
As in chess tournaments and matches...
Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1708
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:37 pm

Anyhow, here are the mentioned shortest wins (mainly up to 40-50 moves):

[Event "SCCT - BOOK / EXP / NNUE CS I"]
[Site "Antalya"]
[Date "2023.07.09"]
[Round "26"]
[White "OPTIMUS 3.1"]
[Black "Hurnavich, L.Beast"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D37"]
[PlyCount "62"]
[EventDate "2023.??.??"]
[Source "SC"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]

1. d4 Nf6 {-0.04/30 9.2s} 2. c4 e6 {-0.13/31 4.7s} 3. Nf3 d5 {-0.10/33 4.8s} 4.
Nc3 Be7 {-0.16/28 11s} 5. Bf4 O-O {-0.16/28 7.3s} 6. e3 Nbd7 {-0.15/30 9.9s} 7.
c5 Nh5 {-0.15/32 9.1s} 8. Bd3 Nxf4 {-0.18/25 0.93s} 9. exf4 b6 {-0.21/27 2.1s}
10. b4 c6 {-0.25/30 4.9s} 11. a3 a5 {-0.26/24 0.62s} 12. O-O Ba6 {-0.24/25 1.4s
} 13. Na4 Bf6 {-0.25/25 0.89s} 14. Re1 Bb5 {-0.13/27 3.2s} 15. Nb2 {
+0.08/27 1.6s} axb4 {-0.09/23 0.47s} 16. axb4 {+0.28/26 3.2s} bxc5 {
-0.09/22 0.64s} 17. bxc5 {+0.26/28 3.1s} Rxa1 {-0.18/23 1.4s} 18. Qxa1 {
+0.27/24 1.9s} Qb8 {-0.17/23 1.0s} 19. Qc1 {+0.34/24 2.3s} g6 {-0.19/26 4.5s}
20. h4 {+0.32/24 2.2s} Qb7 {-0.26/24 1.5s} 21. h5 {+0.32/23 1.9s} Ra8 {
-0.42/23 1.4s} 22. h6 {+0.30/24 3.2s} Ra3 {-0.18/18 0.20s} 23. Qd2 {
+0.26/26 11s} Qa6 {-0.23/21 1.5s} 24. Re3 {+0.22/29 16s} Ra2 {-0.23/18 0.47s}
25. Qb4 {+0.59/24 1.4s} Nxc5 {-0.21/17 0.17s} 26. Qxc5 {+2.78/23 1.7s} Rxb2 {
-2.97/19 0.98s} 27. Bxg6 {+4.01/23 1.5s} Qa8 {-4.59/20 2.4s} 28. Bxf7+ {
+5.03/23 1.7s} Kxf7 {-4.56/18 0.14s} 29. Ne5+ {+5.10/22 1.5s} Bxe5 {
-4.57/22 0.29s} 30. fxe5 {+5.33/25 1.6s} Qd8 {-5.64/25 2.5s} 31. Rf3+ {
+5.69/21 1.6s} Kg8 {-5.51/22 0.48s, White wins by adjudication} 1-0

[Event "SCCT - BOOK / EXP / NNUE CS I"]
[Site "Antalya"]
[Date "2023.07.09"]
[Round "135"]
[White "V by Kerveros"]
[Black "Cubail, Eman"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E32"]
[PlyCount "74"]
[EventDate "2023.??.??"]
[Source "SC"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]

1. d4 Nf6 {-0.16/32 8.5s} 2. c4 e6 {-0.10/25 1.6s} 3. Nc3 Bb4 {-0.10/22 0.80s}
4. Qc2 O-O {-0.14/27 8.1s} 5. e4 d5 {-0.12/23 1.3s} 6. e5 Ne4 {0.00/26 1.9s} 7.
Bd3 c5 {0.00/25 1.2s} 8. Nf3 cxd4 {0.00/28 1.2s} 9. Nxd4 Nd7 {0.00/28 1.3s} 10.
Bf4 Qh4 {0.00/29 1.5s} 11. g3 Qh3 {0.00/30 1.6s} 12. O-O-O Nxc3 {0.00/29 1.4s}
13. bxc3 Ba3+ {0.00/34 4.2s} 14. Kb1 Nb6 {0.00/29 0.79s} 15. Bf1 Qh5 {
0.00/29 1.9s} 16. Be2 Qg6 {0.00/34 9.8s} 17. Bd3 Qh5 {0.00/31 0.82s} 18. g4 {
0.00/29 1.6s} Qxg4 {-1.49/21 4.1s} 19. Qd2 {+1.11/24 2.2s} Qh5 {-1.84/24 14s}
20. Rhg1 {+1.77/23 2.2s} g6 {-2.13/25 9.6s} 21. Rg5 {+1.84/25 2.4s} Qh3 {
-2.09/22 1.7s} 22. Rg3 {+1.97/25 2.1s} Qh5 {-1.98/20 0.43s} 23. Be2 {
+2.21/25 2.5s} Qh4 {-2.28/22 1.6s} 24. Bg5 {+2.39/25 2.0s} Qe4+ {-2.27/21 0.95s
} 25. Nc2 {+2.57/24 3.9s} f6 {-2.47/19 1.6s} 26. Bxf6 {+2.56/26 4.0s} Rxf6 {
-2.46/18 0.72s} 27. exf6 {+2.59/24 2.3s} Bf8 {-2.32/17 0.34s} 28. Bd3 {
+2.64/25 2.5s} Qh4 {-2.52/21 3.2s} 29. Ne3 {+2.55/26 5.1s} Bd7 {-2.49/16 0.19s}
30. Ng4 {+2.77/24 3.9s} Bd6 {-2.64/19 2.5s} 31. f4 {+2.92/21 2.0s} Rc8 {
-2.67/17 0.81s} 32. Rdg1 {+3.70/21 3.3s} Bc5 {-2.79/17 0.72s} 33. Bxg6 {
+3.90/22 2.4s} Bxg1 {-3.55/19 1.4s} 34. Bd3 {+4.34/20 2.4s} Kf8 {-3.96/17 1.3s}
35. Rxg1 {+4.59/21 1.9s} e5 {-3.92/15 0.44s} 36. Qb2 {+6.76/22 2.7s} Na4 {
-5.43/19 1.1s} 37. Qxb7 {+9.50/20 2.1s} Nb6 {
-5.62/19 0.48s, White wins by adjudication} 1-0

[Event "SCCT - BOOK / EXP / NNUE CS I"]
[Site "Antalya"]
[Date "2023.07.09"]
[Round "140"]
[White "CachoSCCT"]
[Black "Khalid, Eman"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A28"]
[PlyCount "78"]
[EventDate "2023.??.??"]
[Source "SC"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]

1. c4 e5 {-0.06/31 6.1s} 2. Nc3 Nf6 {-0.09/25 1.6s} 3. Nf3 Nc6 {0.00/25 1.2s}
4. e4 Bb4 {-0.03/24 1.2s} 5. d3 d6 {-0.04/25 2.3s} 6. a3 O-O {-0.15/30 12s} 7.
axb4 {+4.43/25 1.4s} Nxb4 {-4.14/24 2.5s} 8. Be2 {+4.41/26 3.9s} Bg4 {
-4.09/22 1.0s} 9. O-O {+4.58/24 1.1s} Nd7 {-4.00/23 1.4s} 10. Bg5 {
+4.49/28 4.5s} f6 {-4.13/21 1.5s} 11. Be3 {+4.48/26 1.7s} f5 {-4.12/22 1.5s}
12. exf5 {+4.38/26 3.0s} Bxf5 {-4.11/23 1.9s} 13. Bg5 {+4.41/30 6.7s} Qe8 {
-4.12/25 1.9s} 14. Nb5 {+4.51/23 1.0s} Qb8 {-4.06/24 1.8s} 15. Nh4 {
+4.42/26 3.7s} Be6 {-3.97/22 1.3s} 16. Bd2 {+4.17/33 18s} Nc6 {-3.90/22 1.3s}
17. Nf3 {+4.17/28 2.3s} a6 {-3.86/20 1.0s} 18. Nc3 {+4.18/27 2.0s} h6 {
-3.97/26 5.0s} 19. Be3 {+4.17/26 1.5s} Ne7 {-3.90/25 5.5s} 20. d4 {
+4.22/26 3.7s} Nf5 {-3.92/19 0.78s} 21. dxe5 {+4.16/27 3.1s} Nxe3 {
-4.00/22 1.8s} 22. fxe3 {+4.20/23 0.85s} dxe5 {-3.99/21 1.0s} 23. Qd2 {
+4.18/23 1.5s} Qa7 {-4.05/28 13s} 24. b4 {+4.32/26 2.7s} Qb8 {-4.05/21 2.2s}
25. Ne4 {+4.28/24 2.3s} Kh8 {-4.11/24 2.2s} 26. h3 {+4.21/26 4.8s} Qe8 {
-4.07/21 1.9s} 27. Nh4 {+4.29/23 0.98s} Rd8 {-4.36/24 5.1s} 28. Qc3 {
+4.30/26 1.4s} Bg8 {-4.35/21 0.86s} 29. Rxf8 {+4.36/26 1.3s} Nxf8 {
-4.40/23 1.2s} 30. Ng3 {+4.37/27 3.5s} Bh7 {-4.19/22 1.6s} 31. Nhf5 {
+4.48/26 0.98s} Nd7 {-4.28/22 1.3s} 32. Rd1 {+4.49/26 3.5s} b6 {-4.32/22 1.7s}
33. c5 {+4.51/26 2.5s} bxc5 {-4.27/21 0.70s} 34. bxc5 {+4.60/23 0.84s} Nf6 {
-4.32/21 0.88s} 35. Rxd8 {+4.66/24 1.3s} Qxd8 {-4.59/24 3.1s} 36. Qxe5 {
+5.17/26 2.5s} Bxf5 {-4.90/21 2.8s} 37. Nxf5 {+5.23/22 0.66s} a5 {-4.78/21 1.3s
} 38. Qg3 {+5.36/24 1.0s} Qd7 {-5.08/18 0.69s} 39. Qg6 {+6.45/22 0.94s} c6 {
-5.51/20 0.93s, White wins by adjudication} 1-0

[Event "SCCT - BOOK / EXP / NNUE CS I"]
[Site "Antalya"]
[Date "2023.07.09"]
[Round "161"]
[White "Rulleeeee, Eman"]
[Black "V by Kerveros"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C78"]
[PlyCount "89"]
[EventDate "2023.??.??"]
[Source "SC"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]

1. e4 {+0.21/23 2.5s} e5 2. Nf3 {+0.38/23 1.0s} Nc6 3. Bb5 {+0.34/24 1.2s} a6
4. Ba4 {+0.43/22 1.2s} Nf6 5. O-O {+0.38/23 1.4s} Bc5 6. c3 {+0.50/25 3.0s} O-O
7. d4 {+0.53/20 1.3s} Ba7 8. Bg5 {+0.58/22 1.6s} exd4 9. e5 {+0.56/29 12s} h6
10. Bxf6 {+0.56/28 1.7s} gxf6 11. cxd4 {+0.50/26 3.1s} Re8 12. Re1 {
+0.60/28 11s} fxe5 13. dxe5 {+0.46/24 2.1s} d6 14. Nc3 {+0.54/23 1.3s} dxe5 15.
Bxc6 {+0.52/24 1.6s} bxc6 16. Qc2 {+0.49/28 14s} Re6 17. Rad1 {+0.55/25 10s}
Qe7 18. Qf5 {+0.34/23 4.8s} Rb8 19. b3 {+0.32/20 1.2s} Kg7 20. h3 {
+0.46/16 0.28s} Rf6 21. Qd3 {+0.47/22 1.3s} Bf5 22. Qxa6 {+0.43/22 0.40s} Qc5
23. Rd2 {+0.50/19 0.75s} Ra8 24. Qb7 {+0.27/23 1.7s} Re8 25. Ne4 {0.00/30 2.9s}
Bxe4 26. Rxe4 {0.00/27 0.66s} Bb6 27. Kh2 {0.00/26 0.36s} Qc3 28. Rc4 {
+0.14/20 0.42s} Qa1 29. Re2 {0.00/28 0.97s} e4 {+2.41/28 5.2s} 30. Rcxe4 {
-2.09/24 2.7s} Rxe4 {+2.70/29 3.0s} 31. Rxe4 {-2.15/20 0.27s} h5 {+3.02/30 5.0s
} 32. Re5 {-2.83/22 2.3s} Rxf3 {+3.28/26 2.6s} 33. Rg5+ {-2.84/19 0.34s} Kh6 {
+3.48/26 3.8s} 34. Qxc6+ {-2.98/21 0.99s} Qf6 {+3.51/28 2.9s} 35. Rxh5+ {
-2.39/18 0.36s} Kxh5 {+3.54/30 7.3s} 36. Qd5+ {-2.65/19 0.46s} Rf5 {
+3.62/29 2.9s} 37. g4+ {-3.11/22 2.5s} Kg5 {+3.65/28 2.7s} 38. gxf5 {
-3.12/19 0.50s} Qb2 {+3.70/28 4.4s} 39. Qg2+ {-3.19/18 0.27s} Kf6 {
+3.64/27 2.4s} 40. a4 {-3.14/22 1.6s} Qxf2 {+4.73/32 2.2s} 41. Qxf2 {
-4.09/22 1.2s} Bxf2 {+5.12/34 2.2s} 42. Kg2 {-4.76/25 1.9s} Be1 {+5.79/38 2.1s}
43. Kf3 {-4.76/21 0.25s} Kxf5 {+6.20/32 2.3s} 44. Ke2 {-5.11/21 0.77s} Ba5 {
+6.53/30 2.3s} 45. Kd3 {-5.33/21 0.87s, Black wins by adjudication} 0-1

[Event "SCCT - BOOK / EXP / NNUE CS I"]
[Site "Antalya"]
[Date "2023.07.09"]
[Round "145"]
[White "AlexChess, RaptoRa"]
[Black "ChessBot 170623"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B15"]
[PlyCount "93"]
[EventDate "2023.??.??"]
[Source "SC"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]

1. d4 {+0.27/27 0s} g6 2. e4 {+0.54/19 0.90s} Bg7 3. Nc3 {+0.54/21 1.1s} c6 4.
f4 {+0.72/20 2.5s} d5 5. e5 {+0.67/23 1.6s} h5 6. h3 {+0.67/31 1.5s} Bf5 {
-0.64/25 2.4s} 7. Be2 {+0.63/25 2.3s} e6 {-0.65/27 1.9s} 8. Nf3 {+0.71/23 2.0s}
Nd7 {-0.73/28 2.3s} 9. Be3 {+0.74/23 1.5s} Bf8 {-0.62/26 4.4s} 10. Ng5 {
+0.68/24 2.9s} Be7 {-0.62/23 1.7s} 11. O-O {+0.81/23 2.0s} Qc7 {-0.83/28 19s}
12. a4 {+0.64/28 17s} a5 {-0.63/27 3.9s} 13. g4 {+0.82/23 0.94s} hxg4 {
-0.66/26 1.1s} 14. hxg4 {+0.77/26 3.5s} Bxg5 {-0.60/24 1.3s} 15. fxg5 {
+0.73/25 1.7s} Be4 {-0.64/26 1.3s} 16. Bf3 {+0.71/26 1.8s} f5 {-0.79/27 4.1s}
17. gxf6 {+0.83/26 2.4s} Ndxf6 {-0.72/25 1.9s} 18. Bxe4 {+0.91/24 1.7s} Nxe4 {
-0.48/25 2.4s} 19. Qf3 {+0.96/22 1.5s} O-O-O {-0.48/24 1.3s} 20. Kg2 {
+0.92/21 1.6s} Nxc3 {-0.48/23 1.6s} 21. bxc3 {+0.57/24 3.9s} Qe7 {-0.41/24 1.3s
} 22. Rh1 {+0.44/24 3.5s} Rxh1 {-0.35/29 2.5s} 23. Rxh1 {+0.44/23 1.6s} Rf8 {
-0.30/24 1.5s} 24. Bg5 {+0.39/23 1.4s} Qe8 {-0.37/25 2.0s} 25. Qe2 {
+0.30/26 10s} Qf7 {-0.32/27 3.6s} 26. Kg3 {+0.35/25 4.4s} Ne7 {-0.31/24 1.5s}
27. Qe3 {+0.39/22 1.1s} Kb8 {-0.29/24 1.5s} 28. Qf4 {+0.31/27 8.2s} Qg8 {
-0.20/23 1.4s} 29. Bf6 {+0.34/19 0.43s} Qf7 {-0.30/25 3.1s} 30. Qg5 {
+0.41/21 1.5s} Ng8 {-0.33/30 13s} 31. Rh8 {+0.52/20 1.5s} Ka7 {-0.16/23 0.79s}
32. Kg2 {+0.18/22 2.4s} b5 {0.00/24 0.96s} 33. axb5 {+0.24/19 0.29s} cxb5 {
+0.06/26 1.0s} 34. Qh4 {+0.25/22 0.55s} g5 {0.00/33 1.2s} 35. Qxg5 {
0.00/22 1.1s} a4 {0.00/32 0.97s} 36. c4 {0.00/19 0.34s} dxc4 {+0.56/18 1.0s}
37. d5 {0.00/25 0.43s} Ka6 {+0.67/19 0.98s} 38. d6 {0.00/22 0.51s} Qb7+ {
+1.08/20 0.96s} 39. Kg1 {-0.94/22 3.5s} a3 {+2.13/20 1.6s} 40. Qc1 {
-1.90/17 1.5s} b4 {+2.36/19 0.99s} 41. g5 {-1.86/16 0.46s} Kb5 {+3.53/20 1.3s}
42. g6 {-3.12/15 1.5s} Ra8 {+4.55/19 0.90s} 43. Qa1 {-3.59/16 0.88s} a2 {
+5.09/19 0.98s} 44. Rh2 {-3.77/18 1.2s} Qf3 {+5.31/21 0.99s} 45. Bh4 {
-3.91/16 1.0s} Qc3 {+6.75/20 1.2s} 46. Qxc3 {-5.77/15 0.45s} bxc3 {
+7.00/19 0.98s} 47. Rg2 {-6.53/16 1.5s, Black wins by adjudication} 0-1

[Event "SCCT - BOOK / EXP / NNUE CS I"]
[Site "Antalya"]
[Date "2023.07.09"]
[Round "35"]
[White "AlexChess, RaptoRa"]
[Black "OPTIMUS 3.1"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E04"]
[PlyCount "95"]
[EventDate "2023.??.??"]
[Source "SC"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]

1. d4 {+0.27/27 0s} Nf6 2. c4 {+0.23/27 0s} e6 3. g3 {+0.23/27 0s} d5 4. Bg2 {
+0.25/27 0s} dxc4 5. Nf3 {+0.26/23 2.9s} a6 6. O-O {+0.50/23 2.7s} Nc6 7. e3 {
+0.27/27 14s} Bd7 8. Qe2 {+0.22/22 1.2s} Bd6 9. Qxc4 {+0.46/26 4.6s} O-O 10.
Nbd2 {+0.44/23 1.1s} Rc8 11. Qc2 {+0.48/22 1.3s} Nb4 12. Qb3 {+0.45/23 1.4s}
Bb5 13. a3 {+0.45/20 1.4s} Bxf1 14. Bxf1 {+0.54/22 2.2s} Nc6 15. Qxb7 {
+0.52/23 2.6s} Nb8 16. b4 {+0.42/23 3.3s} c6 17. e4 {+0.36/22 1.9s} Re8 18. e5
{+1.25/24 2.0s} Re7 {+0.48/26 1.7s} 19. Qa8 {-0.69/27 4.6s} Bxe5 {+0.59/28 2.1s
} 20. dxe5 {-0.91/27 4.6s} Nd5 {+0.62/30 2.9s} 21. Nc4 {-0.60/26 1.4s} Rec7 {
+0.66/28 2.4s} 22. Bg5 {-0.64/24 1.4s} Qf8 {+0.65/29 3.5s} 23. Nd4 {
-0.78/28 4.4s} Nd7 {+0.62/29 6.1s} 24. Qxa6 {-0.76/25 2.0s} Ra8 {+0.60/25 1.5s}
25. Qxc6 {-0.75/24 1.4s} Rxc6 {+0.63/28 3.0s} 26. Nxc6 {-0.76/24 1.8s} h5 {
+0.58/26 5.8s} 27. h4 {-0.76/24 3.5s} f6 {+0.85/24 2.4s} 28. Bd2 {-0.76/27 12s}
g5 {+1.20/23 2.6s} 29. Bh3 {-0.71/23 0.77s} Re8 {+1.10/23 2.1s} 30. hxg5 {
-0.65/23 1.4s} fxg5 {+0.94/26 3.9s} 31. Bxg5 {-0.74/25 4.3s} Qg7 {+0.77/30 4.6s
} 32. f4 {-0.81/27 1.4s} Qh7 {+1.82/27 8.8s} 33. Nd6 {-0.82/24 0.88s} Qd3 {
+2.18/21 1.2s} 34. Nxe8 {-0.76/25 0.88s} Qxg3+ {+2.90/22 1.7s} 35. Bg2 {
-0.73/27 2.1s} Ne3 {+3.26/21 2.0s} 36. Ra2 {-2.21/22 2.2s} Qe1+ {+3.47/19 2.5s}
37. Kh2 {-2.06/19 1.2s} Ng4+ {+3.44/20 1.8s} 38. Kh3 {-2.88/17 0.85s} Qb1 {
+3.70/21 2.1s} 39. Ne7+ {-2.87/19 2.2s} Kf8 {+3.69/25 1.8s} 40. Nc7 {
-3.29/19 1.2s} Qb3+ {+3.96/24 2.1s} 41. Kh4 {-3.49/18 0.48s} Qxa2 {
+4.12/24 2.0s} 42. Nxe6+ {-3.69/18 1.5s} Qxe6 {+4.27/23 1.7s} 43. Bh3 {
-3.83/19 1.1s} Qb3 {+4.47/22 1.7s} 44. Bxg4 {-3.69/15 0.14s} hxg4 {
+4.52/23 1.9s} 45. Kxg4 {-3.77/17 0.36s} Kf7 {+4.57/22 2.1s} 46. Nf5 {
-3.77/19 0.48s} Qe6 {+5.37/23 1.9s} 47. Bh4 {-7.12/19 2.6s} Kg6 {+5.39/23 3.8s}
48. Kh3 {-7.56/14 0.85s, Black wins by adjudication} 0-1

Eduard Nemeth
Posts: 632
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:50 am

Re: SedatChess

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:35 am

Sun Jul 09, 2023 2:47 pm
Eduard Nemeth wrote:
Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:42 pm
Ok, you do not play on PlayChess and it's your thread here. But, everyone can also play on the servers (Lichess, PlayChess, InfinityChess) with the same books you tested. What for are you testing? So that people should know which are the best books, right? Therefore I allow myself to write my opinion here.

Anything else. I also criticize my friends! A friend of mine who is new on PlayChess saw some popular Cherry Pickers playing. Then he started playing the same way. His Elo climbed beautifully manually. When I saw how he was playing, I told him to stop it, or I would put him on ignore too. He now plays normally like all other 90% of the players.
You're a really jealous, chess-intolerant old man who thinks he's something :D
You are an idiot trying to rename the stokcifsh engines and try to sell them!
I beat most of the people there with 2 core laptops for 2 years and I came first in most tournaments where my books participated..

Can you tell us what kind of success you have?.. Also, if you can beat the players I beat, I say I will accept the duel, but on one condition.. When you are defeated you will quit chess because people like you pollute a beautiful game like chess :)
Don't insult me with such words as "idiot". Whoever uses such words is vulgar, and is not a person to be respected. You have to ignore people like that.

Everything I do is legal, but I don't sell engines. That's a fabricated lie on your part. I only sell books. As for engines: I'm just doing this for my own fun and I don't need to share these engines. But I was often approached and therefore offered the engines correctly for download for a while. Before that I had to answer a lot of emails. I finished that!

To you:
You are the biggest cherry picker of the whole PlayChess server. Everyone knows that.

Unlike you, I always bring FACTS. The fact is that you are a show-off who specifically chooses his opponents just to push your own Elo/Ego.

Why don't you play in autoplayer mode? If you're good, you'll get applause!

I have the moral right that the players in the arena where I play should all play honestly. I pay money for it! But you are not an honest player, so bye!

Note: One of my friends (a new player on PlayChess, I'm helping him with the configuration) picked you up and started playing like you CherryPickers too. You have become real role models, be proud of it! I told him to stop doing that. If he hadn't, I would have cut off all contact with him. I treat everyone equally.
Peace be with you!

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Re: SedatChess

Post by ALPHAZEROOOOO » Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:47 am

Eduard Nemeth wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:35 am
Sun Jul 09, 2023 2:47 pm
Eduard Nemeth wrote:
Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:42 pm
Ok, you do not play on PlayChess and it's your thread here. But, everyone can also play on the servers (Lichess, PlayChess, InfinityChess) with the same books you tested. What for are you testing? So that people should know which are the best books, right? Therefore I allow myself to write my opinion here.

Anything else. I also criticize my friends! A friend of mine who is new on PlayChess saw some popular Cherry Pickers playing. Then he started playing the same way. His Elo climbed beautifully manually. When I saw how he was playing, I told him to stop it, or I would put him on ignore too. He now plays normally like all other 90% of the players.
You're a really jealous, chess-intolerant old man who thinks he's something :D
You are an idiot trying to rename the stokcifsh engines and try to sell them!
I beat most of the people there with 2 core laptops for 2 years and I came first in most tournaments where my books participated..

Can you tell us what kind of success you have?.. Also, if you can beat the players I beat, I say I will accept the duel, but on one condition.. When you are defeated you will quit chess because people like you pollute a beautiful game like chess :)
Don't insult me with such words as "idiot". Whoever uses such words is vulgar, and is not a person to be respected. You have to ignore people like that.

Everything I do is legal, but I don't sell engines. That's a fabricated lie on your part. I only sell books. As for engines: I'm just doing this for my own fun and I don't need to share these engines. But I was often approached and therefore offered the engines correctly for download for a while. Before that I had to answer a lot of emails. I finished that!

To you:
You are the biggest cherry picker of the whole PlayChess server. Everyone knows that.

Unlike you, I always bring FACTS. The fact is that you are a show-off who specifically chooses his opponents just to push your own Elo/Ego.

Why don't you play in autoplayer mode? If you're good, you'll get applause!

I have the moral right that the players in the arena where I play should all play honestly. I pay money for it! But you are not an honest player, so bye!
There is no need to talk too much, the one who talks too much is an empty talker :) if you believe in yourself, beat the ones I beat and you offered me a duel, you don't need to be afraid, I accept your duel, but you will give up chess!
I only have 2 losses in 5K autoplay and it's because of the internet
I don't want to give wasted points to people like you who play empty draws with my own main account and don't understand chess -)

I'm sure I'm dueling with people much stronger than you and you don't know that, you think I'm weak unfortunately you will be disappointed I accept the duel now don't withdraw
It's okay to be jealous of my achievements, but if you try to humiliate me, you'll get the answer you need!

Eduard Nemeth
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:08 am

It's not about if I lose, what I would have to do if I lose, etc.. It's about proving if you're playing honestly. I claim: you are playing dishonestly! show me the opposite Prove my statement is a lie! OK?

My offer stands:

1. We play 36 games in series against each other. After that, we'll compare your balance sheet to what you had before and post it here as proof.

2. You play 100 games in autoplayer mode, I'm Kiebitz so that no chesting happens. We post all 100 games here to show that you really are that good.

Not accepting the offer shows that you are afraid to play under honest terms. I won't have any further discussions with you then.
Peace be with you!

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Re: SedatChess

Post by ALPHAZEROOOOO » Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:16 am

Eduard Nemeth wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:08 am
It's not about if I lose, what I would have to do if I lose, etc.. It's about proving if you're playing honestly. I claim: you are playing dishonestly! show me the opposite Prove my statement is a lie! OK?

My offer stands:

1. We play 36 games in series against each other. After that, we'll compare your balance sheet to what you had before and post it here as proof.

2. You play 100 games in autoplayer mode, I'm Kiebitz so that no chesting happens. We post all 100 games here to show that you really are that good.

Not accepting the offer shows that you are afraid to play under honest terms. I won't have any further discussions with you then.
You talk so uselessly, I'm telling you something simple, I want you to beat what I beat.
I have been making very high level books for 2 years and although these books are played on computers with very low processor and ram, my books do not lose
There is a huge success and you slander me that you are cheating, you say you are showing off and you have no proof if I cheat my account will be permanently banned but I have not even received any warning so far.
With a 2 core 2.50 ghz 4 ram laptop, everyone out there will always beat you..

but with such a bad machine, thanks to my good books and my success, I became a champion in blitz and bullet, you don't have to be jealous, you have to work

I don't have a problem with anyone. I'm not a person who likes to fight or argue.. but if someone wants to fight I don't refuse until they give up..
stop talking so much for now and show your skills

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Re: SedatChess

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:20 pm

I don't slander anyone. I just did what every server player does. He checks the books on the server. I don't know how good your books are elsewhere. I searched and found your account. But what I saw there indicates that you are the biggest cherry picker on the server. You chose only a few opponents (only 5 different opponents in 104 games) and then only played against these players manually. Everyone who is familiar with the server knows how to classify this balance sheet. Your record says nothing about the performance of your book. That's the sad thing. I especially expect book authors to be role models for other players and to play honestly. Unfortunately you are not. Nobody should follow you, you are a bad example for others. Maybe your books are good, but you're ruining your reputation on the server. Before you answer again, honestly consider for yourself if I'm not right.

It makes no sense for me to continue writing in this forum, you love lies, deceive others and yourself. I'm therefore taking a break of several months here and will only show myself a little on the server. My account on Playchess is paid until May 2024 but I don't know if I'll continue because of people like you. Finally goodbye!
Peace be with you!

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Re: SedatChess

Post by IbaiBuR » Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:29 pm

PlayChess server is trash... I dont understand how people keep playing there lol... It is just a test bed for gigantic opening books and stockfish copy pasted clones

There are free servers out there (Lichess for example) with a lot of people to challenge too...

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Re: SedatChess

Post by ALPHAZEROOOOO » Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:58 pm

Eduard Nemeth wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:20 pm
I don't slander anyone. I just did what every server player does. He checks the books on the server. I don't know how good your books are elsewhere. I searched and found your account. But what I saw there indicates that you are the biggest cherry picker on the server. You chose only a few opponents (only 5 different opponents in 104 games) and then only played against these players manually. Everyone who is familiar with the server knows how to classify this balance sheet. Your record says nothing about the performance of your book. That's the sad thing. I especially expect book authors to be role models for other players and to play honestly. Unfortunately you are not. Nobody should follow you, you are a bad example for others. Maybe your books are good, but you're ruining your reputation on the server. Before you answer again, honestly consider for yourself if I'm not right.

It makes no sense for me to continue writing in this forum, you love lies, deceive others and yourself. I'm therefore taking a break of several months here and will only show myself a little on the server. My account on Playchess is paid until May 2024 but I don't know if I'll continue because of people like you. Finally goodbye!
Keep envious of my achievements..
and don't lie and slander again

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:52 pm

IbaiBuR wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:29 pm
PlayChess server is trash... I dont understand how people keep playing there lol... It is just a test bed for gigantic opening books and stockfish copy pasted clones

There are free servers out there (Lichess for example) with a lot of people to challenge too...
A good point...

What about SCCT ?
Since all comments are on my thread ?)

In other words,
I may run this GRAND Duel as well
And will be my pleasure to organize it!

For example, what I can offer for:
Mr Eduard's book to be played by LittleBeast 2 sl
Mr. Hamdullah's book to be played by RapTora 2.2
Or any other Top chess's choice..

Actually as another not bad way is that,
Both books to be played by same: Raubfish X48c SC
At least, in this way may appear more wins...!!

What I can say more,
Via SCCT will be much more fair...if nothing else
Both players will be played on same fast CPU machine!
You may know, just in case via Online-Game playing:
Hardware speeds diff. may play some role as advantage!
Plus via SCCT, it is not required too much time...
Just in case of such Duel, e.g via Cutechess's parallel matches,
The planning games will be ended much faster than Online..
And plus, I promise that number of games will be min 200+
You know... more games better... !

Sure this is my opinion...
And any comments and suggestions will be appreciated

But note also that (just in case of interest)
I may organize this event in September 2023
Due to nowadays I need to take a good rest!


Sedat Canbaz
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Wed Jul 12, 2023 4:48 pm

Hello Chess Friends,

I have good news,
Mr. Vasid Chouhan (author of DON books)
Ready for DUEL events too!

In other words (without DON),
The last word should not be said!

In case of interest...just let me know,
But in the next days please...if you are late...
I may organize these kind of Duels in September
Because nowadays I've no much free time for chess

Note also that for DUEL matches,
I can accept only books by known Top authors!

Meanwhile (for anyone missed), ... ok-players
Mr. Vasid is one of greatest book makers too!
As Mr. Angel Morano, both has best Champ records!
E.g according to latest SCCT's Champion statistics,
Angel Morano's books are managed 18 times Champion!
Vasid Chouhan's books are managed 16 times Champion!
Sure exc. both Top authors, there are many other
Champions as well..but no free time to count all...


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