Aquarium 4 - Enter moves manually

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Aquarium 4 - Enter moves manually

Post by andytl755 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:31 pm

As a user of Shredder, I particularly used to like the 'Enter Moves' option in the Mode menu. Is there an equiviliant for Aquarium?

Basically, I want to temporarily turn off the Engine: either by making it let me enter moves manually, playing human vs human games or something similiar. My idea is to force the computer to play specific openings, or force it into certain positions I am working on, etc. I know you can set up positions, but that is so cumbersome in comparision.

I have Rybka Aquarium, but presume Houdini Aquarium would be the same?

Any help is much appreicated.

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