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Solista Attack v1

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:32 pm
by Eduard Nemeth
Solista Attack is a Stockfish derivative. The engine plays much more actively than Stockfish dev, and seeks to attack the king. Nevertheless, the engine is also very strong positional too. It is particularly good for Blitz. Polyglot opening book is supported. I have attached my latest "Solista Attack.CTG" book! The engine can learn. The StockfishMZ experience file is supported (it needs to be renamed to "SolistaAttack.exp"). The EXP file can be edited with the "StockfishMZ Experience Tool". You can download the StockfishMZ engine on my homepage too. My own EXP-file is also attached. It was trained with my book on with about 3500 games 5+0. With the combination of engine + CTG book + EXP file you get a very powerful weapon for online games. Have fun!

Download on my homepage:


Re: Solista Attack v1

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:15 pm
by Eduard Nemeth
NEW Solista Attack v1.1.CTG (Zip, 15MB)

Improved variants
New winning variants from (until 07 October 22)
Petroff Defense for Black
Closed Ruy Lopez for Black

And on my Homepage

All new games are manually checked. No easy wins are implemented, including all wins on time and engine crashes. Big blunder are not implemented, including well-known killer variants like these:


The variant is already implemented in the book. The only draw for Black is 24...Ra5! Anything else is bad, which I don't want to implement repeatedly.

Re: Solista Attack v1

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 3:19 am
by Eduard Nemeth
Update: Solista Attack v1.1 (ZIP, 43.4 MB, AVX2, BMI2, SSE41, EXP-File, CTG-Book):

and on my Homepage

Revert "Mix alpha and statScore for reduction"

More games

Improved (now Version 1.1a)