Yes, I see it now. I think it's a Winboard bug. Even more embarrassing is, I didn't notice this colour-mixup. I spent ample time trying to pinpoint the problem and even though its fixed, I'm not sure which is the culprit:Uly wrote:Here are your board and my board side by side:Prima wrote:The colours were fine (not inverted). I'm not sure if my viewing the game from Black's Side and/or taking a snap picture using Snipping Tools has any thing to do with it. Strange though.
As you can see, both are looking from black's perspective (the coordinates match) and the left one above has the square colors wrong.
If flipping the board messes up the board colors, it seems like a Winboard bug (i.e. in the starting position it would show the queens on the wrong color).
1. Ether it's a Winboard bug, or
2. Bitmap name-mixup (for White/Black), in this case Alessandro Scotti's bitmap: "Dave_lite/Dave_dark.bmp". Or
3. Corrupted Bitmap.
With #2 and #3, I noticed the Dark coloured squares where placed for White coloured squares and vice versa. So I rearranged the colours but the inverted square-colours persisted. The inverted colours also persisted with other bitmaps. I've done this for a long time and never seen anything like this. So I had to use a fresh bitmap and after more trials and error, the square colours are corrected.
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