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SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 8:51 pm
by Anton101
Today because it is Father's Day in Mexico, I want to give you this engine.

SpecTral GNX 2.40 is an engine that I have discontinued one month ago, so I added just a few patches to update it a bit. But don't get me wrong it's a tremendous beast.

In my continuous search to obtain an engine that fits my PC, weak and old I have done a lot of research, this engine I have a very special affection. It helped me get good results.

If you have used Dark SisTer, SpecTral sl, RapTora, Cool Iris or Troy, just rename the experience file to GNX.exp

Full thanks to SF developers, to Dann Corbit for the idea of Tactical, to Eduard Nemeth for reintroducing "Minimum thinking time" to M. Zerbinati for the use of experience file. On the other hand I have not embedded the CTG book option, I do not trust it yet, sorry.

Leave the parameters by default.


A. Ces

Have a great weekend, have fun!

Re: SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:30 pm
by Homayoun
Hi Anton
Many thanks for great works and interesting engines.

Best regards , very good times and very good father day.

Re: SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:21 am
by Anton101
You are welcome!

Best regards.

Re: SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 6:04 am
by Homayoun
Hi Anton
Is this engine with base of toth fish too. According to you which one is stronger spectral GNX or spectral sl? Please, explain a little about the differences and advantages of each one. Thanks in advance.

Re: SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:11 am
by Anton101

The differences are very simple, GNX is basically tactical, while SpecTral sl is based on LEB 128, it is more up to date.

Undoubtedly SpecTral sl, it is updated to SF 15.1 on the 14th of this month, you can check the code and compare it.

Hoy can check it out here about SpecTral sl: MaximMolchanov:nn-leb-128

Best regards.

Re: SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:13 am
by Anton101

Re: SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:36 am
by Anton101
On the other hand, I make the engine delivery schedule on my page, for now I wanted to deliver a couple of engines, one updated and one from a month ago, I am satisfied with the results.

For exampke, RapTora 2.2 was outstanding in the Sedat tournament. As I have commented, the numbers support me, the engines are well done and built in a repository, I thank that person (he knows who he is), who has guided me through the thousand doubts along the way. In any case, I will open a blog, whoever wants to visit it is welcome and whoever doesn't, has a point exchange store from some forum.

Cu soon!

Re: SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:52 am
by Homayoun
Ok. Thanks Anton. Also waiting for your blog too.

Re: SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:23 am
by Anton101
Sure, take care.

Re: SpecTral GNX 2.40

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:27 pm
by ZamChess
Thank you very much Anton101 !

Have a great weekend, have fun!