Glass 1.6 - New with Personalities!!

Discussion about chess-playing software (engines, hosts, opening books, platforms, etc...)
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Re: Glass 1.6 - New with Personalities!!

Post by royb » Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:52 am

Lostark wrote:
LucenaTheLucid wrote:Golem is about 1600 ELO
Thx Lucena... will try it out if its google-able; if not I'll have to take it from you :)
royb wrote:I also ran a match vs GNUchess 5.07
Hey Royb - does GnuChess also came in UCI flavor and is it available?
Also the winboard version was not working correctly in Winman engine manager... do you have to use any special cmd-line arguments?

Wonder why no one talks about the Thinker engines... I heard that they were unique but did anyone have any hands-on experience with thinkers that can be shared here?

Friendly regards

I do not know of a UCI version of GNUchess. I ran GNUchess vs Glass (2200 ELO) using xboard; I run Linux exclusively on all my computers. That meant I needed to run "wine" to run the Glass-1.6 windows executable. I've little doubt that Winboard (the xboard equivalent that runs on Windows) could be used to similar effect though I cannot be 100% sure. Here is the command I used to run the match:

xboard -size bulky -tc 5 -inc 10 -xponder -mg 25 -fcp '/home/roy/chess/glass/glass_distrib/polyglot /home/roy/chess/glass/glass_distrib/polyglot.ini-2200elo' -fd /home/roy/chess/glass/glass_distrib -scp /usr/games/gnuchess -sd /home/roy/chess -sgf /home/roy/chess/glass-2200-vs-gnuchess-games.pgn

Sure, it's a long command line, but the docs (man page) fairly clearly calls out the arguments available and what they do. Notice I had to run glass via polyglot. I've pasted the polyglot.ini file below:


EngineDir = /home/roy/chess/glass/glass_distrib
EngineCommand = wine ./Glass_1.6_weak.exe

Log = false # set to true for bug reports
LogFile = glass-1.6.log

Resign = true
ResignMoves = 1 # 1 is safe for Fruit


# standard UCI options

Hash = 32 # in MB

# NalimovPath = /home/roy/chess/TBs
# NalimovCache = 32 # in MB

OwnBook = true # false for no book (e.g. Nunn-like matches)

# Glass-1.6-specific options

OwnBookPath = /home/roy/chess/glass/glass_distrib/Book.gob
Personality = 2200elo

Inifilepath = /home/roy/chess/glass/glass_distrib/personalities
Ponder = false

I'm happy to try to answer questions if this raises any. I'm certainly no expert on glass or GNUchess or wine or Linux for that matter but I've used Linux for a decade now and have grown pretty familiar with running various chess engines (compiled for Windows or Linux) using Linux.


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Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:47 pm

Re: Glass 1.6 - New with Personalities!!

Post by Samer » Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:07 am

winboard version was not working correctly in Winman engine manager... do you have to use any special cmd-line arguments?
Because Winman install commandline of Gnuchess 4
-T 1400000

you must put it for Gnuchess 5:
-s 1048576 xboard

Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:47 am

Re: Glass 1.6 - New with Personalities!!

Post by Lostark » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:33 pm

Samer wrote:Because Winman install commandline of Gnuchess 4
-T 1400000

you must put it for Gnuchess 5:
-s 1048576 xboard
That explains why it kept showing GNU 4 and I really doubted if DC had made a goof-up instead :lol:
Thanks a million Samer I'll try your idea and let you know


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