Here is a list of Division 2 games and what they looked like at the "move 60" mile-marker.
Onto Division 2. In Round 1, Junior-Sjeng had White an insignificant pawn-up (RB+2 vs RB+1), and 60 moves later the result was unchanged. Gull-Crafty had a blocked board with no real advantage, and the 50-move rule hit about 55 moves later. In Onno-Crafty, Black was down a pawn at move 60, and failed in the struggle to hang on. Round 3 had Gulf-Protector with a double rook endgame where White had a nominal edge, and it ended in a draw rather quickly. Round 4 saw Sjeng-Komodo with a dead-drawn rook endgame at move 60, and after 60 moves of nothing it was agreed. Round 5 had Sjeng-Gull in a drawn RP vs BPP endgame that took 50+ more moves to ensure this (much of it in 5-piece bases). Crafty-Protector saw Black a pawn-up at move 60 in Round 6, but there was no real advantage, and it was drawn in another 20 moves. Sjeng-Onno had QP vs QP (both pawns on the seventh rank) on move 60. Thirty moves later the draw was obvious. Komodo-Spark had White a useless pawn up in an opposite Bishops ending - drawn at move 114. Junior-Gull had a blocked pawn structure and Black with a Knight for a (good) Bishop, and 100 moves later the draw was agreed. Round 7 saw Sjeng-Protector with a Knight for a Bishop, with a pawn on a7. Black had the play though (the a7 pawn dropped), but then after 10 moves in a drawn 5-piece NP vs B, Black simply blundered (to a one-move Knight fork) and lost.
Komodo-Crafty had a slight White advantage (Knight for bad Bishop), but this was not enough to win (drawn at move 129, after 50 moves of the 5-piece NP vs B). Gull-Spark had 3 pawns per side in a Rook endgame at move 60, and it was resolved as a draw in about 25 moves.
In Round 8, Black was two pawns up at move 60 in Protector-Komodo, but it was possible for it to become delicate.(there were opposite bishops, and both sides had a queen). White made matters easier by pushing his pawn too much, and lost rather quickly. Sjeng-Junior was a double bishop endgame with a blocked pawn structure. It looked drawish at move 60 and indeed at move 81 the 50-move rule ended it. In Round 9, Crafty-Onno saw each side with a Rook and 3 pawns at move 60, but it was pretty clearly drawn (at move 73). In Round 10, Sjeng-Crafty had White with QPPP vs QPP, but it was drawn, and a perpetual concluded on move 77. In Round 11, Komodo-Sjeng had a symmetrical queen and rook endgames (both sides with 5 pawns), and a draw was agreed 20 moves later. In Round 12, Spark-Crafty saw White with a minor edge in RRN+6 vs RRB+6. By move 120, both sides were down to 4 pawns apiece, and still unclear concerning White's chances of winning. However, Spark gained a winning advantage over the next 10 moves and won on move 149. In Round 13, Onno-Sjeng saw White with a pawn (and the bishop pair) for the exchange (RBB+3 vs RRB+2), with the position essentially equal. The draw was agreed on move 109. Finally, in Round 14, Protector-Sjeng had White with two Knights and two pawns (doubled passed pawns on a6 and a7!) for a Rook and Bishop (both sides having a Queen), and +1.5 or more in evaluation. The game ended in a perpetual on move 97. Crafty-Komodo had Black with QBP vs QPP (and theoretically won according to bitbases) at move 60, and the conversion took 15 more moves.