Code: Select all
Time Management 5401 2010
1 2 3 4
1 IvanHoe 9.54b-TM10 x64 *********** 26.0 - 24.0 27.5 - 22.5 25.5 - 24.5 79.0/150
2 IvanHoe 9.54b-TM00 x64 24.0 - 26.0 *********** 24.5 - 25.5 26.5 - 23.5 75.0/150
3 IvanHoe 9.54b-TM11 x64 22.5 - 27.5 25.5 - 24.5 *********** 25.0 - 25.0 73.0/150 0.00
4 Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64 24.5 - 25.5 23.5 - 26.5 25.0 - 25.0 *********** 73.0/150 0.00
Missing from the list is
IvanHoe 9.54b-TM01 x64 which will be thrown in along with Stockfish 1.8 next. Rybka was included to avoid incestuous results. 50 games between each pair of engines definitely are not enough -- more games ahead.
IvanHoe 9.54b-TM00 x64 + Neither Option
IvanHoe 9.54b-TM01 x64 + Option 2
IvanHoe 9.54b-TM10 x64 + Option 1
IvanHoe 9.54b-TM11 x64 + Option 1 & 2
Option 1
Code: Select all
#if 0 /* about the 0.6 elo for the hasslings */ /* measure to UCI? */
if (!mtg)
rat = ((double) (TIME + 1)) / ((double) (OPP_TIME + 1));
if (rat > 2.0)
rat = 2.0;
if (rat < 0.5)
rat = 0.5;
if (rat > 1.0)
mult = ((int) (1024.0 * rat)) - 1024;
DESIRED_TIME += (mult * DESIRED_TIME) >> (10 + 2); /* max 1/4 */
mult = ((int) (1024.0 / rat)) - 1024;
DESIRED_TIME -= (mult * DESIRED_TIME) >> (10 + 2); /* max 1/4 */
Option 2
Code: Select all
#if 0
if (ROOT_DEPTH && ROOT_SCORE < -100)
The 1+0 (25
positions) ponder-off tournament used default settings for all engines. AllowInstantMoveFromHash default is off by compile. No EGTB was used. The code snippets are additional time management functions -- disabled by default in
Time Losses
IvanHoe 9.54b-TM00 x64 - 3
IvanHoe 9.54b-TM10 x64 - 4
IvanHoe 9.54b-TM11 x64 - 5
Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64 - 3
Tournament data available upon request.
Additionally, special thank you goes out to IvanHoe developers for listening to complaints about poor time management. A great effort was put in beginning from 999958-beta release to remedy the issue. Thank you!