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stockfish 2.3.1

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:05 pm
by noctiferus

Re: stockfish 2.3.1

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:12 pm
by noctiferus
A new compile by Jim Ablett seems to overcome all previous troubles, as Marco Costalba says:

"I confirm new JIm's compiles are correct in all versions: 32bits, 64bits and 64+popcount.I guess we are at the end of this troubled releasing. Thanks to Jim to have worked hard at late Saturday night to fix the miscompile, thanks to Ray and all other guys to have reported bugs and verified new versions are correct. Stockfish bench signature of this 2.3.1 version is: 5423738
That is different from 2.3, it means above the chess960 bug fix there is also a small added evaluation tweak that should increase ELO a bit (especially in the 64bit popcount version), but anyhow I do not suggest testers to redo the ongoing tests because the increase should be well within usual public lists error bars."

Suggestion: download it again, at the previous address...