TCEC Stage 1

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TCEC Stage 1

Post by BB+ » Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:29 pm

Engine               Pts  CS     1     2     3     4     5     6     7 
0001 Bouquet 1.8     5.5 30.5 27:b+ 08:w= 07:b+ 14:w+ 02:b= 03:w+ 05:b= 
0002 Gull 2.2        5.0 32.0 03:w+ 20:b+ 05:w+ 03:b= 01:w= 04:b= 06:w= 
0003 Stockfish 4     5.0 29.5 15:b+ 19:w+ 14:b= 02:w= 08:w+ 01:b- 12:w+ 
0004 Komodo 1063     5.0 29.0 18:b+ 07:w= 10:b= 19:w+ 06:b= 02:w= 14:b+ 
0005 Equinox 2b      5.0 29.0 31:b+ 24:w+ 02:b- 10:w= 21:b+ 07:w+ 01:w= 
0006 Houdini 3       4.5 30.5 22:w+ 13:b= 12:w+ 08:b= 04:w= 09:b= 02:b= 
0007 Spike 1.4       4.5 28.0 33:w+ 04:b= 01:w- 22:b+ 20:w+ 05:b- 16:w+ 
0008 Junior 13.3     4.5 27.5 32:w+ 01:b= 17:w+ 06:w= 03:b- 16:b= 15:w+ 
0009 Rybka 4.1       4.5 27.0 26:w+ 12:b= 13:w= 15:b= 17:w+ 06:w= 10:b= 
0010 Critter 1.6a    4.5 26.0 36:w+ 17:b= 04:w= 05:b= 13:w+ 12:b= 09:w= 
0011 Naum 4.2        4.5 25.0 14:w- 16:b+ 23:w+ 13:b= 15:w= 20:b= 18:w+ 
0012 Shredder 12     4.0 28.0 25:b+ 09:w= 06:b- 29:w+ 14:b+ 10:w= 03:b- 
0013 Hiarcs 14       4.0 27.0 29:b+ 06:w= 09:b= 11:w= 10:b- 21:w= 27:b+ 
0014 Exchess 7.15b   3.5 30.0 11:b+ 21:w+ 03:w= 01:b- 12:w- 29:b+ 04:w- 
0015 Tornado 4.88    3.5 27.5 03:w- 30:b+ 27:w+ 09:w= 11:b= 18:w= 08:b- 
0016 Spark 1         3.5 26.5 21:b= 11:w- 28:b= 26:w+ 19:b+ 08:w= 07:b- 
0017 Toga II 280513  3.5 25.5 28:b+ 10:w= 08:b- 18:w= 09:b- 19:w= 32:b+ 
0018 Jonny 6         3.5 25.5 04:w- 33:b+ 20:w= 17:b= 22:w+ 15:b= 11:b- 
0019 Hannibal 220813 3.5 25.0 30:w+ 03:b- 26:w+ 04:b- 16:w- 17:b= 29:w+ 
0020 Onno 1.27       3.5 25.0 35:b+ 02:w- 18:b= 28:w+ 07:b- 11:w= 24:b= 
0021 The Baron 3.35a 3.5 24.5 16:w= 14:b- 34:w+ 27:b+ 05:w- 13:b= 23:w= 
0022 Sjeng WC2008    3.5 24.0 06:b- 31:w+ 24:b+ 07:w- 18:b- 32:w+ 25:b= 
0023 Gaviota 0.87a8  3.5 23.0 02:b- 35:w+ 11:b- 32:w+ 24:b= 25:w= 21:b= 
0024 Minkochess 1.3  3.5 22.5 34:w+ 05:b- 22:w- 33:b+ 23:w= 26:b= 20:w= 
0025 Hamsters 0.71   3.5 20.5 12:w- 26:b- 30:w= 34:b+ 33:w+ 23:b= 22:w= 
0026 Scorpio 2.76    3.0 24.0 09:b- 25:w+ 19:b- 16:b- 30:w+ 24:w= 28:b= 
0027 Crafty 23.6     3.0 22.0 01:w- 32:b+ 15:b- 21:w- 35:b+ 31:w+ 13:w- 
0028 Delphil 3       3.0 18.0 17:w- 36:b+ 16:w= 20:b- 29:w- 33:b+ 26:w= 
0029 Octochess 5178  2.5 20.0 13:w- 34:b= 36:w+ 12:b- 28:b+ 14:w- 19:b- 
0030 Alfil 13.1      2.5 19.0 19:b- 15:w- 25:b= 31:w= 26:b- 35:w+ 34:b= 
0031 Arasan 16       2.5 17.0 05:w- 22:b- 32:w- 30:b= 36:w+ 27:b- 35:w+ 
0032 Arminius 100813 2.0 22.5 08:b- 27:w- 31:b+ 23:b- 34:w+ 22:b- 17:w- 
0033 Redqueen 1.14   2.0 19.0 07:b- 18:w- 35:b+ 24:w- 25:b- 28:w- 36:b+ 
0034 Nebula 2        2.0 17.5 24:b- 29:w= 21:b- 25:w- 32:b- 36:w+ 30:w= 
0035 Firefly 2.6     1.0 17.0 20:w- 23:b- 33:w- 36:b+ 27:w- 30:b- 31:b- 
0036 Bugchess2 1.9   0.0 17.5 10:b- 28:w- 29:b- 35:w- 31:b- 34:b- 33:w-
And a dump of ratings observations.
STEP is 350.000000 Termination Point is 0.001000
Observed White advantage is 44.77
 # RATING   NAME                    RESULTS            GAMES   PERC  DRAW%
  1  702.75 Bouquet 1.8             +4    =3    -0         7  78.6%  42.9%
  2  648.44 Gull 2.2                +3    =4    -0         7  71.4%  57.1%
  3  583.79 Stockfish 4             +4    =2    -1         7  71.4%  28.6%
  4  558.15 Komodo 1063             +3    =4    -0         7  71.4%  57.1%
  5  534.38 Equinox 2b              +4    =2    -1         7  71.4%  28.6%
  6  513.17 Houdini 3               +2    =5    -0         7  64.3%  71.4%
  7  429.81 Junior 13.3             +3    =3    -1         7  64.3%  42.9%
  8  423.53 Critter 1.6a            +2    =5    -0         7  64.3%  71.4%
  9  402.18 Spike 1.4               +4    =1    -2         7  64.3%  14.3%
 10  371.15 Shredder 12             +3    =2    -2         7  57.1%  28.6%
 11  364.71 Rybka 4.1               +2    =5    -0         7  64.3%  71.4%
 12  314.56 Exchess 7.15b           +3    =1    -3         7  50.0%  14.3%
 13  221.76 Hiarcs 14               +2    =4    -1         7  57.1%  57.1%
 14  193.83 Naum 4.2                +3    =3    -1         7  64.3%  42.9%
 15  142.37 Tornado 4.88            +2    =3    -2         7  50.0%  42.9%
 16   40.29 Toga II 280513          +2    =3    -2         7  50.0%  42.9%
 17   38.22 Jonny 6                 +2    =3    -2         7  50.0%  42.9%
 18   36.27 Spark 1                 +2    =3    -2         7  50.0%  42.9%
 19   -7.03 The Baron 3.35a         +2    =3    -2         7  50.0%  42.9%
 20  -14.49 Onno 1.27               +2    =3    -2         7  50.0%  42.9%
 21  -71.80 Hannibal 220813         +3    =1    -3         7  50.0%  14.3%
 22 -194.40 Sjeng WC2008            +3    =1    -3         7  50.0%  14.3%
 23 -236.36 Gaviota 0.87a8          +2    =3    -2         7  50.0%  42.9%
 24 -309.72 Minkochess 1.3          +2    =3    -2         7  50.0%  42.9%
 25 -343.18 Crafty 23.6             +3    =0    -4         7  42.9%   0.0%
 26 -346.39 Scorpio 2.76            +2    =2    -3         7  42.9%  28.6%
 27 -438.81 Hamsters 0.71           +2    =3    -2         7  50.0%  42.9%
 28 -445.27 Octochess 5178          +2    =1    -4         7  35.7%  14.3%
 29 -495.87 Delphil 3               +2    =2    -3         7  42.9%  28.6%
 30 -606.88 Arminius 100813         +2    =0    -5         7  28.6%   0.0%
 31 -739.18 Alfil 13.1              +1    =3    -3         7  35.7%  42.9%
 32 -803.65 Nebula 2                +1    =2    -4         7  28.6%  28.6%
 33 -887.20 Arasan 16               +2    =1    -4         7  35.7%  14.3%
 34 -1482.05 Redqueen 1.14           +2    =0    -5         7  28.6%   0.0%
 35 -2486.69 Firefly 2.6             +1    =0    -6         7  14.3%   0.0%
 36 -9999.90 Bugchess2 1.9           +0    =0    -7         7   0.0%   0.0%
I could give error margins on the ratings, but they aren't too useful in the first place (Redqueen, Firefly, and Bugchess are arbitrarily bad, as they lost to everyone else).

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