CCT14 - 10 registered participants

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Joined: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:18 pm
Real Name: Peter Skinner
Location: Canada

CCT14 - 10 registered participants

Post by Webkikr » Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:07 pm

Hello everyone,

With roughly 6 weeks before CCT14, there are 10 confirmed and accepted participants for the event.

Over the last 10 days, there has been a mass influx of individuals trying to register Ippolit for the event. You must be an author or a team member to register for the event (with original author's permission). As there are no verified authors of Ippolit, no submissions will be accepted.

I have also been emailed several times asking if I would accept Rybka into the event. Here are my thoughts on the matter:

Being there is an ICGA ruling on the matter, I will accept either Fruit or Rybka into the event. Not both.

We use various rating lists and other tournaments as criteria for "accepted entrants". At this time, the only tournament that allows Rybka to enter is one from the CSVN. I would be willing to accept Rybka into the event only due to my personal belief that while Rybka 1.0 contained Fruit code, I am quite sure that latter versions do not contain any offending code. Also many of the people that I have contacted on the matter _do not_ disapprove Rybka participating. In fact most welcome it.

On the subject of Houdini participating:

I will leave this up to the _registered_ participants of CCT14. Personally, I do not feel it should participate as it has been shown to be a clone of Robbolitto. I believe the evidence given, and the author himself never qualifies an answer to the question.

Being this is an event for the authors, I will leave it up to them to decide. Spectator opinions will not matter in this regard.

As is customary since I have been running these events, I will be personally emailing all the commercial authors asking them to enter. This includes Rybka.

If the majority of the participants welcome Rybka into the event, and Vasik chooses to participate, it will.

Peter Skinner

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