Oops, I forgot that what I gave in the PDF had the %rip stuff and omitted the actual location to which the relative instruction pointer points (this was done for formatting purposes). The gdb dump looks more like this (though here I leave out my comments):
Code: Select all
0x00482a00: xor %eax,%eax
0x00482a02: cmp $0x6,%ecx
0x00482a05: mov %eax,2392757(%rip) # 0x6cacc0
0x00482a0b: jne 0x482a84
0x00482a0d: xorq $0xa0,2392584(%rip) # 0x6cac20
0x00482a18: xorq $0xa0,2392637(%rip) # 0x6cac60
0x00482a23: xorq $0xa0,2392698(%rip) # 0x6caca8
0x00482a2e: xorq $0x9,2392682(%rip) # 0x6caca0
0x00482a36: addl $0x5a0000,2392712(%rip) # 0x6cacc8
0x00482a40: mov %eax,2392310(%rip) # 0x6cab3c
0x00482a46: mov $0x8000800000000000,%rax
0x00482a50: movl $0x8,2392282(%rip) # 0x6cab34
0x00482a5a: xor %rax,2392655(%rip) # 0x6cacb0
0x00482a61: mov $0x800100000,%rax
0x00482a6b: xor %rax,2392614(%rip) # 0x6cac98
0x00482a72: mov $0xd8b3287ea544969,%rax
0x00482a7c: xor %rax,2392653(%rip) # 0x6cacd0
0x00482a83: retq
0x00482a84: xorq $0x9,2392468(%rip) # 0x6cac20
0x00482a8c: xorq $0x9,2392524(%rip) # 0x6cac60
0x00482a94: xorq $0x9,2392588(%rip) # 0x6caca8
0x00482a9c: xorq $0x201,2392561(%rip) # 0x6cac98
0x00482aa7: xorq $0x10000400,2392558(%rip) # 0x6caca0
0x00482ab2: addl $0x820000,2392588(%rip) # 0x6cacc8
0x00482abc: mov %eax,2392158(%rip) # 0x6cab20
0x00482ac2: mov $0x80000080,%eax
0x00482ac7: movl $0x8,2392155(%rip) # 0x6cab2c
0x00482ad1: xor %rax,2392536(%rip) # 0x6cacb0
0x00482ad8: mov $0xaaaff37267ceded3,%rax
0x00482ae2: xor %rax,2392551(%rip) # 0x6cacd0
0x00482ae9: retq