wrote:I had not touched ok_to_use_TT but I will go ahead and fix this. Was the +1921 -1814 =2265 score from the 20" games?fruity wrote:SF PA_G scores about 15 Elo below SF default at very fast games in my tests. If everything would have been correctly coded in SF PA_G that should not be the case. I think the ok_to_use_tt_PV() function is not quite right. The test for TT hits should rather look likein both cases, PV and non-PV. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If I change the code appropriately, I get a slightly positive score after 6000 ultra fast games, like expected. Result was: +1921 -1814 =2265 from changed SF PA_G's pov.Code: Select all
bool ok_to_use_TT(const TTEntry* tte, Depth depth, Value alpha, Value beta, int ply) { Value v = value_from_tt(tte->value(), ply); return ( tte->depth() >= depth || v >= Max(value_mate_in(PLY_MAX), beta) || v <= Min(value_mated_in(PLY_MAX), alpha)) && ( ((tte->type() & VALUE_TYPE_LOWER) && v >= beta) || ((tte->type() & VALUE_TYPE_UPPER) && v <= alpha) || (tte->type() == VALUE_TYPE_EXACT && v < beta && v > alpha) ); }
Here is a new build with the proposed corrections.