cubail test

As in chess tournaments and matches...
Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:52 pm
Real Name: cubail

Re: cubail test

Post by cubail » Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:46 pm

Blitz 1.0min+1sec 2 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 240 games

test-21, Blitz 1.0min+1.0sec 2024

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 SF-POLY 020624_sse41 **************** ½½ ½ ½ ½ ½½ 3.5/7 12.25
2 SF PB 300524 ½½ **************** ½½ ½ ½ ½ 3.5/7 12.25
3 JigSaw v5.7_sse41o ½ ½½ **************** ½ ½½ ½ 3.5/7 12.25
4 Marauders 3.4_sse41 ½ ½ ½ **************** ½½ ½½ 3.5/7 12.25
5 EMAN 9.90 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT ½ ½ ½½ ½½ **************** ½ 3.5/7 12.25
6 SF PB 190524 ½½ ½ ½ ½½ ½ **************** 3.5/7 12.25

20 games fnısh
test-21, Blitz 1.0min+1.0sec 2024

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 SF-POLY 020624_sse41 ----------- AdrianOliva.bin
2 SF PB 300524 ---------- Cubail21_23.bin
3 JigSaw v5.7_sse41o ----------- HCanFree2.bin
4 Marauders 3.4_sse41 ---------- dara.bin
5 EMAN 9.90 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT-- Eman.bin new
6 SF PB 190524 ------------------- cevdet ctg book new
eman bin book cevdet ctg book same bases book
Cubail21_23.bin----- thanks sedat

Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:52 pm
Real Name: cubail

Re: cubail test

Post by cubail » Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:00 pm

Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:52 pm
Real Name: cubail

Re: cubail test

Post by cubail » Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:09 am

Blitz 1.0min+1sec 2 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 240 games
[btest-21, Blitz 1.0min+1.0sec 2024

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 SF-POLY 020624_sse41 **************** ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½1½½½ ½½½½½½½½½1½½½½½½ 41.0/80 1631.25
2 Marauders 3.4_sse41 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ **************** ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½1½½½½ ½½½½½½½½1½½½½½½½ 41.0/80 1631.25
3 JigSaw v5.7_sse41o ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ **************** ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½1½ ½½½½½½0½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ 40.0/80
4 SF PB 190524 ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½0½ **************** ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ 39.5/80 1584.00
5 SF PB 300524 ½½½½½½½½½½½½0½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½0½½½½ ½½½½½½1½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ **************** ½½½½½0½½½½½½½½1½ 39.5/80 1583.00
6 EMAN 9.90 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT ½½½½½½½½½0½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½0½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½1½½½½½½½½0½ **************** 39.0/80

games ... .rar_links
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 SF-POLY 020624_sse41 ----------- AdrianOliva.bin
2 SF PB 300524 ---------- Cubail21_23.bin
3 JigSaw v5.7_sse41o ----------- HCanFree2.bin
4 Marauders 3.4_sse41 ---------- dara.bin
5 EMAN 9.90 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT-- Eman.bin new
6 SF PB 190524 ------------------- cevdet ctg book new
AdrianOliva.bin dara.bin number1

Posts: 338
Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:24 am

Re: cubail test

Post by ZamChess » Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:02 am

Thank you !

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: cubail test

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:52 am

ZamChess wrote:
Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:02 am
Thank you !

Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:52 pm
Real Name: cubail

Re: cubail test

Post by cubail » Tue Sep 17, 2024 5:52 pm

Blitz 1.0min 4 core frıtz17 Drawkiller_unbalanced_V4_4mvs_+070_+099 Xeon CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 550 games
  • kkk, Blitz 1.0min 2024

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    1 SF PB 100924 ********** ½0½½½01010 0101½½0½½1 1½½½½½½010 1½½½½½1½10 ½10½½½01½½ 1½1½½½1½1½ 10101½10½0 01½½½½½1½1 ½1½½½½½101 ½1½1½½0101 55.0/100
    2 SF-CTG 240715 ½1½½½10101 ********** ½0½½1½1010 01½½½½0½01 ½1½1½½0101 ½½10½½1010 ½1½½½½0½01 ½10½½½½½0½ ½½1½½½1½10 1½½11½1000 1½½½1½1010 53.5/100
    3 Private19Sf_VICE_sse41 1010½½1½½0 ½1½½0½0101 ********** 01½0½½0101 0½½1½½0101 101½½½101½ ½½½½½½½½01 01½½½½01½1 1½½½½½½010 1½½½½0101½ 1½11½½½010 52.5/100
    4 Stockfish 17 0½½½½½½101 10½½½½1½10 10½1½½1010 ********** 0½0½½½0101 ½½½½½½1010 ½½01½½01½1 ½10½½½½1½½ 01½½½½½101 10½½½½10½½ 10½0½½1010 51.0/100 2547.50
    5 Sun 15 MPV 0½½½½½0½01 ½0½0½½1010 1½½0½½1010 1½1½½½1010 ********** ½01½½½1½10 ½½½½½½0101 ½1½½½½0½01 01½10½0101 1½1½½01010 ½1½½½½01½1 51.0/100 2530.50
    6 Sun 15-sse41-popcnt ½01½½½10½½ ½½01½½0101 010½½½010½ ½½½½½½0101 ½10½½½0½01 ********** 101½½½10½0 1½1½½½10½½ 1½½½½010½0 ½½01½10101 1½½½½½1½10 50.5/100
    7 Private19Sf 0xe_sse41 0½0½½½0½0½ ½0½½½½1½10 ½½½½½½½½10 ½½10½½10½0 ½½½½½½1010 010½½½01½1 ********** ½½½½½½101½ 01½½½½0101 01½11½01½1 ½10½½½01½1 50.0/100
    8 Artemis 2TR_sse41 01010½01½1 ½01½½½½½1½ 10½½½½10½0 ½01½½½½0½½ ½0½½½½1½10 0½0½½½01½½ ½½½½½½010½ ********** ½1½½½½½101 1½10½½1010 010½½½01½½ 49.0/100
    9 SF-POLY 020624_sse41 10½½½½½0½0 ½½0½½½0½01 0½½½½½½101 10½½½½½010 10½01½1010 0½½½½101½1 10½½½½1010 ½0½½½½½010 ********** ½1½1½½0½0½ ½½½½½½0101 47.0/100
    10 HypnoS 220824bis popcnt ½0½½½½½010 0½½00½0111 0½½½½1010½ 01½½½½01½½ 0½0½½10101 ½½10½01010 10½00½10½0 0½01½½0101 ½0½0½½1½1½ ********** 101½½½½01½ 45.5/100
    11 Sun 14-sse41-popcnt ½0½0½½1010 0½½½0½0101 0½00½½½101 01½1½½0101 ½0½½½½10½0 0½½½½½0½01 ½01½½½10½0 101½½½10½½ ½½½½½½1010 010½½½½10½ ********** 45.0/100
games ... .rar_links
number 1
SF PB 100924 sky net engıne thanks

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: cubail test

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:15 am

Dear Cevdet bey,

Thanks for your BIG efforts.. anyhow sorry to say that,
I can not take your produced tour results as seriously!
Even I can not say as a FUN tournament, as main reasons:

1st. For accurate (less error margin).., much more games(per player) required!
If you ask my opinion: with critical weak openings.. run minimum 5000 games!
Sure more better... but with 'strong' openings about 1000 games is enough!!
Otherwise, it's a comedy of errors to say such as X engine is NUMBER ONE ))

Meanwhile, as same words are going to all testers, tours etc. who run small
Number of games... sure anyone is free... but I am free to help as well.. )

2nd. Why did you prefer to be played 'only' A00: Irregular openings ? e.g
It's too much boring... moreover I think it's a bad idea if only same A code
In this way, you have no much chances to determine who is best/strongest!

3rd. as one of most disappointing and important issue is that too:
Your current data contains 61 games lost on time..that's too much!
Please check your hardware stability..actually nothing new that
Some SF based engines are not stable at Bullet...but I think it's
NOT normal.. that 61 games (lost on time) out of total 500 games..

And if you have any questions over...please feel free to ask,
I am ready to help, you know we are friends since a long time,
After each thunderstorm winds..there is sunshine again, right ?)


Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:52 pm
Real Name: cubail

Re: cubail test

Post by cubail » Sun Sep 29, 2024 3:05 pm

Blitz 0.3min+0.3sec 4 core frıtz17 Drawkiller_unbalanced_V4_4mvs_+070_+099 Xeon CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 576 games

test11, Blitz 0.3min+0.3sec 2024

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Brainlearn 29 **************** 1½½½1½1010½½½01½ 1010½½10½½½01½½½ 0½½1½½½1010½½½½1 ½0½½½½101½½½½110 ½10½½½01½1½½½½01 0½½1½½01½101½1½½ 01½1½101½½0101½1 ½½½½1½1½1½1½½½1½ 71.5/128
2 Private19Sf_VICE_sse41 0½½½0½0101½½½10½ **************** 101½½½½010½½½½½½ ½½½½½10½01½½½½½½ 1010½½101½½0½½1½ ½010½½1½½0½½½½1½ 0½½1½½01½1½1½½½½ ½1½1½½01½½0½½½01 1½½½1½1010½½½½½½ 66.0/128
3 Marauders 3.9_sse41 0101½½01½½½10½½½ 010½½½½101½½½½½½ **************** 10½0½010½0½½1½10 ½1½1½½0101½½½10½ ½½½0½½1010½½½½10 101½½½1½½½½0½01½ 101½½½10½½½½½0½0 ½10½½½0101½½½½½1 64.0/128 4094.50
4 SF-POLY 210924a_sse41 1½½0½½½0101½½½½0 ½½½½½01½10½½½½½½ 01½1½101½1½½0½01 **************** 01½½0½010½½½½½½½ 0101½½01½1½1½½01 01½½½½0½010½½1½1 1½101½½010½0½½½½ 10½0½½10½½½½½½10 64.0/128 4094.25
5 SF PB 100924 ½1½½½½010½½½½001 0101½½010½½1½½0½ ½0½0½½1010½½½01½ 10½½1½101½½½½½½½ **************** 1½1½1½10½½1½½½10 10½½½010½½1½½½½0 ½½0½½1010½½½½½01 0½0½0½01½1½½½½½1 63.5/128 4066.50
6 C_Dragon v3.1_sse41 ½01½½½10½0½½½½10 ½101½½0½½1½½½½0½ ½½½1½½0101½½½½01 1010½½10½0½0½½10 0½0½0½01½½0½½½01 **************** 1½0½½½101½1½½½1½ 1½1½½½101010½½½0 ½1½½½½0101½½½½½½ 63.5/128 4059.50
7 Stockfish 17 1½½0½½10½010½0½½ 1½½0½½10½0½0½½½½ 010½½½0½½½½1½10½ 10½½½½1½101½½0½0 01½½½101½½0½½½½1 0½1½½½010½0½½½0½ **************** 1½1110101½½½½½10 ½1½½½½0½01½½½½01 62.5/128
8 Eman 9.40 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT 10½0½010½½1010½0 ½0½0½½10½½1½½½10 010½½½01½½½½½1½1 0½010½½101½1½½½½ ½½1½½0101½½½½½10 0½0½½½010101½½½1 0½0001010½½½½½01 **************** ½½½1½01½100½½1½½ 61.0/128
9 ShashChess 36 ½½½½0½0½0½0½½½0½ 0½½½0½0101½½½½½½ ½01½½½1010½½½½½0 01½1½½01½½½½½½01 1½1½1½10½0½½½½½0 ½0½½½½1010½½½½½½ ½0½½½½1½10½½½½10 ½½½0½10½011½½0½½ **************** 60.0/128

games ... .rar_links

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: cubail test

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Sep 30, 2024 6:30 am

cubail wrote:
Sun Sep 29, 2024 3:05 pm
Blitz 0.3min+0.3sec 4 core frıtz17 Drawkiller_unbalanced_V4_4mvs_+070_+099 Xeon CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 576 games

test11, Blitz 0.3min+0.3sec 2024

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Brainlearn 29 **************** 1½½½1½1010½½½01½ 1010½½10½½½01½½½ 0½½1½½½1010½½½½1 ½0½½½½101½½½½110 ½10½½½01½1½½½½01 0½½1½½01½101½1½½ 01½1½101½½0101½1 ½½½½1½1½1½1½½½1½ 71.5/128
2 Private19Sf_VICE_sse41 0½½½0½0101½½½10½ **************** 101½½½½010½½½½½½ ½½½½½10½01½½½½½½ 1010½½101½½0½½1½ ½010½½1½½0½½½½1½ 0½½1½½01½1½1½½½½ ½1½1½½01½½0½½½01 1½½½1½1010½½½½½½ 66.0/128
3 Marauders 3.9_sse41 0101½½01½½½10½½½ 010½½½½101½½½½½½ **************** 10½0½010½0½½1½10 ½1½1½½0101½½½10½ ½½½0½½1010½½½½10 101½½½1½½½½0½01½ 101½½½10½½½½½0½0 ½10½½½0101½½½½½1 64.0/128 4094.50
4 SF-POLY 210924a_sse41 1½½0½½½0101½½½½0 ½½½½½01½10½½½½½½ 01½1½101½1½½0½01 **************** 01½½0½010½½½½½½½ 0101½½01½1½1½½01 01½½½½0½010½½1½1 1½101½½010½0½½½½ 10½0½½10½½½½½½10 64.0/128 4094.25
5 SF PB 100924 ½1½½½½010½½½½001 0101½½010½½1½½0½ ½0½0½½1010½½½01½ 10½½1½101½½½½½½½ **************** 1½1½1½10½½1½½½10 10½½½010½½1½½½½0 ½½0½½1010½½½½½01 0½0½0½01½1½½½½½1 63.5/128 4066.50
6 C_Dragon v3.1_sse41 ½01½½½10½0½½½½10 ½101½½0½½1½½½½0½ ½½½1½½0101½½½½01 1010½½10½0½0½½10 0½0½0½01½½0½½½01 **************** 1½0½½½101½1½½½1½ 1½1½½½101010½½½0 ½1½½½½0101½½½½½½ 63.5/128 4059.50
7 Stockfish 17 1½½0½½10½010½0½½ 1½½0½½10½0½0½½½½ 010½½½0½½½½1½10½ 10½½½½1½101½½0½0 01½½½101½½0½½½½1 0½1½½½010½0½½½0½ **************** 1½1110101½½½½½10 ½1½½½½0½01½½½½01 62.5/128
8 Eman 9.40 64-bit SSE41,POPCNT 10½0½010½½1010½0 ½0½0½½10½½1½½½10 010½½½01½½½½½1½1 0½010½½101½1½½½½ ½½1½½0101½½½½½10 0½0½½½010101½½½1 0½0001010½½½½½01 **************** ½½½1½01½100½½1½½ 61.0/128
9 ShashChess 36 ½½½½0½0½0½0½½½0½ 0½½½0½0101½½½½½½ ½01½½½1010½½½½½0 01½1½½01½½½½½½01 1½1½1½10½0½½½½½0 ½0½½½½1010½½½½½½ ½0½½½½1½10½½½½10 ½½½0½10½011½½0½½ **************** 60.0/128

games ... .rar_links
Thanks but same bad story as before..
And it's pity that you waste your valuable time!

Try next time something least correct test...
Because again time forfeits, again small number games
Same A opening code... etc and etc

Actually you are book maker..
That's why I am very surprised here...
At least you can use your own books...

Anyhow...this is my last posting on this thread


Post Reply