Looking for an interesting test game...

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Looking for an interesting test game...

Post by HumbleProgrammer » Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:45 am

I am looking for an interesting PGN game to use as test fodder for parsers, move generators, et al. The ideal candidate should meet as many of the following as possible:

(1) One side castles short (O-O)
(2) The other side castles long (O-O-O)
(3) En Passant capture
(4) 3+ Queens on the board (for more than 1 ply)
(5) Promotion
(6) Under-promotion (promote to N/B/R)
(7) Check
(8) Discovered check
(9) Double check
(10) Pinned piece
(11) Move requiring rank specifier (i.e., Nbd2)
(12) Move requiring file specifier (i.e., R1b1)

Lastly, if at all possible, I would like this to be a real game, not an artificial construct: I'll more than likely be reviewing the game over and over (and over) again during testing. So far, the best I've found is 8 out of 12, but I welcome any suggestions...

Humble Programmer

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Re: Looking for an interesting test game...

Post by UncombedCoconut » Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:25 am

What about the case of a move requiring both a file and rank specifier? (I imagine that would be hard to find in a real game.)

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