"An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

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Chris Whittington
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Chris Whittington » Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:20 pm

Harvey Williamson wrote:
Chris Whittington wrote:
BB+ wrote:
I heard a different story from Cock de Gorter.
I was wondering if we'd ever get around to this, if "truth comes by conflict", then perhaps we are getting somewhere... ;)
[...] is being accused of being a thief (which he is in essence... he is using something that does not have a legal right to use).
From a criminal legal standpoint, I don't think "use" has anything to do with theft -- possession of said merchandise is already sufficient (especially with "cracked" software). About the best Cock could hope for is an ersatz "necessity" defence, e.g. "Your barn was on fire, so I herded your cows into mine" -- this is still legally "theft", though the criminal content is mitigated (the analogy here also seems rather strained to me). The second legal aspect is civil; for instance, I still have to return your cows in due time. :) In the case of hand, this seemed to have been remedied by future events, though now the claim is that said resolution was not reached in good faith.
the word thief and/or the word stealing is not appropriate for this situation. Possession is not enough. From wiki with acknowledgement of my laziness:

The actus reus of theft is usually defined as an unauthorized taking, keeping or using of another's property which must be accompanied by a mens rea of dishonesty and/or the intent to permanently deprive the owner or the person with rightful possession of that property or its use.
For example, if X goes to a restaurant and, by mistake, takes Y's scarf instead of her own, she has physically deprived Y of the use of the property (which is the actus reus) but the mistake prevents X from forming the mens rea (i.e. because she believes that she is the owner, she is not dishonest and does not intend to deprive the "owner" of it) so no crime has been committed at this point. But if she realises the mistake when she gets home and could return the scarf to Y, she will steal the scarf if she dishonestly keeps it.

There has to be *intent* to deprive the copyright owner on the part of the "thief". C de G's intent was to act for the benefit of the copyright owner.

Analogous situation: A and B go to a restaurant. A leaves for the airport and forgets his coat. B leaves, notices the coat and brings it with him, for he is also due to travel by air to see A again the next day. B is acting for and on behalf of A and in A's interests, even though A has not actually asked him to do so.

Junior was entered into CSS Masters, whether by the copyright holder or by someone else is not clear, but we can assume that C de G was supposed to be operating or facilitating Junior. There's no valid copy of Junior, so, rather than allow Junior to lose the first round, C de G, acting in the interests of the copyright owner, uses a copy, figuring that was the better of some bad alternatives, without intention to deprive anybody of anything, and with clear good intention. Not only does he cease using the copy when he receives the original but he subsequently informs an agent of the copyright holder what he has done.

In no way does this fall into the category of theft, because there was no intention to deprive, and a clear intention to be a good helper, followed by a full and voluntary declaration.

Oner can clearly see how offended C de G would be by comments variously described by HW as "appalled by his actions", "using a cracked version", "brought his office into disrepute", "steals a product I am involved in selling" in particular those in front of his wife and then subsequently made public by HW.

There was NO INTENT TO DEPRIVE on the part of C de G, and therefore no theft. False allegations of "stealing" and "theft" are libellous.

We can also assume from Ed's report of his conversation with C de G ......

"I heard a different story from Cock de Gorter. He said he told you on beforehand, one day before the tournament started while waiting for his free-copy from ChessBase. This during a dinner you had with Cock and his wife. And you went mad and misbehaved. Cock's wife upset.

Cock wanted to do Amir a favour, so he told you, honestly. Not expecting you to misbehave and then start a public war quoting private email and all of that."

..... that HW was oblivious to the "intent" condition, even when C de G made it clear that his intentions were good, that he used his judgement to act on behalf of the copyright holder, in the copyright holders interest.

Further, if Junior was entered by the copyright holder or his representative and C de G was given the task of operating, then C de G is acting as AGENT of the copyright holder or his representative and is even more justified in using his judgement in the copyright holder's interests.
Talking through your ass as usual no public war was started until after he got his free legal version and after that he then banned me. He entered the tournament on the 6th December that gave him 2 weeks to ask Mark or Amir for a free copy before round 1. CB did not release until weeks after the tournament started.
No, I talk in a considered and rational way, sticking to the facts as I read. You talk like the chav that you are with your own brand of added disingenuity and obsfucation; but I doubt the readers are fooled. In actuality, as you dig yourself deeper and deeper into your hole, they will be seeing you in all your horror.

If I were you I would be concerned that C de G and/or the CSVN have the opportunity for a sue for both libel and blackmail, the first on false charges of stealing (your word, used in public) and blackmail (as written out by you in further public detail). Idiot.

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Harvey Williamson
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Harvey Williamson » Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:23 pm

Chris Whittington wrote:
Harvey Williamson wrote:
Chris Whittington wrote:
BB+ wrote:
I heard a different story from Cock de Gorter.
I was wondering if we'd ever get around to this, if "truth comes by conflict", then perhaps we are getting somewhere... ;)
[...] is being accused of being a thief (which he is in essence... he is using something that does not have a legal right to use).
From a criminal legal standpoint, I don't think "use" has anything to do with theft -- possession of said merchandise is already sufficient (especially with "cracked" software). About the best Cock could hope for is an ersatz "necessity" defence, e.g. "Your barn was on fire, so I herded your cows into mine" -- this is still legally "theft", though the criminal content is mitigated (the analogy here also seems rather strained to me). The second legal aspect is civil; for instance, I still have to return your cows in due time. :) In the case of hand, this seemed to have been remedied by future events, though now the claim is that said resolution was not reached in good faith.
the word thief and/or the word stealing is not appropriate for this situation. Possession is not enough. From wiki with acknowledgement of my laziness:

The actus reus of theft is usually defined as an unauthorized taking, keeping or using of another's property which must be accompanied by a mens rea of dishonesty and/or the intent to permanently deprive the owner or the person with rightful possession of that property or its use.
For example, if X goes to a restaurant and, by mistake, takes Y's scarf instead of her own, she has physically deprived Y of the use of the property (which is the actus reus) but the mistake prevents X from forming the mens rea (i.e. because she believes that she is the owner, she is not dishonest and does not intend to deprive the "owner" of it) so no crime has been committed at this point. But if she realises the mistake when she gets home and could return the scarf to Y, she will steal the scarf if she dishonestly keeps it.

There has to be *intent* to deprive the copyright owner on the part of the "thief". C de G's intent was to act for the benefit of the copyright owner.

Analogous situation: A and B go to a restaurant. A leaves for the airport and forgets his coat. B leaves, notices the coat and brings it with him, for he is also due to travel by air to see A again the next day. B is acting for and on behalf of A and in A's interests, even though A has not actually asked him to do so.

Junior was entered into CSS Masters, whether by the copyright holder or by someone else is not clear, but we can assume that C de G was supposed to be operating or facilitating Junior. There's no valid copy of Junior, so, rather than allow Junior to lose the first round, C de G, acting in the interests of the copyright owner, uses a copy, figuring that was the better of some bad alternatives, without intention to deprive anybody of anything, and with clear good intention. Not only does he cease using the copy when he receives the original but he subsequently informs an agent of the copyright holder what he has done.

In no way does this fall into the category of theft, because there was no intention to deprive, and a clear intention to be a good helper, followed by a full and voluntary declaration.

Oner can clearly see how offended C de G would be by comments variously described by HW as "appalled by his actions", "using a cracked version", "brought his office into disrepute", "steals a product I am involved in selling" in particular those in front of his wife and then subsequently made public by HW.

There was NO INTENT TO DEPRIVE on the part of C de G, and therefore no theft. False allegations of "stealing" and "theft" are libellous.

We can also assume from Ed's report of his conversation with C de G ......

"I heard a different story from Cock de Gorter. He said he told you on beforehand, one day before the tournament started while waiting for his free-copy from ChessBase. This during a dinner you had with Cock and his wife. And you went mad and misbehaved. Cock's wife upset.

Cock wanted to do Amir a favour, so he told you, honestly. Not expecting you to misbehave and then start a public war quoting private email and all of that."

..... that HW was oblivious to the "intent" condition, even when C de G made it clear that his intentions were good, that he used his judgement to act on behalf of the copyright holder, in the copyright holders interest.

Further, if Junior was entered by the copyright holder or his representative and C de G was given the task of operating, then C de G is acting as AGENT of the copyright holder or his representative and is even more justified in using his judgement in the copyright holder's interests.
Talking through your ass as usual no public war was started until after he got his free legal version and after that he then banned me. He entered the tournament on the 6th December that gave him 2 weeks to ask Mark or Amir for a free copy before round 1. CB did not release until weeks after the tournament started.
No, I talk in a considered and rational way, sticking to the facts as I read. You talk like the chav that you are with your own brand of added disingenuity and obsfucation; but I doubt the readers are fooled. In actuality, as you dig yourself deeper and deeper into your hole, they will be seeing you in all your horror.

If I were you I would be concerned that C de G and/or the CSVN have the opportunity for a sue for both libel and blackmail, the first on false charges of stealing (your word, used in public) and blackmail (as written out by you in further public detail). Idiot.

I have invited you several times to contact Cock who will tell you that most of your version is wrong - so go for it.

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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Uly » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:55 pm

Harvey Williamson wrote:You have since lost your job on the Rybka forum to. Now you will tell me you jumped and were not pushed. OK if that is what you say
Ask Felix Kling at Rybka Forum, he will confirm I actually resigned my moderation position months before he accepted it, but he didn't want to lose me as moderator. It actually took some effort from my part to convince him to remove my powers.

I don't make stuff up, unlike you, so it's easy to join the side against you in a discussion when it's usually you who imagine things and take them as real.

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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by BB+ » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:12 am

the word thief and/or the word stealing is not appropriate for this situation. Possession is not enough. From wiki with acknowledgement of my laziness:
I find this funny, as Wikipedia was exactly where I got that possession (as opposed to use) is the essence of the actus reus for theft. :D Of course intent must be present in any (criminal) case, but merely "good intentions" is not a panacea of guilt absolution, particularly if the owner is not agreeable that said intent was actually good. If you could imagine a counterfactual decision for Amir et al. to make in mid-November:
* Allow Cock to use cracked Deep Junior 12 in CSS Masters, at least until he obtains a license;
* or, Request Cock not to do so, in which case Deep Junior 11 would probably be used for a round or two.
is it completely obvious which would be chosen? We seem to be inventing possible defences for Cock, rather than pursuing any facts in the matter...
Junior was entered into CSS Masters, whether by the copyright holder or by someone else is not clear, but we can assume that C de G was supposed to be operating or facilitating Junior. There's no valid copy of Junior, so, rather than allow Junior to lose the first round, C de G, acting in the interests of the copyright owner, uses a copy, figuring that was the better of some bad alternatives, without intention to deprive anybody of anything, and with clear good intention. Not only does he cease using the copy when he receives the original but he subsequently informs an agent of the copyright holder what he has done.
[...] Further, if Junior was entered by the copyright holder or his representative and C de G was given the task of operating, then C de G is acting as AGENT of the copyright holder or his representative and is even more justified in using his judgement in the copyright holder's interests.
Again the facts are not clear, but as I quoted above, on Nov 6th Cock announced he would be using Deep Junior 12 in the tournament (my German is not sufficiently good to determine the context). Without further information, my impression (based on other CSS entrants) was that this was by his own volition. The question of how he expected to be able to operate DJ12 is a different matter (though again as noted above, it was for sale at Hiarcs.com at this point, with ChessBase lagging two months behind). Again we are entering questions of fact that could be likely answered by others, but suffice to say I find it quite unlikely that Junior was "at fault" here in failing to provide Cock with a licensed copy.

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Harvey Williamson
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Harvey Williamson » Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:17 am

Ovyron wrote:
Harvey Williamson wrote:You have since lost your job on the Rybka forum to. Now you will tell me you jumped and were not pushed. OK if that is what you say
Ask Felix Kling at Rybka Forum, he will confirm I actually resigned my moderation position months before he accepted it, but he didn't want to lose me as moderator. It actually took some effort from my part to convince him to remove my powers.

I don't make stuff up, unlike you, so it's easy to join the side against you in a discussion when it's usually you who imagine things and take them as real.
I wonder why you sent me a letter of apology then for your actions? Although it was several months after the event.

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Kevin Frayer
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Kevin Frayer » Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:08 am

May I be allowed to take the witness stand once more.

If it please the court; I have only witnessed offenses that Harvey Williamson committed in the PlayChess engine room. These offenses I do believe, speak to the honesty and character of the man.

December 28 2010
Within 10 min. of writing a post critical of the situation involving renamed engines at PlayChess (on the Rybka Forum). Harvey sent me this email.

From: <sysop@chessbase.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 3:02 PM
To: <Kevin@frayerchess.com>; <Harvey@Hiarcs.net>; <info@chessbase.com>;

Subject: Account sandspider locked on playchess.com

Hello sandspider,

Your account has been locked until 26.2.2011.

Locked by HarveyWilliamson constant clone user and renamer telling all on
Rybka form

Best Regards, HarveyWilliamson, Administrator on playchess.com

So my testimony is, that as a result of posting information critical of conditions in the PlayChess engine room. Harvey Williamson acting as an agent of PlayChess; did wrongfully and with out providing evidences or examples; deprive me of two paid service accounts. The amount of monetary loss is estimated to be $124.00 USD.

As too the false accusation that I constantly used clones and or renamed engines, as well as the accusation that I admitted to doing so in a post on the Rybka Forum. I will personally assure the readers of this thread these allegations are false.

I believe my recent encounter with this man speaks to the nature of his character and should be taken into account when he makes unsupported statements on this forum.

I do not ask for an apology or a reinstatement of my accounts, as past experience with Harvey and PlayChess have shown me this will not happen.
Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.

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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Hood » Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:41 am

Harvey Williamson wrote:
Hood wrote:
Harvey Williamson wrote:

If you hire the Rybka Cluster for a year I will gladly play you a correspondence game.
You are not SIM - even - so such a tool is not neccessary. :-)

Smolensk 2010. Murder or accident... Cui bono ?

There are not bugs free programms. There are programms with undiscovered bugs.

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Harvey Williamson
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Harvey Williamson » Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:50 am

Hood wrote:
Harvey Williamson wrote:
Hood wrote:
Harvey Williamson wrote:

If you hire the Rybka Cluster for a year I will gladly play you a correspondence game.
You are not SIM - even - so such a tool is not neccessary. :-)

I don't see any rating for you. I have SIM norms and will get the title in the next month or so. IM will do me for now. It does take many years of hard work to get a title, Why don't you give it a go?

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Chris Whittington
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Chris Whittington » Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:04 pm

BB+ wrote:
the word thief and/or the word stealing is not appropriate for this situation. Possession is not enough. From wiki with acknowledgement of my laziness:
I find this funny, as Wikipedia was exactly where I got that possession (as opposed to use) is the essence of the actus reus for theft. :D Of course intent must be present in any (criminal) case, but merely "good intentions" is not a panacea of guilt absolution, particularly if the owner is not agreeable that said intent was actually good. If you could imagine a counterfactual decision for Amir et al. to make in mid-November:
* Allow Cock to use cracked Deep Junior 12 in CSS Masters, at least until he obtains a license;
* or, Request Cock not to do so, in which case Deep Junior 11 would probably be used for a round or two.
is it completely obvious which would be chosen? We seem to be inventing possible defences for Cock, rather than pursuing any facts in the matter...
Junior was entered into CSS Masters, whether by the copyright holder or by someone else is not clear, but we can assume that C de G was supposed to be operating or facilitating Junior. There's no valid copy of Junior, so, rather than allow Junior to lose the first round, C de G, acting in the interests of the copyright owner, uses a copy, figuring that was the better of some bad alternatives, without intention to deprive anybody of anything, and with clear good intention. Not only does he cease using the copy when he receives the original but he subsequently informs an agent of the copyright holder what he has done.
[...] Further, if Junior was entered by the copyright holder or his representative and C de G was given the task of operating, then C de G is acting as AGENT of the copyright holder or his representative and is even more justified in using his judgement in the copyright holder's interests.
Again the facts are not clear, but as I quoted above, on Nov 6th Cock announced he would be using Deep Junior 12 in the tournament (my German is not sufficiently good to determine the context). Without further information, my impression (based on other CSS entrants) was that this was by his own volition. The question of how he expected to be able to operate DJ12 is a different matter (though again as noted above, it was for sale at Hiarcs.com at this point, with ChessBase lagging two months behind). Again we are entering questions of fact that could be likely answered by others, but suffice to say I find it quite unlikely that Junior was "at fault" here in failing to provide Cock with a licensed copy.

lots of points raised, so, in no particular order....

I dont think it matters, in the context of a theft accusation, whether the owner subsequently agrees with the act of goodwill, what's important, on a legal level in determining the validity of a serious charge such as stealing, is the AND operation between the actus reus and the mens rea. The latter is about "dishonest intention" and in determining that we need to be aware that the criminal law requires a proof exceeding "balance of probability" at the level of "beyond reasonable doubt". Yet even on a "balance of probability" basis C de G's action, given his status, his voluntary offering of the story, the report from Ed, his anger at the HW accusation all indicate, to me at least, that C de G was acting in good faith and what he thought (and that thought is of key importance) was in Juniors best interest. Now it may be that subsequently Junior doesnt like it, but that is for Junior to decide (not for HW making snap decisions of his own at dinner btw), and he if he decides he doesnt like it, that has the effect of elevating C de G's action to being a "mistake", but a mistake made in good faith, nevertheless. The AND is not satisfied.

btw, there's no zero sum game here between C de G and Junior, absolving C de G on the basis of "honest intention" does not put Junior "at fault".

The idea that "good intent" is a post facto concocted defence is probably knocked on the head by C de G's voluntary disclosure at dinner and immediate anger on being challenged. The fact that HW appeared oblivious to this explanation, for me, is just another example of the mass psychosis within computer chess, mostly of the hangers on, of assumed evil intent of any thing or person deemed "other" = gang mentality.

agreed we have no idea if C de G was actually an "agent" of Junior, or if the program was entered on his volition only. Agent or not is not key of course. However, I'ld be inclined to the view that he either was, or else believed himself to be. C de G is known to most programmers, personally and socially, via his AEGON work and other stuff, also demonstrated by the fact of the dinner. I'ld have thought, if he entered J12 with him as operator, that he'ld make some checks that nobody else was doing the same thing and this at least didnt clash with the copyright holder entering it - I'm assuming some sort of contact with Chessbase/Junior. Such "contact" enhances the "agent" argument to the extent that we could surmise that he either was an agent or believed himself to be one.

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Harvey Williamson
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Re: "An Open Letter to Cock de Gorter and the CSVN Board"

Post by Harvey Williamson » Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:20 pm

There is one other piece of evidence here you are ignoring. It is written in my report. This is a 2nd offence. 6 months previously at Leiden Cock told Amir and me that he had received the previous version of Junior in an email from a friend. despite trying he had been unable to get it to run. We let the matter drop that time but it was clear we were unhappy. 6 months later he tells me he now has a working one. There was no release or planned release of that previous version by Chessbase.
Last edited by Harvey Williamson on Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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