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Chess for android and remote computer

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:52 pm
by pedrox
Hi Aart,

I'm trying to play with a UCI engine on a remote computer, I use the tool on the server "NetChess" (I have no problems using this remote engine on another computer).

Now I download the client for android, android-client-cli.txt. I must remove the txt extension? I've tried the 2 possibilities. I install the client on chess for android.

Now create a file to call the client and pass two arguments, the hostname and port, but here I have no clear as it should be this file.

I can use notepad to make a single file? , example, client-android-cli <hostname> <port> , necessary "<" and ">" ?, the filename should take some extension?, I've tried several options when installing file and then importing does nothing.

Or on the contrary you have to create a shell script to call the client?, I do not know how to make the shell script for this, you could put the contents of the file, the file must have the extension sh?



Re: Chess for android and remote computer

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:12 pm
by AartBik
pedrox wrote:Hi Aart, I'm trying to play with a UCI engine on a remote computer
Hope these instructions help:

(1) Download PJ+'s utility "client-android-cli" (no .txt extension) from the UCI engines website to the sdcard of your device.

(2) Construct a file, say "remote_chess" using a text editor with a single line that specifies the utility, hostname and port (without the < >, that is simply a notation that means you replace this with a value). For example (the actual ip address and hostport will be different, of course):

Code: Select all

client-android-cli 100.200.300 12345
(3) Now, in Chess for Android, long-press notation window, goto UCI engine support, install engine from SD, and navigate to "client-android-cli" to install it in internal memory. Do this again to install the "remote_chess" file you created (in fact, you can make many of these, all connecting to different servers, just give them intuitive names).

Now you are done. You only have to

(4) Import "remote_chess" in Chess for Android to play (or even run tournaments with the remote engine).

Re: Chess for android and remote computer

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:00 am
by pedrox
Thanks for the reply, I followed all the steps but I have not succeeded, when I import the engine does nothing.

I not know the problem. I use android 2.2.2, chess for android version network and I connect via wifi to the router where it is connected computers.

The rest of the program runs smoothly. Good work.

Re: Chess for android and remote computer

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:28 am
by AartBik
pedrox wrote:Thanks for the reply, I followed all the steps but I have not succeeded, when I import the engine does nothing.
Can you start a shell on your device (either with the adb utility that ships with the SDK, or some other shell utility)? In cases like this, it is best to start the client from the command line and see what error is generated (if any).

Re: Chess for android and remote computer

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:27 am
by pedrox
Now it works.

The problem is that I called "client-android-cli" without "./"



Re: Chess for android and remote computer

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:14 am
by AartBik
pedrox wrote:Now it works.
Good to hear! Thanks for letting me know.

Re: Chess for android and remote computer

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:39 pm
by angel44e
Hello,AartBik!I'm sorry for my not so good english!I enjoy for your Chess for Android :difus_27 .
But I think I need more explanations(because of my english is not so good)- ".... for dummies" :lol:
I need something similar!
The 2nd point-creation of single line .txt file is still .txt when it's installed and imported to android device?
Would you like to point hostnames and ports for this engines- Houdini 1.5a,Strelka 5.1,Critter 0.90?
Thank You in advance!!!

P.S.I think these are stupid questions,but my english is not good enough to understand upper explanations. :-?

Re: Chess for android and remote computer

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:54 am
by AartBik
angel44e wrote:Hello,AartBik!I'm sorry for my not so good english!I enjoy for your Chess for Android :difus_27 .
But I think I need more explanations(because of my english is not so good)- ".... for dummies" :lol:
I need something similar!
The 2nd point-creation of single line .txt file is still .txt when it's installed and imported to android device?
Would you like to point hostnames and ports for this engines- Houdini 1.5a,Strelka 5.1,Critter 0.90?
Thank You in advance!!!
Thanks for your kind words.

Apologies for overlooking this post for so long. Feel free to contact me directly with questions. Also, an upcoming version of Chess for Android may have built-in support for remote connections, obsoleting the current elaborate process.

Re: Chess for android and remote computer

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:41 am
by AartBik
AartBik wrote:Feel free to contact me directly with questions. Also, an upcoming version of Chess for Android may have built-in support for remote connections, obsoleting the current elaborate process.
You can find more details on Connecting Chess for Android to a remote server in this blog posting.

Hopefully you will find this useful.