cubail test

As in chess tournaments and matches...
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Real Name: cubail

Re: cubail test

Post by cubail » Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:13 am

Blitz 1.0min+0.3sec 4 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 240 games
[icyyc, Blitz 1.0min+0.3sec 2023

1 2 3 4 5
1 SF PB 051123 ********** ½0½½1010½½ 0½½1½½0101 ½1½½½½01½1 101½½½½½10 21.0/40
2 Vanilla v14c_sse41 ½1½½0101½½ ********** ½½½0½½1½10 10½0½½10½½ ½10½½1½½01 20.5/40
3 Polyfish 231104 1½½0½½1010 ½½½1½½0½01 ********** ½0101½1½½0 ½½0½½½0½½1 19.5/40 392.75
4 CorChess 4 PB 141023 ½0½½½½10½0 01½1½½01½½ ½1010½0½½1 ********** ½0½0½½1011 19.5/40 391.75
5 Hazard v3.83_sse41 010½½½½½01 ½01½½0½½10 ½½1½½½1½½0 ½1½1½½0100 ********** 19.5/40 391.50


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Real Name: Homayoun

Re: cubail test

Post by Homayoun » Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:08 pm

Many thanks

Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:52 pm
Real Name: cubail

Re: cubail test

Post by cubail » Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:01 pm

Blitz 0.5min+0.5sec 4 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 224 games
Drawkiller_unbalanced_V4_4mvs_+070_+099-15 move book
cyyc, Blitz 0.5min+0.5sec 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Polyfish 231107 ******** ½1½½½½½½ 101½½010 ½1½10101 ½½01½101 1½½½1½1½ 1½101½10 ½½½½1½10 33.0/56
2 ShashChess 34.3 ½0½½½½½½ ******** ½½10½½1½ ½½01½½01 ½½½1½½01 0½½½0½01 ½½½½½101 1½1½1½10 29.5/56 808.25
3 SF PB 051123 010½½101 ½½01½½0½ ******** ½½½0½½10 101½½½10 1½½0½01½ ½10½½101 ½1½1½101 29.5/56 808.00
4 Brainlearn 26.2 ½0½01010 ½½10½½10 ½½½1½½01 ******** ½½½½0½01 ½10½½½01 ½½1½1½10 1½1½1½10 29.5/56 803.75
5 Crystal dev ½½10½010 ½½½0½½10 010½½½01 ½½½½1½10 ******** ½1½½½1½1 ½0101½10 0½½10½01 28.0/56
6 ShashChess 34.2 0½½½0½0½ 1½½½1½10 0½½1½10½ ½01½½½10 ½0½½½0½0 ******** 01½10101 ½1½1½½01 27.5/56
7 Crystal dev1 0½010½01 ½½½½½010 ½01½½010 ½½0½0½01 ½1010½01 10½01010 ******** 01½½½101 25.0/56
8 Crystal 7 CMB,PB-sse41-popcnt ½½½½0½01 0½0½0½01 ½0½0½010 0½0½0½01 1½½01½10 ½0½0½½10 10½½½010 ******** 22.0/56


Posts: 1443
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Real Name: Homayoun

Re: cubail test

Post by Homayoun » Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:19 am

Again, many thanks. Interesting test.

Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:52 pm
Real Name: cubail

Re: cubail test

Post by cubail » Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:45 pm

Blitz 1.0min+0.2sec 4 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 180 games
kıller, Blitz 1.0min+0.2sec 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 Polyfish 231120 ****** ½½0½ 0½01 ½½½½ 1½1½ 01½½ 1½1½ 11½1 ½1½1 1111 23.5/36
2 TACTICAL 171123_modern ½½1½ ****** ½10½ ½10½ 01½1 10½½ 10½½ 01½1 1½1½ 111½ 22.0/36
3 SF PB 051123 1½10 ½01½ ****** ½101 0101 01½½ 10½0 ½½½½ 10½½ 1111 20.5/36
4 Polyfish 231107 ½½½½ ½01½ ½010 ****** 01½1 ½½½½ 101½ ½101 010½ 1½11 20.0/36 335.50
5 Cool Iris 11.50_modern 0½0½ 10½0 1010 10½0 ****** 01½1 1½1½ 0½½1 01½1 1111 20.0/36 318.00
6 ShashChess 34.3 10½½ 01½½ 10½½ ½½½½ 10½0 ****** 0101 10½½ ½½0½ 1½11 18.5/36 310.50
7 Brainlearn 26.2 0½0½ 01½½ 01½1 010½ 0½0½ 1010 ****** 1010 1½1½ 1½11 18.5/36 300.50
8 Vanilla v14c_sse41 00½0 10½0 ½½½½ ½010 1½½0 01½½ 0101 ****** ½1½1 ½111 18.0/36
9 Raid v3_sse41 ½0½0 0½0½ 01½½ 101½ 10½0 ½½1½ 0½0½ ½0½0 ****** ½1½1 15.5/36
10 Fritz 19 0000 000½ 0000 0½00 0000 0½00 0½00 ½000 ½0½0 ****** 3.5/36


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Re: cubail test

Post by APOCALYPSE » Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:05 pm

cubail wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:45 pm
Blitz 1.0min+0.2sec 4 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 180 games
kıller, Blitz 1.0min+0.2sec 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 Polyfish 231120 ****** ½½0½ 0½01 ½½½½ 1½1½ 01½½ 1½1½ 11½1 ½1½1 1111 23.5/36
2 TACTICAL 171123_modern ½½1½ ****** ½10½ ½10½ 01½1 10½½ 10½½ 01½1 1½1½ 111½ 22.0/36
3 SF PB 051123 1½10 ½01½ ****** ½101 0101 01½½ 10½0 ½½½½ 10½½ 1111 20.5/36
4 Polyfish 231107 ½½½½ ½01½ ½010 ****** 01½1 ½½½½ 101½ ½101 010½ 1½11 20.0/36 335.50
5 Cool Iris 11.50_modern 0½0½ 10½0 1010 10½0 ****** 01½1 1½1½ 0½½1 01½1 1111 20.0/36 318.00
6 ShashChess 34.3 10½½ 01½½ 10½½ ½½½½ 10½0 ****** 0101 10½½ ½½0½ 1½11 18.5/36 310.50
7 Brainlearn 26.2 0½0½ 01½½ 01½1 010½ 0½0½ 1010 ****** 1010 1½1½ 1½11 18.5/36 300.50
8 Vanilla v14c_sse41 00½0 10½0 ½½½½ ½010 1½½0 01½½ 0101 ****** ½1½1 ½111 18.0/36
9 Raid v3_sse41 ½0½0 0½0½ 01½½ 101½ 10½0 ½½1½ 0½0½ ½0½0 ****** ½1½1 15.5/36
10 Fritz 19 0000 000½ 0000 0½00 0000 0½00 0½00 ½000 ½0½0 ****** 3.5/36

Thanks for test.

What book do you use to open for test?

Posts: 1443
Joined: Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:57 pm
Real Name: Homayoun

Re: cubail test

Post by Homayoun » Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:24 pm

Thanks, nice test. But I think Eman place is missed here , in this test.
Best regards

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Re: cubail test

Post by Anton101 » Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:21 pm

Many thanks for the test, what was the book used?

Best regards;

Posts: 266
Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:37 am

Re: cubail test

Post by APOCALYPSE » Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:43 pm

cubail wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:45 pm
Blitz 1.0min+0.2sec 4 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 180 games
kıller, Blitz 1.0min+0.2sec 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 Polyfish 231120 ****** ½½0½ 0½01 ½½½½ 1½1½ 01½½ 1½1½ 11½1 ½1½1 1111 23.5/36
2 TACTICAL 171123_modern ½½1½ ****** ½10½ ½10½ 01½1 10½½ 10½½ 01½1 1½1½ 111½ 22.0/36
3 SF PB 051123 1½10 ½01½ ****** ½101 0101 01½½ 10½0 ½½½½ 10½½ 1111 20.5/36
4 Polyfish 231107 ½½½½ ½01½ ½010 ****** 01½1 ½½½½ 101½ ½101 010½ 1½11 20.0/36 335.50
5 Cool Iris 11.50_modern 0½0½ 10½0 1010 10½0 ****** 01½1 1½1½ 0½½1 01½1 1111 20.0/36 318.00
6 ShashChess 34.3 10½½ 01½½ 10½½ ½½½½ 10½0 ****** 0101 10½½ ½½0½ 1½11 18.5/36 310.50
7 Brainlearn 26.2 0½0½ 01½½ 01½1 010½ 0½0½ 1010 ****** 1010 1½1½ 1½11 18.5/36 300.50
8 Vanilla v14c_sse41 00½0 10½0 ½½½½ ½010 1½½0 01½½ 0101 ****** ½1½1 ½111 18.0/36
9 Raid v3_sse41 ½0½0 0½0½ 01½½ 101½ 10½0 ½½1½ 0½0½ ½0½0 ****** ½1½1 15.5/36
10 Fritz 19 0000 000½ 0000 0½00 0000 0½00 0½00 ½000 ½0½0 ****** 3.5/36

How much Hash memory do you use in your testing and do you have the Permanent Brain (Ponder) function enabled?

Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:52 pm
Real Name: cubail

Re: cubail test

Post by cubail » Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:48 am

Blitz 1.0min+0.2sec 4 core frıtz17 gui syzgyz 6 man Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz play 120 games
kıller, Blitz 1.0min+0.2sec 2023

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 ShashChess 34.4 ******** 10½½½½½½ 101½½½10 010½½1½1 ½1½½½½01 01½½½½½1 22.0/40
2 TACTICAL 171123_modern 01½½½½½½ ******** 0½½½½10½ 101½½½10 ½01½½½1½ 1½½½½½½½ 21.0/40 413.50
3 Polyfish 231120 010½½½01 1½½½½01½ ******** 10½01½½0 ½½½1½½01 ½½½½1½1½ 21.0/40 411.00
4 Brainlearn 26.3 101½½0½0 010½½½01 01½10½½1 ******** 010½½½01 1½1½½½1½ 20.5/40
5 SF PB 051123 ½0½½½½10 ½10½½½0½ ½½½0½½10 101½½½10 ******** ½1½½½½01 19.5/40
6 SF-PRO 10½½½½½0 0½½½½½½½ ½½½½0½0½ 0½0½½½0½ ½0½½½½10 ******** 16.0/40

not good performans- SF-PRO

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