New EN-Settings for FIRE 1.1

General discussion about computer chess...
John Doe
Posts: 24
Joined: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:24 pm

Re: New EN-Settings for FIRE 1.1

Post by John Doe » Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:51 pm

New settings are bull*hit :x
Games Completed = 385 of 1000 (Avg game length = 8.476 sec)
Settings = RR/32MB/1000ms+100ms/M 700cp for 7 moves, D 180 moves/EPD:d:\Progs\LittleBlitzer\openings_100.epd
Time = 870 sec elapsed, 1390 sec remaining
 1.  Houdini 1.03a x64 1_CPU  	228.5/385	185-113-87  	(L: m=48 t=0 i=0 a=65)	(D: r=59 i=12 f=10 s=3 a=3)	(tpm=86.9 d=12.4 nps=2367855)
 2.  FireBird 1.1 x64         	156.5/385	113-185-87  	(L: m=70 t=0 i=0 a=115)	(D: r=59 i=12 f=10 s=3 a=3)	(tpm=81.1 d=11.5 nps=1758221)
I aborted the match because of no sence to run it any longer

Eduard Nemeth
Posts: 632
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:50 am

Re: New EN-Settings for FIRE 1.1

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:10 pm

John Doe wrote:New settings are bull*hit :x

I aborted the match because of no sence to run it any longer
have you played with Permanent Brain=ON or with PB=OFF?

In my test I play with the "new rating list" testsuite (60 variants = 120 games).
Permanent Brain is ON!
Both engines played with 1 core under GUI Fritz 10 and 128 MB Hash.

New current result after 94 games (from 120):

Code: Select all

Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz, Blitz:3'  0

1   Houdini 1.03a w32 2_CPU  +18/-14/=62 52.13%   49.0/94
2   FireBird 1.1 w32         +14/-18/=62 47.87%   45.0/94
As example game 91:

[Event "Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz, Blitz:3'"]
[Site "Privat"]
[Date "2010.09.21"]
[Round "91"]
[White "FireBird 1.1 w32"]
[Black "Houdini 1.03a w32 2_CPU"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D02"]
[Annotator "0.18;0.04"]
[PlyCount "127"]
[TimeControl "180"]

{Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz 2660 MHz W=15.3 ply; 1.054kN/
s B=19.1 ply; 1.288kN/s} 1. d4 Nc6 2. Nf3 d5 3. Bf4 Bg4 {Beide letzter Buchzug
} 4. Nc3 {0.18/15 4} e6 {0.04/17 4} 5. Ne5 {(e3) 0.22/16 0} Nxe5 {0.03/16 4} 6.
Bxe5 {0.14/16 0} Nf6 {0.04/17 6} 7. f3 {(Dd2) 0.30/17 0} Bf5 {0.08/16 4} 8. Qd2
{0.24/16 0} Bd6 {0.09/15 5} 9. O-O-O {0.24/16 0} Bg6 {(0-0) 0.13/16 4} 10. Kb1
{0.15/15 4} O-O {(c6) 0.08/17 0} 11. g4 {0.29/16 9} c5 {(c6) 0.10/17 0} 12. h4
{(Lxd6) 0.23/16 11} h5 {0.18/16 24} 13. Nb5 {0.22/18 0} Be7 {(Lb8) 0.18/16 4}
14. gxh5 {0.25/13 3} Nxh5 {0.34/17 10} 15. Rg1 {0.31/17 0} Bf6 {(Db6) 0.20/16 6
} 16. e3 {0.43/14 3} cxd4 {0.16/17 0} 17. exd4 {0.39/15 7} Qb6 {
(Dd7) 0.35/16 11} 18. f4 {(Lxf6) 0.62/15 9} a6 {0.53/14 3} 19. Nc3 {0.60/16 0}
Bxe5 {(Tae8) 0.66/14 2} 20. fxe5 {0.95/13 1} Kh7 {(Tfc8) 0.92/16 7} 21. Rg5 {
0.86/14 3} f6 {0.89/15 1} 22. exf6 {(Tg2) 1.54/15 4} gxf6 {1.39/13 2} 23. Rxg6
{1.54/15 0} Kxg6 {1.29/15 2} 24. Bd3+ {1.82/15 0} Kf7 {1.23/15 0} 25. Qh6 {
1.70/16 0} Rh8 {1.42/16 1} 26. Bh7 {1.42/17 15} Ke7 {1.37/18 0} 27. Qxh5 {
1.42/17 0} Qc7 {1.40/18 11} 28. Rf1 {(Te1) 1.42/18 0} Raf8 {1.02/15 2} 29.
Nxd5+ {1.42/16 0} exd5 {1.02/15 0} 30. Qxd5 {1.37/16 0} Qd7 {1.14/17 2} 31.
Qe4+ {1.37/17 0} Kd8 {1.21/16 0} 32. Bf5 {1.37/17 0} Re8 {1.21/18 10} 33. Qf4 {
(Df3) 1.31/18 0} Qc7 {1.21/12 0} 34. Qf3 {(Df2) 1.31/18 0} Qb6 {(De7) 1.23/15 1
} 35. c4 {(Dg3) 1.57/14 5} Rhg8 {1.22/13 4} 36. Rd1 {1.77/13 0} Qb4 {0.98/15 4}
37. a3 {(Le4) 1.85/14 3} Qe7 {1.48/15 3} 38. c5 {1.79/17 0} Qe2 {1.57/15 2} 39.
Qd5+ {1.79/17 0} Ke7 {1.57/16 0} 40. Bc2 {(Dxb7+) 1.79/15 5} Kf8 {1.52/15 3}
41. Qxb7 {(h5) 1.95/16 0} Rg2 {1.89/15 3} 42. Qb3 {(Tc1) 2.25/14 0} Kg7 {
(Te3) 1.56/11 1} 43. c6 {(Ld3) 2.60/11 2} Rb8 {(Df2) 2.76/13 5} 44. Qc3 {
2.94/12 1} Qf2 {(Te8) 3.30/13 3} 45. d5 {3.84/14 11} Rc8 {3.72/15 0} 46. h5 {
(Te1) 3.84/14 0} Kh6 {(a5) 3.75/11 1} 47. Qd3 {(Th1) 4.96/12 2} Kg7 {5.36/13 3}
48. Qh7+ {(Tf1) 14.04/13 0} Kf8 {2.57/1 0} 49. Qh8+ {(h6) 14.27/12 2} Rg8 {
3.35/10 0} 50. Qh6+ {14.27/13 0} Rg7 {(Ke8) 16.94/13 3} 51. d6 {16.50/11 1}
Qxc2+ {(Td8) 21.02/13 2} 52. Kxc2 {19.67/12 1} Kf7 {22.01/14 1} 53. d7 {
21.40/12 0} Rg2+ {(Txc6+) 22.92/13 2} 54. Kb3 {(Kd3) 29.36/13 8} Rb8+ {
21.77/13 2} 55. Ka4 {29.82/14 0} Rg4+ {(Tgg8) 22.65/13 1} 56. b4 {
(Ka5) 31.30/11 0} Rc4 {(Tgg8) #13/12 1} 57. c7 {(d8D) #7/13 2} Rbxb4+ {#6/17 0}
58. axb4 {#6/14 0} Ke6 {#5/21 0} 59. Qe3+ {(d8D) #5/13 0} Kf5 {#4/23 0} 60.
Qf3+ {#4/13 0} Ke5 {#3/59 0} 61. Re1+ {#4/13 0} Re4 {#2/59 0} 62. Rxe4+ {
(Dxe4+) #3/12 0} Kd6 {(Kd5) #2/55 0} 63. d8=Q+ {#2/12 4} Kc6 {#1/69 0} 64.
c8=Q# {#1/58 0} 1-0

How you can see, FireBird 1.1 can play very well. I see no shit here!

Peace be with you!

Eduard Nemeth
Posts: 632
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:50 am

Re: New EN-Settings for FIRE 1.1

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:33 pm

I stop here the match! If I test Shit :shock:, it's time to stop!

I have ONLY one computer for all my working with computer, and I have no time to test "Shit"!

Houdini 1.03a has won after 94 with +4 = +15 ELO.

Peace be with you!

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