Experiment with GUI's

Discussion about chess-playing software (engines, hosts, opening books, platforms, etc...)
Roger Brown
Posts: 30
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:35 am

Re: Experiment with GUI's

Post by Roger Brown » Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:42 am

Swaminathan wrote:I think it would be a good idea to test single engine/STS under different GUI's specifying the certain conditions.

To see how consistent the results are with respect to GUI used, and correlation.

So far these are the GUI's/tools which support EPD testing:


anything else? Could somebody who own Shredder GUI, ChessPartner, Aquarium try this experiment?

Hello Swaminathan,

Actually I have used epd2wb which is a powerful tool for epd analysis.

It can handle multiple epd files sequentially, logging of results, UCI and Winboard protocols and it is so light in terms of its memory footprint (just about non-existent).

The main problem is that it is best used with a batch file and alas, that can be problematic. Once set up though, any text editor can be used to quickly change the engine name and you are good to go.

With respect to Winboard and EPD processing, I know that H.G. has it on his list of things to do in the distant future....



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