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Windows programs under Linux.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:54 am
by Hood

has anyone an experience with that?
How is the performance of chess programs written for Win under Linux and Wine.


Re: Windows programs under Linux.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:00 pm
by alfons
You would have to expect mixed results.
Smolensk 2010. Murder or accident...
Accident due to hardware-failure, general drunkness on the vessel, lack of skills of the aircraftcarrierpersonal (with ze admireable hats), nebulous weather conditions and an ill spirited potato*.

Aftermath (popularity contest): Blame the Russians! For everything!
Cui bono ?
Don't know+care.


Thank you.

Re: Windows programs under Linux.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:37 pm
by kingliveson
Hood wrote:Hello,

has anyone an experience with that?
How is the performance of chess programs written for Win under Linux and Wine.

When I run IvanHoe in WINE, there's a 15-30+% slow down.

IvanHoe Linux benchmark:

Code: Select all

Position 16: Nodes: 6026807 Time: 1001ms
Total Nodes: 86671470 Time: 16037ms
Total NPS: 5404000
IvanHoe Windows/WINE benchmark:

Code: Select all

Position 16: Nodes: 3828512 Time: 1003ms
Total Nodes: 64577311 Time: 16045ms
Total NPS: 4024000
This is a good reason to encourage developers to release native binaries, and we thank those that already do; Crafty, Critter, Fruit, Komodo, Naum, Shredder, Stockfish, Umko, Zappa Mexico, etc.