)} Kd7 {0.00/32 3s}
50. Nb7 {0.00/33 3s} Kc6 {0.00/37 2s} 51. Na5+ {0.00/30 2s
(Nd8+)} Kd7 {0.00/39 2s} 52. Nb7 {0.00/34 2s} 1/2-1/2

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 {+0.12/17 3s} e6 {+0.20/17 3s} 3. e3
{+0.12/18 3s} d5 {+0.04/18 10s (Be7)} 4. c4 {+0.12/17 3s}
Be7 {+0.12/18 5s} 5. Bd3 {+0.28/17 3s} dxc4 {+0.04/19 3s
(O-O)} 6. Bxc4 {+0.16/19 4s} c5 {+0.20/20 10s} 7. Nc3
{+0.16/19 5s} O-O {+0.20/20 4s} 8. O-O {+0.28/16 3s} cxd4
{+0.12/18 4s (Qc7)} 9. exd4 {+0.28/17 4s} Qc7 {+0.20/17 3s
(Nc6)} 10. Bd3 {+0.20/17 4s} Nc6 {+0.12/16 4s} 11. a3
{+0.32/16 3s} Bd7 {+0.24/16 4s (Rd8)} 12. Bd2 {+0.32/14 6s
(Qc2)} Rac8 {+0.16/16 9s (Qd6)} 13. Rc1 {+0.36/15 5s} Rfd8
{+0.16/16 4s (a6)} 14. Re1 {+0.12/14 7s (b4)} Be8 {+0.16/14
3s} 15. h3 {+0.16/14 3s (Qb3)} Qd7 {+0.16/16 4s} 16. Be3
{+0.16/16 4s} Nd5 {+0.36/18 12s} 17. Nxd5 {+0.28/16 5s}
Qxd5 {+0.40/17 9s} 18. Rc3 {+0.28/18 9s} Bf6 {+0.40/17 5s
(b5)} 19. Qb1 {+0.40/17 4s (Qc2)} g6 {+0.40/14 3s} 20. Be4
{+0.36/18 4s} Qd6 {+0.40/16 2s} 21. Qc1 {+0.40/17 4s} Qd7
{+0.44/16 2s} 22. Qc2 {+0.48/17 3s} Bg7 {+0.48/17 10s}
23. Rc1 {+0.40/16 3s} f6 {+0.44/17 5s} 24. Bf4 {+0.40/16
6s} Qf7 {+0.44/16 2s} 25. Rc5 {+0.40/15 5s (Bd3)} Bf8
{+0.36/14 2s} 26. Rc4 {+0.36/17 4s} Qd7 {+0.48/14 3s (Bd6)}
27. Rc3 {+0.40/15 3s (Qc3)} Bg7 {+0.40/14 1s} 28. Qa4
{+0.52/16 4s (Be3)} Qe7 {+0.56/15 4s} 29. Bxc6 {+0.56/18
4s} bxc6 {+0.40/16 2s} 30. Qa6 {+0.48/18 3s} g5 {+0.44/17
3s} 31. Bg3 {+0.48/20 4s} Ra8 {+0.36/15 2s (Bh6)} 32. Re3
{+0.36/16 6s} Rd5 {+0.32/17 2s} 33. a4 {+0.20/16 10s (b4)}
Qf7 {+0.20/14 2s (Bf8)} 34. Bh2 {+0.36/14 5s (Rce1)} h5
{0.00/17 2s (Bf8)} 35. Re4 {+0.12/15 2s} Qd7 {0.00/18 3s
(Bf8)} 36. b4 {+0.08/14 2s (Rce1)} Bg6 {-0.32/17 3s (Qf7)}
37. Re3 {0.00/16 2s (Ree1)} g4 {+0.56/17 4s} 38. hxg4
{-0.16/17 4s} hxg4 {+0.40/17 3s} 39. Rxc6 {0.00/16 2s} gxf3
{+0.36/12 0s} 40. Rc7 {+0.08/17 3s} Qd8 {+0.12/16 3s}
41. Qxe6+ {+0.08/18 3s} Kh8 {0.00/16 3s} 42. Rxf3 {+0.16/16
3s} Rh5 {0.00/17 3s} 43. Bd6 {0.00/16 2s} Qe8 {0.00/17 2s
(Qxc7)} 44. Qxe8+ {+0.24/14 2s} Rxe8 {0.00/18 3s} 45. Re3
{0.00/16 2s} Rxe3 {0.00/19 3s} 46. fxe3 {0.00/16 2s} a6
{0.00/20 3s} 47. Kf2 {+0.16/17 3s} Bd3 {0.00/20 3s} 48. g4
{+0.08/17 3s} Rh1 {0.00/21 3s} 49. Bc5 {0.00/19 2s} Rf1+
{0.00/21 3s} 50. Kg2 {0.00/20 2s (Kg3)} Ra1 {0.00/19 3s}
51. Kf3 {0.00/20 2s (Kf2)} Rf1+ {0.00/21 3s} 52. Kg2
{0.00/30 2s (Kg3)} Ra1 {0.00/18 3s} 53. Kg3 {0.00/20 3s
(Kf2)} Rg1+ {0.00/21 2s} 54. Kf3 {0.00/23 2s (Kf2)} Rf1+
{0.00/24 2s} 55. Kg2 {0.00/38 3s (Kg3)} 1/2-1/2

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. d4 Nf6 {+0.16/18 3s} 2. Nf3 {+0.28/17 3s} e6 {+0.12/19
4s} 3. e3 {+0.12/17 6s} d5 {+0.28/19 13s (c5)} 4. c4
{+0.12/16 3s} Be7 {+0.20/18 4s (Bd6)} 5. Be2 {+0.08/18 9s
(Bd3)} O-O {+0.16/17 3s} 6. O-O {+0.20/19 4s} c5 {+0.12/17
3s} 7. dxc5 {+0.24/16 3s (cxd5)} dxc4 {+0.28/17 7s (Bxc5)}
8. Qd4 {+0.12/17 3s (Nc3)} Qd5 {+0.12/18 3s} 9. Nc3
{+0.20/19 11s (Qxc4)} Qxc5 {+0.16/17 4s} 10. Qxc5 {+0.20/20
4s} Bxc5 {+0.16/17 0s} 11. Bxc4 {+0.28/19 4s} a6 {+0.04/18
3s (Bd7)} 12. e4 {+0.12/16 3s} b5 {-0.08/17 3s} 13. Be2
{0.00/18 5s} Bb7 {-0.04/16 3s} 14. e5 {-0.08/18 6s} Ne4
{-0.12/17 4s} 15. a4 {0.00/19 6s (Nxe4)} Nxc3 {-0.32/17 5s}
16. bxc3 {-0.16/14 0s} Nd7 {-0.24/19 5s} 17. Rd1 {-0.12/17
4s} Bc6 {-0.32/20 4s} 18. axb5 {-0.32/19 6s} axb5 {-0.28/14
0s} 19. Be3 {-0.24/19 5s} Rxa1 {-0.32/18 3s (Bxe3)}
20. Rxa1 {-0.28/18 0s} Bxe3 {-0.28/21 4s} 21. fxe3
{-0.32/18 2s} Rc8 {-0.28/22 5s} 22. Kf2 {-0.24/19 4s} g6
{-0.24/21 6s} 23. Ra3 {-0.28/20 5s} Kg7 {-0.36/20 4s}
24. e4 {-0.12/20 6s (Kg3)} Bxe4 {-0.28/19 3s} 25. Bxb5
{-0.12/22 4s} Nxe5 {-0.08/20 5s (Nb6)} 26. Nxe5 {-0.12/13
0s} Rc5 {-0.08/22 4s} 27. Nxf7 {0.00/19 3s} Rxb5 {0.00/19
4s} 28. Ra7 {-0.08/21 3s} Rb2+ {0.00/20 5s (Rb7)} 29. Ke3
{0.00/20 3s} Bxg2 {0.00/22 4s} 30. Ng5+ {0.00/20 3s} Kf6
{0.00/21 3s} 31. Nxh7+ {0.00/21 4s} Ke5 {0.00/20 3s}
32. Nf8 {0.00/21 4s} Bd5 {0.00/21 3s (g5)} 33. Nxg6+
{0.00/20 4s} Kf6 {0.00/24 3s} 34. Ne7 {0.00/24 3s (Nf4)}
Rxh2 {0.00/24 3s} 35. Nxd5+ {0.00/27 3s} exd5 {0.00/26 0s}
36. Kd4 {0.00/33 3s} Rd2+ {0.00/33 3s} 37. Ke3 {0.00/45 3s}
Rc2 {0.00/37 3s (Rh2)} 38. Kd3 {0.00/38 3s (Kd4)} Rh2
{0.00/37 3s} 39. Kd4 {0.00/43 3s (Ra8)} Rd2+ {0.00/49 3s}
40. Ke3 {0.00/55 3s} Rc2 {0.00/56 3s (Rh2)} 41. Kd3
{0.00/46 3s (Kd4)} Rh2 {0.00/56 3s} 42. Ra8 {0.00/37 3s}
Ke5 {0.00/41 3s} 43. Re8+ {0.00/41 4s} Kd6 {0.00/43 4s}
44. Rd8+ {0.00/43 3s} Ke5 {0.00/46 2s} 45. Re8+ {0.00/52
3s} Kd6 {0.00/58 3s} 46. Rd8+ {0.00/46 2s} Ke5 {0.00/49 3s}
47. Re8+ {0.00/55 3s} 1/2-1/2

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. e4 {+0.40/17 10s} e5 {+0.40/17 5s} 2. Nf3 {+0.32/16 3s}
Nf6 {+0.24/17 4s (Nc6)} 3. Nxe5 {+0.32/16 3s} d6 {+0.28/18
5s} 4. Nf3 {+0.24/16 3s} Nxe4 {+0.20/18 4s} 5. Nc3
{+0.24/17 4s (d3)} Nxc3 {+0.28/18 3s} 6. dxc3 {+0.28/19 4s}
Be7 {+0.16/18 3s} 7. Bd3 {+0.32/18 3s} O-O {+0.24/18 3s}
8. O-O {+0.12/19 13s} Nd7 {+0.28/17 3s} 9. Be3 {+0.24/17
4s} Re8 {+0.32/17 12s (Nc5)} 10. Re1 {+0.32/16 4s} c6
{+0.24/17 4s (Bf6)} 11. a4 {+0.24/16 6s (a3)} Nf6 {+0.28/16
3s (Bf6)} 12. a5 {+0.24/15 4s} d5 {+0.32/15 5s (Bg4)}
13. h3 {+0.24/16 9s (Bf4)} Bd6 {+0.08/15 3s} 14. c4
{+0.20/16 2s (Bg5)} dxc4 {+0.20/15 3s} 15. Bxc4 {+0.28/18
4s} Bf5 {+0.16/17 4s} 16. Bd3 {+0.08/17 7s (a6)} Bxd3
{+0.16/16 5s} 17. Qxd3 {+0.28/19 4s} Nd5 {+0.16/17 5s}
18. Bd2 {+0.32/17 3s} Qc7 {+0.32/17 4s} 19. Qd4 {+0.32/17
7s} Rxe1+ {+0.40/15 4s (Red8)} 20. Rxe1 {+0.44/17 3s} b5
{+0.52/18 5s} 21. axb6 {+0.32/18 3s} axb6 {+0.48/19 5s}
22. c4 {+0.40/19 4s} Nf6 {+0.48/19 3s} 23. Bc3 {+0.44/19
2s} Bc5 {+0.48/19 3s} 24. Qh4 {+0.44/19 6s (Qd3)} Qd6
{+0.48/19 4s} 25. Nd4 {+0.32/18 3s} Bxd4 {+0.44/21 3s
(Qd7)} 26. Bxd4 {+0.48/18 3s} h6 {+0.44/21 3s} 27. Bxf6
{+0.48/21 3s (Be5)} Qxf6 {+0.48/21 4s} 28. Qxf6 {+0.48/22
3s} gxf6 {+0.48/22 1s} 29. Re3 {+0.48/23 3s} Kf8 {+0.48/23
6s (Kg7)} 30. Kf1 {+0.48/23 2s (g3)} Ra4 {+0.48/25 4s}
31. Rb3 {+0.48/24 3s} Rxc4 {+0.48/23 4s} 32. Rxb6 {+0.48/24
3s} Ke7 {+0.56/21 4s} 33. Ke2 {+0.48/23 4s} Rc2+ {+0.60/20
4s} 34. Ke3 {+0.48/24 3s} f5 {+0.48/21 9s (Ke6)} 35. b4
{+0.52/19 2s (Kd3)} h5 {+0.48/19 3s} 36. g3 {+0.60/19 2s
(h4)} f4+ {+0.64/19 4s (Rb2)} 37. gxf4 {+0.64/17 2s} Rc3+
{+0.68/18 3s} 38. Kd4 {+0.48/22 6s} Rxh3 {+0.68/20 2s}
39. Ke5 {+0.56/22 3s} f6+ {+0.36/19 3s (h4)} 40. Kf5
{+0.96/19 2s} Kd6 {+0.92/18 3s (Rc3)} 41. Kxf6 {+1.13/19
3s} Kc7 {+1.09/18 2s (Rb3)} 42. Ra6 {+1.13/16 0s} Rb3
{+1.05/19 3s} 43. Ra4 {+1.09/19 3s (f5)} Rb2 {+1.09/20 3s}
44. f5 {+1.13/20 2s} Rxf2 {+1.09/21 2s} 45. Ra7+ {+1.09/22
3s (Ra8)} Kd6 {+1.09/22 2s} 46. Ra1 {+1.09/23 2s (Ra8)} h4
{+1.01/21 3s (Rd2)} 47. Rd1+ {+1.01/21 5s} Kc7 {+1.01/21
1s} 48. Rd3 {+1.01/20 2s (Rh1)} Rg2 {+1.01/22 4s} 49. Rh3
{+1.01/20 2s} Rg4 {+0.92/22 2s} 50. Kf7 {+0.92/23 3s} Rxb4
{+0.96/22 3s} 51. f6 {+0.88/21 3s} c5 {+0.92/22 2s} 52. Ke6
{+0.68/22 3s (Kg6)} Re4+ {+0.40/21 3s} 53. Kf5 {+0.24/20
3s} Re2 {+0.28/21 2s (Re1)} 54. f7 {+0.12/16 2s} Kd7
{+0.20/22 3s} 55. f8=N+ {+0.12/21 2s (Kf6)} Kd6 {+0.16/22
2s} 56. Ng6 {+0.12/22 3s} c4 {+0.16/22 3s} 57. Nxh4
{+0.12/22 3s (Rxh4)} Kc5 {+0.08/19 2s (Kd5)} 58. Ng6
{+0.04/20 3s (Kf4)} Kb4 {+0.04/19 2s} 59. Rh4 {0.00/22 3s
(Ne5)} Kb3 {0.00/22 2s} 60. Rh1 {0.00/22 2s (Nf4)} c3
{0.00/24 3s} 61. Ne5 {0.00/23 2s} c2 {0.00/25 2s} 62. Rh3+
{0.00/25 3s} Ka2 {0.00/27 2s (Ka4)} 63. Nd3 {0.00/31 2s}
Re1 {0.00/26 2s (Rd2)} 64. Nb4+ {0.00/25 2s} Kb1 {0.00/30
3s} 65. Rb3+ {0.00/29 2s} Kc1 {0.00/32 3s} 66. Ra3 {0.00/30
3s (Rh3)} Rd1 {0.00/29 2s (Kb2)} 67. Ra1+ {0.00/33 2s
(Ra2)} Kb2 {0.00/38 2s} 68. Ra2+ {0.00/36 2s} Kb3 {0.00/42
2s} 69. Rxc2 {0.00/42 2s} Kxb4 {0.00/47 2s} 70. Ra2
{0.00/41 2s (Ke4)} Rb1 {0.00/45 3s (Kc4)} 71. Rc2 {0.00/41
2s (Rh2)} Ra1 {0.00/46 2s} 72. Rb2+ {0.00/47 2s (Ke4)} Ka3
{0.00/48 2s (Kc3)} 73. Rc2 {0.00/46 2s} Rb1 {0.00/49 2s
(Kb3)} 74. Rd2 {0.00/48 2s (Rc4)} Ra1 {0.00/51 2s} 75. Rc2
{0.00/69 2s (Ke4)} Rb1 {0.00/61 2s (Kb3)} 76. Rd2 {0.00/78
2s (Rc4)} Ra1 {0.00/80 2s} 77. Rc2 {0.00/78 2s (Ke4)}

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 {+0.08/17 3s} d5 {+0.24/16 3s (e6)} 3. c4
{+0.20/16 3s (e3)} e6 {+0.24/16 4s} 4. e3 {+0.24/16 3s} Bd6
{+0.04/17 5s (Be7)} 5. cxd5 {+0.12/17 5s (Nc3)} exd5
{+0.20/18 3s} 6. Bd3 {+0.20/18 4s (Nc3)} O-O {0.00/18 3s}
7. O-O {+0.04/18 5s (Nc3)} Na6 {+0.12/17 3s} 8. a3
{+0.12/17 6s (Nc3)} c5 {+0.04/15 3s (c6)} 9. Nc3 {-0.04/17
14s} Re8 {0.00/16 7s} 10. Bb5 {+0.16/16 6s (Bc2)} Re7
{0.00/15 4s} 11. Be2 {0.00/16 8s} b6 {0.00/15 4s} 12. b3
{+0.04/16 4s (Nb5)} Nc7 {+0.08/16 3s} 13. Bb2 {0.00/16 5s}
Bg4 {0.00/15 4s} 14. Rc1 {0.00/16 3s (h3)} Qd7 {0.00/17 4s}
15. Na4 {0.00/16 3s} Ne4 {0.00/18 3s} 16. Nc3 {0.00/18 3s}
Nf6 {0.00/19 5s} 17. Re1 {0.00/16 4s (Na4)} Rd8 {0.00/15 7s
(Rc8)} 18. Na4 {0.00/15 3s (Qc2)} Ne4 {-0.16/16 5s} 19. Ne5
{-0.24/17 8s (Nc3)} Bxe2 {-0.24/15 4s} 20. Rxe2 {-0.40/17
11s} Bxe5 {-0.24/16 4s (Qe8)} 21. dxe5 {-0.12/14 0s} Nb5
{-0.16/16 4s (Ng5)} 22. f3 {-0.12/18 4s} Ng5 {-0.20/18 3s}
23. Nc3 {-0.20/17 5s (Rd2)} Nxc3 {-0.28/17 5s} 24. Rxc3
{-0.20/17 3s} Qc6 {-0.28/18 3s} 25. Rd2 {-0.36/17 6s} Red7
{-0.28/17 4s} 26. Rc1 {-0.24/17 3s} b5 {-0.28/16 4s (Qh6)}
27. Bd4 {-0.24/15 2s} Ne6 {-0.28/19 5s} 28. Rdc2 {-0.32/17
2s} c4 {-0.36/19 5s} 29. Qd2 {-0.36/17 3s} Qa6 {-0.40/18
5s} 30. Rc3 {-0.40/17 4s} Re8 {-0.40/17 6s (Rc7)} 31. Rb1
{-0.44/17 6s (Qd1)} Rc7 {-0.40/16 3s (Qa5)} 32. f4
{-0.32/17 2s} Qa5 {-0.36/17 3s} 33. Qd1 {-0.40/18 2s} Rd8
{-0.36/17 5s (Rec8)} 34. Rbc1 {-0.40/17 3s} Qa6 {-0.44/16
4s (Rdc8)} 35. Qd2 {-0.40/17 2s (Kf2)} Rdc8 {-0.56/17 7s}
36. Rb1 {-0.48/18 4s} Qb7 {-0.48/18 4s} 37. b4 {-0.40/16
2s} Re8 {-0.56/18 6s (Nxd4)} 38. Rd1 {-0.44/17 2s (Qd1)}
Qa6 {-0.44/17 3s} 39. Kf2 {-0.40/16 3s} Rd7 {-0.44/19 3s}
40. g3 {-0.64/16 3s (h3)} Nxd4 {-0.56/15 2s} 41. exd4
{-0.64/15 2s} Qb6 {-0.68/17 3s} 42. Rcc1 {-0.64/16 2s} a6
{-0.68/20 4s} 43. Qc3 {-0.80/15 2s} Ra7 {-0.68/20 2s}
44. Rb1 {-0.68/19 3s (Ra1)} a5 {-0.68/17 2s} 45. bxa5
{-0.76/19 3s} Rxa5 {-0.84/18 3s} 46. Rb2 {-0.76/17 2s
(Qb4)} Qa7 {-0.84/17 3s (Rea8)} 47. Ra1 {-0.84/17 3s} Ra8
{-0.92/17 3s} 48. Kg2 {-0.92/16 3s (Rb4)} Qb6 {-0.88/18 2s}
49. Rbb1 {-0.92/15 2s} h5 {-1.09/15 2s (h6)} 50. Rb4
{-1.29/15 3s} h4 {-1.33/16 3s} 51. Kf2 {-1.69/15 3s (Ra2)}
hxg3+ {-1.69/15 2s (R8a6)} 52. hxg3 {-1.69/15 1s} R8a6
{-2.14/17 3s} 53. Kg2 {-2.30/16 4s (Rb2)} Qg6 {-2.78/17 2s}
54. Kf2 {-2.82/15 2s} Qe4 {-2.82/19 3s} 55. e6 {-3.23/17 2s
(Qe3)} Rxe6 {-3.19/20 2s} 56. Re1 {-3.15/21 3s} Rxa3
{-3.39/21 3s (Qxe1+)} 57. Rxe4 {-3.07/14 0s} Rxc3 {-3.27/17
0s} 58. Rxe6 {-3.43/20 3s (Re2)} fxe6 {-3.43/16 0s}
59. Rxb5 {-3.23/21 3s} Kf7 {-3.59/19 3s} 60. f5 {-3.95/20
5s} Rd3 {-3.63/20 3s} 61. Rb7+ {-3.87/18 2s} Kf6 {-3.79/21
4s} 62. fxe6 {-4.08/19 3s} Kxe6 {-3.95/19 2s} 63. Rxg7
{-4.08/19 2s} Rxd4 {-3.95/20 3s} 64. Kf3 {-4.24/19 3s
(Ke3)} Rd1 {-4.08/19 3s} 65. g4 {-4.04/18 3s} d4 {-4.20/19
3s} 66. Rc7 {-4.32/18 2s} Kd5 {-4.52/19 3s} 67. Kf2
{-4.52/19 3s} Ra1 {-4.88/19 3s} 68. g5 {-4.84/19 3s} Ra6
{-5.13/20 3s} 69. Ke2 {-5.69/17 1s} Re6+ {-5.53/19 1s}
70. Kf3 {-5.97/20 2s (Kd1)} c3 {-6.22/20 3s} 71. Rc8
{-6.62/20 2s} Rg6 {-6.18/21 2s} 72. Rd8+ {-7.22/20 2s} Kc4
{-7.47/21 3s (Rd6)} 73. Rc8+ {-10.94/19 4s (Ke4)} Kd3
{-9.53/20 1s} 74. Kg4 {-16.12/19 4s} c2 {-10.14/19 1s}
75. Kf5 {-27.95/18 3s (Kh5)} Rg7 {-10.82/21 3s} 76. Kf6
{-69.33/16 3s} Rg8 {-11.47/21 3s (Ra7)} 77. Rxg8 {-9.57/16
1s} c1=Q {-11.39/14 0s} 78. Re8 {-13.17/18 4s} Qf4+
{-11.51/15 0s} 79. Kg6 {-17.73/18 2s} Kd2 {-12.08/16 0s}
80. Rc8 {-22.90/18 3s (Kh6)} Qe4+ {-24.96/18 5s (d3)}
81. Kf6 {-66.68/24 3s} Qf3+ {-89.39/22 2s} 82. Ke5 {-M50/22
3s} Qg3+ {-89.39/22 4s} 83. Kf6 {-89.50/17 3s (Kd5)} Qd6+
{-101.82/13 0s} 84. Kf5 {-M20/13 0s} Qd7+ {-M14/15 3s}
85. Ke4 {-M19/11 0s (Ke5)} Qxc8 {-M13/6 0s} 86. Kxd4
{-M18/11 0s} Qf5 {-M12/6 0s (Qd8+)} 87. g6 {-M15/13 0s}
Qxg6 {-M13/9 0s} 88. Kc5 {-M15/6 0s} Qg5+ {-M12/6 0s (Qa6)}
89. Kd6 {-M13/6 0s} Qd8+ {-M11/6 0s} 90. Kc6 {-M14/6 0s
(Ke6)} Kd3 {-M5/10 0s (Qc8+)} 91. Kc5 {-M17/7 0s (Kb7)}
Qc7+ {-M16/6 0s (Qf6)} 92. Kd5 {-M15/7 0s} Qd7+ {-M15/6 0s
(Qc8)} 93. Ke5 {-M14/9 0s} Ke3 {-M14/6 0s (Kd2)} 94. Kf6
{-89.44/6 0s} Kd2 {-M13/6 0s (Kf4)} 95. Kg6 {-M11/6 0s
(Ke5)} Qe7 {-M5/6 0s} 96. Kh6 {-M13/6 0s (Kh5)} Qf7 {-M9/6
0s} 97. Kg5 {-M12/6 0s} Qe6 {-M8/6 0s (Qg7+)} 98. Kh5
{-M11/6 0s (Kf4)} Qf6 {-M7/6 0s} 99. Kg4 {-M10/6 0s} Qe5
{-M6/6 0s (Qg6+)} 100. Kh4 {-M12/6 0s (Kf3)} Qf5 {-M6/6 0s}
101. Kg3 {-M11/6 0s} Qe5+ {-M6/6 0s (Qc5)} 102. Kh4
{0.00/100 0s (Kf3)} Qd5 {-M7/6 0s (Qf5)} 103. Kh3 {-M11/6
0s (Kg3)} Qg5 {-M4/6 0s (Qh5+)} 104. Kh2 {-M9/6 0s} Qg6
{-M3/6 0s (Qd5)} 105. Kh3 {-M11/6 0s} Ke3 {-M2/6 0s (Qh5+)}
106. Kh4 {-M2/6 0s} Kf4 {-M1/6 0s (Kf2)} 107. Kh3 {-M1/6
0s} Qg3# {-M0/6 0s} 0-1

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. c4 e5 {-0.12/17 3s} 2. Nf3 {-0.28/15 3s (Nc3)} Nc6
{-0.20/19 6s (e4)} 3. Nc3 {-0.16/17 4s} Nf6 {0.00/19 13s}
4. a3 {-0.08/18 4s} d5 {-0.20/18 3s} 5. cxd5 {+0.08/17 5s}
Nxd5 {+0.12/17 9s} 6. e4 {-0.08/17 4s} Nxc3 {-0.08/18 4s}
7. bxc3 {+0.04/17 3s} Bc5 {-0.04/18 3s} 8. Bb5 {+0.04/18
4s} Bg4 {-0.04/18 3s} 9. h3 {+0.12/20 5s} Bxf3 {-0.08/18
6s} 10. Qxf3 {-0.04/20 5s} O-O {0.00/18 6s} 11. O-O
{0.00/19 5s} Qd6 {+0.08/17 3s} 12. Be2 {0.00/17 5s (Qg3)}
Qe6 {-0.16/17 3s (Qg6)} 13. d3 {0.00/17 10s (Qg3)} Rad8
{-0.04/16 4s (b6)} 14. Bg5 {0.00/18 3s} f6 {0.00/19 4s}
15. Be3 {0.00/19 13s} Bxe3 {-0.04/18 4s (Bb6)} 16. Qxe3
{0.00/19 4s} b6 {-0.08/20 4s} 17. Rfb1 {-0.12/18 6s} g6
{-0.12/19 4s} 18. h4 {-0.12/18 3s} Kg7 {-0.20/19 3s} 19. h5
{-0.12/17 4s} g5 {0.00/18 12s (a6)} 20. Rd1 {0.00/16 4s}
Rfe8 {-0.04/19 9s (Qd7)} 21. Rac1 {-0.16/19 12s (Qg3)} Na5
{-0.16/16 5s} 22. d4 {-0.20/15 3s} c6 {-0.16/17 2s} 23. Bf3
{-0.36/16 2s} h6 {-0.36/17 6s} 24. d5 {-0.44/16 4s} cxd5
{-0.44/18 2s} 25. Rxd5 {-0.20/17 3s} Nb3 {-0.20/18 3s}
26. Rcd1 {-0.16/18 3s} Rxd5 {-0.24/18 2s} 27. exd5
{-0.32/20 3s} Qd7 {-0.24/20 2s} 28. Be4 {-0.40/18 3s} Qg4
{-0.32/20 3s} 29. Bf3 {-0.28/19 3s} Qa4 {-0.36/20 3s}
30. Be2 {-0.40/20 8s (Qe4)} Nc5 {-0.52/18 3s} 31. c4
{-0.44/18 2s} Qb3 {-0.36/17 3s} 32. Qxb3 {-0.20/18 3s
(Qc1)} Nxb3 {-0.60/14 0s} 33. a4 {-0.32/19 2s (f3)} f5
{-0.32/17 3s} 34. Rb1 {0.00/19 4s (f3)} Nd4 {-0.08/17 3s}
35. Bf1 {-0.48/18 2s} Kf6 {-0.32/17 2s} 36. a5 {-0.28/19
3s} Rb8 {-0.40/19 3s} 37. axb6 {-0.12/17 2s} axb6 {-0.32/18
2s} 38. Rb4 {0.00/18 3s (Rd1)} Ke7 {-0.16/20 2s} 39. Ra4
{0.00/20 2s} Kd6 {-0.32/20 3s} 40. Ra7 {-0.32/20 4s} Rh8
{0.00/18 2s} 41. Rf7 {-0.32/18 3s} g4 {0.00/20 3s (e4)}
42. Rf6+ {-0.36/17 3s} Kc5 {0.00/23 3s} 43. g3 {-0.40/19
3s} e4 {-0.16/22 3s} 44. d6 {-0.28/18 2s (Kh1)} Kc6
{-0.40/18 2s} 45. d7+ {0.00/19 3s} Kxd7 {-0.16/20 4s}
46. Rxb6 {-0.20/20 3s} Ke7 {-0.44/20 2s (Nf3+)} 47. Kg2
{-0.56/17 3s} Ra8 {-1.09/18 3s} 48. Rb2 {-1.05/17 3s
(Rb7+)} Kd6 {-1.41/19 2s} 49. Kg1 {-1.77/21 3s (Rd2)} Kc5
{-1.41/21 2s (Kc6)} 50. Kg2 {-1.57/21 2s} Ra1 {-1.85/22 3s
(Kc6)} 51. Kg1 {-1.81/22 3s} Nf3+ {-1.77/21 3s} 52. Kg2
{-1.61/17 0s} Ne1+ {-1.93/19 2s} 53. Kg1 {-1.89/20 2s} Kd4
{-2.10/21 2s (Ra5)} 54. c5 {-2.06/19 3s} Nf3+ {-2.10/22 3s}
55. Kg2 {-2.10/19 3s} Rc1 {-2.10/24 3s} 56. Rb8 {-2.22/21
3s (Rb4+)} Rxc5 {-2.34/19 2s} 57. Re8 {-2.30/21 4s (Rb4+)}
Rc2 {-2.82/17 2s (Kd5)} 58. Rd8+ {-3.07/18 2s (Bb5)} Ke5
{-3.11/20 2s} 59. Ba6 {-3.35/20 3s (Bb5)} Rc1 {-3.35/20 2s}
60. Bf1 {-3.43/21 1s} Kf6 {-3.43/21 2s} 61. Rb8 {-3.43/23
2s (Rf8+)} Kg5 {-3.51/23 3s (Rc2)} 62. Re8 {-3.63/21 3s}
Kxh5 {-3.51/23 3s} 63. Rg8 {-3.71/21 3s} Ne1+ {-3.67/21 3s}
64. Kg1 {-3.67/22 3s} Nd3 {-3.79/20 2s} 65. Rd8 {-3.79/20
3s (Re8)} Kg5 {-3.95/20 3s (Kg6)} 66. Rg8+ {-4.00/19 3s}
Kf6 {-3.43/15 0s} 67. Rf8+ {-3.95/21 3s} Ke6 {-4.04/20 2s
(Kg6)} 68. Ra8 {-4.04/20 3s (Re8+)} Ne1 {-4.04/21 2s (h5)}
69. Re8+ {-4.28/20 2s (Rh8)} Kf7 {-5.09/20 3s} 70. Ra8
{-5.57/21 3s} h5 {-5.37/21 4s (Nf3+)} 71. f4 {-6.26/17 2s
(Ra6)} Nf3+ {-6.82/17 3s} 72. Kf2 {-6.78/19 3s} e3+
{-6.90/17 0s} 73. Kxe3 {-7.07/20 3s} Rxf1 {-7.03/17 1s}
74. Ra7+ {-7.27/17 2s} Ke6 {-7.43/19 4s} 75. Ra6+ {-7.51/19
4s} Kd5 {-7.87/18 3s (Ke7)} 76. Ra5+ {-7.63/17 2s} Kc4
{-8.24/19 3s} 77. Ra4+ {-8.12/19 3s} Kb5 {-8.40/19 0s}
78. Ra7 {-8.24/19 1s (Ra8)} h4 {-8.76/22 4s} 79. Ke2
{-8.60/21 4s} Re1+ {-9.37/21 2s (Rh1)} 80. Kf2 {-8.76/21
2s} hxg3+ {-9.61/22 4s} 81. Kxg3 {-8.84/21 1s} Nd4
{-10.10/22 4s} 82. Ra8 {-9.93/21 5s (Rb7+)} Re3+ {-14.10/20
3s} 83. Kg2 {-10.42/22 2s} Kc4 {-17.09/21 1s (Kc5)} 84. Rb8
{-13.09/23 3s (Kf2)} Rf3 {-20.12/22 4s (Kd5)} 85. Re8
{-20.72/21 3s (Ra8)} Kd3 {-77.07/21 3s} 86. Re7 {-79.03/25
3s (Rd8)} Rxf4 {-87.25/23 2s (Re3)} 87. Rd7 {-89.24/22 2s}
Rf3 {-87.25/23 4s} 88. Rf7 {-M33/27 3s (Re7)} Ke4
{-106.15/23 3s} 89. Re7+ {-M27/21 3s} Kf4 {-106.15/23 3s}
90. Rb7 {-99.23/22 3s} g3 {-M14/21 5s} 91. Rb2 {-M15/17 0s}
Rc3 {-M13/6 0s (Re3)} 92. Rd2 {-102.08/17 3s} Rc2 {-M12/6
0s} 93. Rxc2 {-M7/17 0s} Nxc2 {-M11/6 0s} 94. Kg1 {-M6/8 0s
(Kh3)} Ne1 {-M10/6 0s (Ne3)} 95. Kf1 {-M11/6 0s} Ke3
{-M9/11 0s (Kf3)} 96. Kxe1 {-M10/6 0s} g2 {-M8/6 0s}
97. Kd1 {-M9/6 0s} f4 {-M7/6 0s (Ke4)} 98. Kc2 {-M8/7 0s}
f3 {-M6/6 0s (g1Q)} 99. Kb3 {-M7/6 0s (Kc3)} f2 {-M5/6 0s
(Ke4)} 100. Kc4 {-M6/6 0s (Kc3)} f1=Q+ {-M4/6 0s (Ke4)}
101. Kc5 {-M5/6 0s (Kd5)} g1=Q {-M3/6 0s (Ke4)} 102. Kb6
{-M4/6 0s (Kd5)} Qc4 {-M2/6 0s (Ke4+)} 103. Ka5 {-M2/6 0s}
Qa1+ {-M1/6 0s} 104. Kb6 {-M1/6 0s} Qaa6# {-M0/6 0s} 0-1

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 {+0.12/16 3s} 2. d4 {+0.20/18 4s} e6 {+0.16/18
4s} 3. e3 {+0.24/19 5s} d5 {+0.16/17 7s (Be7)} 4. Bd3
{+0.20/18 5s (c4)} c5 {+0.24/18 4s (Be7)} 5. O-O {+0.20/17
6s} Be7 {+0.24/17 7s (Nc6)} 6. c4 {+0.20/18 4s} O-O
{+0.20/18 7s (cxd4)} 7. Nc3 {+0.08/17 8s} cxd4 {+0.08/18 3s
(Nc6)} 8. exd4 {+0.32/16 3s} dxc4 {+0.28/18 4s} 9. Bxc4
{+0.16/18 6s} Nc6 {+0.12/16 3s (Qc7)} 10. a3 {+0.16/16 3s}
a6 {+0.12/15 3s (Qc7)} 11. Bd3 {+0.24/16 3s} b5 {+0.16/16
3s (Qc7)} 12. Bc2 {+0.12/14 4s} b4 {+0.08/16 3s} 13. Na4
{+0.16/15 3s (Ne4)} a5 {-0.04/16 5s (bxa3)} 14. Bd3
{-0.08/17 3s} Ba6 {0.00/18 5s (bxa3)} 15. Bxa6 {0.00/17 4s}
Rxa6 {0.00/18 4s} 16. Be3 {0.00/17 5s} Nd5 {0.00/18 5s
(Ra8)} 17. Qd3 {0.00/18 3s (Qc2)} Ra8 {+0.24/16 5s}
18. Rac1 {0.00/17 3s (Rfc1)} Qd6 {0.00/15 3s} 19. Nc5
{0.00/18 3s} Rfc8 {0.00/16 4s} 20. Ne4 {0.00/19 4s} Qd7
{0.00/18 5s} 21. Nc5 {0.00/20 5s (Rc2)} Qd6 {0.00/19 3s}
22. Rc4 {+0.20/15 4s (Ne4)} bxa3 {+0.24/16 12s} 23. bxa3
{+0.20/16 3s} Rab8 {+0.08/18 4s} 24. Rc2 {+0.20/17 3s} Qd8
{+0.28/17 2s} 25. Rfc1 {+0.08/19 10s} Qe8 {+0.08/16 2s}
26. Ng5 {+0.16/19 10s (Bg5)} Bxg5 {+0.16/16 3s} 27. Bxg5
{+0.20/18 2s} Nce7 {+0.08/18 2s} 28. Bd2 {+0.08/17 3s} a4
{+0.20/19 7s} 29. Bg5 {+0.08/18 2s (Rc4)} Nf5 {+0.16/18 3s}
30. g4 {0.00/18 3s} Nfe7 {+0.08/17 4s} 31. Qe4 {0.00/17 9s}
Rc6 {0.00/15 4s} 32. Bd2 {0.00/16 2s (Rc4)} Ng6 {0.00/18 3s
(Rcb6)} 33. Rc4 {0.00/17 5s} Rb2 {0.00/18 2s} 34. R1c2
{-0.16/16 3s} Rb1+ {0.00/19 3s (Rxc2)} 35. Rc1 {-0.20/16
2s} Rxc1+ {-0.32/18 6s} 36. Rxc1 {-0.28/16 3s} Rc8
{-0.24/14 2s} 37. Qd3 {-0.48/15 3s} Rb8 {-0.68/16 3s (Rd8)}
38. Re1 {-0.56/14 3s} Rb2 {-0.48/18 2s} 39. Bc1 {-0.52/16
2s} Ngf4 {-0.44/18 3s} 40. Bxf4 {-0.64/16 2s} Nxf4
{-0.76/17 3s} 41. Qe3 {-0.72/18 4s} Qb8 {-0.68/18 3s}
42. h4 {-0.88/16 3s} Nd5 {-0.80/17 3s} 43. Qe4 {-0.80/16
2s} h6 {-0.60/18 3s} 44. g5 {-0.64/18 3s} Qf4 {-0.68/17 2s
(hxg5)} 45. Qxf4 {-0.76/19 3s} Nxf4 {-0.80/16 0s} 46. Nxa4
{-0.76/19 3s (gxh6)} Ra2 {-0.96/18 3s} 47. gxh6 {-0.72/19
3s (Re3)} Rxa3 {-0.64/18 4s} 48. Nb6 {-0.64/19 3s} Rb3
{-0.68/17 1s (Rh3)} 49. Re4 {-0.68/19 2s (Nd7)} Rxb6
{-0.68/19 3s} 50. Rxf4 {-0.68/20 2s} Rb1+ {-0.64/22 3s
(gxh6)} 51. Kg2 {-0.64/22 2s} gxh6 {-0.60/24 2s} 52. Kf3
{-0.64/22 3s} Kg7 {-0.68/23 3s} 53. Re4 {-0.64/24 3s} Kg6
{-0.64/22 3s} 54. Rg4+ {-0.64/23 2s} Kf6 {-0.68/23 2s}
55. Re4 {-0.64/24 3s} Rb5 {-0.68/23 2s (Rb3+)} 56. Re1
{-0.64/23 3s} Kf5 {-0.68/23 3s} 57. Re3 {-0.64/25 2s (Re4)}
Rd5 {-0.68/24 3s} 58. Re4 {-0.64/24 3s} Kg6 {-0.64/23 2s
(Kf6)} 59. Kf4 {-0.76/24 3s (Rg4+)} Kh5 {-0.68/24 2s}
60. Kg3 {-0.68/23 2s} Rd7 {-0.68/25 3s (Rd8)} 61. Re5+
{-0.68/24 2s} Kg6 {-0.76/27 3s} 62. Re4 {-0.76/26 3s} Rd6
{-0.76/22 2s} 63. f3 {-0.76/25 2s (Rg4+)} f5 {-1.21/22 2s
(Rd5)} 64. Re3 {-1.21/20 3s} Kf7 {-0.96/24 2s} 65. Rb3
{-1.21/24 3s (f4)} Rxd4 {-0.96/22 2s} 66. Rb8 {-1.13/25 3s
(f4)} Kg6 {-1.25/21 2s} 67. Re8 {-1.25/23 2s} Rd6 {-1.25/24
3s} 68. Kf4 {-1.21/24 3s} Ra6 {-1.25/26 4s} 69. Ke5
{-1.25/25 3s} Kf7 {-1.25/27 3s} 70. Rc8 {-1.25/26 2s (Rb8)}
Ra5+ {-1.25/26 2s} 71. Kf4 {-1.25/27 2s} Ra4+ {-1.25/27 2s}
72. Kg3 {-1.17/27 2s} Kg6 {-1.25/28 3s} 73. Rg8+ {-1.09/26
4s (Re8)} Kh5 {-1.25/23 2s} 74. Rf8 {-1.05/25 3s} Rxh4
{-1.09/24 2s (f4+)} 75. Rf6 {-0.80/22 2s} Ra4 {-0.92/25 4s
(Kg5)} 76. Rxe6 {-0.72/27 3s} Kg5 {-0.60/25 3s} 77. Re8
{-0.48/22 2s} Ra6 {-0.28/20 2s} 78. Rg8+ {-0.36/24 2s} Kf6
{-0.36/24 2s} 79. Kf4 {-0.36/25 3s} Ra4+ {-0.28/25 2s}
80. Kg3 {-0.32/28 2s} Kf7 {-0.20/26 4s} 81. Rb8 {-0.16/27
3s (Rd8)} Rc4 {-0.20/24 1s (Kg7)} 82. Rb7+ {0.00/22 2s
(Ra8)} Kf6 {-0.20/28 3s} 83. Rb8 {0.00/27 2s} Kg6 {-0.20/26
2s (Kg7)} 84. Re8 {0.00/27 2s (Rg8+)} Rd4 {-0.04/22 2s
(f4+)} 85. Rb8 {0.00/28 2s (Rf8)} Kg7 {-0.04/26 2s (f4+)}
86. Rb7+ {0.00/29 2s (Rb5)} Kf6 {0.00/27 2s} 87. Rb8
{0.00/31 2s} Kg5 {0.00/29 2s (Ke6)} 88. Rg8+ {0.00/35 2s}
Kf6 {0.00/35 2s (Kh5)} 89. Rb8 {0.00/34 2s (Rf8+)} Ke5
{0.00/29 2s (Ke6)} 90. Re8+ {0.00/32 2s} Kd6 {0.00/28 3s
(Kd5)} 91. Rd8+ {0.00/31 2s (Rf8)} Kc5 {0.00/32 2s}
92. Rxd4 {0.00/35 2s} Kxd4 {0.00/32 0s} 93. Kf4 {0.00/41
2s} h5 {0.00/39 3s} 94. Kxf5 {0.00/46 3s} h4 {0.00/43 3s}
95. Kf4 {0.00/50 2s (Kg4)} h3 {0.00/53 2s} 96. Kg3 {0.00/51
0s} h2 {0.00/66 2s} 97. Kxh2 {0.00/66 2s} Ke5 {0.00/78 2s}
98. f4+ {0.00/93 2s (Kg3)} Kxf4 {0.00/100 0s} 1/2-1/2

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 e5 {+0.44/16 7s} 2. Nf3 {+0.44/17 4s} Nf6 {+0.36/17
6s (Nc6)} 3. Nxe5 {+0.24/16 4s (d4)} d6 {+0.28/17 3s}
4. Nf3 {+0.36/18 4s} Nxe4 {+0.36/17 3s} 5. d4 {+0.56/17 4s}
d5 {+0.56/17 6s (Be7)} 6. Bd3 {+0.68/17 4s} Nc6 {+0.48/17
6s (Be7)} 7. O-O {+0.72/17 3s} Be7 {+0.68/18 13s} 8. Re1
{+0.68/17 3s (c4)} Nf6 {+0.60/17 8s (O-O)} 9. c3 {+0.64/17
6s} O-O {+0.80/17 8s} 10. Qb3 {+0.60/17 9s (Qc2)} Rb8
{+0.48/15 2s (h6)} 11. Qc2 {+0.56/16 6s (Na3)} Bd6
{+0.56/17 4s} 12. Bg5 {+0.68/18 4s} h6 {+0.56/18 4s}
13. Bh4 {+0.72/19 4s} Bf4 {+0.76/18 11s (g5)} 14. Nbd2
{+0.80/16 4s} a6 {+0.72/16 3s} 15. b4 {+0.68/15 4s (Bh7+)}
Ra8 {+0.88/15 4s (Qd6)} 16. a4 {+0.88/17 6s} Qd6 {+0.84/17
10s (g5)} 17. b5 {+0.92/17 3s} Na5 {+1.01/15 2s} 18. Qa2
{+0.80/17 9s} g5 {+0.84/16 3s} 19. Bg3 {+0.76/17 4s} Bxg3
{+0.76/16 5s} 20. hxg3 {+0.72/16 4s} Be6 {+0.92/17 4s}
21. Ne5 {+0.84/17 7s} c5 {+0.84/16 1s} 22. bxc6 {+0.76/17
4s} Nxc6 {+0.76/17 4s} 23. Ndf3 {+0.84/18 4s} Ng4 {+0.80/15
2s (Na5)} 24. Nxg4 {+0.80/15 3s} Bxg4 {+0.72/15 3s} 25. Nh2
{+0.72/16 3s (Rab1)} Be6 {+0.76/15 2s} 26. Qe2 {+0.80/16
8s} Bd7 {+0.72/16 2s} 27. Ng4 {+0.80/17 8s (Qh5)} f5
{+1.01/15 4s (Rac8)} 28. Ne3 {+1.41/13 3s} Rae8 {+1.29/14
3s (Ne7)} 29. Qh5 {+1.53/15 3s} Ne7 {+1.57/14 2s} 30. Rab1
{+1.49/16 3s} Bc6 {+1.41/14 2s} 31. a5 {+1.81/15 3s} Kg7
{+1.61/16 3s (Rd8)} 32. Bxf5 {+1.81/17 3s (g4)} Nxf5
{+1.89/18 2s} 33. Nxf5+ {+2.10/17 0s} Rxf5 {+1.89/19 0s}
34. Rxe8 {+2.06/18 0s} Bxe8 {+2.02/21 2s} 35. Qxe8
{+2.06/18 0s} Rf7 {+2.02/22 3s} 36. Rb6 {+1.93/20 2s} Qe7
{+1.93/22 3s} 37. Qxe7 {+2.02/21 3s} Rxe7 {+1.93/21 0s}
38. Rd6 {+2.02/22 6s} Rc7 {+2.06/21 3s} 39. Rxd5 {+2.10/21
3s} g4 {+2.02/21 4s (Kf7)} 40. f3 {+2.10/18 5s (Rd6)} Kf6
{+2.14/18 4s} 41. Rd6+ {+1.85/18 2s} Kg5 {+2.10/19 2s}
42. f4+ {+2.58/19 2s} Kf5 {+2.58/21 3s} 43. Rd5+ {+2.50/22
2s} Ke4 {+2.50/20 2s} 44. Rc5 {+2.58/23 2s (Re5+)} Rd7
{+2.50/21 3s} 45. Kf2 {+2.66/22 4s (Kf1)} Kd3 {+2.46/20 2s}
46. d5 {+2.54/21 1s} Rd6 {+2.82/21 4s (h5)} 47. c4
{+2.46/24 4s} Rd7 {+2.62/21 3s} 48. Ke1 {+2.22/21 2s (Rc8)}
Re7+ {+2.74/24 3s (Kd4)} 49. Kd1 {+2.22/22 2s (Kf1)} Rd7
{+2.78/21 2s} 50. Rc8 {+2.22/25 2s} Ke3 {+2.34/21 2s}
51. Ke1 {+2.22/24 3s} Kd3 {+2.26/22 2s} 52. Kf2 {+2.50/22
3s} h5 {+2.58/23 5s} 53. Ke1 {+2.54/23 2s (Rh8)} Re7+
{+2.54/23 2s} 54. Kf1 {+2.54/24 2s} Rd7 {+2.54/22 3s}
55. Kf2 {+2.66/24 3s} Rd6 {+2.86/21 2s (Kc3)} 56. Rc7
{+2.54/19 3s} Kd4 {+2.70/20 2s} 57. Ke2 {+3.19/20 2s} b5
{+2.90/19 3s} 58. Rc6 {+3.23/21 3s} Rd7 {+3.11/21 3s}
59. cxb5 {+3.15/21 2s} Rxd5 {+2.94/20 2s} 60. Rxa6
{+3.35/21 2s} Rxb5 {+3.19/20 2s} 61. Rd6+ {+3.55/21 3s} Kc5
{+3.51/20 4s (Ke4)} 62. Re6 {+3.55/23 3s} Kd4 {+3.59/21 2s
(Rb2+)} 63. Re5 {+3.71/23 3s} Rb2+ {+3.67/23 2s} 64. Kf1
{+3.87/22 3s} Rb3 {+3.83/24 3s} 65. Kf2 {+4.16/23 3s} Ra3
{+4.08/21 2s (Rb1)} 66. Rxh5 {+4.36/25 3s} Ke4 {+4.36/22 2s
(Ra1)} 67. Rg5 {+4.76/20 2s (Re5+)} Ra1 {+4.60/22 3s}
68. Rxg4 {+4.96/21 2s} Rxa5 {+4.76/22 3s (Ra2+)} 69. Rg7
{+5.13/22 2s (Rg8)} Ra2+ {+4.96/21 3s} 70. Kg1 {+5.13/23
0s} Rd2 {+5.05/21 3s (Ra4)} 71. Kh2 {+5.45/22 3s} Rf2
{+5.29/21 2s (Kf5)} 72. Rf7 {+6.06/23 4s} Kd5 {+6.38/22 3s}
73. Rf5+ {+6.54/24 3s (g4)} Kd6 {+6.58/20 2s (Ke6)} 74. g4
{+7.03/23 3s} Ke6 {+7.11/21 2s} 75. Kg3 {+8.32/23 3s} Ra2
{+7.55/21 2s (Rb2)} 76. Re5+ {+9.81/20 2s} Kf7 {+10.14/21
4s (Kd6)} 77. g5 {+13.37/21 3s} Kg7 {+13.77/20 3s} 78. f5
{+23.15/17 2s} Kf7 {+22.98/19 3s} 79. Re6 {+28.76/19 1s}
Ra4 {+28.24/16 1s (Ra5)} 80. g6+ {+82.22/25 3s} Kg7
{+28.19/22 4s} 81. Re7+ {+95.61/25 0s} Kf6 {+95.61/24 3s}
82. Rf7+ {+95.61/25 0s} Kg5 {+95.56/23 2s} 83. g7
{+95.66/25 0s} Rg4+ {+95.56/23 3s} 84. Kf3 {+95.66/26 4s}
Kh4 {+96.86/23 2s (Kh5)} 85. Re7 {+M12/18 6s} Rg3+
{+75.27/21 3s} 86. Kf2 {+M11/6 0s (Kf4)} Rg5 {+M10/15 2s}
87. f6 {+M10/6 0s} Rf5+ {+M9/13 0s} 88. Kg1 {+M9/6 0s
(Ke3)} Rg5 {+M7/10 0s} 89. Re4+ {+M8/6 0s (f7)} Rg4 {+M7/9
0s} 90. Rxg4+ {+M7/6 0s} Kxg4 {+M6/6 0s} 91. g8=Q+ {+M6/6
0s (f7)} Kf5 {+M5/6 0s} 92. f7 {+M5/6 0s} Ke6 {+M4/6 0s
(Kf6)} 93. f8=Q+ {+M4/6 0s} Ke5 {+M3/6 0s} 94. Qg5+ {+M3/6
0s (Qc5+)} Kd4 {+M2/6 0s} 95. Qb4+ {+M2/6 0s} Kd3 {+M1/6
0s} 96. Qgd2# {+M1/6 0s} 1-0

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 {+0.28/18 3s} 2. d4 {+0.28/17 3s (e3)} d5
{+0.16/18 4s (e6)} 3. e3 {+0.12/16 3s} e6 {+0.12/18 4s}
4. Bd3 {+0.16/17 6s (c4)} c5 {+0.08/18 9s} 5. O-O {+0.12/18
3s} Nc6 {+0.20/18 5s} 6. c4 {+0.20/17 3s} dxc4 {+0.08/18 2s
(Bd6)} 7. Bxc4 {+0.20/19 5s} cxd4 {0.00/18 4s (Be7)}
8. exd4 {+0.20/17 3s} Be7 {+0.16/17 6s} 9. Nc3 {+0.20/17
3s} O-O {+0.24/16 3s} 10. a3 {+0.08/17 14s (Bf4)} Qc7
{+0.32/16 3s (a6)} 11. Bd3 {+0.24/16 3s} a6 {+0.28/16 5s
(Bd7)} 12. Qc2 {+0.28/16 4s} Bd7 {+0.24/16 4s} 13. Be3
{+0.28/15 3s} Rac8 {+0.32/15 6s} 14. Rac1 {+0.32/15 5s} Qb8
{+0.16/14 2s (Rfd8)} 15. Qb1 {+0.32/14 3s} b5 {+0.04/15 5s
(h6)} 16. b4 {0.00/14 4s} a5 {0.00/16 5s} 17. Bxb5
{-0.08/15 4s} axb4 {0.00/18 4s} 18. axb4 {-0.20/16 4s} Nxb4
{-0.08/19 4s} 19. Bxd7 {-0.20/19 3s} Nxd7 {0.00/16 0s}
20. Rfd1 {-0.12/19 4s} Nf6 {-0.20/18 3s (Rfd8)} 21. Ne5
{-0.28/15 3s} Qd6 {-0.36/18 12s (Bd6)} 22. Re1 {-0.20/15 4s
(Qb3)} Nbd5 {-0.48/17 7s} 23. Nxd5 {-0.36/16 3s} Nxd5
{-0.40/17 7s} 24. Bd2 {-0.44/16 10s} Qa6 {-0.40/18 3s}
25. Qb3 {-0.40/17 6s} Rxc1 {-0.40/18 3s} 26. Rxc1 {-0.40/18
2s} Rc8 {-0.40/18 5s (Qe2)} 27. Rxc8+ {-0.36/16 3s} Qxc8
{-0.40/18 3s} 28. g3 {-0.32/18 4s} f6 {-0.40/17 3s} 29. Qc4
{-0.28/19 5s (Nc4)} Qd8 {-0.24/17 3s} 30. Ng4 {-0.32/18 2s
(Nd3)} Qb6 {-0.28/19 2s (Kf7)} 31. Qd3 {-0.36/18 3s (Ne3)}
Qb2 {-0.32/19 2s (Qc6)} 32. Ne3 {-0.28/19 3s} Qa1+
{-0.32/20 3s} 33. Kg2 {-0.28/20 3s} Nxe3+ {-0.32/19 2s}
34. Qxe3 {-0.36/20 4s} Kf7 {-0.32/20 3s (Qa2)} 35. Qd3
{-0.32/19 3s (Qc3)} Qa2 {-0.32/20 2s} 36. Kf1 {-0.28/20 3s
(Kf3)} g6 {-0.32/19 4s (f5)} 37. Ke2 {-0.36/20 3s} Qd5
{-0.28/19 3s} 38. h4 {-0.32/21 4s (f3)} Bd6 {-0.24/17 2s
(Bd8)} 39. Bc3 {-0.28/20 2s (Qe3)} f5 {-0.28/18 2s (Bf8)}
40. Qf3 {-0.28/19 2s} Qb5+ {-0.24/18 4s (Qa2+)} 41. Kd2
{-0.28/21 4s} Qa6 {-0.32/18 2s (Qc4)} 42. Ke3 {-0.28/20 4s}
f4+ {-0.24/19 3s (Be7)} 43. Kd2 {-0.32/20 4s} h5 {-0.24/17
2s} 44. Ke1 {-0.16/18 3s} Ke7 {-0.20/18 3s (Qc4)} 45. Bd2
{-0.12/17 3s} Qa1+ {-0.24/17 3s} 46. Ke2 {0.00/17 2s} Qb2
{-0.08/17 3s} 47. Qd3 {0.00/19 4s} Kf6 {0.00/16 2s (fxg3)}
48. Qf3 {0.00/19 2s} Qa2 {0.00/19 2s (Kf5)} 49. Kd1
{0.00/20 3s (Ke1)} Qa4+ {0.00/20 2s (Qb1+)} 50. Ke1
{0.00/22 2s} Qa1+ {0.00/22 2s} 51. Ke2 {0.00/24 3s} Qb2
{0.00/23 4s} 52. Ke1 {0.00/24 3s} Qa1+ {0.00/22 3s} 53. Ke2
{0.00/41 3s} Qb2 {0.00/24 2s} 54. Ke1 {0.00/26 3s} Qa1+
{0.00/23 3s} 1/2-1/2

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 {+0.84/17 5s} Nc6 {+0.48/16 4s} 3. Bb5
{+0.52/17 3s (Nc3)} e5 {+0.80/16 4s} 4. O-O {+0.76/16 3s}
Bd6 {+0.60/17 7s (d6)} 5. d3 {+0.60/16 3s} Nf6 {+0.56/19
4s} 6. Nc3 {+0.52/18 7s (Ba4)} a6 {+0.56/17 4s (O-O)}
7. Ba4 {+0.48/18 4s} O-O {+0.44/18 3s} 8. Bg5 {+0.40/18 6s}
b5 {+0.44/19 4s} 9. Bxf6 {+0.36/18 3s (Bb3)} Qxf6 {+0.36/19
3s} 10. Nd5 {+0.52/19 4s} Qh6 {+0.48/19 4s} 11. Bb3
{+0.52/20 4s} Bb7 {+0.32/18 4s} 12. Nb6 {+0.36/17 6s} Rad8
{+0.28/18 4s} 13. a4 {+0.04/18 13s} Nd4 {+0.12/18 3s}
14. Bd5 {+0.04/18 3s (c3)} Bc6 {0.00/16 4s} 15. Re1
{0.00/18 4s} Bc7 {0.00/17 6s} 16. a5 {0.00/20 4s} Rfe8
{0.00/19 4s} 17. c3 {0.00/19 3s} Ne6 {0.00/19 4s} 18. g3
{0.00/19 3s} Qh5 {0.00/19 4s (Bd6)} 19. Nh4 {+0.08/17 3s
(Qe2)} Qxd1 {-0.28/17 3s} 20. Rexd1 {-0.32/17 6s} Rb8
{-0.32/19 6s} 21. Nf5 {-0.40/18 5s (Nf3)} Bxb6 {-0.48/19
4s} 22. axb6 {-0.40/18 3s} Rxb6 {-0.44/20 4s} 23. Ne3
{-0.48/19 12s} Ra8 {-0.60/19 12s (Nc7)} 24. Ra5 {-0.56/18
5s (Nf5)} Nc7 {-0.52/19 5s} 25. Bxc6 {-0.52/18 3s} dxc6
{-0.40/20 2s} 26. Kg2 {-0.52/19 3s (Kf1)} Ne6 {-0.48/19 5s
(Rbb8)} 27. Rda1 {-0.44/18 3s} f6 {-0.44/19 4s} 28. Kf1
{-0.48/19 3s} Nc7 {-0.56/21 8s (Kf7)} 29. Ke2 {-0.44/20 3s
(b3)} Rbb8 {-0.40/19 3s (Kf7)} 30. f4 {-0.44/20 3s} exf4
{-0.44/19 2s} 31. gxf4 {-0.44/21 3s} Rd8 {-0.40/19 2s
(Kf7)} 32. f5 {-0.32/18 3s} Rd7 {-0.36/18 2s} 33. b3
{-0.48/19 5s} Kf7 {-0.32/18 3s (g5)} 34. h4 {-0.24/17 2s}
Rad8 {-0.32/19 3s} 35. Rd1 {-0.24/19 3s} Re8 {-0.16/19 5s
(Rg8)} 36. h5 {-0.12/17 4s (Rg1)} Red8 {-0.12/17 1s}
37. Raa1 {0.00/18 2s} Rd6 {-0.12/18 3s (Ke7)} 38. b4
{0.00/20 3s (Rd2)} cxb4 {0.00/20 2s} 39. cxb4 {+0.12/20 3s}
Rd4 {+0.08/20 4s (R8d7)} 40. Rac1 {+0.12/20 3s} R4d6
{+0.16/17 2s} 41. Rd2 {+0.16/20 3s (Rc2)} Na8 {+0.16/19 2s
(R8d7)} 42. Ra2 {+0.16/18 3s} Nc7 {+0.24/20 4s} 43. Rac2
{+0.16/20 2s (Rc3)} Rxd3 {0.00/19 3s} 44. Rxc6 {+0.16/19
2s} Ne8 {0.00/17 1s} 45. Nd5 {+0.08/19 4s (h6)} Rh3
{+0.24/16 2s} 46. Rxa6 {+0.08/19 3s} Rd7 {0.00/17 2s
(Rxh5)} 47. Rcc6 {+0.48/16 3s (Rca1)} Rxh5 {+0.24/16 4s}
48. Ra8 {+0.40/16 2s} Nd6 {+0.20/18 3s} 49. Nb6 {+0.08/16
2s} Nxf5 {+0.08/18 2s} 50. exf5 {+0.08/18 4s} Re7+
{+0.24/18 3s} 51. Kd1 {0.00/16 2s (Kd2)} Rxf5 {+0.08/16 2s}
52. Rd6 {0.00/18 3s (Rd8)} Kg6 {0.00/16 2s (Rf1+)} 53. Rd4
{0.00/17 2s (Nd5)} Ree5 {0.00/19 4s (Rf1+)} 54. Ra7
{0.00/18 3s} Rf1+ {0.00/19 2s (h5)} 55. Kd2 {0.00/19 2s} h5
{0.00/20 2s} 56. Rc7 {0.00/19 3s (Rdd7)} Ree1 {0.00/17 2s
(Rf2+)} 57. Rdd7 {0.00/20 2s} Rd1+ {0.00/20 2s} 58. Ke2
{0.00/21 2s} Rfe1+ {0.00/21 3s} 59. Kf3 {0.00/23 3s} Rf1+
{0.00/20 3s} 60. Kg3 {0.00/19 2s (Kg2)} Rxd7 {-0.20/17 3s
(Rg1+)} 61. Rxd7 {0.00/19 3s} Rb1 {-0.12/19 2s} 62. Nd5
{-0.08/20 4s} Kf5 {0.00/19 2s} 63. Ne3+ {0.00/19 2s} Ke4
{-0.32/19 3s} 64. Re7+ {0.00/19 2s} Kd3 {-0.17/19 3s}
65. Nd5 {-0.16/20 4s} Kd4 {-0.14/18 3s} 66. Nc7 {-0.20/17
2s} Rxb4 {-0.22/17 2s} 67. Rxg7 {-0.20/18 3s} Rb1 {0.00/17
3s} 68. Rd7+ {-0.20/18 3s} Kc4 {0.00/19 3s} 69. Nd5
{0.00/18 2s} Rg1+ {0.00/18 2s (b4)} 70. Kf3 {0.00/19 2s
(Kf4)} b4 {0.00/18 2s} 71. Ne3+ {0.00/20 2s} Kb3 {0.00/18
2s (Kb5)} 72. Ke4 {0.00/18 2s (Nd5)} Kc3 {0.00/17 2s (Ka4)}
73. Rc7+ {0.00/19 2s (Rd3+)} Kb2 {0.00/21 3s} 74. Nc4+
{0.00/21 2s} Kc2 {0.00/22 3s} 75. Ne3+ {0.00/23 3s} Kb2
{0.00/31 3s} 76. Nc4+ {0.00/27 2s} Kc1 {0.00/23 3s (Kc2)}
77. Ne3+ {0.00/22 2s} Kb2 {0.00/33 2s} 1/2-1/2

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 {+0.32/17 4s} Nf6 {+0.32/16 6s} 3. e3
{+0.20/17 7s (c4)} e6 {+0.28/18 13s} 4. c4 {+0.28/17 4s}
Be7 {+0.24/17 2s (Bd6)} 5. cxd5 {+0.12/18 10s (Nc3)} exd5
{+0.12/18 5s} 6. Bd3 {+0.12/19 3s} O-O {0.00/19 4s} 7. Bd2
{+0.08/18 7s (O-O)} c5 {-0.12/16 3s} 8. dxc5 {-0.12/17 11s}
Bxc5 {-0.04/18 3s (Bg4)} 9. O-O {0.00/17 7s} Nc6 {-0.08/18
4s} 10. Qc2 {0.00/17 4s (Nc3)} Bd6 {+0.12/16 11s} 11. Bc3
{+0.08/17 11s} Bg4 {0.00/16 2s} 12. Nbd2 {+0.24/14 2s
(Ng5)} Nb4 {+0.12/17 5s (Rc8)} 13. Qb1 {+0.12/16 2s} Nxd3
{+0.24/17 10s} 14. Qxd3 {+0.20/17 4s} Be6 {+0.16/17 4s
(Re8)} 15. Rfc1 {+0.16/15 5s (Ng5)} Re8 {+0.16/16 2s}
16. Be5 {+0.12/16 2s} Bxe5 {0.00/17 3s} 17. Nxe5 {+0.16/15
0s} Rc8 {+0.08/18 2s (Qd6)} 18. Ndf3 {+0.12/16 3s (Rxc8)}
Qd6 {+0.16/17 4s} 19. Qd4 {0.00/16 3s (Qb3)} b6 {+0.24/17
4s} 20. Nd3 {+0.20/17 4s} Bf5 {+0.28/17 4s} 21. Qf4
{+0.32/18 3s (Rxc8)} Qxf4 {+0.36/18 4s} 22. Nxf4 {+0.32/18
4s} Kf8 {+0.36/20 4s} 23. Nd4 {+0.40/19 2s} Bd7 {+0.36/20
4s} 24. Rxc8 {+0.44/21 4s (Kf1)} Rxc8 {+0.36/20 3s} 25. h4
{+0.44/21 4s (f3)} Ke7 {+0.40/20 2s} 26. f3 {+0.40/21 4s}
h5 {+0.36/20 3s (Kd6)} 27. Kf2 {+0.44/21 2s} Kd6 {+0.44/20
3s} 28. a4 {+0.44/21 3s (b3)} a5 {+0.44/21 3s} 29. b3
{+0.44/22 3s} Rc3 {+0.44/21 2s (g6)} 30. Ke2 {+0.48/21 4s
(Rd1)} g6 {+0.44/20 4s (Rc8)} 31. Kd2 {+0.44/21 4s} Rc8
{+0.44/20 7s} 32. Rb1 {+0.44/18 2s} Rc7 {+0.44/19 3s (Ra8)}
33. Nd3 {+0.44/20 7s} Ra7 {+0.44/19 3s (Rc8)} 34. Rc1
{+0.44/22 2s} Ne8 {+0.44/20 4s} 35. Nf4 {+0.44/22 3s} Rc7
{+0.44/22 2s} 36. Rd1 {+0.44/21 3s} Nf6 {+0.44/21 3s}
37. Rb1 {+0.44/20 3s (Ke2)} Ra7 {+0.36/18 3s (Rc8)} 38. Ke2
{+0.44/20 4s} Ra8 {+0.36/19 3s} 39. Kf2 {+0.36/21 3s} Rc8
{+0.32/20 3s} 40. Rd1 {+0.36/19 3s (Ke1)} Rc5 {+0.32/20 4s
(Ke5)} 41. Ke2 {+0.40/19 3s (Ke1)} Rc8 {+0.32/19 2s (Rc3)}
42. Ke1 {+0.32/18 3s} Re8 {+0.28/20 4s (Ke5)} 43. Kf2
{+0.40/19 1s} Rc8 {+0.36/20 3s} 44. Rb1 {+0.40/20 3s} Ra8
{+0.44/19 3s (Ke5)} 45. Rc1 {+0.48/19 2s} Ng8 {+0.36/18 2s}
46. Rd1 {+0.36/18 2s} Nf6 {+0.36/19 2s} 47. Nde2 {+0.32/19
3s} Ke5 {+0.36/20 4s} 48. Rc1 {+0.36/20 3s (Nc3)} Ng8
{+0.32/19 3s (Rc8)} 49. Nd3+ {+0.36/17 2s} Kd6 {+0.24/20
3s} 50. Rd1 {+0.36/20 3s} Nf6 {+0.28/19 2s} 51. Nd4
{+0.36/21 3s} Ng8 {+0.36/19 3s (Re8)} 52. Kg3 {+0.36/17 2s}
Re8 {+0.32/19 2s} 53. Nf4 {+0.32/19 2s} Nf6 {+0.32/20 2s}
54. Re1 {+0.28/20 5s (Rd3)} Ng8 {+0.28/18 2s} 55. Kf2
{+0.28/20 2s (Re2)} Ne7 {+0.20/18 2s (Rc8)} 56. Rd1
{+0.24/16 2s} Ke5 {+0.16/19 3s} 57. Kg3 {+0.28/17 3s} Kf6
{+0.16/20 2s} 58. Rc1 {+0.16/18 3s (Nd3)} Rc8 {+0.08/18 2s}
59. Rb1 {+0.20/19 1s (Rxc8)} Be6 {+0.16/21 2s (Bf5)}
60. Rd1 {+0.12/18 2s} Ke5 {+0.16/21 4s (Rc3)} 61. Rd3
{+0.12/18 3s (Kf2)} Rc1 {+0.08/18 3s (Bd7)} 62. Rd2
{0.00/18 2s (Kf2)} Rb1 {0.00/19 2s} 63. Nd3+ {0.00/19 2s}
Kf6 {0.00/20 2s} 64. Nf4 {0.00/23 2s} Ke5 {0.00/26 2s}
65. Kf2 {0.00/21 3s (Nd3+)} Rh1 {0.00/19 2s} 66. Nfe2
{+0.08/19 4s (Nd3+)} Bd7 {+0.16/19 5s (Rxh4)} 67. Rc2
{0.00/17 2s (Kg3)} Kd6 {0.00/18 2s} 68. Rc1 {+0.20/20 3s
(Kg3)} Rxc1 {0.00/18 2s} 69. Nxc1 {+0.16/20 0s} f6 {0.00/21
3s (Kc5)} 70. Nce2 {+0.04/20 3s} g5 {0.00/22 3s} 71. Ng3
{+0.04/22 2s (hxg5)} Be8 {0.00/22 2s (gxh4)} 72. hxg5
{0.00/21 2s} fxg5 {0.00/23 3s} 73. f4 {0.00/22 3s (Nge2)}
gxf4 {-0.08/18 2s} 74. exf4 {0.00/24 3s} Kc5 {0.00/21 2s
(Bg6)} 75. Ke3 {-0.16/20 4s} h4 {-0.28/21 2s} 76. Ngf5
{-0.40/19 3s} Nxf5+ {0.00/20 2s} 77. Nxf5 {0.00/19 1s} Bg6
{0.00/22 3s} 78. Nxh4 {0.00/22 3s} d4+ {0.00/24 3s} 79. Kd2
{0.00/24 3s} Bf7 {0.00/26 3s} 80. f5 {0.00/25 3s} Bxb3
{0.00/25 2s} 81. f6 {0.00/24 3s} b5 {0.00/24 2s} 82. axb5
{0.00/24 3s (Nf3)} a4 {0.00/21 3s} 83. b6 {0.00/25 3s
(Nf3)} Kxb6 {0.00/26 3s} 84. Nf3 {0.00/27 3s} Kc5 {0.00/28
3s} 85. Nxd4 {0.00/28 3s (Kc1)} Kxd4 {0.00/21 0s} 86. Kc1
{0.00/28 2s} a3 {0.00/26 3s} 87. Kb1 {0.00/27 0s} a2+
{0.00/28 3s} 88. Ka1 {0.00/30 2s} Bc4 {0.00/31 3s (Ke5)}
89. g3 {0.00/31 3s (Kb2)} Bb3 {0.00/30 2s} 90. g4 {0.00/32
3s (f7)} Bc4 {0.00/32 2s (Kc5)} 91. g5 {0.00/32 3s (Kb2)}
Ke5 {0.00/32 2s (Kc5)} 92. g6 {0.00/34 2s (Kb2)} Kxf6
{0.00/34 2s} 93. g7 {0.00/35 2s (Kb2)} Kxg7 {0.00/34 2s}
94. Kb2 {0.00/6 0s} a1=R {0.00/79 2s (Kg6)} 95. Kxa1
{0.00/100 0s} 1/2-1/2

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. e4 e5 {+0.48/17 9s} 2. Nf3 {+0.48/16 4s} Nf6 {+0.44/17
6s (Bd6)} 3. Nxe5 {+0.52/17 10s} d6 {+0.24/17 3s} 4. Nf3
{+0.32/18 3s} Nxe4 {+0.40/18 4s} 5. Qe2 {+0.24/17 3s (d4)}
Qe7 {+0.24/18 4s} 6. Nc3 {+0.16/17 3s (d3)} Nxc3 {+0.12/18
4s} 7. dxc3 {+0.16/19 4s} Qxe2+ {+0.16/19 8s} 8. Bxe2
{+0.16/20 6s} Nc6 {+0.16/20 4s} 9. Bf4 {+0.12/20 12s (O-O)}
Be7 {+0.12/18 4s} 10. O-O-O {+0.12/19 4s} Bd7 {+0.12/18 4s
(Bf6)} 11. Rhe1 {+0.20/16 5s} O-O {+0.12/18 5s} 12. Nd4
{+0.16/17 3s} Nxd4 {+0.08/19 4s (Rae8)} 13. cxd4 {+0.16/18
4s} Rfe8 {+0.16/19 4s (Rae8)} 14. Bf3 {+0.08/17 5s} Rab8
{+0.12/19 4s} 15. Rd3 {+0.28/17 5s (c3)} g5 {+0.12/16 3s}
16. Rxe7 {+0.32/18 4s} Rxe7 {+0.04/15 0s} 17. Bxg5
{+0.32/18 3s} Re1+ {+0.32/16 3s} 18. Kd2 {+0.32/19 9s} Rb1
{+0.20/18 8s} 19. b3 {+0.32/18 6s} Rf1 {+0.12/17 6s}
20. Be3 {+0.28/17 4s (Bh4)} Bf5 {0.00/17 3s (a6)} 21. Rc3
{-0.12/17 4s} c6 {+0.08/19 5s} 22. d5 {0.00/17 5s} c5
{+0.56/19 3s} 23. g4 {+0.16/18 3s} Bg6 {+0.40/20 4s} 24. h4
{0.00/19 3s} Re8 {0.00/16 3s} 25. Rc4 {0.00/19 3s} f5
{+0.20/16 3s} 26. b4 {0.00/19 3s} b6 {0.00/16 4s (cxb4)}
27. h5 {0.00/17 3s} Bf7 {0.00/18 4s} 28. gxf5 {+0.08/17 5s
(Rf4)} Re5 {-0.12/17 3s} 29. bxc5 {+0.16/16 2s} bxc5
{+0.16/17 7s} 30. Rg4+ {+0.32/17 2s} Kf8 {+0.16/18 7s}
31. Be4 {+0.16/18 4s} Bxh5 {+0.12/18 2s} 32. Rh4 {+0.04/18
3s} Rd1+ {+0.08/18 3s} 33. Kc3 {+0.04/6 0s} Kg8 {+0.24/18
4s (Ke8)} 34. Bd3 {+0.24/17 3s (Bd2)} Rxd3+ {0.00/18 1s}
35. cxd3 {+0.08/18 2s} Rxf5 {0.00/20 2s} 36. Ra4 {0.00/18
3s (d4)} Rxd5 {-0.08/18 3s} 37. Rxa7 {-0.16/17 7s} Be2
{-0.12/16 2s} 38. d4 {-0.12/17 3s} h5 {0.00/18 3s} 39. dxc5
{-0.08/17 2s} dxc5 {0.00/18 3s} 40. Rc7 {0.00/18 3s} h4
{0.00/17 3s} 41. Rxc5 {0.00/20 2s} Rd3+ {0.00/17 2s
(Rxc5+)} 42. Kc2 {0.00/17 2s (Kb4)} Rd7 {0.00/17 2s}
43. Rc6 {0.00/17 3s (Rc8+)} h3 {-0.16/15 2s} 44. Bf4
{-0.08/17 3s} Rd4 {-0.20/16 3s (Bd3+)} 45. Be5 {-0.16/16 2s
(Bh2)} Rd5 {-0.16/16 2s (Ra4)} 46. Bh2 {-0.08/16 3s (Bg3)}
Kf7 {-0.16/15 2s} 47. Rh6 {-0.20/17 2s (a3)} Bh5 {0.00/16
4s} 48. Kc3 {-0.04/17 3s} Rf5 {0.00/18 3s} 49. a4 {0.00/19
2s} Kg7 {0.00/20 2s} 50. Rd6 {0.00/21 2s} Be8 {0.00/21 3s
(Rxf2)} 51. Rd3 {0.00/21 2s} Bxa4 {0.00/23 2s} 52. Rxh3
{0.00/23 3s} Rxf2 {0.00/26 2s} 53. Be5+ {0.00/26 3s} Kg6
{0.00/30 2s} 54. Bd4 {0.00/28 3s (Rh4)} Rf1 {0.00/28 2s
(Rc2+)} 55. Be3 {0.00/29 2s} Bd1 {0.00/30 2s} 56. Bd4
{0.00/30 3s (Rg3+)} Be2 {0.00/27 2s (Kf7)} 57. Bc5 {0.00/25
2s (Kb4)} Bd1 {0.00/28 2s} 58. Be3 {0.00/34 2s} Bg4
{0.00/27 2s (Kf7)} 59. Rg3 {0.00/28 2s (Rh8)} Kf5 {0.00/33
2s (Kh5)} 60. Bg1 {0.00/29 2s (Kb4)} Bd1 {0.00/29 3s (Be2)}
61. Be3 {0.00/33 2s} Be2 {0.00/32 2s (Ke4)} 62. Bd2
{0.00/27 3s (Kb4)} Bd1 {0.00/32 2s (Rd1)} 63. Bc1 {0.00/28
2s (Kb4)} Be2 {0.00/30 3s (Ke4)} 64. Bb2 {0.00/29 2s} Bd1
{0.00/32 2s} 65. Bc1 {0.00/43 2s (Ba3)} Be2 {0.00/37 2s
(Ke4)} 66. Bb2 {0.00/40 2s} Bd1 {0.00/36 3s} 67. Bc1
{0.00/48 2s (Ba3)} 1/2-1/2

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 {+0.60/17 5s} Nc6 {+0.80/17 4s} 3. Bb5
{+0.72/17 3s} g6 {+0.48/17 10s (e5)} 4. O-O {+0.68/16 3s}
Bg7 {+0.52/18 3s} 5. Re1 {+0.64/16 4s (Bxc6)} Nf6 {+0.48/17
4s} 6. d3 {+0.48/17 8s (Nc3)} O-O {+0.28/16 3s} 7. e5
{+0.36/16 4s (Nc3)} Nd5 {+0.32/17 3s (Ng4)} 8. Bc4
{+0.36/17 4s} Nb6 {+0.28/19 4s} 9. Bb3 {+0.16/18 6s} d6
{+0.20/18 4s (d5)} 10. exd6 {+0.28/17 3s} exd6 {+0.28/18
3s} 11. Nc3 {+0.24/18 7s (Bg5)} d5 {0.00/17 4s (Bg4)}
12. Be3 {+0.16/17 4s} Nd4 {0.00/20 4s} 13. Bxd4 {+0.04/18
3s} cxd4 {0.00/21 4s} 14. Na4 {0.00/19 3s} Nd7 {-0.44/18 4s
(Nxa4)} 15. c4 {-0.20/16 3s} dxc4 {-0.40/19 4s} 16. dxc4
{-0.32/17 7s} Nb6 {-0.48/19 5s (Nb8)} 17. Nc5 {-0.52/16 5s}
Qc7 {-0.44/17 4s (a5)} 18. Nd3 {-0.44/15 4s} Bf5 {-0.60/18
4s} 19. c5 {-0.48/17 9s} Nd7 {-0.72/19 5s} 20. Nb4
{-0.52/17 8s} Nxc5 {-0.72/15 5s (Qxc5)} 21. Nd5 {-0.56/15
2s} Qd7 {-0.92/17 3s} 22. Ne7+ {-0.96/16 5s} Kh8 {-0.88/18
5s} 23. Nxf5 {-1.05/18 5s} Qxf5 {-1.05/18 4s} 24. Nxd4
{-0.64/17 4s (Re7)} Qd3 {-0.84/17 5s} 25. Qxd3 {-1.13/18
5s} Nxd3 {-0.96/16 1s} 26. Re3 {-0.88/19 2s} Nxb2 {-0.80/18
4s} 27. Nc2 {-0.88/20 3s} Bf6 {-0.96/19 4s} 28. Rf3
{-1.01/19 9s} Kg7 {-0.96/19 6s} 29. Rb1 {-0.84/19 4s} Rad8
{-0.88/19 2s} 30. Ne3 {-0.92/17 2s} Be5 {-1.05/19 6s (Bd4)}
31. Nd5 {-0.96/18 3s} Rde8 {-0.92/18 5s} 32. g3 {-0.80/17
3s} b5 {-0.92/20 3s} 33. Re3 {-1.13/17 3s} Bd4 {-0.96/20
4s} 34. Rf3 {-1.05/19 2s} a5 {-0.76/18 3s (Rd8)} 35. Nc7
{-0.76/17 2s} Re5 {-0.80/19 3s} 36. Rf4 {-1.01/18 3s} Bc3
{-0.80/20 4s} 37. Rf3 {-0.76/19 3s} b4 {-0.92/21 4s}
38. Nd5 {-0.96/19 3s} Re1+ {-0.84/18 3s} 39. Rxe1 {-0.76/13
0s} Bxe1 {-0.88/19 2s} 40. Nb6 {-0.80/19 3s} f5 {-0.76/21
4s} 41. Re3 {-0.96/20 5s} Bc3 {-0.76/22 3s} 42. Re7+
{-0.84/17 2s} Kh6 {-0.80/23 3s} 43. Rd7 {-0.76/19 2s} Rb8
{-0.80/22 4s (f4)} 44. Na4 {-0.76/22 2s} Nxa4 {-0.80/24 3s}
45. Bxa4 {-0.76/22 0s} Rg8 {-0.76/24 5s} 46. f4 {-0.80/24
3s (Kf1)} Rg7 {-0.80/26 3s} 47. Rd5 {-0.72/25 5s (Kf1)} Ra7
{-0.68/22 3s} 48. Kf2 {-0.64/22 2s} Kg7 {-0.80/22 3s}
49. h3 {-0.64/21 3s (Ke3)} h5 {-0.76/19 2s (Kf6)} 50. Kf3
{-0.60/17 3s (Rd6)} Bf6 {-0.52/18 3s (Rc7)} 51. g4
{-0.40/18 2s} fxg4+ {-0.44/18 3s} 52. hxg4 {-0.44/21 2s}
hxg4+ {-0.44/20 3s} 53. Kxg4 {-0.44/23 3s} Be7 {-0.36/21 2s
(Ra6)} 54. Rb5 {-0.16/19 2s} Ra6 {-0.20/21 2s} 55. Rb7
{-0.16/23 2s} Kf6 {-0.20/21 3s} 56. Rb5 {-0.16/24 3s} Bf8
{-0.12/20 3s} 57. Rb7 {-0.28/22 3s (Rg5)} Bc5 {-0.28/20 2s}
58. Rb5 {-0.28/21 4s (Rc7)} Be7 {-0.28/21 3s} 59. Re5
{-0.12/20 1s (Rb7)} Bf8 {-0.16/22 3s (Bd6)} 60. Rg5
{-0.20/21 3s} Ke7 {-0.08/19 2s (Bh6)} 61. Rc5 {-0.16/19 2s}
Bh6 {-0.12/20 3s (Ke6)} 62. Rc7+ {0.00/20 3s} Kf8 {-0.04/19
2s} 63. Rc8+ {0.00/24 2s} Kg7 {0.00/23 2s} 64. Rc7+
{0.00/25 3s} Kf8 {0.00/25 2s (Kg8)} 65. Rc8+ {0.00/31 2s}
Kf7 {0.00/23 3s (Ke7)} 66. Rc7+ {0.00/24 3s} Kg8 {0.00/25
2s (Ke6)} 67. Rc8+ {0.00/26 2s (Bb3+)} Kh7 {0.00/25 3s
(Kf7)} 68. Rc7+ {0.00/23 2s} Kg8 {0.00/30 2s (Bg7)}
69. Rc8+ {0.00/28 2s (Bb3+)} Kg7 {0.00/30 2s (Kf7)}
70. Rc7+ {0.00/35 3s} Kf8 {0.00/36 2s (Kg8)} 1/2-1/2

[Event "1 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2011.02.05"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_H 1CPU"]
[Black "Stockfish 2.0.1 PA_G 1CPU"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1. Nf3 d5 2. e3 {+0.28/17 3s} Nf6 {+0.32/17 3s} 3. d4
{+0.20/19 4s} c5 {+0.28/17 13s (e6)} 4. Bd3 {+0.20/15 4s
(c4)} Nc6 {0.00/17 5s} 5. O-O {+0.08/15 3s} Bg4 {-0.16/17
4s} 6. c3 {-0.20/15 3s} e6 {-0.32/17 4s} 7. Nbd2 {-0.52/17
14s} Bd6 {-0.60/17 4s} 8. dxc5 {-0.64/17 8s} Bxc5 {-0.56/18
4s} 9. Qb3 {-0.68/17 9s (Qc2)} Qc7 {-0.56/16 2s} 10. h3
{-0.72/16 4s (c4)} Bh5 {-0.76/18 4s} 11. c4 {-0.72/16 3s}
O-O-O {-0.76/17 4s} 12. Be2 {-0.76/15 4s (Qa4)} Kb8
{-0.76/16 3s} 13. Qa4 {-0.72/17 3s} Bd6 {-0.60/16 4s
(dxc4)} 14. cxd5 {-0.68/15 3s} exd5 {-0.60/15 4s (Nxd5)}
15. a3 {-0.44/15 4s} a6 {-0.56/15 6s (Rc8)} 16. Bd3
{-0.32/14 4s} Rhe8 {-0.56/16 6s (Rde8)} 17. Ra2 {-0.52/17
4s (Kh1)} Ne4 {-1.17/16 4s} 18. Nxe4 {-0.84/17 4s (Qc2)}
dxe4 {-0.80/17 4s} 19. Bxe4 {-1.01/18 5s} Nb4 {-0.84/18 3s}
20. axb4 {-1.01/20 4s} Rxe4 {-1.13/18 3s} 21. Qa5 {-1.13/19
7s} Bxf3 {-1.05/18 4s} 22. gxf3 {-1.13/20 4s} Rxb4
{-1.05/19 4s} 23. Qxc7+ {-1.13/19 5s} Bxc7 {-1.09/20 4s}
24. Kg2 {-1.05/20 2s} Be5 {-1.05/18 2s} 25. f4 {-1.21/19
5s} Bf6 {-1.09/19 4s} 26. Kf3 {-1.21/20 4s} Rd3 {-1.21/19
4s (g6)} 27. Ke2 {-1.09/18 3s (Ra3)} Rd6 {-1.17/17 2s
(Rdb3)} 28. Kf3 {-1.25/18 5s (f3)} Rb3 {-1.17/17 4s (g6)}
29. Kg2 {-1.21/17 8s (Ke2)} Rc6 {-1.13/18 3s} 30. Kf3
{-1.17/17 2s (e4)} Kc7 {-1.05/16 3s (Rb4)} 31. Ra3
{-1.13/19 3s} Rxa3 {-1.45/18 5s (Rb4)} 32. bxa3 {-1.25/13
0s} Rc2 {-1.21/19 6s} 33. e4 {-1.49/17 5s} b5 {-1.29/19 4s}
34. e5 {-1.53/17 3s (f5)} Be7 {-1.21/17 2s} 35. f5
{-1.25/18 3s} Kd7 {-1.37/17 8s (Bxa3)} 36. Rd1+ {-1.37/15
4s (e6+)} Ke8 {-1.53/16 2s} 37. Ke4 {-1.25/17 2s (e6)} Rxf2
{-1.33/19 4s} 38. Rd3 {-1.45/20 3s} Rf1 {-1.29/19 2s (f6)}
39. Bb2 {-1.37/18 2s} Bg5 {-1.21/19 3s} 40. Rd6 {-1.13/18
2s} Rf4+ {-1.25/18 2s} 41. Kd5 {-1.01/19 2s} Rxf5 {-1.09/18
2s} 42. Rxa6 {-0.92/19 3s} Bd8 {-1.05/20 3s} 43. a4
{-1.13/19 2s} bxa4 {-1.05/20 3s} 44. Rxa4 {-1.17/21 3s} Rf3
{-0.96/18 3s} 45. e6 {-1.17/21 3s} Rxh3 {-1.29/18 1s
(Rf5+)} 46. exf7+ {-1.17/17 2s} Kxf7 {-1.21/19 2s} 47. Ra7+
{-1.25/20 2s} Be7 {-1.09/22 3s} 48. Bxg7 {-1.25/21 2s} Kxg7
{-1.29/23 2s} 49. Rxe7+ {-1.25/20 0s} Kf6 {-0.96/24 4s}
50. Re1 {-0.92/23 7s (Re6+)} Rh4 {-1.05/19 3s (Kg5)}
51. Rf1+ {-0.92/25 2s} Kg5 {-1.01/25 2s} 52. Ke5 {-0.92/28
3s} Ra4 {-0.96/27 2s} 53. Rg1+ {-0.92/27 3s} Rg4 {-0.80/28
4s} 54. Rf1 {-0.84/29 3s} h5 {-0.80/26 2s} 55. Rf5+
{0.00/24 2s} Kh4 {-0.24/26 2s} 56. Rf1 {0.00/31 2s (Rf3)}
Kg3 {0.00/27 2s} 57. Kf5 {0.00/34 2s} Rb4 {0.00/32 2s
(Rd4)} 58. Rg1+ {0.00/34 2s} Kf2 {0.00/39 2s (Kf3)} 59. Rc1
{0.00/37 2s (Ra1)} h4 {0.00/39 3s (Kg2)} 60. Rc3 {0.00/40
2s (Rc2+)} Rb5+ {0.00/40 2s (Kg2)} 61. Kg4 {0.00/42 2s} h3
{0.00/48 2s (Kg2)} 62. Rxh3 {0.00/46 2s} Rb1 {0.00/50 2s
(Kg2)} 63. Rh2+ {0.00/41 2s (Kg5)} Kg1 {0.00/51 2s (Ke3)}
64. Ra2 {0.00/55 2s} Rc1 {0.00/55 2s (Kh1)} 65. Rb2
{0.00/56 2s (Kf3)} Ra1 {0.00/59 2s (Kh1)} 66. Rc2 {0.00/58
2s (Kf5)} Rb1 {0.00/59 2s (Kh1)} 67. Ra2 {0.00/71 2s (Kg5)}
Rc1 {0.00/87 2s (Kh1)} 68. Rb2 {0.00/76 2s (Kf3)} Ra1
{0.00/96 2s (Kh1)} 69. Rc2 {0.00/87 2s (Kf5)} Rb1 {0.00/98
2s (Kh1)} 70. Ra2 {0.00/80 2s (Kg5)} 1/2-1/2

Jeremy Bernstein
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Posts: 1226
Joined: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:49 am
Real Name: Jeremy Bernstein
Location: Berlin, Germany

Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by Jeremy Bernstein » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:15 am

I don't think that the changes weaken the engine's time control. These builds are doing just fine. Release 32 and Release 64 are the last versions I posted. The PGO builds don't appear to make a huge improvement, which is good to know. But the best news is that adding these analysis features doesn't appear to weaken the engine significantly against the JA compile. I don't consider a 5 game lead to be significant, they are pretty much running even.
Engine              Score               SF              St              SF              SF              SF              Sp    S-B
SF Release 64       47,0/75 ··············· 110=110===10=1= 1==1===11=110== 1=1==1======00= 1=0==1=1=====1= =11=111===1=1==  1636,5
Stockfish-201-64-ja 42,0/75 001=001===01=0= ··············· 0======111====0 00==1=10======1 =11=01=====111= =10=01=1111=11=  1466,2
SF PGO 64           41,0/74 0==0===00=001== 1======000====1 ··············· ===1=====1====  ======1===11=1= 1=1011=1111===1  1405,7
SF Release 32       37,5/74 0=0==0======11= 11==0=01======0 ===0=====0====  ··············· ==01=====11=001 =1==0====11=011  1362,0
SF PGO 32           36,5/75 0=1==0=0=====0= =00=10=====000= ======0===00=0= ==10=====00=110 ··············· =1=111111110111  1240,0
Spike1.4            20,0/75 =00=000===0=0== =01=10=0000=00= 0=0100=0000===0 =0==1====00=100 =0=000000001000 ···············  818,50

224 of 300 games played

Jeremy Bernstein
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Real Name: Jeremy Bernstein
Location: Berlin, Germany

Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by Jeremy Bernstein » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:39 am

Peter C wrote:Jeremy, you might want to add Makefiles to the GitHub repo so that us non-VS users can build it.

I attached the files included with the GTB library and the file I use for compiling Stockfish PA GTB (which is only slightly different from the standard SF makefile).

Thanks. I'll add them to the repos.

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Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by Uly » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:49 am

What time control are you using? This may be exclusive to incremental time controls (or nothing at all, but Rybka's time management specially sucks at incremental TC, so one is used to seeing patterns).

Bozo the Clown at RF suggested to make a new compile of Stockfish Default and use it for the testing, instead of JA's compile, to compare apples to apples (speed of the compile would be a non factor, clear improvements would stand as better code.)

Jeremy Bernstein
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Posts: 1226
Joined: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:49 am
Real Name: Jeremy Bernstein
Location: Berlin, Germany

Re: Designing an analysis friendly Stockfish?

Post by Jeremy Bernstein » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:53 am

Uly wrote:What time control are you using? This may be exclusive to incremental time controls (or nothing at all, but Rybka's time management specially sucks at incremental TC, so one is used to seeing patterns).

Bozo the Clown at RF suggested to make a new compile of Stockfish Default and use it for the testing, instead of JA's compile, to compare apples to apples (speed of the compile would be a non factor, clear improvements would stand as better code.)
1+1. After I make the PA_J changes, I'll build stock-Stockfish, as well and do a 3-way 64-bit PA_I_GTB v. PA_J_GTB v. Vanilla testing run. Someone else with real hardware might want to do the tests, though. I'm running in a 1-core 64-bit Windows 7 Virtual Machine. :(

I'm breaking off the current tournament, anyhow. Looks like my Release builds aren't using TBs for some reason (probably ProbeOnlyAtRoot got set at some point, need to check). So I'll start that new one shortly. Stay tuned...

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