News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by thorstenczub » Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:07 am

menniepals wrote:I am glad another forum is born. Some competition is needed. Mr. Banks has turned to be a dictator. I thought there was a referendum among its members whether he is worth the trust of everybody. I think he won only by one vote. The vote of no confidence derived during that activity should have been enough to warrant a resignation from him. But he is Mr. Banks.
i have left this "club" with others when it was clear that the people taking over and their "interests"
were not the best.

people like them will always destroy things other people had build. they cannot behave different.
they need to destroy. because they are full of hatred.

there were some good years. years in rgcc and later the too many people came who tried to CONTROL the people.
the business men who left , there was a lack of power. THEY filled this lack of power.
but their intentions were not to make a better computerchess.
IMO they always claimed to rescue computerchess when indeed they destroyed it with their

witch hunt i would call it. mc carthy ruled in computerchess.
i am happy now that computerchess community is not anymore under their dictatorship.
Ed made a very good posting about this.
that the problems arised in the moment the owner of the company who handled the site,
implemented an admin who intervened in moderators affairs. acted AGAINST the will
of the mods, against the charta and against the idea of the founders.

until today these people rule CCC.
sam hull, banks, silver still posts his holy rybka postings.
others who tried to blackmail the moderators of CCC do their witch hunt against people.
calling the mess "collateral damage" etc.

these guys claim that they would PROTECT computerchess.
but computerchess worked in those years they were not on stage.
and it was destroyed in the moment they took over. so i do not believe in their lies.
bob hyatt was the only founder who did not leave CCC.
he knows computerchess from the very beginning.
he was one of the founders of CCC. in opposite to them, he is interested in computerchess
so much, that he never left the building.

And they attack his opinion as if he is supporting piracy or is not capable to make his own
mind about the programs as a programmer.

IMO they are wrong. that why i left CCC when i saw the damage could not be taken back.

on the other hand i think: only because some people behave like kids who do not get their will,
we should not run away and give computerchess in their hands.
now computerchess has again a place and there is no need anymore to fight these kidnappers.

i do wish that open-chess will be as succesful like the child we build in 1997.
we learned out of the mistakes that made CCC fail and fall into pieces under them.
i do hope that they will not get control again .

computerchess is about content.
they prefer to mob and hunt people.
thats something completely differernt.
they do not talk about games. they either throw stones against people or post statistics.
they do not talk about knowledge. they are there to wash dirty laundry.

they mainly behave like fan groups. as if computerchess is a religion .

to me chess is art, and computerchess is my hobby.
i share it with people. even with them.
but i do not wish to see them hunt people. ban people because they do not fit into
their interests. censor freeare engine. throw them out of their lists.

i remember when the SSDF rating list threw out the Schaetzle+Bsteh Turbo-Kit that accelerated
6502-programs up to 16-20 mhz.

suddenly programs like MM4 or MM5 overtook Richard Langs programs on premium 68000 and 68020 hardware.

then the decision came: the turbo kit is to be thrown out of the list.

this was business interests.
resulting in manipulation of a rating list.

now the rating lists were the way the commercial companies liked them.
the expensive richard lang machines on top. the underdog MM4 with turbo-kit not anymore listed.

not anymore listed.

interrests. commercial interests.

they believe their actions would make the people buy their products.
IMO mc carthy behaviour creates an atmosphere of
hatred and is reducing sales instead of increasing them.

instead of buying a good chess program, people are upset about this kind
of CENSORSHIP behaviour and therefore do not buy the good chess program anymore.

its this behaviour IMO that destroys computerchess.
it should be open again.
so that people discuss. even when they come from completely different areas.
open instead of different religious groups fighting each other about which
god is the right god.

they made computerchess religious.

they made it an ersatz-religion.

i have no clue why they did this.
maybe because they are religious themselves or they felt the need to do so.

Computerchess is about content.
about game data. but most of them did not look into games. they only post results.
they do statistics.
instead of replaying games.

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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by menniepals » Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:39 am

I think CCC was headed to be a commercial effort in any way. It will soon be bias as a TV commercial. Business is business.

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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by Swaminathan » Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:57 am

menniepals wrote:I think CCC was headed to be a commercial effort in any way. It will soon be bias as a TV commercial. Business is business.
Yes, It's nice to have an independent forum such as Open-Chess with no interference on policies from "Your Move and Chess USA" business people and so on.
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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by orgfert » Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:55 pm

Swaminathan wrote:
Jeremy Bernstein wrote:Nice to see you here, Fern. I don't expect CCC to die anytime soon, either, but I'm not participating there anymore. The commercial influence is simply too high: there's a need for a non-commercial, independent, user-run alternative...
Totally agreed. It's just a great idea to set up an independent forum.
It's a great idea as long as you don't have to host and administer it. There's a cost in time and treasure to keep a board like this running -- for decades. Can you count on Mr. Bernstein committing that much time and energy to doing that? I don't think so.

Ask Volker. Ask any private individual who has attempted it. Lot's of people threatened to leave Talkchess and start it anew themselves. None of them know how much work it really is.

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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by Jeremy Bernstein » Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:09 pm

orgfert wrote:
Swaminathan wrote:
Jeremy Bernstein wrote:Nice to see you here, Fern. I don't expect CCC to die anytime soon, either, but I'm not participating there anymore. The commercial influence is simply too high: there's a need for a non-commercial, independent, user-run alternative...
Totally agreed. It's just a great idea to set up an independent forum.
It's a great idea as long as you don't have to host and administer it. There's a cost in time and treasure to keep a board like this running -- for decades. Can you count on Mr. Bernstein committing that much time and energy to doing that? I don't think so.

Ask Volker. Ask any private individual who has attempted it. Lot's of people threatened to leave Talkchess and start it anew themselves. None of them know how much work it really is.
The treasure is negligable, the cost of a large sushi dinner each year. The time will eventually be split among several admins. No worries. We're here to stay if you are.

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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by orgfert » Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:16 pm

Jeremy Bernstein wrote:The treasure is negligable, the cost of a large sushi dinner each year. The time will eventually be split among several admins. No worries. We're here to stay if you are.
That's the theory. Reality rarely obliges it. You'll have to see for yourself since you obviously can't be told. ;)

Good luck.

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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by daws » Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:14 pm

These days I find the atmosphere in Talkchess to be quite oppressive, mainly due to the heavy handed moderation, the censorship, the moving and deleting of threads, the absurd hidden forums and the behind the scenes Machiavellian machinations and manipulations.

I have been trying to wean myself off Talkchess and this non commercial independent forum should certainly help me in that direction.

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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by thorstenczub » Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:20 pm

the people in charge for this mc carthy atmosphere do witch hunts and blackmail people,
they steal emails and take over forums. they destroyed the whole forum.
now it is in pieces and they believe they made it BETTER than it was from 1997 to the time they appeared.

its over. CCC is not anymore a place where you can exchange your computerchess opinions in free speech and without surpression. they do not allow it.
they have changed it into dictatorship, with "elections". like in russia.
there you also have elections. but no matter what the people elect, putin makes sure the right votes will be counted. and so it is in CCC.

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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by Rebel » Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:38 pm

That was fun indeed. H&G said: you want us to send you SSDF guys new released machines for free? Then throw out the Turbo-kit. Now you will love Capitalism even more :mrgreen:

thorstenczub wrote:
i remember when the SSDF rating list threw out the Schaetzle+Bsteh Turbo-Kit that accelerated
6502-programs up to 16-20 mhz. suddenly programs like MM4 or MM5 overtook Richard Langs programs on premium 68000 and 68020 hardware. then the decision came: the turbo kit is to be thrown out of the list. this was business interests.
resulting in manipulation of a rating list. now the rating lists were the way the commercial companies liked them.
the expensive richard lang machines on top. the underdog MM4 with turbo-kit not anymore listed.

not anymore listed.

interrests. commercial interests.

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Re: News about CCC death are perhaps premature...

Post by mariaclara » Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:22 am


CCC won't die.

but now

it's a.k.a "rybka B forum"

and it has a new "queen"

( hmmmmm....... actually he was always there, but the way he regained "supremacy" really makes him the
new Queen from ***** land.. Hahahahah!~ )

wanna guess who's his "King"?

Who else but the "Macho boy" !!!

( hint: check out his "macho" avatar. hihihihihi ! )


( hey, where's the emoticons???????? )

boring !!!!!!

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