Fire 1.5 Xtreme

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Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by noctiferus » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:49 am

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Re: Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by thorstenczub » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:07 am

here the ranking :
Motor                           Punkte      Ho   Fi   Fi   De   Cr   St   De   Cr   Fi   Ry   Ko   Ti   Fi   Ko   Iv   Na   De   De   Gu   Sp   Sp   Hi   Ha   Cr   De   Za   No   Jo   Ka   Ch   Ch   Ro   He   Pr   N2   Ar   Bi   Ku    S-B
01: Houdini_15_x64 [t1]             118,5/148 ···· 1011 ==== 0001 11=1 111= ==== 0=01 =1== 1110 1==1 =0=1 0=11 =110 =110 001= 110= 1111 1=11 11== 1=11 1111 1=11 1111 =1=1 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 111= 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  7871,0
02: Fire 1.5 xTreme x64 [t1]        112,0/148 0100 ···· 1001 ==1= ===1 =1=0 ==11 =11= ==1= =1== 00=1 0==1 1101 111= =1=0 1==1 ==11 =111 =1=1 110= 1=01 1=11 1111 1111 11== 11=1 1=11 1=11 1011 11=1 1=11 11== 111= 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  7491,5
03: Fire_14_xTreme_beta_x64_PP [t1] 111,0/148 ==== 0110 ···· ==== ==== =1=1 1011 ==== ===1 00== =1== 0111 0==1 10== 0=11 11=1 11== 1010 ==11 111= 11=1 =111 11== ==01 1111 11=1 11=1 11=1 1=11 1011 1111 11=1 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  7357,7
04: DeepSaros23c4-win32             108,5/148 1110 ==0= ==== ···· =10= ===0 11=1 =1== ==== 1=== 0=01 ==1= ==== ==== ===1 1=1= 111= 0==1 011= 011= 1==1 11=1 11=1 111= 1=1= 1=11 =11= 1=11 =111 1111 11=1 =111 111= 1111 =111 1111 1111 1111  7191,7
05: Crab-x64_PGO [t1]               107,0/148 00=0 ===0 ==== =01= ···· ==11 0=0= =110 1=1= 01== =011 ==== =0== =1=0 1111 =1== ===0 1=01 ==1= 1010 1111 1111 1111 11=1 =111 10=1 11=1 1111 111= 1111 1=1= 1111 1110 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  6923,7
06: Stockfish-21-64-ja [t1]         106,5/148 000= =0=1 =0=0 ===1 ==00 ···· 0==1 1=11 =0== 0=== 11== 1==0 0=1= ==11 =101 =11= 1111 =01= 01== 111= =011 110= 11=1 1101 111= =110 1111 1111 1111 1=1= 111= 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  6853,7
07: Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 [t1]         104,5/148 ==== ==00 0100 00=0 1=1= 1==0 ···· ==1= =1== =01= 1010 0==1 =1== 11=1 =1=1 ==== =1== 1=1= =1=1 1=11 ==== ==== ==== 1=11 1111 =1=1 0111 =111 1111 11=1 1=11 1111 11== 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  6795,7
08: Critter_1.0_64bit [t1]          104,5/148 1=10 =00= ==== =0== =001 0=00 ==0= ···· 1==0 ==== 011= 001= =1=1 ===0 =000 =011 =1=0 1111 ==== 101= 1=11 1=11 101= 1111 1111 1111 1111 111= 1111 1111 1111 =111 1111 1=11 1111 1111 1111 1111  6555,0
09: Fire_131_x64_KLO [t1]           104,0/148 =0== ==0= ===0 ==== 0=0= =1== =0== 0==1 ···· ==== 0=10 =1== 1=1= 0==1 1=== =1=1 1==1 111= ==11 11=0 =11= =111 =1== =1=1 1=11 =1== 11=1 1=11 111= =111 1=11 1111 1111 =1== 1111 1111 1111 1111  6751,7
10: Rybka 3_64 [t1]                 104,0/148 0001 =0== 11== 0=== 10== 1=== =10= ==== ==== ···· =1=0 1011 ===0 =1=1 =0== ==1= 01=1 =011 0=== 101= =01= =111 11=1 1=11 =11= 11=1 =111 1111 =11= 1=11 1011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  6696,5
11: Komodo-4167-gcc-x64             104,0/148 0==0 11=0 =0== 1=10 =100 00== 0101 100= 1=01 =0=1 ···· 11=1 ===0 ===0 =10= =01= =010 =01= =111 1=01 ==1= 1=11 1111 0111 =111 1=11 1=11 1111 1111 1111 11=1 1111 =111 1111 1111 =111 1111 1111  6601,2
12: Tinapa1.01 [t1]                 103,5/148 =1=0 1==0 1000 ==0= ==== 0==1 1==0 110= =0== 0100 00=0 ···· =0=1 001= 0011 00== 01=1 1101 =11= 1==0 1111 ==== 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 111= 1111 1111 1=1= 1111 1111 1111 1111  6444,5
13: Fire_132_x64 [t1]               102,0/148 1=00 0010 1==0 ==== =1== 1=0= =0== =0=0 0=0= ===1 ===1 =1=0 ···· =10= ==== ==10 1=== =111 ==== 1111 =111 110= =011 1==1 111= =111 =1=1 1111 111= 1111 1111 111= 1111 1111 1111 0111 =11= 1111  6570,2
14: Komodo-13-64-ja                 100,0/148 =001 000= 01== ==== =0=1 ==00 00=0 ===1 1==0 =0=0 ===1 110= =01= ···· ==0= 0010 1==1 1111 ==01 1=== =101 =101 11== 111= 1=11 1111 1=11 1111 1111 11=1 1110 1111 11=1 1111 1111 1=11 1111 1111  6260,5
15: IvanHoe53_64 [t1]               99,5/148  =001 =0=1 1=00 ===0 0000 =010 =0=0 =111 0=== =1== =01= 1100 ==== ==1= ···· 1=1= ==== =1=1 111= =111 1001 11=1 10== 110= 1==1 ==1= 1111 11== =1=1 111= 111= 1111 1111 11=1 1111 1=11 1111 1111  6372,7
16: Naum4.2_64 [t1]                 93,0/148  110= 0==0 00=0 0=0= =0== =00= ==== =100 =0=0 ==0= =10= 11== ==01 1101 0=0= ···· =1=0 =110 ==== 1000 =111 10=1 1=== ==01 1=11 101= 11== 1111 0111 =110 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  5738,0
17: Deepsjeng2010_32_ct             91,5/148  001= ==00 00== 000= ===1 0000 =0== =0=1 0==0 10=0 =101 10=0 0=== 0==0 ==== =0=1 ···· 01== 1=== 1=11 11=1 11== ==== =1=1 1111 =111 ===1 1111 100= 1111 1111 11=1 1111 ==11 1=11 11=1 1111 1111  5628,2
18: DeepShredder12UCIx64 [t1]       83,5/148  0000 =000 0101 1==0 0=10 =10= 0=0= 0000 000= =100 =10= 0010 =000 0000 =0=0 =001 10== ···· =100 ==== =1== 1=01 01=1 11=1 11=1 =111 1=1= =101 1111 ==11 1111 1111 1111 1111 1011 111= 1111 1111  4803,7
19: Gull 1_1 x64                    83,0/148  0=00 =0=0 ==00 100= ==0= 10== =0=0 ==== ==00 1=== =000 =00= ==== ==10 000= ==== 0=== =011 ···· =11= =1=0 ===1 1==1 =01= 010= ==0= 110= 1111 =1=1 01=1 =110 111= =111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111  5009,5
20: Spark-1.0-win64-mp [t1]         81,0/148  00== 001= 000= 100= 0101 000= 0=00 010= 00=1 010= 0=10 0==1 0000 0=== =000 0111 0=00 ==== =00= ···· =11= =01= =11= 1101 ==1= 11== 1111 1111 1==1 1110 ===1 01=1 1=11 11=1 1111 =011 1111 1111  4819,7
21: Spike1.4                        73,5/148  0=00 0=10 00=0 0==0 0000 =100 ==== 0=00 =00= =10= ==0= 0000 =000 =010 0110 =000 00=0 =0== =0=1 =00= ···· 1100 =010 11== 1=1= =0=1 1111 1=0= 11== 1=11 =11= 11=1 0111 =011 1111 1111 1111 1111  4161,2
22: Hiarcs12MPUCI [t1]              72,0/148  0000 0=00 =000 00=0 0000 001= ==== 0=00 =000 =000 0=00 ==== 001= =010 00=0 01=0 00== 0=10 ===0 =10= 0011 ···· 111= 110= 11=1 =00= 1001 ==11 101= 1111 1==0 1111 1111 101= 11=1 1111 1111 1111  3974,0
23: Hannibal1.0ax64                 64,0/148  0=00 0000 00== 00=0 0000 00=0 ==== 010= =0== 00=0 0000 0000 =100 00== 01== 0=== ==== 10=0 0==0 =00= =101 000= ···· 010= 010= 00=1 ==11 ==01 ==11 ===1 =111 1101 0=11 1101 111= 111= 1=11 1111  3572,2
24: Crafty-234-64-ja                63,0/148  0000 0000 ==10 000= 00=0 0010 0=00 0000 =0=0 0=00 1000 0000 0==0 000= 001= ==10 =0=0 00=0 =10= 0010 00== 001= 101= ···· 1==0 ===0 011= =110 1111 1==1 ==11 =110 1=11 ==11 111= 1111 =011 1111  3395,0
25: Deep-onno-1-2-70-x64 [t1]       61,5/148  =0=0 00== 0000 0=0= =000 000= 0000 0000 0=00 =00= =000 0000 000= 0=00 0==0 0=00 0000 00=0 101= ==0= 0=0= 00=0 101= 0==1 ···· 1==0 =1=0 11== 1=11 1=11 =111 11=1 111= 1110 11== 1111 1111 1111  3066,5
26: Zappa Mexico II x64 [t1]        61,0/148  0000 00=0 00=0 0=00 01=0 =001 =0=0 0000 =0== 00=0 0=00 0000 =000 0000 ==0= 010= =000 =000 ==1= 00== =1=0 =11= 11=0 ===1 0==1 ···· 11== 0==0 0==0 11=1 =10= 0111 1010 1=== 11=1 =111 1111 1111  3346,7
27: Now2t                           49,0/148  0000 0=00 00=0 =00= 00=0 0000 1000 0000 00=0 =000 0=00 0000 =0=0 0=00 0000 00== ===0 0=0= 001= 0000 0000 0110 ==00 100= =0=1 00== ···· =0=0 =10= ==10 10=1 =111 1101 =110 11== 1=11 1111 1011  2471,5
28: Jonny400                        46,0/148  0000 0=00 00=0 0=00 0000 0000 =000 000= 0=00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00== 0000 0000 =010 0000 0000 0=1= ==00 ==10 =001 00== 1==1 =1=1 ···· 1111 10== 00=0 =001 =0=1 01=1 =111 1101 1111 1111  2105,5
29: Kassandra X64 [tc005]           45,0/148  0000 0100 0=00 =000 000= 0000 0000 0000 000= =00= 0000 0000 000= 0000 =0=0 1000 011= 0000 =0=0 0==0 00== 010= ==00 0000 0=00 1==1 =01= 0000 ···· 1100 11=1 01=1 1==1 1100 10== 011= 1111 =111  2289,0
30: ChessTiger2007.1 [gambit]       44,5/148  0000 00=0 0100 0000 0000 0=0= 00=0 0000 =000 0=00 0000 0000 0000 00=0 000= =001 0000 ==00 10=0 0001 0=00 0000 ===0 0==0 0=00 00=0 ==01 01== 0011 ···· 111= =111 0010 =111 1111 100= 1111 1=11  2117,7
31: ChessTiger2007.1                41,5/148  000= 0=00 0000 00=0 0=0= 000= 0=00 0000 0=00 0100 00=0 000= 0000 0001 000= 0000 0000 0000 =001 ===0 =00= 0==1 =000 ==00 =000 =01= 01=0 11=1 00=0 000= ···· 1=00 101= ==00 110= 1110 11=1 1111  2152,0
32: Rotor06                         34,5/148  0000 00== 00=0 =000 0000 0000 0000 =000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000= 0000 0000 0000 00=0 0000 000= 10=0 00=0 0000 0010 =001 00=0 1000 =000 =110 10=0 =000 0=11 ···· ===1 11=1 1==0 1000 1111 1111  1494,5
33: Hermann_2.6_64                  33,5/148  0000 000= 0000 000= 0001 0000 00== 0000 0000 0000 =000 0000 0000 00=0 0000 0000 0000 0000 =000 0=00 1000 0000 1=00 0=00 000= 0101 0010 =1=0 0==0 1101 010= ===0 ···· 001= 0100 =101 1111 1111  1494,2
34: ProDeo1.6 [mach011]             33,0/148  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0=00 =0== 0000 0000 0=0= 0000 0000 00=0 0000 ==00 0000 0000 00=0 =100 010= 0010 ==00 0001 0=== =001 10=0 0011 =000 ==11 00=0 110= ···· 1=00 0010 1101 =111  1587,0
35: N2_x64                          28,0/148  0000 0000 0000 =000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0=00 0100 0000 0000 0000 00=0 000= 000= 00== 00=0 00== =000 01== 0000 001= 0==1 1011 0=11 ···· 1111 1110 111=  1000,7
36: Arasanx12.2-64                  25,5/148  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 =000 0000 1000 0=00 0=00 0000 00=0 000= 0000 =100 0000 0000 000= 0000 0000 =000 0=00 0010 100= 011= 0001 0111 =010 1101 0000 ···· 1001 =111  1106,2
37: Bikjump2.01_64bit               10,0/148  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 =00= 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0=00 =100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00=0 0000 0000 0010 0001 0110 ···· 011=  373,75
38: Kurt_0_9_2_beta_x64             5,0/148   0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 =000 0=00 0000 0000 0000 =000 000= =000 100= ····  152,00

2812 Partien gespielt / Turnier beendet
Name des Turniers: Arena Turnier
Ort/ Land: ORION8-LATITUDE, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/5
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T7600  @ 2.33GHz  mit 2.048 MB Speicher
Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows Vista Professional (Build 6000)
PGN-Datei: C:\schach\arena201\Arena.pgn
E-Mail Adresse:

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Re: Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by noctiferus » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:53 pm

very good, but:

anomalous behaviour in an endgame :shock: :
Game: Klaman-Kholmov, move 62?
Gui: arena 3.0

FEN: 5r2/8/1R6/5B1k/5K2/8/8/8 w - - 0 1

21+ 00:11 4,361,259 423,000 +0.90 Rb6-b2 Kh5-h6 Rb2-b7 Rf8-h8 Rb7-c7 Kh6-h5 Rc7-c6 Rh8-f8 Rc6-c2 Kh5-h6 Rc2-c7 Rf8-h8 Rc7-f7 Kh6-h5 Rf7-g7 Kh5-h6 Rg7-g6+ Kh6-h5 Rg6-g5+ Kh5-h6 Kf4-g4 Rh8-f8 Rg5-g6+ Kh6-h7 Kg4-f4 Rf8-g8 Rg6-g1+ Kh7-h8 Bf5-g6 Kh8-g7 Bg6-e4+ Kg7-f8

21+ 00:12 4,654,705 420,000 +M52 Rb6-b2 Kh5-h6 Rb2-b7 Rf8-h8 Rb7-c7 Kh6-h5 Rc7-c6 Rh8-f8 Rc6-c2 Kh5-h6 Rc2-c7 Rf8-h8 Rc7-f7 Kh6-h5 Rf7-g7 Kh5-h6 Rg7-g6+ Kh6-h5 Rg6-g5+ Kh5-h6 Kf4-g4 Rh8-f8 Rg5-g6+ Kh6-h7 Kg4-f4 Rf8-g8 Rg6-g1+ Kh7-h8 Bf5-g6 Kh8-g7 Bg6-e4+ Kg7-f8

21 00:12 4,701,508 417,000 +M12 Rb6-b2 Kh5-h6 Rb2-b7 Rf8-h8 Kf4-g4 Rh8-g8+ Kg4-h4 Rg8-g6 Rb7-c7 Rg6-g4+ Bf5xg4 Kh6-g6 Rc7-c6+ Kg6-g7 Kh4-g5 Kg7-f7 Rc6-c7+ Kf7-f8 Kg5-f6 Kf8-g8 Bg4-f5 Kg8-h8 Rc7-c8+
28 00:29 13,550,861 471,000 +M12 Rb6-b2 Kh5-h6 Rb2-b7 Rf8-h8 Kf4-g4 Rh8-g8+ Kg4-h4 Rg8-g6 Rb7-c7 Rg6-g4+ Bf5xg4 Kh6-g6 Rc7-c6+ Kg6-g7 Kh4-g5 Kg7-f7 Rc6-c7+ Kf7-f8 Kg5-f6 Kf8-g8 Bg4-e6+ Kg8-h8 Rc7-c8+ Kh8-h7 Be6-f5+ Kh7-h6 Bf5-g4 Kh6-h7 Kf6-g5 Kh7-g7 Bg4-f5 Kg7-f7 Rc8-c7+ Kf7-f8 Kg5-f6 Kf8-g8 Bf5-g4 Kg8-h8 Rc7-b7 Kh8-g8 Bg4-e6+ Kg8-h8 Be6-f5 Kh8-g8 Rb7-b6 Kg8-f8 Rb6-c6 Kf8-g8 Rc6-c7 Kg8-h8 Rc7-b7

28 00:42 20,291,052 490,000 +M8 Rb6-b3 Kh5-h6 Rb3-b7 Rf8-h8 Rb7-d7 Kh6-h5 Rd7-c7 Kh5-h6 Kf4-g4 Rh8-g8+ Kg4-h4 Rg8-h8 Rc7-f7 Rh8-h7 Rf7xh7+
31 01:34 45,964,880 493,000 +M10 Rb6-b3 Kh5-h6 Rb3-b7 Rf8-h8 Kf4-g4 Rh8-g8+ Kg4-h4 Rg8-g6 Rb7-f7 Rg6-g4+ Bf5xg4 Kh6-g6 Rf7-f2 Kg6-h7 Kh4-h5 Kh7-g8 Kh5-g6
Kg8-h8 Rf2-f8+

Fire finds mate in 12, then mate in 8 (wrong), then mate in 10 (wrong).
Moreover, for example, at depth 28 in the M12 line he does not find the mate in his 26 moves long PV line.

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Re: Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by noctiferus » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:59 pm

Sorry, forgot to specify which version:

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Re: Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by DaveD » Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:15 am

My custom settings for Fire 1.5 xTreme -

Fire 1.5 Supreme

Pawn_Value 98
Knight_Value 310
Bishop_Value 320
Rook_Value 515
Queen_Value 966
King_Safety_Weight 107
Positional_Weight 104

Damir Desevac
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Re: Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by Damir Desevac » Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:28 pm

Anyone here that can fix Fire source, because the engine is crashing every time when I try and use it on Playchess server ?

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Re: Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by thorstenczub » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:52 pm

its not crashing under arena. so it seems to be a chessbase gui issue.

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Re: Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by DaveD » Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:03 am

thorstenczub wrote:its not crashing under arena. so it seems to be a chessbase gui issue.
I agree, after hundreds of games under Arena i have not had any crashes or time losses!

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Re: Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by wx2010 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:08 am

Considering all aspects, i.e. not only strength, I would rate Fire 1.5 the best engine of all. The question is what's the next step. One possible option would be develop a version for smartphone. Not sure if Norman has the time to look into this.

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Re: Fire 1.5 Xtreme

Post by DaveD » Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:49 pm

Hi Norm

With all the numerous adjustable options in fire.cfg, it should be possible to create personalities of many styles and strengths for Fire 1.5 xTreme, much like the hundreds of personalites created by Chessmaster users over the years. And Fire is surely much stronger than the Chessmaster engines.

Would it be possible to have some guidance on the many adjustable parameters in fire.cfg? Especially the following sections -

// Eval Weights
// Lazy Eval
// Prune Thresholds
// Search Parameters
// Split Depths
// Time Management

Thanks for any help.

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