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Free Internet Chess Server aka FICS / is back!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:03 am
by ChessDrone
_       __     __                             __      
           | |     / /__  / /________  ____ ___  ___     / /_____ 
          | | /| / / _ \/ / ___/ __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \   / __/ __ \
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     ^^__                  _____________________                 _  _  _ 
    /  - \_               / ____/  _/ ____/ ___/   _            | || || |
   <|    __<              / /_   / // /    \__ \   (_)           |_______|
   <|    \               / __/ _/ // /___ ___/ /  _              \__ ___ /
   <|     \             /_/   /___/\____//____/  (_)              |___|_|
   <|______\                                                      |_|___|
    _|____|_        ======================================        |___|_|
   (________)  ----         (_______)
   /________\       ======================================       /_______\ 
                     (Login screen designed by Alefith)

  ****** Welcome to the Free Internet Chess Server at ******

Head admin : Chessty   Complaints to : complaints (a)
Server location:   Server version : 1.25.19
Free Internet Chess Server aka FICS / is back!

FICS was the victim of a cyber attack that paralyzed him for several days. FICS is now back.

Good luck FICS

Here's the news in chronological order:
News from spare server

1506 (Fri, Jul 19) FICS was compromised.
The FICS Chess Server was compromised on July 18, 2013, and it had to be shut down. Until it can be repaired, this temporary copy of FICS will be available for use. Please keep in mind that no activity (games, ratings, messages, etc.) from this temporary server will be transferred back to the real FICS, once it has been brought back online. We don't have an expected date for the return of the real FICS, but most likely it won't be before Friday, July 26, 2013. Note also that the FICS email systems (support, abuse, etc.) will not be working until FICS resumes normal operation.
Posted by mattuc.

1507 (Wed, Jul 24) Progress update
Thank you all for your patience as we get things sorted out to bring us back online as soon as possible. As you are aware, we were hacked on July 18, 2013. We suffered severe damage. We are working hard on repairing all the damage and making progress. In the midst of doing this, we received word from layer42, where the main server has been stored, that they would be closing down the service that we use. We are using a new service on a trial run for now and will determine if it is an appropriate long term solution.
Posted by Chessty.

1509 (Wed, Jul 24) Progress update continued:
Currently, the new server is running but restricted to staff only. All ratings changes that were made have been restored, and best ratings reset for the affected accounts. We are hoping to be able to open the server up to our members by the end of the week. The bots and mailing systems might not be up yet, but you will be able to log in and play games again. I will keep you posted as we continue to make progress. -Chessty
Posted by Chessty.

1510 (Thu, Jul 25) Progress update part 3
So, the new host server at OVH seems to have problems with some of our interfaces. Some interfaces work just fine, others give out garbage and kicks you off the moment you log on. We are all working on testing that and hopefully will get it resolved. In the meantime, the FICS server will be returned to layer42 and reinstalled, hopefully on Saturday.. We don't know how long we have until layer42 wants us to move, but FICS will be back up soon.
Posted by Chessty.

1511 (Sat, Jul 27) FICS is up, but staff only for a little longer
The good news is that FICS has been restored and is up and running, but restricted to staff only for now. We ran late into the evening getting it ready and unfortunately our European admins need sleep. We are looking to be back up and running tomorrow, Sunday the 28th. I will give you the good news as soon as I have it.
Posted by Chessty.

1512 (Sun, Jul 28) Main server is now operational
the main FICS server is now up and running, and is open for all players. some clients experience an intermittent problem where they get kicked out immediately upon login. if this happens to you, try again or connect temporarily without using timeseal. a fix for this problem is being worked on. welcome back!
Posted by chaostheory.

News From main server (

1506 (Sun, Jul 28) FICS downtime due to hack
As you all know, FICS was hacked on July 18, 2013 and suffered severe damage. There were several complications which contributed to our lengthy downtime. First of which was that foxbat was out of state on vacation when the hack occured. It took some time before he could get back to start working on the server. Second, while we were working on correcting all the damage from the hack, we received word that we would lose our hosting sometime "soon". This necessitated looking for a new host. We are giving OVH a trial run and possibly may switch if it proves to be able to meet our needs. Third, in loading up the server, we have discovered that babaschess now has issues that cause errors. Removing timeseal helps but a fix will have to be made.
Posted by Chessty.

1507 (Sun, Jul 28) hack, continued
We apologize for the downtime but we are doing what we can as quickly as possible. We will still be working on the server and more changes may yet need to be made. We will keep you posted as to our continuing progress. While we were down, the hacker or hackers were still attempting to get back in by attempting to steal other accounts on a daily basis. For this reason, we strongly encourage you to ensure your passwords are as secure as you can make them. Please use upper and lower case alphabet, numbers and symbols in your password. If you need help or ideas on creating a secure password, try going to: <>
Posted by Chessty.
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 |_(___)  _|(___)_  ((___))  ((___)_)  (___)__) (___)__) (___)__|_(___)_|_| 
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  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\

                         (Logout screen by Alefith)

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