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Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:37 am
by Swaminathan
Ivanhoe, Houdini, Firebird?

I guess it's Houdini?

Re: Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:38 am
by kingliveson
Swaminathan wrote:Ivanhoe, Houdini, Firebird?

I guess it's Houdini?
Only thing I can say is not IvanHoe.

Re: Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:44 am
by Swaminathan
kingliveson wrote:
Swaminathan wrote:Ivanhoe, Houdini, Firebird?

I guess it's Houdini?
Only thing I can say is not IvanHoe.
Then I'd guess it's probably Houdini as the author reports 20 elo improvement every version showing statistics to support the claim.

Last version of Robbolito that starts with 0.9 something as version number does well too as a single cpu.

I hope that there will be a multi PV mode in Houdini.

Re: Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:56 am
by kingliveson
Swaminathan wrote:
kingliveson wrote:
Swaminathan wrote:Ivanhoe, Houdini, Firebird?

I guess it's Houdini?
Only thing I can say is not IvanHoe.
Then I'd guess it's probably Houdini as the author reports 20 elo improvement every version showing statistics to support the claim.

Last version of Robbolito that starts with 0.9 something as version number does well too as a single cpu.

I hope that there will be a multi PV mode in Houdini.
Should have payed more attention. You said FireBird, lest you also meant by that Fire. I have not done enough testing comparing Fire vs Houdini. I did about 450 games.

Code: Select all

1 Houdini 1.01 x64 POPCNT 4_CPU: 3219  100 (+ 23,= 62,- 15), 54.0 %

Fire 1.31 x64                 :  50 (+  9,= 34,-  7), 52.0 %
Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64        :  50 (+ 14,= 28,-  8), 56.0 %

2 Fire 1.31 x64             : 3195  100 (+ 22,= 54,- 24), 49.0 %

Houdini 1.01 x64 POPCNT 4_CPU :  50 (+  7,= 34,-  9), 48.0 %
Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64        :  50 (+ 15,= 20,- 15), 50.0 %

3 Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64    : 3186  100 (+ 23,= 48,- 29), 47.0 %

Fire 1.31 x64                 :  50 (+ 15,= 20,- 15), 50.0 %
Houdini 1.01 x64 POPCNT 4_CPU :  50 (+  8,= 28,- 14), 44.0 % 
1 Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64    : 3205  200 (+ 54,= 96,- 50), 51.0 %

Houdini 1.01 x64 POPCNT 4_CPU : 100 (+ 22,= 55,- 23), 49.5 %
Fire 1.3 x64                  : 100 (+ 32,= 41,- 27), 52.5 %

2 Houdini 1.01 x64 POPCNT 4_CPU: 3200  200 (+ 45,=110,- 45), 50.0 %

Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64        : 100 (+ 23,= 55,- 22), 50.5 %
Fire 1.3 x64                  : 100 (+ 22,= 55,- 23), 49.5 %

3 Fire 1.3 x64              : 3195  200 (+ 50,= 96,- 54), 49.0 %

Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64        : 100 (+ 27,= 41,- 32), 47.5 %
Houdini 1.01 x64 POPCNT 4_CPU : 100 (+ 23,= 55,- 22), 50.5 %
These were 1 minute games using a test suite allowing each engine to play the same position.

Re: Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:58 am
by Jeremy Bernstein
Quick OT note: the
 tag might be better for your markup purposes...


Re: Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:03 am
by kingliveson
Jeremy Bernstein wrote:Quick OT note: the
 tag might be better for your markup purposes...


Re: Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:26 pm
by Angel
its certainly not houdini ..not yet
its to slow when used in real games
15% or there abouts slower than ivanhoemodc which if you use intel version still beats houdini in engine tests
when fixed it will be strongest untill ZOG ...(Awfull name ) appears

Re: Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:03 pm
by Jens H
After a tournament between different Rybka Versions, Huidini, Fires, Ivanhoes,.. with by far more than 1000 games I am quite sure that (for Blitz games):

- Fire 1.3 is one of the weakest "Clones"
- Ivanhoe-B63Mod12C (the SSE is a very fast compile!) and Fire 1.2 are very strong. Maybe the strongest clones.
- Rybka 4 is still the strongest chess engine, but it is very close
- Rybka 3 is far behind the others. Therefore, the clones might be based on Rybka 4 and not on Rybka 3.

The statement above "for sure not Ivanhoe" is not true!

Re: Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:30 pm
by Angel
suggest you look up disambiguos deffinition of word "clone" and grow up

one day you may remember to engage brain before fingers and googlethe words " libel" and "slander" , it may save you a fortune in litagation as you go through life as well as increase your knowledge

good test , though showing actual wins draws and loses would be more acceptable ,,, ;)

Re: Which One is the Strongest?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:16 pm
by gaard
Swaminathan wrote:Ivanhoe, Houdini, Firebird?

I guess it's Houdini?
I have tested all of them, including IvanHoe 63. I have not tested the hundred or so IvanHoe compiles that can be found on the net so I can't speak for those. Between IvanHoe 63, Fire 1.31, and Houdini 1.01, Houdini is the one to beat. More games are needed but from my latest rating list, it could even be stronger then Rybka 4. I am now testing it using 4CPUs to see how it scales...