Stockfish 2.0 compiled for Android

Discussion about chess-playing software (engines, hosts, opening books, platforms, etc...)
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Stockfish 2.0 compiled for Android

Post by AartBik » Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:41 pm

I compiled the latest Stockfish for Android and as a test, I conducted a small tournament on a Nexus One phone with two other stockfish versions I compiled earlier, using an upcoming engine-engine match feature in Chess for Android. When given permission, I will put the binaries on my own website.

Code: Select all

Chess for Android Match  2011
                   1          2          3          
1   Stockfish 1.9  ********** 10½½10½101 ½1½101½½01  11.5/20
2   Stockfish 1.8  01½½01½010 ********** 11½½½½1100  10.5/20
3   Stockfish 2.0  ½0½010½½10 00½½½½0011 **********   8.0/20

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Re: Stockfish 2.0 compiled for Android

Post by AartBik » Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:21 pm

Permission given. Android binaries available at:

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Re: Stockfish 2.0 compiled for Android

Post by thorstenczub » Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:48 am

the question is, if the version 2.0 on "slow" hardware (related to a 2 core or quad-core pc)
is really stronger.
often versions can only show their best play and progress on a fast machine.

time will tell.

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