Another strong one: LesChats 141124 and here are current results,
And to be honest, LesChats's performance is very good as well...
Ok..that is all for now, but in the next hours / days, I hope to
Test many more.. and wishing good luck to all participants...)
Code: Select all
Rank Name Elo +/- Games Score Draw
0 LesChats 141124 55 32 146 57.9% 67.8%
1 Jakovenko 120 162 6 66.7% 66.7%
2 So 58 226 6 58.3% 50.0%
3 Robson 50 94 7 57.1% 85.7%
4 Abdusattorov 39 73 9 55.6% 88.9%
5 Kramnik 0 145 7 50.0% 71.4%
6 Gelfand 0 0 6 50.0% 100.0%
7 Yu Yangyi -50 94 7 42.9% 85.7%
8 Leko -50 94 7 42.9% 85.7%
9 Dominguez -79 102 9 38.9% 77.8%
10 Anand -79 102 9 38.9% 77.8%
11 Wei -89 190 8 37.5% 50.0%
12 Shirov -89 261 8 37.5% 25.0%
13 Sethuraman -89 116 8 37.5% 75.0%
14 Giri -89 190 8 37.5% 50.0%
15 Ding -89 116 8 37.5% 75.0%
16 Sutovsky -102 134 7 35.7% 71.4%
17 Karjakin -102 134 7 35.7% 71.4%
18 Vidit -120 162 6 33.3% 66.7%
19 Wojtaszek -159 375 7 28.6% 28.6%
20 Grischuk -191 238 6 25.0% 50.0%
146 of 400 games finished.