Now wait a minute. Have you considered the amount of work? Not everybody has the talent and/or energy and/or time and/or the needed HTML knowledge for such a job.Roger Brown wrote: Hello Ed Schröder,
First of all, an awestruck hello from a fan of yours for years!
I am talking about the DOS Rebel days (I have them still!).
I do believe that you do Dr. Hyatt an injustice.
He is not referring to being anti-commerce, he is against the commercial chess programming approach of take and take and take, strip out all you can from the open source programs, ask dozens of questions in various fora and then run and hide, sharing nothing.
A chess information black hole if you will. Nothing escapes to the surface.
You made Rebel's inner workings public some years ago. Do you know of any commercial programmer - retired or not - doing something as amazing as that?
Neither do I at the moment...
My experiences on tournaments is the total opposite of your and Bob's judgement as well. Just ask questions and you will get an answer. Chess programmers are people with a passion and a mission, talking about their passion is in their genes, the commercial aspect is just a small obstacle, in their hearts they remain loyal to their passion, they talk.
To conclude, a little bit of history:
Frans Morsch gave recursive null-move, SMK gave us LMR. 2 breakthroughs in CC.
Recursive null-move good for 100 elo on nowadays hardware.
LMR good for 200-300-400 elo while profiting from Recursive null-move even more!
Bob (and everybody else) use it. His finger-pointing is to commercials is unjustified, in fact they contributed the most.