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Tool for changing games results

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:51 pm
by ChessDrone
A tool for changing the game results of a database related to the last anotation?
Or something that analyze the last moves of a pgn games and the result will change accordingly?

Re: Tool for changing games results

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:48 pm
by HumbleProgrammer
When writing a PGN parser, I started discovering instances where games from TWIC had "wrong" results. There weren't many -- less than 1% -- and by far the most common was where a draw by repetition of position wasn't noticed and play continued. I also saw one game where the position was a true stalemate, but one player declared as winner; it turned out that the loss was because of time control. The bottom line is that you can't reliably adjudicate games solely from the PGN!

Humble Programmer

Re: Tool for changing games results

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:25 am
by User923005

Re: Tool for changing games results

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:27 pm
by pedrox
ChessDrone wrote:Hello,
A tool for changing the game results of a database related to the last anotation?
Or something that analyze the last moves of a pgn games and the result will change accordingly?
I've used LGPGNVER by George Lyapko, this tool studying games of a PGN file and those games with wrong result (bad o not rule 50, 3 rep ...) are shown, but this does not automatically change the result of the PGN file. This tool works only on the DOS operating system.

I use Winboard Zeta, it came together with a third party administrator of tournaments for engines, on the administrator you can see the result of each game and a comment on how the game is over; mate, stalemate, 3rep, rule50, resign, time, GUI, error, etc. The administrator can display the game of the desired number and it have the option to manually change the result of the game if this is desired. This is very useful especially if you play with engines that have problems. But I think you do not want to analyze games by engines but human games in a PGN file.