Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

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Posts: 52
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Real Name: Jorge Ruiz Centelles

Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by Desvelemosafrica » Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:54 pm

The last uppdate. Fix bug from A28, etc.

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1426
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Re: Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:07 am

Desvelemosafrica wrote:
Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:54 pm
The last uppdate. Fix bug from A28, etc.
Dear Jordi

Thanks..LesChats seems to be with stable performance as stone!

Keep up the good work,

Posts: 52
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Real Name: Jorge Ruiz Centelles

Re: Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by Desvelemosafrica » Fri Jun 30, 2023 6:27 pm

This version is newer than the one that the Sedat tour has played, coming in second place. I have reviewed some games that he has lost on said tour, added those played on the chess servers. I have also fixed some lines that gave victory to white. Now I can add more depth than in the previous version, then bestmove on into Eman, off for the other engines. variety 1 if we want to play a tournament, 2, so that it plays more varied. depth 40. Best regards.
Download book:

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sun Jul 02, 2023 7:19 pm

Desvelemosafrica wrote:
Fri Jun 30, 2023 6:27 pm
This version is newer than the one that the Sedat tour has played, coming in second place. I have reviewed some games that he has lost on said tour, added those played on the chess servers. I have also fixed some lines that gave victory to white. Now I can add more depth than in the previous version, then bestmove on into Eman, off for the other engines. variety 1 if we want to play a tournament, 2, so that it plays more varied. depth 40. Best regards.
Download book:
Thank you very much my dear friend!

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Re: Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by deeds » Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:46 pm

[Event "EXP VS BOOK"]
[Site "dual xeon e5-2660v3"]
[Date "2023.07.04"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Depth4_190623 (Eman 8.40)"]
[Black "Leschats14062023 (Eman 8.40)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B90"]
[GameDuration "00:05:02"]
[GameEndTime "2023-07-04T19:43:10.190 Paris, Madrid (heure d’été)"]
[GameStartTime "2023-07-04T19:38:07.221 Paris, Madrid (heure d’été)"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[PlyCount "186"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]
[Variation "Najdorf"]

1. e4 {0.00/24 3.5s} c5 2. Nf3 {+0.42/20 0.35s} d6 3. d4 {+0.50/25 4.0s} cxd4
4. Nxd4 {+0.47/23 1.0s} Nf6 5. Nc3 {+0.18/26 3.8s} a6 6. Bd3 {+0.45/26 5.7s} g6
7. Be2 {+0.52/25 5.0s} Bg7 {+0.40/32 18s} 8. Be3 {+0.61/22 0.83s}
Nc6 {+0.50/30 14s} 9. Qd2 {+0.57/25 1.7s} Bd7 {+0.62/29 4.6s}
10. O-O-O {+0.51/24 2.6s} Rc8 {+0.59/30 9.9s} 11. Kb1 {+0.59/25 2.9s}
O-O {+0.50/25 2.6s} 12. h4 {+0.44/28 7.8s} Qc7 {+0.54/31 3.0s}
13. Nb3 {+0.37/24 1.1s} h5 {+0.34/21 0.80s} 14. Bh6 {+0.51/29 8.6s}
Bxh6 {+0.37/23 1.0s} 15. Qxh6 {+0.48/24 0.81s} Ne5 {+0.39/26 0.91s}
16. f3 {+0.62/27 1.4s} Bb5 {+0.72/27 4.3s} 17. Rhe1 {+0.78/25 3.2s}
Bxe2 {+0.62/23 0.79s} 18. Rxe2 {+0.75/22 0.88s} Qd7 {+0.44/26 1.3s}
19. Qd2 {+0.67/25 1.6s} Rfe8 {+0.29/29 3.6s} 20. a3 {+0.50/24 3.1s}
Rc6 {+0.21/22 0.70s} 21. Nd5 {+0.62/32 6.4s} Nxd5 {+0.29/27 1.1s}
22. exd5 {+0.38/24 1.0s} Rc4 {+0.15/25 1.4s} 23. Qe3 {+0.46/31 11s}
Qf5 {+0.18/26 1.6s} 24. Nd4 {+0.37/23 0.48s} Qf6 {+0.13/29 2.9s}
25. g3 {+0.18/24 0.71s} Rc5 {+0.38/25 2.7s} 26. Qe4 {+0.50/21 0.67s}
Nc4 {+0.30/27 2.9s} 27. g4 {+0.47/21 1.3s} hxg4 {+0.29/27 1.0s}
28. fxg4 {+0.28/26 1.8s} Qe5 {+0.16/28 0.92s} 29. Qf3 {+0.12/29 3.6s}
Qxd5 {+0.23/27 2.1s} 30. Qf1 {+0.37/23 0.32s} Rcc8 {+0.06/25 0.89s}
31. g5 {+0.49/22 0.64s} e5 {0.00/26 0.82s} 32. Nb3 {+0.62/20 0.50s}
Qb5 {0.00/29 1.2s} 33. a4 {+1.22/20 0.54s} Qc6 {0.00/34 2.3s}
34. h5 {+1.30/21 0.86s} gxh5 {+0.22/29 2.5s} 35. Qh3 {+1.05/23 0.73s}
Kg7 {+0.04/26 0.60s} 36. Rf1 {+1.04/22 0.83s} Rc7 {+0.37/35 4.1s}
37. Rf6 {+0.81/23 1.2s} Rh8 {+1.14/23 1.2s} 38. Qf5 {+1.13/21 0.80s}
Qd7 {+0.96/24 0.51s} 39. Qf2 {+1.50/21 0.80s} Qg4 {+0.61/21 0.91s}
40. Re1 {+1.55/22 1.3s} Qd7 {+0.59/21 0.39s} 41. a5 {+1.57/22 2.8s}
d5 {+0.49/19 0.36s} 42. Rf1 {+1.67/19 0.43s} Qe7 {+1.08/23 1.6s}
43. c3 {+1.81/21 0.61s} Nd6 {+2.71/21 2.4s} 44. Qd2 {+2.49/19 0.80s}
d4 {+2.88/23 1.2s} 45. cxd4 {+3.12/21 0.65s} exd4 {+3.15/20 0.39s}
46. Re1 {+3.16/24 0.58s} Nc4 {+2.99/23 0.46s} 47. Qf2 {+3.35/24 0.84s}
Ne3 {+3.29/28 2.4s} 48. Qf4 {+3.14/23 1.0s} Re8 {+3.45/21 0.14s}
49. Nxd4 {+3.62/21 0.65s} Qe4+ {+3.55/24 0.91s} 50. Qxe4 {+3.75/29 1.4s}
Rxe4 {+3.54/23 0.79s} 51. Nf5+ {+3.69/25 1.7s} Nxf5 {+3.64/23 0.33s}
52. Rxe4 {+3.88/24 0.54s} Ne7 {+3.72/23 0.58s} 53. Rh4 {+3.83/26 0.85s}
Nc6 {+3.71/24 0.46s} 54. b4 {+3.61/26 1.1s} Rd7 {+3.94/26 1.4s}
55. Kb2 {+3.78/24 0.66s} Rd5 {+3.83/24 0.48s} 56. Rhf4 {+3.73/26 1.4s}
Nd8 {+3.84/28 0.94s} 57. Kc3 {+4.23/24 2.3s} Rd7 {+4.05/19 0.88s}
58. Rd4 {+4.37/21 0.50s} Rc7+ {+4.25/22 1.0s} 59. Rc4 {+4.49/22 1.1s}
Rd7 {+4.51/25 3.3s} 60. Rh6 {+5.02/24 2.0s} Ne6 {+4.87/21 0.61s}
61. Rxh5 {+4.71/26 0.63s} Re7 {+4.68/26 2.2s} 62. Rh1 {+5.25/22 0.47s}
Kg6 {+6.00/19 1.2s} 63. Rg1 {+5.80/18 0.53s} Nxg5 {+6.13/20 1.1s}
64. Rd4 {+6.15/20 0.82s} f6 {+6.60/19 0.53s} 65. Kc4 {+6.45/19 0.75s}
Kf7 {+7.19/20 1.3s} 66. Rgd1 {+6.69/20 0.84s} Nf3 {+7.23/23 0.64s}
67. Rf4 {+7.01/19 0.95s} Rc7+ {+7.53/20 0.96s} 68. Kb3 {+7.75/22 0.89s}
Ng5 {+7.70/21 0.69s} 69. Rfd4 {+7.97/19 0.76s} Ke8 {+8.15/22 1.2s}
70. Re1+ {+8.12/21 0.86s} Kf7 {+8.43/25 1.5s} 71. Rd6 {+8.45/23 1.2s}
Nf3 {+8.75/22 1.3s} 72. Re4 {+8.74/23 0.83s} Ng5 {+8.77/23 0.69s}
73. Re3 {+8.81/26 2.4s} Nh7 {+9.05/22 1.3s} 74. Ree6 {+9.09/19 0.45s}
Kg7 {+8.46/20 0.88s} 75. Rb6 {+9.14/20 0.74s} Kf7 {+9.25/23 1.2s}
76. Kb2 {+9.27/20 0.96s} Rd7 {+9.60/20 0.71s} 77. b5 {+9.90/23 3.9s}
axb5 {+9.89/20 1.3s} 78. Red6 {+10.17/18 0.30s} Re7 {+10.11/19 0.54s}
79. Rxb5 {+10.64/18 0.86s} Kg6 {+10.19/18 0.57s} 80. Rdb6 {+10.71/19 0.58s}
Re2+ {+10.49/18 0.53s} 81. Ka3 {+11.17/19 0.67s} Re3+ {+11.19/18 1.9s}
82. Rb3 {+11.77/17 0.58s} Re5 {+11.87/17 1.4s} 83. R6b5 {+12.65/19 2.2s}
Re1 {+12.29/17 1.1s} 84. Rb1 {+13.77/16 0.72s} Re3+ {+12.43/17 1.0s}
85. Ka4 {+13.05/17 2.5s} Ng5 {+13.08/15 0.96s} 86. Rxb7 {+14.10/14 0.37s}
Re6 {+14.02/14 1.0s} 87. R7b6 {+15.69/14 2.2s} Re2 {+15.58/13 1.0s}
88. a6 {+17.22/13 0.48s} Nf3 {+16.55/13 1.0s} 89. R1b3 {+21.29/15 1.2s}
Re4+ {+20.06/14 1.0s} 90. R6b4 {+100.00/22 0.20s} Nd2 {+100.00/27 0.99s}
91. Rxe4 {+100.00/28 0.66s} f5 {+100.00/29 1.0s} 92. Re6+ {+M17/48 0.41s}
Kg5 {+M16/57 0.61s} 93. a7 {+M15/57 0.44s}
Nxb3 {+M14/47 0.22s, White wins by adjudication: SyzygyTB} 1-0

Posts: 52
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:13 pm
Real Name: Jorge Ruiz Centelles

Re: Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by Desvelemosafrica » Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:39 pm

into the new release I've added the games played to date since the last update, reviewed. In addition, this book has the learning done and therefore at least with Eman it has worked perfectly for me with the configuration that comes with the book.
I hope you enjoy it.

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1426
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:51 pm

Thank you very much dear Jordi

Posts: 52
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:13 pm
Real Name: Jorge Ruiz Centelles

Re: Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by Desvelemosafrica » Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:21 pm

Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:51 pm
Thank you very much dear Jordi
To you my dear friend, who motivates us to look for new lines or transpositions. A hug.

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1426
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:32 pm

Desvelemosafrica wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:21 pm
Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:51 pm
Thank you very much dear Jordi
To you my dear friend, who motivates us to look for new lines or transpositions. A hug.
Nice... )

By the way, not sure exactly about the next planning exp tour
To include your current book version or Leschats 140623
What is your opinion, which one do you recommend ?


Posts: 52
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:13 pm
Real Name: Jorge Ruiz Centelles

Re: Last update of Leschats ( 2º position into the last sedat tour)

Post by Desvelemosafrica » Fri Jul 07, 2023 2:13 pm

Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:32 pm
Desvelemosafrica wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:21 pm
Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:51 pm
Thank you very much dear Jordi
To you my dear friend, who motivates us to look for new lines or transpositions. A hug.
Nice... )

By the way, not sure exactly about the next planning exp tour
To include your current book version or Leschats 140623
What is your opinion, which one do you recommend ?

Next update, Sedat. I need time for check with scid vs pc the games of the last tour and games of playchess and infinitychess. Regards, my friend.

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