looking for a complex PGN file for testing PGN parser

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looking for a complex PGN file for testing PGN parser

Post by pgn4web » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:06 pm


(I already posted the same question on talkchess.com, got one answer, but looking for more...)

I'm looking for a complex PGN file for testing a PGN parser. Something with complex variations and a variety of test cases.

Anyone with a link to such a test PGN file?

Thanks in advance.

PS: it's for testing the next version of the pgn4web games viewer also used on this site.

Posts: 40
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Real Name: Lee Neuse

Re: looking for a complex PGN file for testing PGN parser

Post by HumbleProgrammer » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:21 pm

I use this game as a quick test for parsers: it has nested comments and variations, as well as NAG codes:

[Event "Wch1"]
[Site "U.S.A."]
[Date "1886.??.??"]
[Round "9"]
[White "Zukertort, Johannes"]
[Black "Steinitz, Wilhelm"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D26h"]
[Annotator "JvR"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 dxc4 5.e3 c5 6.Bxc4 cxd4 7.exd4 Be7 8.O-O
O-O 9.Qe2 Nbd7 {This knight wants to blockades on d5.} 10.Bb3 Nb6 11.Bf4
( 11.Re1 {keeps the initiative.} )
11...Nbd5 12.Bg3 Qa5 13.Rac1 Bd7 14.Ne5 Rfd8 15.Qf3 Be8 16.Rfe1 Rac8 17.
Bh4 {Intends 18.Nxd5 exd5.} 17...Nxc3 18.bxc3 Qc7 {Black pressures on the
hanging pawns.} 19.Qd3
( 19.Bg3 {!} 19...Bd6 20.c4 {(Lasker).} )
19...Nd5 20.Bxe7 Qxe7 21.Bxd5 {?!}
( 21.c4 Qg5 22.Rcd1 Nf4 23.Qg3 {steers towards a slight advantage in
the endgame.} )
21...Rxd5 22.c4 Rdd8 23.Re3 {The attack will fail.}
( 23.Rcd1 {is solid.} )
23...Qd6 24.Rd1 f6 25.Rh3 {!?} 25...h6 {!}
( 25...fxe5 26.Qxh7+ Kf8 27.Rg3 {!} 27...Rd7
( 27...Rc7 28.Qh8+ Ke7 29.Rxg7+ Bf7 30.Qh4+ {(Euwe)} )
28.Qh8+ Ke7 29.Qh4+ Kf7 30.Qh7 {} )
26.Ng4 Qf4 {!} 27.Ne3 Ba4 {!} 28.Rf3 Qd6 29.Rd2
( 29.Rxf6 {?} 29...Bxd1 {!} )
29...Bc6 {?}
( 29...b5 {!} 30.Qg6 {!?}
( 30.cxb5 Rc1+ 31.Nd1 Qxd4 32.Qxd4 Rxd4 33.Rxd4 Bxd1 $19 {
(Vukovic).} )
30...Qf8 31.Ng4 Rxc4 {!} 32.Nxh6+ Kh8 33.h3 gxh6 34.Rxf6 Qg7 {is good
for Black).} )
30.Rg3 {?}
( 30.d5 {!} 30...Qe5 {!}
( 30...exd5 {(Steinitz)} 31.Nf5 {(Euwe)} )
31.Qb1 {Forestalls ..b5 and protects the first rank.} 31...exd5 32.
cxd5 {} 32...Bxd5 {??} 33.Rf5 )
30...f5 {Threatens ..f4.} 31.Rg6 {!?}
( 31.Nd1 f4 32.Rh3 e5 {!} 33.d5 Bd7 $19 )
31...Be4 32.Qb3 Kh7
( 32...Kf7 {(protects e6)} 33.c5 Qe7 {!} 34.Rg3 f4 )
33.c5 Rxc5 34.Rxe6
( 34.Qxe6 Rc1+ $19 )
34...Rc1+ 35.Nd1
( 35.Nf1 Qc7 $19 {!} )
35...Qf4 36.Qb2 Rb1 37.Qc3 Rc8 {Utilises the unprotected first rank.} 38.
Rxe4 Qxe4 {Many authors praise the high level of this positional game. The
score had become 4-4. The match continued in New Orleans.} 0-1

Humble Programmer

Posts: 97
Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:26 pm

Re: looking for a complex PGN file for testing PGN parser

Post by pgn4web » Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:20 pm

[Event "Wch1"]
[Site "U.S.A."]
[Date "1886.??.??"]
[Round "9"]
[White "Zukertort, Johannes"]
[Black "Steinitz, Wilhelm"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D26h"]
[Annotator "JvR"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 dxc4 5.e3 c5 6.Bxc4 cxd4 7.exd4 Be7 8.O-O
O-O 9.Qe2 Nbd7 {This knight wants to blockades on d5.} 10.Bb3 Nb6 11.Bf4
( 11.Re1 {keeps the initiative.} )
11...Nbd5 12.Bg3 Qa5 13.Rac1 Bd7 14.Ne5 Rfd8 15.Qf3 Be8 16.Rfe1 Rac8 17.
Bh4 {Intends 18.Nxd5 exd5.} 17...Nxc3 18.bxc3 Qc7 {Black pressures on the
hanging pawns.} 19.Qd3
( 19.Bg3 {!} 19...Bd6 20.c4 {(Lasker).} )
19...Nd5 20.Bxe7 Qxe7 21.Bxd5 {?!}
( 21.c4 Qg5 22.Rcd1 Nf4 23.Qg3 {steers towards a slight advantage in
the endgame.} )
21...Rxd5 22.c4 Rdd8 23.Re3 {The attack will fail.}
( 23.Rcd1 {is solid.} )
23...Qd6 24.Rd1 f6 25.Rh3 {!?} 25...h6 {!}
( 25...fxe5 26.Qxh7+ Kf8 27.Rg3 {!} 27...Rd7
( 27...Rc7 28.Qh8+ Ke7 29.Rxg7+ Bf7 30.Qh4+ {(Euwe)} )
28.Qh8+ Ke7 29.Qh4+ Kf7 30.Qh7 {} )
26.Ng4 Qf4 {!} 27.Ne3 Ba4 {!} 28.Rf3 Qd6 29.Rd2
( 29.Rxf6 {?} 29...Bxd1 {!} )
29...Bc6 {?}
( 29...b5 {!} 30.Qg6 {!?}
( 30.cxb5 Rc1+ 31.Nd1 Qxd4 32.Qxd4 Rxd4 33.Rxd4 Bxd1 $19 {
(Vukovic).} )
30...Qf8 31.Ng4 Rxc4 {!} 32.Nxh6+ Kh8 33.h3 gxh6 34.Rxf6 Qg7 {is good
for Black).} )
30.Rg3 {?}
( 30.d5 {!} 30...Qe5 {!}
( 30...exd5 {(Steinitz)} 31.Nf5 {(Euwe)} )
31.Qb1 {Forestalls ..b5 and protects the first rank.} 31...exd5 32.
cxd5 {} 32...Bxd5 {??} 33.Rf5 )
30...f5 {Threatens ..f4.} 31.Rg6 {!?}
( 31.Nd1 f4 32.Rh3 e5 {!} 33.d5 Bd7 $19 )
31...Be4 32.Qb3 Kh7
( 32...Kf7 {(protects e6)} 33.c5 Qe7 {!} 34.Rg3 f4 )
33.c5 Rxc5 34.Rxe6
( 34.Qxe6 Rc1+ $19 )
34...Rc1+ 35.Nd1
( 35.Nf1 Qc7 $19 {!} )
35...Qf4 36.Qb2 Rb1 37.Qc3 Rc8 {Utilises the unprotected first rank.} 38.
Rxe4 Qxe4 {Many authors praise the high level of this positional game. The
score had become 4-4. The match continued in New Orleans.} 0-1

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