Chess Computer Corner with new design

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Chess Computer Corner with new design

Post by Mythbuster » Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:42 pm

my small community site (Chess Computer Corner) has a new "look and feel".
For those who don't know my site: It is a community for trading old Chess Computer (Mephisto, Fidelity, Novag, Tasc etc.) and for PDA / Pocket Chess.
It is a supplement to the Schachcomputer.Info community which is worldwide the best known page for old Chess Computer.
Of course you can post there also in English, no problem!
I have to thank my deep friend Micha for his endless help and work on my pages!
Enough said, here we go:

Best Regards,
Chess Computer Corner: The Community for old Chess Computers and PDA Chess. Please visit me at

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