
As in chess tournaments and matches...
Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:44 pm


The Leader: Broth - released on 23.09.2024
2nd DeadLy CRiMe - released on 13.03.2024
3rd DONFree but this time the free/public one...

Ok chess friends it's time for more various openings..
For example, below standing is more based on TREND..
So via including CCRL, CEGT, Balsa, Oliprog... books,
We will have more data...and will be clear which are
Better in overall as well..

Btw, so far the overall draws are higher than all recent SIZE tourneys,
Reason, simply due to these books + exp file contain more moves, lines,
Moreover, ShashChess + Spectral are little bit more Drawish than Cfish...

One thing more,
If you going to ask again, current Giant CS is strongest...? this time
I have some doubts...sometimes higher draw stats don't mean stronger...
Sure this is my opinion.. any opinions are welcomed over these issues )

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   1 Broth 36                       38      12     714   55.4%   76.1% 
   2 DeadLy CRiMe                   26      10     714   53.7%   83.3% 
   3 DONfree 090724                 21      12     714   53.0%   77.2% 
   4 C.B Conqueror                  17      11     714   52.4%   81.8% 
   5 DON 190524                     14      12     714   52.0%   78.0% 
   6 FireOnBoard.ctg                12      11     714   51.7%   80.1% 
   7 Alchemist.ctg                  10       9     714   51.5%   86.1% 
   8 Varied 2022                     6      11     714   50.8%   81.0% 
   9 1337chess.ctg                   3      10     714   50.4%   84.3% 
  10 Hamdullah 2022                 -0      11     714   49.9%   80.5% 
  11 Dark Galactus.ctg              -3       9     714   49.6%   87.1% 
  12 Cubail 2023                    -3      12     714   49.5%   76.3% 
  13 Feta7.ctg                     -11      10     714   48.5%   83.2% 
  14 LesChats 160323               -16      11     714   47.7%   79.7% 
  15 Cubail 2022                   -18      12     714   47.5%   79.3% 
  16 Eman 2023.exp ST              -19      10     714   47.3%   85.7% 
  17 LCX 100M2                     -26      12     714   46.3%   76.6% 
  18 Medulla 2018                  -50      14     714   42.8%   70.2% 

6426 of 6426 games finished.

Posts: 88
Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2022 6:52 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Ding-Bat » Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:59 pm

Looks Like Hvich is on a roll be interesting to see the games when released exciting days deadly crime might climb was that one a public release?

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Thu Sep 26, 2024 9:59 am

Ding-Bat wrote:
Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:59 pm
Looks Like Hvich is on a roll be interesting to see the games when released exciting days deadly crime might climb was that one a public release?
Yes...Hurnavich is Hurnavich,
He is one the rare masters, who knows how to be on Top!
And as we see, even under latest tour conditions again...

About your other question/s, as far as I know/informed:
Deadly Crime plus all others, which are on Top ranks are
Private (plus Broth), exc. DONfree is publicly free available!
Btw, I share this info.. because exc. you, other people are
Starting to ask (mainly via private messages), such as:
How to get the best ones...)

Actually there are other ones, which are public,
But they are ranked lower.... and unfortunately,
And as usually... not many are showing interest...

But this is life... otherwise, it will be against
Nature Rules, right ?)


Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Thu Sep 26, 2024 6:53 pm

Breaking News (26.09.2024):
Giant Size CS (256 MB- 1 GB) organized too..congrats and many thanks to all!
Well, latest entry is No Book NN, it's tuned to prefer No Book openings, played
By Top NNUE engines min. 3700+ (plus including all Duels: Book vs NNUE etc.)
Yes..the Winner of Giant CS is Broth, very impressive..!! nowadays Hurnavich's
Books are unstoppable as well... 2nd: Deadly Crime (by H. Can) where the 3rd:
Rank belongs to DONfree (by V. Chouhan), in short, other great performances..
Plus some books are as old sated..but they performed incredible so strong too!
E.g C.B Conqueror: 2023, Varied: 2022, Alchemist: 2023, 1337chess: 2022 etc.
Ok..chess friends as final words: urgently I need to take a good rest, you know,
In latest days, actually from past to present I organize too many tourneys, Btw,
I don't know how does it looks from your side? But believe Me not so easy as it mistake and all is gone..but thanks to God that all worked flawlessly
And frankly especially the hardest tours that ever I organized are Number One CS..
So many Champs are created+ all in short time are tested: record of Guinness ?)
Take care and stay safe )

The Champion (256 MB - 1 GB) Broth 36 - My Congratulations to Ian Hurnavich!

FOR FINAL STANDINGS: ... cs-1-giant

GAMES (the package contains all games of recent SIZE CS): ... bH67ubKClc

Have fun,

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:06 pm


By the way,
I realized to share some useful stats ans notes as well,
Regarding the latest organized SIZE Book Tournaments:

Code: Select all

SCCT Book Size CS I    Elo   Draws
Medium   (16-65 MB):  3671    74%
Giant    (256-1 GB):  3667    77%
Large   (66-225 MB):  3654    77%
Small (Up to 15 MB):  3648    69%
More Details:
As performance stats, Top 5's highest rated books used
Top 5's highest rated books are recorded in Medium CS
The lowest draw ratio records are produced in Small CS
As Newest/ Updated books are played in Small + Medium..
The hardest tour (since via less assistance) is Small CS
Some engines (e.g ShashChess) are more Drawish than Cfish
And here just do not blame again the openings please..if not..
Sorry to say that but you are blind or simply you're just a pawn ..
And as clear proof, please check Balsa All.ctg: 79% draws
Where via Cfish: 71%, but just in case SCCT+ Berserk: 57%
It's easy to criticize...but here 'stats, facts' say the 'last' words, ok ?)

On other hand,
As usual, I'm pleased to announce for Balsa, SCCT, Unique:
My created non-tuned deep openings performed as one of best,
Sure I refer for statistics/metrics if checking my categories!

Note also that,
SPCC plus CCC's openings are belonging to much older data,
I mean in those times, their openings were better/stronger!
Nowadays CCC ( is poor: no new data to download!
At least I couldn't find..maybe I'm missing something? Where
SPCC 2024 games are non-quality (weak) if using his latest..
To be sure/for anyone missed: you can check recent XXXIV CS: ... deep-books

In other words, what I am trying to say, but very important:
Via very critical (weak) openings more 'fun' on scene for sure,
In same time also that means the quality is 'dead' of course !)
If not so clear..check their Blacks win. perc. 3700+ each other!
Where you'll see theirs won games are almost by White sides..hehe ) theirs NNUE tests, unfortunately they have unusual stats!
This is not all/once more: for accurate metrics, if via weak lines:
Run please min 5000 games, otherwise it's a waste of time..Btw,
Via strong lines (under serious cond.) even 500-1000 games is ok!

And sometimes I wonder this as well,
About theirs produced weak lines/games are useful much for many?
For some maybe yes but for mostly I hardly doubt..because I think
As Nature Rules: our 'mission' should be in better way, not for worse..
I am pretty sure also they are not Top book authors.. I'm pretty sure
Also that they live in a small world, where they think and dream that
Theirs work is best...but in reality: is this true? at least not in SCCT!
Because my organized tours are hard leagues...proved, guaranteed!

And if you have questions/suggestions..feel free to ask/comment )


Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:51 pm

One thing more and once more:
Thanks to all eng authors as well, otherwise I would not run...
Special thanks to authors: Cfish, Berserk, Spectral, Shashchess!

One note more,
Unfortunately all my tested Eman engines series are crashed
And buggy on my tournament machine via Eman exp (1.5+ GB)
It seems Eman eng needs serious optimization on modern machines!
At least in case of using HUGE exp files..sure in Gauntlet mode etc.
And these crashes are appearing in beginning of test..Cutechess is
Directly terminating...sad really..we are in 2024.. but you see...

But the good news is that,
Spectral is Spectral... this great engine is stable via Eman exp as well!!
It does not matter in Gauntlet, Round-Robin etc. well-done to Mr. Anton

And keep up the great work!

Greetings )

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Sep 28, 2024 1:42 pm

Hello there,

SCCT - Unofficial Test with OrgZ's latest Top engines 2024!
Simply target is to check which OrgZ engines are better..!?

1st of all, let's start with good news:
Great performance comes by one of my favorite engines: SF-POLY!
Well-done to Mr. Tanick Ramz !

The bad news is that,
NON of them can use CTG books... so I hope next SF-POLY ver to use...
At least one of them, if not...there will be BIG miss, thanks in advance

Code: Select all

1   SF-POLY2 10924a    102.0 - 98.0102.5 - 97.5103.5 - 96.5**    308.0/600
2   JigSaw 6.0         98.0 - 102.0102.0 - 98.098.5 - 101.5 **   298.5/600
3   Private 19Sf VICE  97.5 - 102.598.0 - 102.0101.5 - 98.5  **  297.0/600
4   Sailfish 3         96.5 - 103.5101.5 - 98.598.5 - 101.5   ** 296.5/600
GAMES: ... DiRS0bdpG0

2x Epyc 7B12, CuteChess, 1 Core, Ponder OFF, Balsa/Unique, 30s+0.6s, 64 Hash, 4-MEN

More Details:
Sailfish seems to be not so stable: lost 1 game on time,
Where all rest so far are games lost on time!


Posts: 1443
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Real Name: Homayoun

Re: SedatChess

Post by Homayoun » Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:04 pm

Thank you very much Sedat. Very Useful test for chess fans who want to use this new engines. Although besides strength, the Play style of engine is also very important factor for a chess player to choose an engine for his daily practice and analysis.
All the bests

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:55 pm

Homayoun wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:04 pm
Thank you very much Sedat. Very Useful test for chess fans who want to use this new engines. Although besides strength, the Play style of engine is also very important factor for a chess player to choose an engine for his daily practice and analysis.
All the bests
Hello Homayoun,

Not at al..its my pleasure )

A good point.. as you said,
Exc. for analysis, plus authors may use Top engines,
For newer and stronger Book / Exp move ideas too!

And as other important issue,
To check/test which of engines are stronger as well..
You know.. without tests, facts etc. will be pointless..
I mean to rely on only comments..or on small number
Of games..For these reasons.. many games required..
And this is not all..vs various players as well... but
Unfortunately not many follow what I mention here )

Btw, soon as possible I will share new results, where
The picture will be more clear about ERROR margin...
Sure in case of running small number of games (per player)
And plus when we increase the number of the games...

So please stay tuned.. )


Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sun Sep 29, 2024 3:03 pm


1st of all, I was wondering e.g up to 600 games:
Is enough data (per player under these Bullet cond.)?

And here are the details, with facts of course (not papers):
Well, according to my experiences I strongly believe in that,
Sometimes small number of games ok, but usually not enough !!
It's much better to be played min 1000-1500 games (per player)
Here again and again I refer for strong opening suites..otherwise,
Many more thousands of games (per player) required...such as 5000+
Sure if running many more games will be much better...actually my
Fingers are tired of explaining.. but what is changing?..not so much..
Yes..there will be same story as in past, we'll see some engines which
Will forfeit on time...We will see also such testers who will run small
Number of games ...anyhow, maybe this time I will be successful..
I know it's hard but there is nothing impossible.., right ?)
More over, you know: my target is very simple: I'm trying only to help!

This is other question of course, but
How many of us (TD / Testers) prefer thousands of games (per player)?
Not many for sure unfortunately..but it's all right... plus no any one is
Forcing us for more right/accurate metrics..but I think that we should
Do our best for more valid data.. such as to increase number of games!

And here are latest tests and see what is going on:

Code: Select all

1st test: here it seems all right: 1 Elo difference, 
I mean very accurate..since both are same eng copy...
1   SF-POLY2 Copy)   +11/-10/=579 50.08%  300.5/600
2   SF-POLY2 10924a  +10/-11/=579 49.92%  299.5/600


2nd test: it's all right again: 2 Elo difference, 
I mean not bad at all..since both are same eng copy!
1   SF-CTG (Copy)   +10/-8/=319 50.30%  169.5/337
2   SF-CTG  150724  +8/-10/=319 49.70%  167.5/337


3rd test: it's NOT all right !!  7 Elo difference, 
I mean bad at all... since both are same eng copy!
1   Incognito(Copy)  +23/-11/=566 51.00%  306.0/600
2   Incognito5 pro   +11/-23/=566 49.00%  294.0/600


4rd test: here no much idea, but 0 Elo difference, 
As we see the results are identical in strength.. 
And note that here both are NOT same eng copy!
1   Rems MPV Sep24   +20/-20/=560 50.00%  300.0/600 
2   Rems EXP 160824  +20/-20/=560 50.00%  300.0/600 


And here are one of last tests SF-POLY2 vs Rems MPV

Test via Balsa suite: SF-POLY2 10924a performed better!
1   SF-POLY2 10924a  +15/-13/=518 50.18%  274.0/546
2   Rems MPV Sep24   +13/-15/=518 49.82%  272.0/546

Test via Unique suite: Rems MPV performed better!
1   Rems MPV Sep24   +29/-25/=478 50.38%  268.0/532
2   SF-POLY2 10924a  +25/-29/=478 49.62%  264.0/532

Plus more tests are included in database...anyhow 
Here are overall results: identical in performance!
1   SF-POLY2 10924a  +59/-58/=1615 50.03%  866.5/1732
2   Rems MPV Sep24   +58/-59/=1615 49.97%  865.5/1732

2x Epyc 7B12, CuteChess, 1 Core, Ponder OFF, 30s+0.6s, 64 MB Hash, 4-MEN
Note: As openings, Balsa  plus Unique suites are used...


As final words,
What I am trying to say over long past years to all of you:

In short, if I was new/amateur/beginner in Computer chess,
And If checking small number of games.. then I'd say such as
Oh yes... SF POLY is stronger or just opposite Rems is stronger ))

And I hope again and again,
All my data to be useful..sure just for computer chess progress!


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