TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

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Martin Thoresen
Posts: 386
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:27 am

TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by Martin Thoresen » Mon May 16, 2011 12:55 pm

TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3


Official discussion thread:
NB: You need to be registered in order to participate or view the discussion on the official site.

For live chat please visit
NB: Don't pay too much attention to their built-in computer analysis since it's running multi pv which slows it down considerably.


NB: Engine updates are allowed only until the tournament starts,
and then the engine version numbers will be added.

CPU: Intel Core i7 980x @ 4198 MHz
MB: Asus Rampage III Gene
RAM: 12 GB Corsair
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Threads: Up to 6 per engine.
Tournament length: 56 games.
Tournament type: Double round robin.
Openings: Randomly selected from the new TCEC main opening book.
All openings are fixed to 10 moves and analyzed by Rybka & Houdini on the TCEC computer for 4 minutes per opening.

Time Control:
150 minutes + 30 seconds added per move for the whole game.

Graphical User Interface:
Type: ChessGUI
Resign: +/- 7.50 eval for 5 moves in a row (both engines)
Draw: An eval of +0.05/-0.05 for 5 moves in a row (both engines - only possible at move 30 or later)
If there is a pawn advance, or a capture by any kind, this draw counter will reset
Ponder: Off
Hash: Max 4096 MB per engine
Endgame tablebases: For any engine using these, all 3-4-5 men are available (Nalimov, Gaviota etc.)
Endgame cache: Up to 256 MB

For complete information on the rules and hardware, see the Information page.

Stage 2a is half of the qualifiers from stage 1. The top 4 finishers will
move on to stage 3 while the bottom 4 are out of TCEC for this season.

For news and updates check the News Forum regularly.
TCEC - Thoresen Chess Engines Competition

Martin Thoresen
Posts: 386
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:27 am

Re: TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by Martin Thoresen » Wed May 18, 2011 5:59 pm

TCEC - Thoresen Chess Engines Competition

Adam Hair
Posts: 104
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:29 am
Real Name: Adam Hair

Re: TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by Adam Hair » Thu May 19, 2011 3:19 am

This is the first time I have viewed a TCEC game (Junior vs Sjeng). This is awesome Martin!
I have no idea how this could be improved upon, at least in regards to viewing the games.
You deserve all of the attention that TCEC is getting.

Martin Thoresen
Posts: 386
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:27 am

Re: TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by Martin Thoresen » Thu May 19, 2011 1:21 pm

Adam Hair wrote:This is the first time I have viewed a TCEC game (Junior vs Sjeng). This is awesome Martin!
I have no idea how this could be improved upon, at least in regards to viewing the games.
You deserve all of the attention that TCEC is getting.
Thanks Adam, it's appreciated!

Unfortunately there was a hardware problem making Naum - Spark stop
so I have decided to manually adjudicate that game as a draw.

Also, this problem might be the cause of the SF crash yesterday, so
I have resumed SF - Critter from the last position.

The hardware issues should be resolved now, hopefully there won't be
any more trouble.

TCEC - Thoresen Chess Engines Competition

Martin Thoresen
Posts: 386
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:27 am

Re: TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by Martin Thoresen » Fri May 20, 2011 2:44 pm

Standings after 2 of 14 rounds:

Code: Select all

N Engine         Pts   SB   J N S S S R C G 

1 Junior 12.5    1.5  1.50        =   1     
2 Naum 4.2       1.5  1.00          =   1   
3 Stockfish 2.11 1.5  0.25              = 1 
4 Sjeng c't 2010 1.0  1.25  =       =       
5 Spark 1.0      1.0  1.25    =   =         
6 Rybka 4.1      1.0  0.00  0             1 
7 Critter 1.01   0.5  0.75    0 =           
8 Gull 3683      0.0  0.00      0     0     
TCEC - Thoresen Chess Engines Competition

Posts: 1484
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:26 am

Re: TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by BB+ » Sat May 21, 2011 6:02 am

Junior is often said to be the most "stylistic" engine out there. This game against Gull was rather nice.[White "Junior 12.5"][Black "Gull 3683"][Round "3.1"][Event "TCEC 3 Stage 2a"][Result "1-0"]
1. c4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. g3 d5 4. Bg2 d4 5. O-O c5 6. e3 Nc6 7. exd4 cxd4 8. d3 Be7 9. Re1 O-O 10. Na3 Ne8 11. Nc2 f6 12. b4 Bxb4 13. Nxb4 Nxb4 14. Qb3 a5 15. a3 Nc6 16. a4 Nc7 17. Ba3 Rf7 18. Nd2 Na6 19. c5 Ncb4 20. Qc4 Rb8 21. Bxb4 Nxb4 22. Rab1 b6 23. c6 Re7 24. Rxb4 axb4 25. Qxb4 Ra7 26. Nc4 Qe7 27. Nd6 e5 28. Rc1 Rc7 29. a5 b5 30. Bd5+ Kf8 31. f4 Bh3 32. fxe5 fxe5 33. Qc5 b4 34. Bg2 Bxg2 35. Kxg2 Kg8 36. Qd5+ Kh8 37. Nb5 b3 38. Nxc7 Qxc7 39. a6 b2 40. Rb1 Qb6 41. Kh3 Rg8 42. a7 Qxa7 43. Rxb2 Qa3 44. Rf2 Qxd3 45. c7 Qa6 46. Kg2 h6 47. h4 Re8 48. Rb2 Rc8 49. Rb8 Kh7 50. Qe4+ g6 51. h5 Rxc7 52. hxg6+ Qxg6 53. Rh8+ Kxh8 54. Qxg6 Rh7 55. Qe8+ Kg7 56. Qxe5+ Kg8 57. Qb8+ Kf7 58. Qb7+ Kg8 59. Qa8+ Kf7 60. Qd5+ Kf8 61. Qxd4 Kf7 62. Qd5+ Kf8 63. Qd8+ Kf7 64. Qd7+ Kg6 65. Qe6+ Kg7 66. Qe7+ Kg6 67. Qe4+ Kg7 68. Kh3 Rh8 69. Qe7+ Kg6 70. g4 Rg8 71. g5 hxg5 72. Kg4 Rg7 73. Qe6+ Kh7 1-0
[Event "ChessWar XVI A 40m/40'"]
[Site "DEVILLE1-5D9C28"]
[Date "2011.05.12"]
[Round "14.1"]
[White "Junior"]
[Black "Houdini 1.5a_x64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A30"]
[WhiteElo "2784"]
[BlackElo "2999"]
[Annotator "14. +0.32 10... -0.04"]
[PlyCount "215"]
[EventDate "2011.??.??"]
1. c4 c5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nc3 e6 4. g3 b6 5. Bg2 Bb7 6. O-O Be7 7. Re1 Ne4 8. Nxe4
Bxe4 9. d3 Bb7 10. e4 Nc6 {-0.04/21 1:17} 11. d4 cxd4 {-0.06/21 1:06} 12. Nxd4
O-O {-0.09/21 1:14} 13. Be3 Bb4 {-0.04/20 1:50} 14. Bd2 {+0.32/19 2:35} 14...
Bc5 {-0.04/20 58} 15. Nxc6 {+0.34/19 57} 15... Bxc6 {-0.05/20 11} 16. b4 {
+0.31/18 1:22} 16... Bd4 {-0.05/22 1:41} 17. Rb1 {+0.37/18 1:01} 17... Rc8 {
-0.01/21 1:24} 18. Bf4 {+0.41/19 1:27} 18... e5 {+0.01/23 1:18} 19. Be3 {
+0.40/20 0.2} 19... Bxe3 {+0.01/23 1:58} 20. Rxe3 {+0.37/21 6:39} 20... Qe7 {
-0.01/24 0.1} 21. Bh3 {+0.34/19 3:29} 21... Rc7 {+0.05/21 1:17} 22. a3 {
+0.26/18 38} 22... h6 {+0.01/20 1:48} 23. Qc2 {+0.30/18 1:31} 23... Bb5 {
+0.11/22 1:14} 24. c5 {+0.37/20 1:05} 24... bxc5 {+0.08/23 1:52} 25. a4 {
+0.41/22 1:09} 25... Ba6 {+0.21/23 1:08} 26. b5 {+0.31/23 4:06} 26... Bb7 {
+0.18/23 1:01} 27. Qc4 {+0.31/21 0.1} 27... Bc8 {+0.07/23 7:22} 28. Rd3 {
+0.27/20 1:24} 28... Rb7 {+0.18/22 1:31} 29. Bf5 {+0.38/19 56} 29... d6 {
+0.22/22 47} 30. Rbd1 {+0.34/19 11} 30... Bxf5 {+0.28/22 1:18} 31. exf5 {
+0.21/18 0.4} 31... Rd8 {+0.29/22 37} 32. R3d2 {+0.14/18 2:02} 32... Rb6 {
+0.41/21 55} 33. a5 {+0.02/17 1:05} 33... Rb7 {+0.30/21 36} 34. Rd5 {
-0.05/17 1:13} 34... Rbb8 {+0.29/20 10} 35. Rb1 {-0.07/18 52} 35... Qd7 {
+0.44/20 58} 36. g4 {-0.30/19 1:03} 36... Qc7 {+0.59/22 48} 37. Ra1 {
-0.04/19 1:34} 37... Re8 {+0.52/20 1:18} 38. Ra3 {-0.08/19 1:02} 38... Rb7 {
+0.59/21 0.1} 39. h3 {-0.33/18 49} 39... Reb8 {+0.59/22 53} 40. Rb3 {
-0.29/21 0.3} 40... Qd7 {+0.59/21 1:28} 41. a6 {-0.22/22 0.2} 41... Rc7 {
+0.51/21 45} 42. Kg2 {+0.02/18 56} 42... Rb6 {+0.55/22 1:02} 43. Rd1 {
-0.11/19 0.2} 43... Rc8 {+0.59/22 46} 44. Rd5 {-0.22/20 1:14} 44... Qe7 {
+0.59/22 1:06} 45. Rd2 {-0.22/18 50} 45... Rd8 {+0.58/22 1:00} 46. Kg3 {
-0.29/18 51} 46... h5 {+0.58/21 47} 47. Kg2 {-0.35/18 43} 47... Rdb8 {
+0.58/22 4:19} 48. Rd5 {-0.36/21 2:26} 48... Qf6 {+0.58/20 1:00} 49. Rdd3 {
-0.42/20 1:28} 49... Kf8 {+0.58/20 1:22} 50. Rg3 {-0.08/19 45} 50... hxg4 {
+0.41/20 1.6} 51. Rxg4 {-0.19/20 49} 51... Ke7 {+0.56/21 43} 52. Rgg3 {
-0.19/19 40} 52... Rd8 {+0.58/21 43} 53. Rbd3 {-0.24/19 29} 53... Re8 {
+0.60/21 45} 54. Qe4 {-0.31/20 48} 54... Rg8 {+0.60/21 0.1} 55. Rb3 {
-0.31/19 52} 55... Rd8 {+0.57/21 21} 56. Qc4 {-0.48/20 1:13} 56... Rdb8 {
+0.58/22 1:13} 57. Qd3 {-0.31/21 1:12} 57... Kf8 {+0.58/22 0.1} 58. Rg4 {
-0.33/20 1:28} 58... Rc8 {+0.25/22 5:26} 59. h4 {-0.24/20 1:11} 59... Ke7 {
+0.39/20 2:27} 60. Kg3 {-0.24/19 1:04} 60... Rh8 {+0.62/19 35} 61. Qe4 {
-0.35/20 55} 61... Rd8 {+0.54/21 0.1} 62. Qc2 {-0.35/21 57} 62... Rdb8 {
+0.42/21 3:00} 63. Qd3 {-0.26/21 51} 63... Rc8 {+0.50/19 1:21} 64. Kg2 {
-0.27/21 1:14} 64... Rc7 {+0.46/20 0.2} 65. Rc3 {-0.08/19 2:14} 65... Rb8 {
+0.34/22 24} 66. Rb3 {-0.08/20 56} 66... Rd7 {+0.28/21 23} 67. Qc2 {-0.24/19 57
} 67... Rdd8 {+0.22/21 2:03} 68. Rg5 {+0.00/18 39} 68... Rb6 {+0.13/20 1:21}
69. Kf1 {+0.00/17 42} 69... Rh8 {+0.38/19 30} 70. Qc4 {-0.35/22 51} 70... Qh6 {
+0.23/19 7} 71. Rh3 {-0.38/21 2:22} 71... Rhb8 {+0.17/21 0.3} 72. Rb3 {
-0.24/22 1:49} 72... Kf8 {+0.14/22 5} 73. Rbg3 {+0.00/21 45} 73... Rxb5 {
-0.15/21 49} 74. Rxg7 {+0.00/21 0.3} 74... Qf6 {-0.18/22 47} 75. Qe4 {
+0.00/19 1:52} 75... Rb1+ {-0.18/22 37} 76. Kg2 {+0.45/20 27} 76... Qxg7 {
-0.24/23 1:09} 77. Rxg7 {+0.45/22 0.2} 77... Kxg7 {-0.95/22 1:07} 78. Qg4+ {
+0.46/22 43} 78... Kh7 {-1.02/21 0.4} 79. Qh5+ {+0.46/21 1:49} 79... Kg7 {
-0.89/22 0.1} 80. Qg5+ {+0.58/21 1:37} 80... Kh7 {-0.82/21 15} 81. Qe7 {
+1.03/24 13:54} 81... Kg7 {-1.54/23 0.1} 82. f6+ {+1.96/18 34} 82... Kg6 {
-2.39/20 2:13} 83. h5+ {+2.30/22 0.2} 83... Kf5 {-2.39/19 0.1} 84. Qxf7 {
+2.30/21 9} 84... R1b4 {-2.36/21 46} 85. Qg6+ {+2.30/21 0.2} 85... Ke6 {
-1.77/8 0.1} 86. h6 {+2.30/20 13} 86... Rh8 {-2.96/19 1:00} 87. f7+ {
+1.85/19 23} 87... Kd5 {-2.85/20 0.2} 88. Qd3+ {+2.03/21 7:20} 88... Ke6 {
-2.27/21 4:52} 89. f4 {+2.21/21 0.1} 89... c4 {-2.76/19 1:35} 90. f5+ {
+2.67/19 1:09} 90... Kd7 {-4.59/21 48} 91. Qd5 {+2.86/18 20} 91... Rbb8 {
-5.36/22 2:52} 92. Qe6+ {+2.96/18 6:49} 92... Kc7 {-5.57/25 0.2} 93. Qxc4+ {
+2.99/19 1:05} 93... Kb6 {-5.64/22 0.5} 94. Qb3+ {+2.99/19 1:24} 94... Kc6 {
-5.15/20 46} 95. Qe6 {+3.18/17 18} 95... Rbd8 {-5.89/21 5:52} 96. Qe7 {
+3.55/18 42} 96... d5 {-5.89/20 6} 97. Qb7+ {+3.61/16 16} 97... Kd6 {
-6.20/20 1:07} 98. Qxa7 {+4.05/18 40} 98... Rb8 {-6.25/21 5} 99. Qf2 {
+4.03/17 16} 99... Kc6 {-6.43/21 2:00} 100. a7 {+4.06/16 25} 100... Rbd8 {
-6.64/20 1:01} 101. Qb2 {+4.14/16 11} 101... e4 {-6.79/20 40} 102. Qb4 {
+4.15/15 16} 102... Ra8 {-6.81/20 43} 103. Kf2 {+4.25/16 27} 103... Rhf8 {
-6.82/20 38} 104. h7 {+4.42/16 23} 104... Rfd8 {-7.60/21 1:11} 105. Ke3 {
+4.44/15 11} 105... Rh8 {-7.79/21 51} 106. Kd4 {+4.93/18 42} 106... Rad8 {
-9.32/20 1:30} 107. Qa5 {+99.81/21 0.2} 107... Kb7 {-99.76/20 1:10} 108. Kc5 {
+99.81/21 0.2 Black resigns} 1-0Both sides thought they were up by a 1/3 of a pawn or more around move 25, then Junior made the exchange sac, and won.

However, not all Junior wins are always that interesting. For instance, its Round 14 win over Houdini in the recent ChessWar XVI was a rather boring shuffling game with QRR and pawns for each side, until suddenly White's pieces were all in the right places, and there was a combo via the g-file.

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Re: TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by Uly » Sat May 21, 2011 9:53 am

BB+ wrote:Junior is often said to be the most "stylistic" engine out there.
From the TCEC participants, sure, but my money for style is on Thinker (that is so user-unfriendly the style becomes almost irrelevant...)

Martin Thoresen
Posts: 386
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:27 am

Re: TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by Martin Thoresen » Sat May 21, 2011 4:02 pm

A minor update to the TCEC site has been made.

1: One separate live page with only the current live game (the LIVE link in the menu).
2: The other stage pages will contain all finished games, and they will be linked in color to the LIVE link.
3: A small timer has been added since the last move was made.
4: The crosstable will now update automatically, you can also click "Update" to force it to update.

This should make it easier for people with a low-bandwidth internet connection to follow the live games.

PS: Uly, I agree with your sentiments about Thinker.
TCEC - Thoresen Chess Engines Competition

Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:10 am

Re: TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by Sarciness » Sun May 22, 2011 4:47 am

Martin Thoresen wrote:A minor update to the TCEC site has been made.

1: One separate live page with only the current live game (the LIVE link in the menu).
2: The other stage pages will contain all finished games, and they will be linked in color to the LIVE link.
3: A small timer has been added since the last move was made.
4: The crosstable will now update automatically, you can also click "Update" to force it to update.

This should make it easier for people with a low-bandwidth internet connection to follow the live games.

PS: Uly, I agree with your sentiments about Thinker.
Martin, TCEC keeps getting better and better. I wasn't convinced that a Swiss system would be as interesting as the league as there are already so many Swiss tourneys around but I think it's a good format. Keep up the good work and thank you!

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Re: TCEC Stage 2a - Season 3 (150m + 30s) LIVE! Starts 18/5

Post by BB+ » Mon May 23, 2011 2:01 am

A minor update to the TCEC site has been made.
There's also an evaluation graph now. My only comment is that in games that end up decisive, the scaling is such that it is hard to make out any fine detail in the 0.00-1.00 range (say).

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