when a daily tester lies to people...

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Anton101 » Fri Jul 14, 2023 5:59 pm


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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by sarona » Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:53 am

Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Thu Jul 13, 2023 2:19 am
What a pity that,
This thread is going to different direction, sad..

And so far, unfortunately:
All of you who posted missed about the main issue..
Are you addressing me?

If so - do I think you are a liar? No. Of course not.

But to put my answer in context: I really do not pay much attention to your tests or website. Not that there is anything wrong with your efforts. I am sure they are appreciated by many. So, no criticism here. I just do not have any interest book competitions. If you are doing other tests, I was not aware of that (except the experience file v book thing).

How you set up and conduct your tests is up to you. I recall Peter Grayson once saying something to that effect on the old MZ Forum. And I agree.

I know Chris will chime in here and give me heck. . . :P Stay calm, my friend (I see you got banned again somewhere :roll: ). France is having enough trouble right now. . .

Now back to reading the various threads here. They are actually more entertaining than the new Indiana Jones movie. . . :lol:

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Jul 15, 2023 4:11 am

sarona wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:53 am
Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Thu Jul 13, 2023 2:19 am
What a pity that,
This thread is going to different direction, sad..

And so far, unfortunately:
All of you who posted missed about the main issue..
Are you addressing me?

If so - do I think you are a liar? No. Of course not.

But to put my answer in context: I really do not pay much attention to your tests or website. Not that there is anything wrong with your efforts. I am sure they are appreciated by many. So, no criticism here. I just do not have any interest book competitions. If you are doing other tests, I was not aware of that (except the experience file v book thing).

How you set up and conduct your tests is up to you. I recall Peter Grayson once saying something to that effect on the old MZ Forum. And I agree.

I know Chris will chime in here and give me heck. . . :P Stay calm, my friend (I see you got banned again somewhere :roll: ). France is having enough trouble right now. . .

Now back to reading the various threads here. They are actually more entertaining than the new Indiana Jones movie. . . :lol:
1st of all,
Thanks for saying that I am not LIAR!

About your rest comments..
I was addressing not only you of course..

On other hand,
You are free to criticize my chess activities..
No problem with that...in this way, I may try to
Improve my work (in better way) sure if you have
Any better idea/s, good suggestion/s...why not ?)
You will be welcomed and thanks in advance
Actually I am human, I make mistakes...btw, what about you?
Can or did you share something ..., where other chess friends
May gain from you work? if still not, sure if possible for free?
Because in our HOBBY, there are so many many people who,
Exc. Distress, demoralization, psychopathology etc.
And I hope that you are not one of them!

Meanwhile, may I ask you as other question,
What you have done for Computer Chess?
Maybe I am missing something ? and just do not get Me wrong,
I ask this question, because I never heard your name much before!
Exc. here + plus posts on SkyNet thread..where Alex is missed
Or ignored you, it seems he did not pay attention much to you!

And as far as I noticed,
You say that you don't care much about SedatChess activities
Sad..that means, you missed a lot...maybe you are new in chess?
Anyhow, I hope that you will follow my chess activities from now..

And I see also that you care that I've got ban on somewhere, LOL
Are you troll here ? If so.. this is my last posting to you!
If you are not informed well, I will try to talk about the reality:
Yes..I was banned by BOSS (Marco) anyhow, for anyone missed:
I left firstly his Outskirts..do you understand? if not so clear:
Ban is came later... in short, we did not agreed each other...
As result, Marco was so much affected..and preferred wrong way!
On other hand, it's not so easy to be as Moderator on chess forums..
Plus not all can be very good, professional in this job...
At least, Marco's behaviour proved this.. because I was banned
For nothing.. no doubt that I've spent BIG efforts on his both forums..
But if I deserves a BAN..sad, but it is all right.. but next time
If again they will send (even kind) invitations, simply I will say NO
One mistake is enough...so now everyone is own way...
And all right on the night!

About your rest comments over our Chameleon,
I have some doubts...but if this is true...then
I wish to Mr. Chameleon a good business..really!
But a small note, just gaining via honest way!
Btw, sure if he will follow my useful suggestions..
I'll request at least 30% commissions...because
I gave to Chameleon so many 'Brilliant' Ideas...!)
Where he may increase his sales much...

Hope helps

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1644
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:24 am

sarona wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:53 am
How you set up and conduct your tests is up to you. I recall Peter Grayson once saying something to that effect on the old MZ Forum. And I agree.
Sorry, I missed the above comment...

For what do you agree with Peter?
Can you be more specific please ?

In short,
It's not clear for what you are talking about?!
Marco's old MZ forum is past away since a long time!
I mean all data is gone unfortunately..sad really..
So no any way to re-read again..spending so much efforts...
And one day... the forum is with 0 (zero) data...

By the way,,
For this reason I prefer to work mainly on SedatChess site
If nothing else.. since many years, all my tours + games
Are available... if still not so clear,
What is the guaranty and to trust that one day the
Current Outskirts forum will not pass away (as old MZ)
Forget everything, even nowadays many postings are lost
On Outskirts...that means all efforts are gone for nothing

And as last words (about Marco's new link rule),
Let me say this great saying by Benjamin Franklin:

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.'

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by IbaiBuR » Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:54 am

Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Thu Jul 13, 2023 2:19 am

And as far as I noticed,
You say that you don't care much about SedatChess activities
Sad..that means, you missed a lot...maybe you are new in chess?
Anyhow, I hope that you will follow my chess activities from now..

And I see also that you care that I've got ban on somewhere, LOL
Are you troll here ? If so.. this is my last posting to you!
If you are not informed well, I will try to talk about the reality:
Yes..I was banned by BOSS (Marco) anyhow, for anyone missed:
I left firstly his Outskirts..do you understand? if not so clear:
Ban is came later... in short, we did not agreed each other...
As result, Marco was so much affected..and preferred wrong way!
On other hand, it's not so easy to be as Moderator on chess forums..
Plus not all can be very good, professional in this job...
At least, Marco's behaviour proved this.. because I was banned
For nothing.. no doubt that I've spent BIG efforts on his both forums..
But if I deserves a BAN..sad, but it is all right.. but next time
If again they will send (even kind) invitations, simply I will say NO
One mistake is enough...so now everyone is own way...
And all right on the night!

About your rest comments over our Chameleon,
I have some doubts...but if this is true...then
I wish to Mr. Chameleon a good business..really!
But a small note, just gaining via honest way!
Btw, sure if he will follow my useful suggestions..
I'll request at least 30% commissions...because
I gave to Chameleon so many 'Brilliant' Ideas...!)
Where he may increase his sales much...

Hope helps
Looool, SedatChess is not the only testing site in the computer chess world, dont be so egotistical.... Some people (me included) dont care much about opening books and book tests so we dont follow your site, thats all... No one is obliged to watch your content / tests, it is not something crucial and you should know that

And regarding the ban, Sarona was not referring to you xD, try to read carefully before answering... he was referring to DeeDs ban at OCF

I dont think you are a liar either, LIAR is a very big word, but as I told you at Outskirts, your expertise is in the field of opening book testing, not in the learning engines field, and thats a FACT! So, in my opinion your experience tests are irrelevant and therefore not valid!

You are being so rude and you seem to be irritated, I dont understand why, but ok...



Sedat Canbaz
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:44 am

IbaiBuR wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:54 am
Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Thu Jul 13, 2023 2:19 am

And as far as I noticed,
You say that you don't care much about SedatChess activities
Sad..that means, you missed a lot...maybe you are new in chess?
Anyhow, I hope that you will follow my chess activities from now..

And I see also that you care that I've got ban on somewhere, LOL
Are you troll here ? If so.. this is my last posting to you!
If you are not informed well, I will try to talk about the reality:
Yes..I was banned by BOSS (Marco) anyhow, for anyone missed:
I left firstly his Outskirts..do you understand? if not so clear:
Ban is came later... in short, we did not agreed each other...
As result, Marco was so much affected..and preferred wrong way!
On other hand, it's not so easy to be as Moderator on chess forums..
Plus not all can be very good, professional in this job...
At least, Marco's behaviour proved this.. because I was banned
For nothing.. no doubt that I've spent BIG efforts on his both forums..
But if I deserves a BAN..sad, but it is all right.. but next time
If again they will send (even kind) invitations, simply I will say NO
One mistake is enough...so now everyone is own way...
And all right on the night!

About your rest comments over our Chameleon,
I have some doubts...but if this is true...then
I wish to Mr. Chameleon a good business..really!
But a small note, just gaining via honest way!
Btw, sure if he will follow my useful suggestions..
I'll request at least 30% commissions...because
I gave to Chameleon so many 'Brilliant' Ideas...!)
Where he may increase his sales much...

Hope helps
Looool, SedatChess is not the only testing site in the computer chess world, dont be so egotistical.... Some people (me included) dont care much about opening books and book tests so we dont follow your site, thats all... No one is obliged to watch your content / tests, it is not something crucial and you should know that

And regarding the ban, Sarona was not referring to you xD, try to read carefully before answering... he was referring to DeeDs ban at OCF

I dont think you are a liar either, LIAR is a very big word, but as I told you at Outskirts, your expertise is in the field of opening book testing, not in the learning engines field, and thats a FACT! So, in my opinion your experience tests are irrelevant and therefore not valid!

You are being so rude and you seem to be irritated, I dont understand why, but ok...


Look, I do not know why are so negative, aggressive ..
Here a guy via fake account opened a thread...he accused me as LIAR..
And many of you came here..to praise him... BRAVO !!!
Now I can understand what kind of personality you have!
By the way, maybe you get commissions (by EXP sales)?
Otherwise.. I do not see any reason to praise Chameleon!!

About I am as Liar or not...
Thanks a lot that you did not say: I am liar...
But anyhow, here I expected before.. before my asking...

About my all tours are valid or not...
Who are you ? coming as BIG expert...on other hand,
Ok..I admit that once you have tried to help about older BtainLearm version
But BrainLearn 25.1 plays with default settings and no any issue with learning!
If you believe that there is something wrong in my all tours...if so
Can you recommend Me the right settings, e.g to be my tours as valid ?
But next time as without BLA BLA BLA... OK?? it is enough to talk more..
If you can not.. it will be sad..but I can live with that!

But remember also that,
Exc. book tours, SedatChess site has many various testings
And no one is forced to visit my chess site or to follow...
Open your eyes again please....

As last words,
I know such people like you..if not clear,
I feel such cold from you.. something like
I live like in Antarctica...on other hand
That's good really...because nowadays where
I live (in reality) is over than 40 degrees.. ))

Have a nice day!

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:38 am

@ to IbaiBuR member

Are you sarona again FAKE accounts ?

Because my previous posting/replay was to sarona member

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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by IbaiBuR » Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:30 pm

Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:38 am
@ to IbaiBuR member

Are you sarona again FAKE accounts ?

Because my previous posting/replay was to sarona member
NO! I am not Sarona, in fact I have never talked with sarona...

I replied because you are being so agressive, rude and you seem to be irritated, just stop! I replied politely, because you said: "If you dont know about SedatChess, you may be new in chess.." which is such an egotistical statement and you talked about your ban when no one mentioned it :)

Do you want me to give you settings for learning engines? Perfect, lets start:

Firstly, Eman should never be used with concurrency higher than 1, you should use an experience file generated by Eman, trained with at least 500 games in each opening or trained against opening books for example, for Eman it is also crucial that you set Experience MultiPV to false. Reason: If you use concurrency higher than 1, the same experience file will be read simultaneously by more than one instance of Eman and the not all of the experience data will be saved, and Experience MultiPV set to false because if not the engine will save a lot of shallow depth useless moves that will slow down the engine in future games.

In the case of BrainLearn and ShashChess,regarding training, the same (500+ games per opening / trained against books) and if you are going to use concurrency higher than 1, you must set Concurrent Experience to true. I advise you to use the 25.2 and 33.2 versions respectively because there was a big bug fix I helped Andrea fix since the engine was saving depth 0 experience entries.

Is it clear now? Or still BLA BLA BLA as you say? :lol:

I did not say all of your test are invalid, please READ, I said you tests regarding engines with learning feature are indeed invalid, but I mentioned that your field and expertise is in the opening book field, thats ALL. I explained you the settings, hopefully you follow my advice :)

I dont get any comission for nothing, I have my own blog, my own testings, my own machines and my own workspace, so dont speculate with false things please!

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:03 pm

IbaiBuR wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:30 pm
because you said: "If you dont know about SedatChess, you may be new in chess.." which is such an egotistical statement and you talked about your ban when no one mentioned it :)
1st of all, a small advice: (as next time :D )
Do not try to be as advocate of Sarona member!


You have no clue what is going on, really!
And definitely you have troubles to read..!!

A few words yes, but almost WRONG (btw, something like Eman vs SF similarity :lol: )
"If you don't know about SedatChess, you may be new in chess."

This time, Open your eyes again..but 7-times re-read:

Here is my previous original text:
And as far as I noticed,
You say that you don't care much about SedatChess activities
Sad..that means, you missed a lot...maybe you are new in chess?
Anyhow, I hope that you will follow my chess activities from now.

And to be more clear,
I was referring for chess eng testings, not human chess!
Because my chess activities etc. are more than 20 years online!
Sure..in same time, it does not mean that
All chess fans (in eng testings) have to know/visit SedatChess etc.
But this also true that, many many are aware and frequent visitors!
At least according to overall SedatChess web stats confirms this!

About your latest recommendations, thank you.. but anyhow in my eyes,
Eman is not 'valid' engine (not SCCT), if X eng is not capable to learn properly
As you say.. via more than concurrency than 1

Hope helps

And as last words, it is clear that,
You do not like my work.. sad, but I respect...
Btw, can you show your 'valid' rating ?
If possible via many games ( per player)

Thank you in advance!

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1644
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Re: when a daily tester lies to people...

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:20 pm


Now it is time to say good bye...
Because I have no more free time to spend over this thread..

And many thanks to all ..especially to Raptora author (Mr. Anton)
For his great support... ! once more we need more people like him!

Btw, what a record,.
In 4-5 days.. Viewers are passed 1000+ and via so many postings!

All the best,

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