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Book tuning

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:19 pm
by sunseeker

I just started tuning my opening book, so I have a question to the more experienced book tuners. ;)

When you decide to tune your book for a certain opening? I do so if I get about 0.3 in my favour soon after being out of the book.

In the case you found a good line, do you give every book move played in this line a high weighting? I usually do so, setting the weighting to 50 for each move of a good line.

If you discovered a bad opening, e.g. being -0.3 soon after being out of the book, do you trace the book moves until you found the position where the evaluation starts getting bad? Then do you mark this move with a low weighting and give a high rating to another move?

I would be thankful if anyone could give me some advices.