MZ wrote: anyway forget it, my question was simple but it is clear that you do not want to answer, thanks all the same
Experience version 3 : investigation
Re: Experience version 3 : investigation
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:42 pm
- Real Name: Marco Zerbinati
Re: Experience version 3 : investigation
You're really bad as an investigator if you haven't yet realized you're working with an outdated learning system
and that Eman Sugar and Hypnos have been using better code for a long time now.
Many efforts in training an engine with a code that learns much less quickly than the one we use now
You should have figured it out with the expex command that the codes are different.
and that Eman Sugar and Hypnos have been using better code for a long time now.
Many efforts in training an engine with a code that learns much less quickly than the one we use now
You should have figured it out with the expex command that the codes are different.
Re: Experience version 3 : investigation
The immense loneliness of the stalker who banned so many people on his forum that he tries to talk to them again on other forums.
On a subject where we talk about filesize reduction, new experience file formats, we still find people who missed several wagons but believe they train faster than others
The funny thing is when they ask to forget their questions but ask them again on PMs
Fortunately at OCF, there is no more public discussion between people, no more training rooms, no more engine trainers who dare to publish their results, no more ranking of opening books, only moderators playing in the ban lottery
On a subject where we talk about filesize reduction, new experience file formats, we still find people who missed several wagons but believe they train faster than others
The funny thing is when they ask to forget their questions but ask them again on PMs
Fortunately at OCF, there is no more public discussion between people, no more training rooms, no more engine trainers who dare to publish their results, no more ranking of opening books, only moderators playing in the ban lottery
Re: Experience version 3 : investigation
v3.1 reached -38% with an EXP file containing reinforced experience data :
The v2 experience files need to be defragmented before converting :
Else same "total moves" but not same "total positions".
Re: Experience version 3 : investigation
Yes it's normal. With v2.0 and earlier, the positions/moves were stored in reverse order so the file's ordering was different.After converting the v2.0 experience data to v3.0, the entries are not ordered !?
Here is an example to reorder v3.0 experience data :
Code: Select all
Private Sub orderV30(path As String)
Dim myString As String, tabString() As String, i As Integer, start As Long
Dim myStreamReader As IO.FileStream
Dim tabEntryV30() As Byte, index As Long
Dim indexWrites As Long, tabWrites(149999) As Byte
myStreamReader = New IO.FileStream(path, IO.FileMode.Open)
'Experience version 3.0
ReDim tabEntryV30(21)
myStreamReader.Read(tabEntryV30, 0, 22)
If System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tabEntryV30) <> "Experience version 3.0" Then
MsgBox(nomFichier(path) & " <> experience format v3.0 !?", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
End If
index = (myStreamReader.Length - 22) / 16
ReDim tabString(index - 1)
ReDim tabWrites((index * 16) - 1)
Console.Write("Loading... ")
start = GetTickCount
myString = ""
index = 0
ReDim tabEntryV30(15)
While myStreamReader.Position < myStreamReader.Length
'1 entry at the time
myStreamReader.Read(tabEntryV30, 0, 16)
'16 bytes to string
tabString(index) = ""
For i = 0 To 15
tabString(index) = tabString(index) & hexa(tabEntryV30(i))
index = index + 1
If (myStreamReader.Position - 22) Mod 16 * 2000000 = 0 Then
Console.Write(Format(myStreamReader.Position / myStreamReader.Length, "0%") & " ")
End If
End While
Console.WriteLine("OK (" & Trim(Format(GetTickCount - start, "### ### ##0 ms")) & ")")
Console.Write("Sorting... ")
start = GetTickCount
Console.WriteLine("OK (" & Trim(Format(GetTickCount - start, "### ### ##0 ms")) & ")")
'hexa string to bytes
Console.Write("Writing... ")
start = GetTickCount
indexWrites = 0
For index = 0 To UBound(tabString)
For i = 0 To 30 Step 2
tabWrites(indexWrites) = Convert.ToByte(tabString(index).Substring(i, 2), 16)
indexWrites = indexWrites + 1
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(path, "Experience version 3.0", False, New System.Text.UTF8Encoding(False))
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(path, tabWrites, True)
Console.WriteLine("OK (" & Trim(Format(GetTickCount - start, "### ### ##0 ms")) & ")")
End Sub
Re: Experience version 3 : investigation
Perhaps your engine does not yet fully support the v3.0 experience format.My engine loads v3.0 EXP files but the built-in "exp / expex" commands don't show the experience data !?
Here is an example for an output equivalent to the "expex" command :
Code: Select all
Private Sub showExpDataV30(path As String, position As String)
Dim key As String, move As String, scoreCP As Integer, scoreMAT As Integer, depth As Integer, count As Integer
Dim myStreamReader As IO.FileStream, positionMax As Integer
Dim tabEntryV30() As Byte, indexEntry As Integer, start As Long
Dim tabIndex(255) As Integer
Dim i As Integer, myString As String, tabString() As String, tabTmp() As String
Dim prevMove As String, prevDepth As Integer, nbMoves As Integer
myStreamReader = New IO.FileStream(path, IO.FileMode.Open)
'Experience version 3.0
ReDim tabEntryV30(21)
myStreamReader.Read(tabEntryV30, 0, 22)
If System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tabEntryV30) <> "Experience version 3.0" Then
MsgBox(nomFichier(path) & " <> experience format v3.0 !?", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
End If
'indexation (first byte of the position's key) when loading v3.0 EXP file
Console.Write("Indexing... ")
start = GetTickCount
indexEntry = 0
ReDim tabEntryV30(15)
While myStreamReader.Position < myStreamReader.Length
myStreamReader.Read(tabEntryV30, 0, 16)
indexEntry = indexEntry + 1
If tabIndex(tabEntryV30(0)) = 0 Then
tabIndex(tabEntryV30(0)) = indexEntry
End If
End While
Console.WriteLine("OK (" & Trim(Format(GetTickCount - start, "### ### ##0 ms")) & ")")
ReDim tabEntryV30(15)
myStreamReader = New IO.FileStream(path, IO.FileMode.Open)
indexEntry = Convert.ToByte(gauche(position, 2), 16)
myStreamReader.Position = 22 + (tabIndex(indexEntry) - 1) * 16
positionMax = myStreamReader.Length
indexEntry = indexEntry + 1
If tabIndex(indexEntry) <> 0 Then
positionMax = 22 + (tabIndex(indexEntry) - 1) * 16
Exit Do
End If
Loop While indexEntry < 255 And tabIndex(indexEntry) = 0
myString = ""
key = ""
myStreamReader.Read(tabEntryV30, 0, 16)
If tabEntryV30(0) = Convert.ToByte(position.Substring(0, 2), 16) Then
If tabEntryV30(1) = Convert.ToByte(position.Substring(2, 2), 16) Then
If tabEntryV30(2) = Convert.ToByte(position.Substring(4, 2), 16) Then
If tabEntryV30(3) = Convert.ToByte(position.Substring(6, 2), 16) Then
If tabEntryV30(4) = Convert.ToByte(position.Substring(8, 2), 16) Then
If tabEntryV30(5) = Convert.ToByte(position.Substring(10, 2), 16) Then
If tabEntryV30(6) = Convert.ToByte(position.Substring(12, 2), 16) Then
If tabEntryV30(7) = Convert.ToByte(position.Substring(14, 2), 16) Then
'16 bytes => string
If key = "" Then
For i = 0 To 7
key = key & hexa(tabEntryV30(i))
End If
'031c => 001 100 011 100 => e2e4
move = binToMove(hexadecimalToBinaire(hexa(tabEntryV30(9)) & hexa(tabEntryV30(10))))
scoreCP = Convert.ToInt64(hexa(tabEntryV30(11)) & hexa(tabEntryV30(12)) & hexa(tabEntryV30(13)), 16)
scoreMAT = 0
If 162144 <= scoreCP And scoreCP < 262144 Then
'negative score
scoreCP = scoreCP - 262144
ElseIf 139900 <= scoreCP And scoreCP < 140000 Then
'negative mat
scoreMAT = scoreCP - 140000
scoreCP = 0
ElseIf 120000 < scoreCP And scoreCP <= 121000 Then
'positive mat
scoreMAT = scoreCP - 120000
scoreCP = 0
ElseIf 0 <= scoreCP And scoreCP <= 100000 Then
'draw and positive scores
scoreCP = scoreCP
End If
depth = tabEntryV30(14)
count = tabEntryV30(15)
If scoreMAT = 0 Then
myString = myString & move & ":" & Format(depth, "000") & ":cp " & scoreCP & ":" & count & vbCrLf
myString = myString & move & ":" & Format(depth, "000") & ":mat " & scoreMAT & ":" & count & vbCrLf
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Loop While myStreamReader.Position < positionMax
'keep greater depth for duplicated moves
tabString = Split(trierChaine(myString, vbCrLf, False), vbCrLf)
myString = ""
prevMove = ""
prevDepth = 0
scoreCP = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(tabString)
If tabString(i) <> "" Then
tabTmp = Split(tabString(i), ":")
depth = Val(tabTmp(1))
move = tabTmp(0)
If InStr(tabTmp(2), "cp", CompareMethod.Text) > 0 Then
scoreCP = Val(Replace(tabTmp(2), "cp ", ""))
scoreCP = Val(Replace(tabTmp(2), "mat ", "")) * 1000
End If
If Not (move = prevMove And depth < prevDepth) Then
myString = myString & Format(scoreCP, "000000000") & ":" & move & ":" & depth & ":" & tabTmp(2) & ":" & tabTmp(3) & vbCrLf
prevMove = move
prevDepth = depth
End If
End If
'order by score
tabString = Split(trierChaine(myString, vbCrLf, False), vbCrLf)
myString = "key: " & key & vbCrLf
nbMoves = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(tabString)
If tabString(i) <> "" Then
tabTmp = Split(tabString(i), ":")
nbMoves = nbMoves + 1
myString = myString & nbMoves & " : " & tabTmp(1) & " , depth: " & tabTmp(2) & " , eval: " & tabTmp(3) & " , count: " & tabTmp(4) & vbCrLf
End If
End Sub