
General discussion about computer chess...
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Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:13 am
Real Name: Bob Hyatt (Robert M. Hyatt)
Location: University of Alabama at Birmingham

Re: Robodini

Post by hyatt » Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:41 pm

Vishywins wrote:
Prima wrote:
Vishywins wrote:
Prima wrote:This is not allowed in the EU laws.
u believe gpl not allowed in EU ???
please provide link to facts !!
Re-read my quoted statements. It's the taking of GPL and close sourcing it to make profit. NOT, "u believe gpl not allowed in EU"!!!
i re-read your statements. i see only fantasy no facts.
when i show new things that you did not know you fill more pages with empty talk.

i say gpl can be used commercially, for exemple stockfish.
you say it is only stockfish, not other engines - other engines use gpl v1 ou v2.

i then show robolit license - everyone sees it uses same gpl licence that allows commercial use. gpl v3.
you then claim there is difference in gpl in US and EU:
Prima wrote:If Robert Houdart wants to profit from the GPL, as applicable ONLY in the United States proper (I don't know about other Western countries) he won't be breaking the law either.
Additionally, (3) he LIVES & resides in Europe, NOT the U.S, at the time of Houdini distribution. This is not allowed in the EU laws.
i asked for link to show gpl is different in europe. you said you "studied EU law in 2011" :lol: please show us!!
you just empty talk. please provide *one* fact not just your imagination of law !!

GPL code CAN be used commercially. But you are REQUIRED to distribute the modified source code that matches the binary you sell. There are no exceptions. If you distribute the binary, you MUST distribute the complete modified source code. So what, exactly, are you rambling on and on about here?

Posts: 328
Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:12 am

Re: Robodini

Post by Prima » Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:47 pm

hyatt wrote:GPL code CAN be used commercially. But you are REQUIRED to distribute the modified source code that matches the binary you sell. There are no exceptions. If you distribute the binary, you MUST distribute the complete modified source code. So what, exactly, are you rambling on and on about here?
Hi Bob.
Exactly as you stated! I've also stated that for one to commercialize GPLv1 @ v2 software, it can't be automatically treated as GPLv3 without infringing on the rights of the software/product owners - just as GPLv3 was developed to enforce and protect the rights of end-users and/or distributors (as in "bundling" for example). Hence my previous statement to Vishywins that "NOT ALL GPL (referring to GPLv1 & v2) can be commercialized". At least not automatically in some instances without some proper steps followed. He misquoted me on that and is not able to deduce between these various GPL levels. But all this spammer rants about is; "GPL can be commercialized" but selectively avoids/ignores the other GPL/FSF terms mandating the inclusion of "the" modified and/default source with "its" binary, and/or proper credits/acknowledgements etc - none of which Robert Houdart has done.

I also pointed that though EU laws permit close source of PD codes but doesn't allow the close-source of GPL software to (1) distribute without source and (2) profit FROM a GPL source code. Again, Vishywins keeps ranting "GPL can be profited from" and avoids discussions of EU Laws and/or the dishonesty practised by RH. Vishywins just CAN'T/WON'T discuss these, besides repeating over and over like a broken tape: "GPL can be commercialized" - which BTW, he's referring to Stockfish, as he already stated that "GPL is a joke" and "GPL sucks" - meaning that GPL of RobboLito 0.085g3 by Kranium/Sentinal is not valid and that Robert Houdart hasn't done anything wrong by not acknowledging its authors and not releasing Houdini source codes.

Please don't let this forum-spammer waste your time as he did mine :) . He has proven he's incapable of learning. Also proven that he's incapable of intellectual/mental exercise & discussions.

BTW Dr. Bob, what is the maximum Hash size of Crafty? I ask this because I like to use the Wb2UCI adapter/configuration for Crafty for GUIs that are only UCI-compliant and I'm not sure of it's maximum Hash in order to assign it in the Wb2UCI.eng configuration. Thanks in advance.

Posts: 1242
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:13 am
Real Name: Bob Hyatt (Robert M. Hyatt)
Location: University of Alabama at Birmingham

Re: Robodini

Post by hyatt » Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:38 am

Since most machines max out memory / address space at 2^40, or one terabyte, the max practical size is 1/2 of that. There is no limit imposed by Crafty, and I know of no linux limit in that most intel cpus (64 bit ones) support a 40 bit physical address space, 48 bit virtual address space. Which means you could ask for a few terabytes, but the swapping is going to be slow, assuming you have a large paging disk.

I have some 12gb machines I use and I have used 8gb of hash (8192M for the hash argument) many times with no problems...

Posts: 328
Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:12 am

Re: Robodini

Post by Prima » Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:13 am

hyatt wrote:Since most machines max out memory / address space at 2^40, or one terabyte, the max practical size is 1/2 of that. There is no limit imposed by Crafty, and I know of no linux limit in that most intel cpus (64 bit ones) support a 40 bit physical address space, 48 bit virtual address space. Which means you could ask for a few terabytes, but the swapping is going to be slow, assuming you have a large paging disk.

I have some 12gb machines I use and I have used 8gb of hash (8192M for the hash argument) many times with no problems...
NICE!!! Unlimited Hash Size (so to speak) is an excellent feature. Thank you Dr. Bob.

Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:53 pm

Re: Robodini

Post by alfons » Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:06 pm

Hello Dr. Hyatt,

could you please update some links/content of sites related to crafty, or at least order someone to do so?

indicates version 23.4 as stable; but 23.5 is already out


one cannot download it from the ftp (maybe just for internal use only?). Through http (nowhere advertised):

it is possible however.
$(MAKE) target=LINUX \
CC=gcc CXX=g++ \
CFLAGS='-Wall -pipe -fbranch-probabilities -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -march=native' \
LDFLAGS='$(LDFLAGS) -lpthread -lstdc++' \
opt='$(opt) -DINLINE64 -DCPUS=2 -DNOEGTB -DRCDIR="\"/home/user/chessfiles\""' \
This gave me a fast executable for Macmini (v. 4.1) with Debian.

But to get the right parameter/syntax for the place of the .craftyrc file was hard for me (this could deserve some documentation, no?).

greetings of the season.

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Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:17 am
Real Name: Louis Zulli
Location: Pennsylvania, USA

Re: Robodini

Post by zullil » Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:28 am

alfons wrote:Hello Dr. Hyatt,

could you please update some links/content of sites related to crafty, or at least order someone to do so?

indicates version 23.4 as stable; but 23.5 is already out
Another place to go is

Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:53 pm

Re: Robodini

Post by alfons » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:18 pm
webkikr kikr

For ideologic reasons (and the ones lying in the past) I do avoid: Peter Skinner and his webauftritt.

But thanks anyway.

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