
As in chess tournaments and matches...
Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1704
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sun Jul 30, 2023 11:49 am

Meanwhile, without to not mention this I can't:

For example (I'm talking for my side, not sure about you?)),
If I'm going to run a competition - under PERFECT conditions:
Then I am afraid to say that, simply I have to be out of chess!

If not clear, here are some of the reasons:
1. Top Engines are not 100% original work!
Btw, correct Me please if I am wrong here?
2. Book or Exp sizes are not so close each other
E.g some come such as 10 MB, some 500 MB
If still not so clear, this is not fair at all!

3. Some Books or Exp are publicly available...
If still not so clear: again it's not fair!
Because the Privates are with advantage...

4. Some books or exp are new some old-dated etc.
I mean that again it is not so much fair etc.

And now, if anyone will start to talk that
SCCT conditions (e.g using concurrent etc.)
Are not valid tours...ok...then I say again:

Anyone is free, to organize at better conditions
Than my organized competitions so far...

In other words,
If you are really so so good, professional etc:
Run your own tours 3700+ and don't forget to
Publish your PERFECT tour results..and if possible
Run at least: Rapid, MP, Ponder ON..and be sure
To use a fast CPU machine...and make sure that
Draw-Ratio to be Less than 90%..otherwise BORING!
And as I stated above, use 100% original engines!
Use close in size book and exp files..otherwise
Will be not so far at all...and do not forget to
Run your matches via Concurrent 1..otherwise some
May appear to say that your tourney is not valid!
And sure will be great if tour to contain many players,
In same time 1000+ games (per player)..otherwise
Error margin may appear...yes. so easy to criticize...
But papers and reality are 2 (two) different things!

What I can say more,
Running these tours is not like taking too much ideas from others!
But later coming as BIGGEST expert etc..and mainly BLA BLA BLA ))

And after all, I wonder a lot,
Is there any similar PERFECT tour, organized before ?
Maybe I'm missing something?...thanks in advance

If not...please try to organize !)
Just in case ... GOOD LUCK )


Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1704
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:15 pm

Hello Chess Friends )

Well, while we are testing Top CPU chess engines,
A new idea is born:
Let Me say please 'my view' about the BEST ones!

1st of all, in my opinion:
Best of Best is Stockfish !!

And why? if not clear, simply because without SF:
- Many of the Top chess engines would not exist!
- Plus many would not be so strong as nowadays!

And according to overall SCCT's data:
Here are some of the rest BEST ones:

Best Learning 3700+ Elo Engines:

1. RapTora - Super strong, stable, drawish, BIG size
2. Raubfisch SC - Strong, stable, LESS drawish than all, small size
3. LittleBeast - Super strong, stable, drawish, small size
4. BrainLearn - Super strong, stable, drawish, very BIG size
5. Eman - Super strong, NOT stable, drawish, BIG size


Best NON-Learning 3700+ Elo Engines:

1. SF-PB - Super strong, stable, drawish, small size
2. Kayra - Super strong, stable, drawish, small size
3. SF Polyglot - Super strong, stable, drawish, BIG size
4. Kookaburra - Super strong, stable, drawish, BIG size
5. KomodoDragon - Strong, stable, LESS drawish, BIG size

More Details,
Note that only one chess engine (per author) is allowed
I've picked mainly SCCT's Winners (played in 2022/2023)
Plus as tester, from my point of view as most important:
Strength, Stability, Size, sure which are less Drawish...
Unfortunately M.Z's engines are banned, so not allowed...
As other important factor: Professionalism required too!
And only to be 'good' in engine programming: NOT enough!

On other hand, if any other engine is missed, I'm sorry..
Btw, LcO is one of best.. but requires fast video card..
Cfish is great one too, but no free time to list all...etc.
And frankly there are many other Top engines, but as far
As possible I payed attention to public engines of 3700+
Exc. Eman and Raubfisch, but without them I could not...
As reason, many times Eman managed to win, where
Raubfish SC less drawish than all+ most frequent engine!

Ok...that's all for now..and thanks for your interest !)


Amos 4ever
Posts: 57
Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:42 pm
Real Name: Marco Zerbinati

Re: SedatChess

Post by Amos 4ever » Fri Aug 04, 2023 1:13 am

Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:15 pm

Unfortunately M.Z's engines are banned, so not allowed...
As other important factor: Professionalism required too!
And only to be 'good' in engine programming: NOT enough!

On other hand, if any other engine is missed, I'm sorry..
Btw, LcO is one of best.. but requires fast video card..
Cfish is great one too, but no free time to list all...etc.
And frankly there are many other Top engines, but as far
As possible I payed attention to public engines of 3700+
Exc. Eman and Raubfisch, but without them I could not...
As reason, many times Eman managed to win, where
Raubfish SC less drawish than all+ most frequent engine!

Ok...that's all for now..and thanks for your interest !)

Not using them is your choice, I never told you not to use them or that I would get annoyed if you used them.

I don't understand what you mean.

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1704
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:36 pm

Hello Friends,

Well, here is a new Champ stats based on SCCT Ratings,
Which are played in the latest in 2-3 years (2020- 2023):

Code: Select all

Champion/Winner     Engine Author         Championship
Eman 8.91           Khalid Omar/SF Team     NNUE XXXIV
RapTora 2.2         Anton Ces/SF Team      NNUE XXXIII
RapTora 2.2         Anton Ces/SF Team       NNUE XXXII
Polyfish/SugaR      K. Omar M. Zerbinati     NNUE XXXI
Stockfish 220423    SF Team                   NNUE XXX
Stockfish 220423    SF Team                  NNUE XXIX
Stockfish 220423    SF Team                NNUE XXVIII
Stockfish 220423    SF Team                 NNUE XXVII
Stockfish 220423    SF Team                NNUE XXVIIb
RapTora 2.2         Anton Ces/SF Team  Book Vs Exp III
SF-MZ/SF SkyNet     M.Z/SkyNet/SF team     NON-NNUE VI
Cfish 030820        Cfish/SF Team         NON-NNUE VIb
Stockfish 15.1      SF Team                   NNUE XXV
Kookaburra 1.03a    K./SF Team               NNUE XXIV
FisherovMonk        Fisherov/SF Team        NNUE XXIII
Kayra 1.6           M.Karaman/SF Team        NNUE XXII
SF-PB/Zeus          Alex/Zeus/SF Team      NNUE XXIIb
Raubfisch X48e      Raubfisch/SF Team         NNUE XXI
Stockfish 15        SF Team                    NNUE XX
Kayra/Kookaburra/SF Polyglot/SF-PB            NNUE XIX
SF-PB 130722        Alex/SF Team     Handicapped/NN I
Cfish 030820        Cfish/SF Team           NON-NNUE V
Polyfish 220826     Khalid Omar/SF Team     NNUE XVIII
Stockfish 170922    SF Team                  NNUE XVII
Stockfish 110922    SF Team                   NNUE XVI
Carlsen + Stockfish SF Team                 Human Like
Cfish 030820        Cfish/SF Team          3600+ Elo V
Kayra/SF200620MZ/SF Polyglot              3600+ Elo IV
SF-PB/SF Polyglot   Alex/Goi/SF Team           NNUE XV
Crystal 251221      SF Team                Analysis II
ShashChess 21.1     Kiniama/Manzo/SF Team        OTS V   
Stockfish 15        SF Team                   NNUE XIV
Stockfish 15        SF Team                  NNUE XIII
Swordfish 14.8      Dorsz/SF Team             NNUE XII
SF-PB 130322        Alex/SF Team               NNUE XI
Kayra 1.3           Mehmet Karaman/SF Team  Openings I
Cfish 030820        Cfish/SF Team        3600+ Elo III
SF-PB 130322        Alex/SF Team        GUI/Engine III
SF-PB 130322        Alex/SF Team         GUI/Engine II
Cfish 030820        Cfish/SF Team         3600+ Elo II
ef1c0cd86e12.nnue   Lonfom169              EvalFile IV
Blue Marlin 14.4    Dorsz/SF Team           Analysis I
CM11 Innovation     Tom Mente   In Name of Chessmaster
Stockfish 310720    SF Team          MP (3m+1s) Rating
Stockfish 011221    SF Team                     NNUE X
Stockfish 011221    SF Team                    NNUE IX
Kayra 1.0           Mehmet Karaman/SF Team   NNUE VIII
Stockfish 13        SF Team                NON-NNUE IV
Stockfish 13        SF Team               NON-NNUE III
Stockfish 13        SF Team                NON-NNUE II
Cfish 090521        Cfish/SF Team             NNUE VII
a27a526755f0.nnue   Fisherman             EvalFile III
Stockfish 13        SF Team                    NNUE VI
62ef826d1a6d.nnue   SFisGOD                EvalFile II
SugaR AI 1.80       M.Z/K.Omar/SF team          NNUE V
Cfish 030820        Cfish/SF Team          3600+ Elo I
Stockfish 13        SF Team      3000+ (10m+2s) Rating
Stockfish 13        SF Team      Champion of Champions
Stockfish 13        SF Team       3000+ (4m+2s) Rating
Eman 6.91           Khald Omar/SF team         NNUE IV
Eman/SugaR          K.Omar/M.Z/SF team  Handicapped II
Stockfish 080121    SF team                   NNUE III
Stockfish 080121    SF Team                 NON-NNUE I
Stockfish 251220    SF Team          MP (3m+1s) Rating
Stockfish 231120    SF Team          MP (3m+1s) Rating
CF-EXT/CiChess      Cfih/SF team               NNUE II
Stockfish 101120    SF team                   Own NNUE
Lc0 v0262 LS15      JJosh/LCZero team 3000+ (3m+1s) II 
Stockfish XIr4      Mike Byrne/SF Team!     3500+ VIII 
Stockfish 11        SF Team          MP (3m+1s) Rating
S_XPro-NN 1.0       M.Z/SF Team              3500+ VII
Stockfish 11        SF Team       3000+ (3m+1s) Rating
Stockfish 140320    SF Team                   3500+ VI
Stockfish 101219    SF Team          MP (4m+2s) Rating
Stockfish 281119    SF Team         MP (15m+3s) Rating
More Detailş,
1st of all, due to no much free time, I shared some data,
Based on 74 Ratings, organized mainly between 2020-2023
Note that these Ratings are only Engine competitions...
Exc. Duel Book vs Experience III, but all other tours are
Based on stats, which do not include Book Tours or any
Other Testings, such as CPU, GUI, Hash, TC, Strength etc.
Btw, to be honest I'm just shocked (by myself) really e.g
Much BIG data all in short period of time!!
And again I wish to say: many thanks to all Programmers,
Otherwise.. all these valuable rankings would not exist!!
Once more, Congratulations to SCCT Engine Champions!
And as usually, I hope that you like my free activities?)
Sure, they are NOT perfect... but I've done my BEST!

Here are some Individual Champion Statistics (since 2020):
Well, current data can be considered as good indicator about
Who are Greatest authors...and here are Best Champ Records:
Stockfish: 34 (Best of Best) / Cfish: 8/ SF-PB: 7/ Kayra: 5
Eman, RapTora and SF Polyglot managed 3 times as Champions!
Actually these Champ stats are since 2020 but if we check over
The past 25 years..then as most frequent Number Ones were
ChessMaster, Fritz, Hiarcs, Shredder, Rybka, Houdini etc.

In same that means / once more we noticed:
-No one can stay on Top forever!
-No one can be on Top by the work of others!
If not so clear:
It's required own original ideas for sure!

And I'm sorry that my postings are not so short,
But due to my tours numbers are not so short!

Ok, that's all for now..take care and stay safe )


Amos 4ever
Posts: 57
Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:42 pm
Real Name: Marco Zerbinati

Re: SedatChess

Post by Amos 4ever » Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:51 pm

Sedat, since you mentioned my name, your answer to my questions would be appreciated, thank you.

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1704
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:07 pm

Amos 4ever wrote:
Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:51 pm
Sedat, since you mentioned my name, your answer to my questions would be appreciated, thank you.
Hello Marco,

Actually it's all clear: but anyhow I will try to explain:
1st you blocked/banned Me...and for no any reason!
And now it's simply just opposite...and I think that
It's not so hard to understand what is going on!

If still not so clear, then
Let me say this great saying again (by Benjamin Franklin):

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.'

Btw, now I am too busy..but later
I will try to tell a non-chess story (based on my real life)
Then I assume that you will understand much more...


Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1704
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Aug 05, 2023 10:13 pm

@Amos 4ever

Well, while we talk about 'Profesionalism'
Here is my non-chess story, which may help...
To understand...sure this is connected with
Business issues, but it can be as not so bad example...
And in same, I hope this story will be helpful as well..

Ok..let's give a start )

About 29 years ago.. at age 23 (in 1994 year),
I was as salesman in famous Jewelry-Leather Center
And frankly, I think that I was not so bad in my profession...
Anyhow, after 2 years... I realized to open a small, but
My own Jewelry-Leather shop, sure after my announce,
The famous Company's Boss, Managers etc.are done their
Best, regarding to continue working in their Company...
After all, I left... and I opened my small shop...and
After several years (in 1998), from the same famous
Company, I received a invitation, in short, my former
Boss is offered Me, such as, to close my own shop...
And to come back as General Manager in his Company...
And to be honest his salary offer amount was so BIG that..
I'd gain much more their than my shop...but however,
I realized to continue on my own shop! as main reason,
Via my shop, I'm Boss too...not BIG, but Boss !)

In other words, what I am trying to tell you:
You are Boss too...but the main difference is that
Sure in my opinion,
You realized to NOT keep Me safe)..forget everything...
You fired Me from Outskirts forum...sad, but true (
And it seems that in the latest 4-5 years (in your forum)
I was so bad....that you realized to ban Me..
Ok.. Marco, now I hope that you will understand more
About what is Profesionalism !)


Amos 4ever
Posts: 57
Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:42 pm
Real Name: Marco Zerbinati

Re: SedatChess

Post by Amos 4ever » Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:03 am

Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Sat Aug 05, 2023 10:13 pm
@Amos 4ever

Well, while we talk about 'Profesionalism'
Here is my non-chess story, which may help...
To understand...sure this is connected with
Business issues, but it can be as not so bad example...
And in same, I hope this story will be helpful as well..

Ok..let's give a start )

About 29 years ago.. at age 23 (in 1994 year),
I was as salesman in famous Jewelry-Leather Center
And frankly, I think that I was not so bad in my profession...
Anyhow, after 2 years... I realized to open a small, but
My own Jewelry-Leather shop, sure after my announce,
The famous Company's Boss, Managers etc.are done their
Best, regarding to continue working in their Company...
After all, I left... and I opened my small shop...and
After several years (in 1998), from the same famous
Company, I received a invitation, in short, my former
Boss is offered Me, such as, to close my own shop...
And to come back as General Manager in his Company...
And to be honest his salary offer amount was so BIG that..
I'd gain much more their than my shop...but however,
I realized to continue on my own shop! as main reason,
Via my shop, I'm Boss too...not BIG, but Boss !)

In other words, what I am trying to tell you:
You are Boss too...but the main difference is that
Sure in my opinion,
You realized to NOT keep Me safe)..forget everything...
You fired Me from Outskirts forum...sad, but true (
And it seems that in the latest 4-5 years (in your forum)
I was so bad....that you realized to ban Me..
Ok.. Marco, now I hope that you will understand more
About what is Profesionalism !)

I contacted you privately out of respect and friendship explaining the problem, it seemed bad taste to write in public.
But from your answers it didn't seem at all that you understood my good faith.
Professional or not, but it has nothing to do with it.
In any case, I didn't write to you to discuss but only to understand the meaning of your words.
If one day you want to go back to the suburbs, I'll have no problem removing your BAN, I'm not one to hold a grudge. If you don't wish to return, nothing changes and if there are other occasions I will always address you with respect.


Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1704
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:08 am

Amos 4ever wrote:
Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:03 am
Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Sat Aug 05, 2023 10:13 pm
@Amos 4ever

Well, while we talk about 'Profesionalism'
Here is my non-chess story, which may help...
To understand...sure this is connected with
Business issues, but it can be as not so bad example...
And in same, I hope this story will be helpful as well..

Ok..let's give a start )

About 29 years ago.. at age 23 (in 1994 year),
I was as salesman in famous Jewelry-Leather Center
And frankly, I think that I was not so bad in my profession...
Anyhow, after 2 years... I realized to open a small, but
My own Jewelry-Leather shop, sure after my announce,
The famous Company's Boss, Managers etc.are done their
Best, regarding to continue working in their Company...
After all, I left... and I opened my small shop...and
After several years (in 1998), from the same famous
Company, I received a invitation, in short, my former
Boss is offered Me, such as, to close my own shop...
And to come back as General Manager in his Company...
And to be honest his salary offer amount was so BIG that..
I'd gain much more their than my shop...but however,
I realized to continue on my own shop! as main reason,
Via my shop, I'm Boss too...not BIG, but Boss !)

In other words, what I am trying to tell you:
You are Boss too...but the main difference is that
Sure in my opinion,
You realized to NOT keep Me safe)..forget everything...
You fired Me from Outskirts forum...sad, but true (
And it seems that in the latest 4-5 years (in your forum)
I was so bad....that you realized to ban Me..
Ok.. Marco, now I hope that you will understand more
About what is Profesionalism !)

I contacted you privately out of respect and friendship explaining the problem, it seemed bad taste to write in public.
But from your answers it didn't seem at all that you understood my good faith.
Professional or not, but it has nothing to do with it.
In any case, I didn't write to you to discuss but only to understand the meaning of your words.
If one day you want to go back to the suburbs, I'll have no problem removing your BAN, I'm not one to hold a grudge. If you don't wish to return, nothing changes and if there are other occasions I will always address you with respect.

Thank you for your understanding

Yes, please...and I will be glad of course,
E.g via removing my BAN..will be best way!
Otherwise, if I will remain banned..then
How I'll be able to test your new releases?
As far as I know, when I am banned
No way to download the shared links...
Correct me please, if I am wrong...

On other hand, you may know or not,
I've gained many high Outskirts points...
And will be sad and BIG miss, if I could
Not use all these points..I mean
In case of new SugaR vers etc...

About your forum links rules..e.g not allowing
My chess site links etc. as I stated before
These rules are strange, but I respect...
At the end are the BOSS
As I mentioned before, under these new cond.
I am not interested to work..or at least to be
Not as so frequent forum member


Amos 4ever
Posts: 57
Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:42 pm
Real Name: Marco Zerbinati

Re: SedatChess

Post by Amos 4ever » Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:45 am

@ Sedat Canbaz

Ban removed.


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