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Ajax Chess 4.0

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:13 am
by glinscott

Added the ability to analyze positions in this release (if you have a browser that supports web workers - chrome, firefox, safari). Also, if you have a browser that supports workers, the engine will output it's thinking line in real time as opposed to just when it moves.

- 594.5/1000 %:59.45 or ~66 Elo better than previous
- SEE added (QSearch pruning, losing captures in main search)
- No nullmove in pawn endgames
- Fixed hashtable bugs (RNG was bad)
- Fixed starting position when playing black
- Added ability to analyze position for browsers that support it
- Added support for pasting FEN positions

Re: Ajax Chess 4.0

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:25 am
by Swaminathan
glinscott wrote: - 594.5/1000 %:59.45 or ~66 Elo better than previous
Is this the result from STS?

Thanks for the new update!

Re: Ajax Chess 4.0

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:27 am
by glinscott
Hi Swami,

Sadly, no, that's in head to head testing. But I'll be adding the ability to run a suite in the next release hopefully.

Re: Ajax Chess 4.0

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:52 am
by Swaminathan
glinscott wrote:Hi Swami,

Sadly, no, that's in head to head testing. But I'll be adding the ability to run a suite in the next release hopefully.
Thanks, I'm gladly looking forward to it!

Keep up the good work!