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Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:07 am
by Jeremy Bernstein
"Scidb is a Chess Information Data Base":

I would love to test a version of this which runs on OSX, but the sources are extremely Linux-specific and require much more fiddling than I can deal with right now. Has anyone managed to get this building on an OSX system?

Thanks -

Re: scidb

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:28 am
by kingliveson
I haven't tried it on Linux, and not sure the advantage it has over SCID from which it is inspired that has established support, but I did find this link on building SCID for Mac -- the building requirements seem the same for scidb. It may or may not work, and the only way to find out is to try building it.

Re: scidb

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:38 am
by Jeremy Bernstein
kingliveson wrote:I haven't tried it on Linux, and not sure the advantage it has over SCID from which it is inspired that has established support, but I did find this link on building SCID for Mac -- the building requirements seem the same for scidb. It may or may not work, and the only way to find out is to try building it.
Scid vs. Mac is ok, but is still ugly bloatware. Scidb is supposedly still slimmer, and it can read chessbase files. I'm mostly just curious. Thanks for the page, though -- I knew that one (and it's pretty outdated), but it might prove helpful if I pursue this "problem". I'll probably just sit back and wait for Chess Explorer to arrive.


Re: scidb

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:49 pm
by stevenaaus
Scidb has lots of custom Tcl/Tk which makes porting it to Windows quite hard, and OSX almost impossible i think :?
Lots of tough work anyway, messing with window managers and the like.

BTW - Scidb's drag and drop file open has been ported to Scid vs. PC, and works nicely. It's in SVN. Drop targets are the gameinfo window and the switcher (in the gamelist). Oh yeah - it's windows and linux only, but ths feature kindof works already on OSX - just double click a pgn file and it opens in the already running program instance.