gull chess

Discussion about chess-playing software (engines, hosts, opening books, platforms, etc...)
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Re: gull chess

Post by pareto » Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:10 pm

Thank you very much for Gull. I have one request: Pondering does not work at the moment. At least for me with Arena GUI. I always play my engine tournaments with ponder on. But Gull only thinks when it on the move, thereby using only 50% of its processor time.

Posts: 144
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Re: gull chess

Post by ThinkingALot » Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:59 am

pareto wrote:Thank you very much for Gull. I have one request: Pondering does not work at the moment. At least for me with Arena GUI. I always play my engine tournaments with ponder on. But Gull only thinks when it on the move, thereby using only 50% of its processor time.
Ponder option will probably appear in Gull 1.0.

Posts: 144
Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:32 am

Re: gull chess

Post by ThinkingALot » Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:32 pm

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Re: gull chess

Post by Dayffd » Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:26 pm

ThinkingALot wrote:Gull 0.11 is out: ... p/download.
I am finally getting around to loading (creating a UCI engine) Gull 0.11 but there seems to be a problem in Fritz 11 GUI. I had already had Gull 0.6 play in one tournament with no problem. Gull 0.11 loaded (vreated) fine, but in the engine list it shows up only as Gull - without any version being shown. This is the same as Gull 0.6 - no version shown. I thought to see about creating Gull 0.6 since I had forgotten I had already done so, and I get the message engine already created or words to that effect. So....would someone address this for me, please? Is there something going on here I should know about?

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Re: gull chess

Post by ThinkingALot » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:25 am

Dayffd wrote:in the engine list it shows up only as Gull - without any version being shown. This is the same as Gull 0.6 - no version shown.
That's OK. You can manually enter the correct version number in the Name field.
Dayffd wrote:I thought to see about creating Gull 0.6 since I had forgotten I had already done so, and I get the message engine already created or words to that effect.
There's a way to add/remove/configure engines directly:
In Windows XP go to C:/Documends and Settings/YouUserName/Application Data (this is a hidden folder)/Roaming/ChessBase/Engines.UCI/
In Windows Vista & Windows 7 go to C:/Users/YourUserName/AppData (hidden folder)/Roaming/ChessBase/Engines.UCI/
This folder contains a list of .uci files describing installed engines. If you want to delete an engine just remove the corresponding file. After that you'd be able to reinstall it using "Create UCI Engine" button.

Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:46 pm

Re: gull chess

Post by Dayffd » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:38 pm

ThinkingALot wrote:
Dayffd wrote:in the engine list it shows up only as Gull - without any version being shown. This is the same as Gull 0.6 - no version shown.
That's OK. You can manually enter the correct version number in the Name field.

Thank you. I thought that might be the case. After this tournament is over I will manually rename the engines with their version number.
Dayffd wrote:I thought to see about creating Gull 0.6 since I had forgotten I had already done so, and I get the message engine already created or words to that effect.
There's a way to add/remove/configure engines directly:
In Windows XP go to C:/Documends and Settings/YouUserName/Application Data (this is a hidden folder)/Roaming/ChessBase/Engines.UCI/
In Windows Vista & Windows 7 go to C:/Users/YourUserName/AppData (hidden folder)/Roaming/ChessBase/Engines.UCI/
This folder contains a list of .uci files describing installed engines. If you want to delete an engine just remove the corresponding file. After that you'd be able to reinstall it using "Create UCI Engine" button.

Posts: 144
Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:32 am

Re: gull chess

Post by ThinkingALot » Sat Jul 31, 2010 4:10 pm

Eduard Nemeth
Posts: 632
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:50 am

Re: gull chess

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:09 pm

ThinkingALot wrote:Gull 0.12 is out: ... p/download.

Is Gull a full (normal) UCI native Engine?

I was kibitzing on playchess before few minutes.
Here is one of the first games with version 12:

[Event "16m, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2010.07.31"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Amk1come, Gull 12"]
[Black "Rybka33, Deep Rybka 4 x64"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C92"]
[WhiteElo "2418"]
[BlackElo "2493"]
[PlyCount "103"]
[EventDate "2010.07.31"]
[EventType "rapid"]

1. e4 {B/0 0} e5 {B/0 0} 2. Nf3 {B/0 0} Nc6 {B/0 0} 3. Bb5 {B/0 0} a6 {B/0 0}
4. Ba4 {B/0 0} Nf6 {B/0 0} 5. O-O {B/0 0} Be7 {B/0 0} 6. Re1 {B/0 0} b5 {B/0 0}
7. Bb3 {B/0 0} O-O {B/0 0} 8. c3 {B/0 0} d6 {B/0 0} 9. h3 {B/0 0} Bb7 {B/0 0}
10. d4 {B/0 0} Re8 {B/0 0} 11. Nbd2 {B/0 0} Bf8 {B/0 0} 12. a4 {B/0 0} h6 {
B/0 0} 13. Bc2 {B/0 0} exd4 {B/0 0} 14. cxd4 {B/0 0} Nb4 {B/0 0} 15. Bb1 {B/0 0
} c5 {B/0 0} 16. d5 {0.00/16 22} Nd7 {B/0 0} 17. Nf1 {0.08/16 15} bxa4 {
0.11/19 120} 18. Rxa4 {(Dxa4) 0.09/16 0} a5 {(Nb6) 0.00/20 67} 19. Bd2 {
(Se3) 0.14/16 17} Ba6 {0.07/19 72} 20. Ra3 {0.16/16 0} g6 {(Bxf1) 0.07/18 30}
21. Bc3 {(Dc1) 0.02/16 43} Bg7 {(h5) 0.06/19 55} 22. Bxg7 {(Se3) 0.12/16 31}
Kxg7 {0.02/17 9} 23. Ne3 {0.11/16 6} Bb5 {(Kg8) 0.00/16 22} 24. Qd2 {
(b3) 0.17/16 16} Nf6 {(h5) 0.04/17 32} 25. Nd1 {(Sh4) 0.30/15 21} Ba6 {
(Qb6) 0.00/17 34} 26. Nc3 {(b3) 0.30/16 45} Rb8 {0.00/17 34} 27. Re3 {
(b3) 0.29/14 0} Rb7 {(Kg8) 0.00/17 62} 28. Bc2 {(b3) 0.40/15 11} Nxc2 {
0.00/18 52} 29. Qxc2 {0.35/16 0} Rb4 {0.11/17 18} 30. Ra1 {(Sd2) 0.30/15 15}
Qb8 {(Qb6) 0.00/17 19} 31. Rxa5 {0.44/16 13} Rxb2 {0.00/20 0} 32. Qc1 {
0.42/16 16} Bc8 {0.12/19 0} 33. Nd2 {0.37/15 23} Rb4 {0.12/18 17} 34. Qa1 {
0.40/15 9} Bd7 {(Bb7) 0.12/17 32} 35. Rf3 {0.73/16 16} Qd8 {0.39/17 0} 36. Ra7
{0.73/16 12} Bc8 {0.65/17 0} 37. Ne2 {0.62/15 15} Rb7 {(Bb7) 0.75/18 7} 38. Ra8
{0.74/16 17} Qe7 {0.77/18 0} 39. Nc4 {0.56/16 49} Rb4 {0.47/18 0} 40. Qc3 {
0.56/14 0} h5 {0.47/16 11} 41. Rf4 {0.51/14 1} g5 {(Rb1+) 0.52/16 2} 42. Qxf6+
{0.52/15 17} Qxf6 {0.33/18 0} 43. Rxf6 {0.52/14 0} Kxf6 {0.33/18 1} 44. Nxd6 {
0.40/16 7} Rexe4 {0.43/19 0} 45. Nxe4+ {0.40/16 4} Rxe4 {0.37/20 0} 46. Rxc8 {
0.55/17 8} Rxe2 {0.37/20 0} 47. Rxc5 {(Tc6+) 0.53/18 8} Re1+ {0.07/18 10} 48.
Kh2 {0.17/18 0} h4 {0.00/18 2} 49. g3 {0.14/16 9} hxg3+ {0.00/19 0} 50. Kxg3 {
(fxg3) 0.08/19 39} Rg1+ {(Rd1) 0.00/19 10} 51. Kf3 {(Kh2) 0.18/16 8} Ke5 {
(Rh1) 0.00/20 6} 52. Rc6 {
(Ta5) Amk1come,Gull 12 ïðåäëàãàåò íè~~üo^ (Lag: Av=0.74s, max=4.9s) 0.11/17 12
} 1/2-1/2

Draw against Deep Rybka 4 on 16+0!

Peace be with you!

Eduard Nemeth
Posts: 632
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:50 am

Re: gull chess

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:04 am

Here are the next two second games. I think the result is not bad with a new engine and only 1-cpu against Deep Rybka 4 on 4 fast cores!

[Event "16m, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2010.08.01"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Rybka3000, Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 "]
[Black "Amk1come, Gull 12"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B22"]
[WhiteElo "2605"]
[BlackElo "2422"]
[PlyCount "129"]
[EventDate "2010.08.01"]
[EventType "rapid"]

1. e4 {B/0 0} c5 {B/0 0} 2. c3 {B/0 0} Nf6 {B/0 0} 3. e5 {B/0 0} Nd5 {B/0 0} 4.
Nf3 {B/0 0} Nc6 {B/0 0} 5. Na3 {B/0 0} e6 {0.13/16 17} 6. Bb5 {B/0 0} Be7 {
0.09/17 23} 7. O-O {-0.15/20 85} O-O {0.14/17 0} 8. d3 {-0.09/19 54} Qc7 {
(a6) 0.13/17 0} 9. Re1 {(Bxc6) -0.09/18 40} d6 {0.16/16 15} 10. exd6 {
(Bxc6) -0.07/19 1} Bxd6 {0.13/17 22} 11. Nc4 {-0.07/20 0} Bd7 {(Be7) 0.12/16 13
} 12. Nxd6 {(a4) 0.05/18 58} Qxd6 {0.11/16 8} 13. Ng5 {(a4) 0.06/17 13} b6 {
(h6) 0.06/15 28} 14. Qh5 {(a4) 0.00/16 47} h6 {0.00/16 14} 15. Ne4 {0.01/17 46}
Qe5 {0.00/17 0} 16. Qxe5 {(Qd1) -0.04/16 22} Nxe5 {-0.08/17 20} 17. Bc4 {
(Ba6) 0.02/20 0} f6 {(Bc6) -0.07/17 18} 18. f4 {-0.14/20 66} Nxc4 {-0.07/18 0}
19. dxc4 {-0.14/21 8} Ne7 {0.00/18 43} 20. b4 {-0.12/20 0} cxb4 {-0.19/17 14}
21. cxb4 {-0.09/21 0} Rfd8 {-0.09/17 11} 22. b5 {(c5) -0.17/20 33} Be8 {
(Rac8) -0.31/16 25} 23. a4 {(Be3) -0.06/19 41} Nf5 {-0.13/16 14} 24. c5 {
(Bb2) -0.06/20 0} Nd4 {-0.42/17 24} 25. Ra2 {-0.06/21 0} f5 {-0.36/17 30} 26.
Nd2 {(Nd6) -0.06/20 0} bxc5 {-0.33/17 28} 27. Nc4 {0.00/20 0} a6 {
(Rab8) -0.28/16 23} 28. b6 {0.17/17 12} Rab8 {(Rac8) -0.16/16 12} 29. a5 {
0.24/21 34} Bb5 {0.00/16 0} 30. Ne5 {0.24/21 4} Nb3 {0.00/17 27} 31. Kf2 {
(Be3) 0.23/21 0} c4 {0.00/16 11} 32. Be3 {(Ba3) 0.30/21 0} Rbc8 {
(Kf8) 0.00/16 27} 33. Ree2 {0.30/20 29} Kf8 {0.00/15 0} 34. Rec2 {0.35/19 21}
Ke7 {(Ke8) 0.00/15 0} 35. Ra3 {0.36/20 25} Nd4 {(Kf8) 0.18/14 7} 36. Rcc3 {
0.32/18 14} Rd5 {(Nb3) 0.31/14 0} 37. h3 {(h4) 0.59/17 25} h5 {0.30/14 17} 38.
Rc1 {(h4) 0.52/19 0} Rdd8 {0.42/14 9} 39. Bd2 {0.51/18 0} Ke8 {(Nc6) 0.33/15 9}
40. Bc3 {(Bb4) 0.79/18 27} Nb3 {(h4) 0.19/15 20} 41. Rg1 {0.89/16 7} Nc5 {
0.29/15 19} 42. g4 {0.86/18 0} fxg4 {0.29/15 8} 43. hxg4 {0.86/20 0} h4 {
0.22/15 14} 44. g5 {0.86/18 7} Nd3+ {0.28/14 2} 45. Ke3 {(Kf3) 0.88/18 1} Nxe5
{0.53/14 26} 46. Bxe5 {0.68/21 0} Rd7 {(c3) 0.51/15 19} 47. Rg4 {0.99/18 9} h3
{0.53/15 12} 48. Rh4 {1.01/22 0} Rcd8 {(Kf7) 0.53/15 17} 49. Rxh3 {0.92/20 24}
Kf7 {0.53/13 0} 50. Rc3 {(Rh1) 0.81/20 7} Bc6 {0.54/13 11} 51. g6+ {
(Rh2) 0.77/20 0} Kxg6 {0.58/14 15} 52. Rg3+ {0.83/22 0} Kh7 {(Kh6) 0.54/15 4}
53. f5 {(Rc1) 1.21/17 6} Bd5 {0.40/14 10} 54. Rc1 {1.19/20 0} exf5 {0.52/14 10}
55. Rcg1 {1.19/21 0} Be4 {(Kg8) 0.53/14 5} 56. Kf4 {1.77/15 5} Rb7 {
(Rf7) 0.72/15 9} 57. Bxg7 {2.62/16 4} Rd3 {1.74/15 78} 58. Rg5 {3.53/23 0} Rf3+
{(Kg8) 1.74/13 0} 59. Ke5 {3.28/2 0} Rh3 {2.83/13 4} 60. Bf6 {6.04/16 0} Rb8 {
2.66/13 0} 61. Rg7+ {(Ke6) 6.55/15 0} Kh6 {2.32/13 15} 62. Be7 {(Ke6) 7.69/19 0
} Re3 {(Ba8) 4.10/13 11} 63. R1g6+ {(Kf6) 8.82/16 2} Kh5 {7.23/14 3} 64. Rg5+ {
16.07/18 0} Kh6 {7.23/13 0} 65. Kf6 {
Amk1come,Gull 12 ñäàåòñÿ (Lag: Av=1.14s, max=6.9s) 16.07/18 0} 1-0

[Event "16m, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2010.08.01"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Amk1come, Gull 12"]
[Black "DavidG, Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 "]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B90"]
[WhiteElo "2405"]
[BlackElo "2613"]
[PlyCount "102"]
[EventDate "2010.08.01"]
[EventType "rapid"]

1. e4 {B/0 0} c5 {B/0 0} 2. Nf3 {B/0 0} d6 {B/0 0} 3. d4 {B/0 0} cxd4 {B/0 0}
4. Nxd4 {B/0 0} Nf6 {B/0 0} 5. Nc3 {B/0 0} a6 {B/0 0} 6. Be3 {B/0 0} e5 {B/0 0}
7. Nb3 {B/0 0} Be6 {B/0 0} 8. f3 {B/0 0} Be7 {B/0 0} 9. Qd2 {B/0 0} h5 {B/0 0}
10. Nd5 {B/0 0} Nxd5 {B/0 0} 11. exd5 {B/0 0} Bf5 {B/0 0} 12. Be2 {B/0 0} Bh4+
{B/0 0} 13. g3 {B/0 0} Be7 {B/0 0} 14. O-O-O {B/0 0} Nd7 {B/0 0} 15. Bd3 {B/0 0
} Bh3 {B/0 0} 16. Bf1 {0.21/16 59} Bf5 {(Bxf1) 0.17/19 65} 17. Kb1 {
(h4) 0.10/16 49} Rc8 {(Nf6) 0.14/19 53} 18. Bd3 {0.39/17 28} Bh3 {
(Bxd3) 0.14/19 0} 19. Na5 {(c4) 0.35/16 27} Qc7 {(Nf6) 0.07/19 45} 20. Rc1 {
(c4) 0.31/15 13} Nf6 {(0-0) 0.07/20 60} 21. c4 {0.26/16 13} O-O {0.06/20 6} 22.
Rhd1 {0.29/17 25} Rfe8 {(Bd8) 0.06/19 2} 23. Ka1 {(Qb4) 0.19/16 17} Bd8 {
-0.05/18 44} 24. Nb3 {0.17/18 0} Qd7 {(e4) -0.05/18 15} 25. c5 {0.22/16 28} Be7
{-0.10/17 0} 26. Bg5 {(Be4) 0.40/16 48} Red8 {0.10/15 34} 27. Bb1 {0.23/15 0}
Kf8 {(dxc5) 0.26/16 28} 28. Qe3 {0.38/14 15} dxc5 {(Kg8) 0.26/16 10} 29. Nxc5 {
0.72/15 25} Qb5 {0.42/17 21} 30. Bxf6 {0.42/15 4} Bxf6 {0.74/18 0} 31. Bd3 {
0.56/16 29} Qb4 {0.87/19 0} 32. Rc4 {0.56/16 21} Qb5 {0.87/20 0} 33. Ne6+ {
0.55/15 10} Bxe6 {0.91/21 0} 34. Rxc8 {0.55/14 0} Qxd5 {0.91/21 3} 35. Rxd8+ {
(Qc5+) 0.00/16 24} Bxd8 {0.05/19 10} 36. b3 {0.00/15 0} e4 {0.08/21 17} 37.
Qxe4 {0.04/18 10} Bf6+ {0.08/22 36} 38. Kb1 {0.04/16 0} Qc5 {(Qa5) 0.08/20 13}
39. Rc1 {0.06/15 21} Qf2 {0.08/21 0} 40. Qe2 {0.05/16 12} Qxe2 {0.04/22 1} 41.
Bxe2 {0.05/15 0} Bf5+ {0.02/22 0} 42. Rc2 {0.05/19 4} Ke7 {(b5) 0.02/23 9} 43.
Kc1 {(f4) 0.01/19 20} Bxc2 {0.03/24 12} 44. Kxc2 {0.01/18 0} Bd4 {0.03/24 17}
45. h3 {(g4) 0.00/20 0} Bf2 {(Bg1) 0.00/25 30} 46. g4 {0.00/22 26} hxg4 {
0.00/27 0} 47. fxg4 {0.00/22 28} Kd6 {0.00/27 0} 48. b4 {0.00/22 12} g6 {
(Ke5) 0.00/26 0} 49. a4 {0.00/20 18} f5 {0.00/27 0} 50. gxf5 {0.00/21 9} gxf5 {
0.00/28 0} 51. a5 {0.00/22 8} Be1 {
(f4) Amk1come,Gull 12 ïðåäëàãàåò íè~~üo^ (Lag: Av=0.85s, max=2.3s) 0.00/28 2}

Two draws in row after 3 games with only 1 core. Really not bad!


BTW: I hase no problems to install Gull 0.12 under Fritz GUI! It was only the *.uci edited (only the name) from only "Gull" to "Gull 0.12. Thanks for this interesting engine!
Peace be with you!

Posts: 144
Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:32 am

Re: gull chess

Post by ThinkingALot » Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:14 am

Eduard Nemeth wrote:Question:
Is Gull a full (normal) UCI native Engine?
UCI support is partial. Gull cannot ponder (there are some technical problems I haven't solved yet) and doesn't support MultiPV.

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