Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

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Mark Young
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:17 am

Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by Mark Young » Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:17 pm

Dr.Wael Deeb wrote:
Mark Young wrote:Firebird 1.1 setting are not good, When I tested at 1min +1sec inc Firebird beat Houdini 1.3a.

Like many of the settings when you play at longer time controls. The wheels fall off the wagan. So I played a match at game in 10 mins. Houdini crushed Firebird 1.1. +12 =7 -1. I stopped the match at this point, it was clear Firebird 1.1 setting were garbage. I have seen this pattern before with other settings. They do well at bullet, but fall off sharply as you increase time controls.
The settings are not garbage,the time control you're using is....
I play with 20 minutes + 20 seconds increment time control in with at least 27 opponents in a RR tournamnets and my settings won the three tournaments....
I am running the fourth one now with 33 opponents and the settings continue it's triumph....

What is your hardware btw :!: :?:

Game in 10 mins is not a garbage time control. This is very funny. :)

I will match Firebird 1.1 DD Vs. Houdini 1.3a at 20min 20incs. I will see if you are correct.

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Dr.Wael Deeb
Posts: 104
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:29 pm
Real Name: Dr.Wael Deeb

Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by Dr.Wael Deeb » Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:34 pm

Mark Young wrote:
Dr.Wael Deeb wrote:
Mark Young wrote:Firebird 1.1 setting are not good, When I tested at 1min +1sec inc Firebird beat Houdini 1.3a.

Like many of the settings when you play at longer time controls. The wheels fall off the wagan. So I played a match at game in 10 mins. Houdini crushed Firebird 1.1. +12 =7 -1. I stopped the match at this point, it was clear Firebird 1.1 setting were garbage. I have seen this pattern before with other settings. They do well at bullet, but fall off sharply as you increase time controls.
The settings are not garbage,the time control you're using is....
I play with 20 minutes + 20 seconds increment time control in with at least 27 opponents in a RR tournamnets and my settings won the three tournaments....
I am running the fourth one now with 33 opponents and the settings continue it's triumph....

What is your hardware btw :!: :?:

Game in 10 mins is not a garbage time control. This is very funny. :)

I will match Firebird 1.1 DD Vs. Houdini 1.3a at 20min 20incs. I will see if you are correct.
Looking forward to see the result 8-)
You'll be surprised from the outcome regards,

Mark Young
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:17 am

Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by Mark Young » Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:42 pm

Eduard Nemeth wrote:
Mark Young wrote:Firebird 1.1 setting are not good, When I tested at 1min +1sec inc Firebird beat Houdini 1.3a.

Like many of the settings when you play at longer time controls. The wheels fall off the wagan. So I played a match at game in 10 mins. Houdini crushed Firebird 1.1. +12 =7 -1. I stopped the match at this point, it was clear Firebird 1.1 setting were garbage. I have seen this pattern before with other settings. They do well at bullet, but fall off sharply as you increase time controls.
Hi Mark!

I think that Fire 1.1 is not bad! Here are my settings:

Fire 1.1 Eduard Nemeth Settings:

Code: Select all

Pawn Hash=64
Pawn Value=105
Rook Value=450 
Queen Value=900
Bishop Pair Value=48
Verification Reduction=8
And here the first two games against Houdini 1.03a with the same conditions how in my latest post (with the 6 games)

PGN (Both engines with 1-core and PB=ON)

[Event "Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz, Blitz:3'"]
[Site "Privat"]
[Date "2010.08.06"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Houdini 1.03a w32 2_CPU"]
[Black "FireBird 1.1 w32"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A65"]
[Annotator "-0.01;-0.10"]
[PlyCount "165"]
[TimeControl "180"]

{Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz 2660 MHz W=18.2 ply; 1.409kN/
s B=17.0 ply; 1.145kN/s} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 O-O 6.
Be3 c5 7. Nge2 Nc6 8. d5 Ne5 9. Ng3 e6 10. Be2 exd5 11. cxd5 a6 12. a4 {
Beide letzter Buchzug} h5 {-0.10/15 6} 13. h3 {(Lg5) -0.01/15 5} Re8 {
(h4) 0.00/13 5} 14. O-O {0.11/16 6} Qa5 {(Db6) 0.28/14 0} 15. Qc2 {0.10/17 4}
Qb4 {0.28/15 0} 16. Rfc1 {(Sa2) 0.19/16 12} Nc4 {0.23/12 5} 17. Bxc4 {0.29/18 0
} Qxc4 {0.31/15 3} 18. Nf1 {0.28/17 0} Nd7 {0.37/15 6} 19. Nd2 {0.31/19 0} Qb4
{0.37/17 2} 20. b3 {0.32/19 3} Qa5 {(Ld4) 0.34/17 0} 21. Nc4 {0.29/18 4} Qc7 {
0.41/19 0} 22. Bf4 {0.30/19 5} Bd4+ {0.48/17 0} 23. Kh1 {0.30/20 17} Ne5 {
0.46/20 0} 24. a5 {(Lxe5) 0.36/19 8} Nxc4 {0.43/14 4} 25. bxc4 {0.36/19 0} Rd8
{(Dd8) 0.57/16 8} 26. Rcb1 {0.45/18 3} Qe7 {0.62/17 0} 27. Qd2 {0.58/17 8} Bf6
{(f5) 0.78/16 0} 28. Rb6 {0.75/17 5} Bg7 {(Tb8) 0.91/16 0} 29. Bg5 {0.81/17 2}
f6 {0.95/17 1} 30. Be3 {(Lf4) 0.81/17 1} g5 {(Kh7) 0.84/14 3} 31. Ne2 {
(Tf1) 0.95/14 2} Re8 {(De8) 0.87/14 3} 32. Rab1 {(Td1) 0.92/13 2} h4 {
(Lf8) 0.96/14 3} 33. Nc1 {0.97/15 3} Bf8 {1.00/16 0} 34. Nd3 {0.98/16 3} Qg7 {
(Dh7) 1.14/15 0} 35. Qc2 {(Lg1) 0.98/15 2} Qh7 {(Df7) 1.02/15 5} 36. Bg1 {
(Ld2) 1.07/15 2} Qe7 {(Td8) 1.14/15 4} 37. Bh2 {(Sf2) 1.20/15 2} Rd8 {1.19/15 3
} 38. Nf2 {(Te1) 1.29/17 0} Qf7 {1.22/16 3} 39. Re1 {(Dd2) 1.36/16 0} Rb8 {
(Dh7) 1.30/16 3} 40. Nd1 {(Dd2) 1.53/17 3} Qg6 {1.52/16 2} 41. Ne3 {2.05/17 1}
Qe8 {1.90/16 3} 42. Qb2 {(Te2) 2.00/17 0} Qg6 {(Kg7) 1.77/16 2} 43. Rxa6 {
2.24/17 4} bxa6 {1.70/17 0} 44. Qxb8 {2.16/17 0} Qe8 {1.98/18 9} 45. Qb2 {
(Db6) 2.37/19 0} Kg7 {(De7) 2.13/16 5} 46. Qb6 {(Tb1) 2.47/17 5} Kg8 {
(Kf7) 2.17/17 2} 47. Rb1 {2.54/18 2} Rd7 {(De7) 2.45/17 0} 48. Qc6 {3.10/16 2}
Rd8 {3.04/17 0} 49. Qxe8 {3.05/17 1} Rxe8 {2.95/18 0} 50. Kg1 {2.65/19 1} f5 {
3.17/18 4} 51. Nxf5 {2.71/22 0} Bxf5 {3.17/20 1} 52. exf5 {2.69/21 0} Re2 {
(Kf7) 3.18/21 4} 53. Rb6 {2.96/17 2} Ra2 {3.02/20 0} 54. Rxa6 {3.05/17 1} Kf7 {
3.38/19 0} 55. Bxd6 {(f4) 3.38/18 3} Bxd6 {3.32/16 1} 56. Rxd6 {3.36/19 0} Rxa5
{3.46/17 1} 57. Rc6 {3.31/18 0} Ke8 {(Ta1+) 3.67/18 2} 58. g4 {(Tc8+) 3.39/17 1
} hxg3 {3.77/14 1} 59. Kg2 {3.61/19 0} Kf7 {(Ta2+) 3.97/16 1} 60. Kxg3 {
3.97/19 5} Ra1 {4.52/18 0} 61. Rxc5 {3.97/19 1} Rg1+ {(Td1) 4.68/17 1} 62. Kf2
{4.10/15 0} Rd1 {4.89/17 2} 63. Rc6 {4.36/17 0} Rd3 {(Td4) 5.62/18 14} 64. Ke2
{(Kg3) 5.01/16 1} Rd4 {(Tb3) 5.34/15 1} 65. Ke3 {5.48/13 0} Rf4 {
(Td1) 5.97/15 2} 66. f6 {5.80/14 0} Rh4 {6.76/15 6} 67. c5 {6.21/18 0} Rc4 {
6.84/15 1} 68. d6 {(Tc7+) 6.76/17 0} Ke6 {(Kxf6) 10.10/15 5} 69. Rc7 {9.38/15 1
} Rc3+ {(Kxf6) 10.83/15 0} 70. Kd4 {9.61/13 0} Rxf3 {11.81/17 3} 71. d7 {
11.41/17 0} Rf1 {12.63/18 5} 72. f7 {12.64/17 0} Ke7 {13.36/18 6} 73. Rc8 {
16.55/17 0} Kxd7 {13.14/15 0} 74. f8=Q {18.08/18 0} Rxf8 {14.17/16 2} 75. Rxf8
{#14/21 0} Kc7 {(Ke7) 20.17/16 0} 76. Rg8 {(Tf7+) #11/18 0} Kd7 {(g4) #15/14 2}
77. Kd5 {(Txg5) #8/21 1} Kc7 {(Ke7) #15/16 3} 78. Rxg5 {#6/27 1} Kd7 {#6/1 0}
79. c6+ {#5/1 0} Kc7 {#4/1 0} 80. Kc5 {#4/1 0} Kc8 {#3/1 0} 81. Kb6 {#3/1 0}
Kd8 {#3/1 0} 82. Re5 {#2/1 0} Kc8 {#2/1 0} 83. Re8# {#1/1 0} 1-0

[Event "Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz, Blitz:3'"]
[Site "Privat"]
[Date "2010.08.06"]
[Round "2"]
[White "FireBird 1.1 w32"]
[Black "Houdini 1.03a w32 2_CPU"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A65"]
[Annotator "0.06;-0.07"]
[PlyCount "146"]
[TimeControl "180"]

{Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz 2660 MHz W=18.0 ply; 1.119kN/
s B=18.0 ply; 1.442kN/s} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 O-O 6.
Be3 c5 7. Nge2 Nc6 8. d5 Ne5 9. Ng3 e6 10. Be2 exd5 11. cxd5 a6 12. a4 {
Beide letzter Buchzug} h5 {-0.07/17 30} 13. O-O {(Lg5) 0.06/16 17} Re8 {
(h4) 0.04/15 10} 14. Nh1 {0.18/16 14} Qa5 {(Tb8) 0.14/17 0} 15. Qc2 {
(Sf2) 0.22/16 11} Bd7 {(Db4) 0.25/16 5} 16. h3 {(Sf2) 0.23/15 3} Bc8 {
(Db4) 0.22/16 10} 17. Nf2 {0.31/15 2} Rb8 {0.25/16 1} 18. b3 {0.37/15 2} Ned7 {
(Te7) 0.28/16 2} 19. Bd2 {(Ta2) 0.36/15 5} Qc7 {0.30/15 2} 20. a5 {0.35/16 0}
Nh7 {0.25/15 6} 21. Ra2 {(Ta3) 0.36/16 0} b6 {(b5) 0.32/15 3} 22. axb6 {
0.41/16 3} Qxb6 {0.34/17 1} 23. Ra3 {0.49/16 7} Bb7 {(Ld4) 0.36/18 0} 24. Re1 {
(Lc4) 0.62/15 8} Ra8 {0.40/14 4} 25. Na4 {0.73/17 0} Qd8 {0.56/16 3} 26. b4 {
0.79/17 0} cxb4 {0.62/15 2} 27. Bxb4 {0.79/16 0} Qe7 {(Le5) 0.70/15 3} 28. Rb3
{0.68/13 2} Rab8 {0.69/15 1} 29. Ba5 {0.94/15 8} Rec8 {(La8) 0.85/16 0} 30. Qd2
{1.04/15 3} Ne5 {(La8) 0.91/16 0} 31. Bc3 {(Tc1) 1.01/14 3} Rc7 {
(Sc4) 0.92/14 5} 32. Bxa6 {(Tc1) 1.20/13 5} Ra8 {1.09/13 2} 33. Bb5 {1.24/14 0}
Nc4 {(Ta7) 1.19/14 3} 34. Bxc4 {1.44/15 2} Rxa4 {1.22/15 0} 35. Bxg7 {1.47/16 5
} Kxg7 {1.29/17 0} 36. Bf1 {(Lb5) 1.39/16 11} Ba6 {1.23/15 2} 37. Bxa6 {
(Db2+) 1.36/16 0} Rxa6 {1.08/13 0} 38. f4 {(Teb1) 1.50/16 13} f6 {1.08/15 2}
39. Qb2 {(Sd3) 1.48/15 0} Rca7 {1.25/15 3} 40. e5 {1.58/15 0} Ra2 {1.61/14 6}
41. Qc3 {1.65/16 0} R2a5 {1.35/14 1} 42. Rb6 {1.81/15 0} Ra3 {(fxe5) 1.43/15 2}
43. exd6 {1.57/13 1} Qxd6 {1.35/17 0} 44. Rxd6 {1.46/14 1} Rxc3 {1.28/17 2} 45.
Ne4 {1.59/16 0} Rc8 {(Tc2) 1.40/18 6} 46. Kh2 {1.63/14 2} f5 {1.22/18 0} 47.
Ng5 {1.72/16 1} Nxg5 {1.24/18 0} 48. fxg5 {1.72/18 1} Rg8 {1.31/18 1} 49. h4 {
(Te5) 1.72/17 0} Rc7 {1.25/16 1} 50. Ree6 {(g3) 1.81/18 0} Kh7 {1.53/18 2} 51.
Rc6 {2.03/19 0} Rf7 {2.21/19 6} 52. d6 {2.48/19 0} Kg7 {(Td8) 1.98/20 1} 53.
Rc7 {2.64/19 2} Rd8 {2.29/21 6} 54. Kg3 {2.92/21 0} Ra8 {2.67/20 1} 55. Kf4 {
2.92/20 0} Ra5 {2.75/20 6} 56. Rxf7+ {3.30/20 0} Kxf7 {2.66/21 0} 57. Re7+ {
3.20/21 4} Kf8 {2.54/23 0} 58. Rh7 {3.20/22 1} Ke8 {2.50/22 5} 59. Rg7 {
3.20/24 0} Rd5 {2.74/19 2} 60. Rxg6 {3.36/22 0} Kf7 {2.78/19 0} 61. Rh6 {
3.36/21 0} Kf8 {(Kg8) 2.84/17 1} 62. Rxh5 {3.58/18 2} Rxd6 {3.56/18 3} 63. Rh6
{(Th7) 3.86/19 0} Rd2 {(Td4+) 3.03/18 1} 64. Rb6 {(Tf6+) 3.65/19 1} Kg8 {
(Tf2+) 3.60/16 3} 65. Kxf5 {4.33/17 1} Kg7 {3.92/18 0} 66. Rb7+ {4.41/20 0} Kg8
{4.43/19 3} 67. h5 {5.14/21 0} Rd5+ {5.39/19 3} 68. Kf6 {(Kf4) 6.24/22 0} Rd6+
{5.93/18 0} 69. Ke5 {6.51/21 0} Ra6 {(Tc6) 6.19/18 0} 70. g6 {6.63/18 1} Ra5+ {
(Tc6) 8.93/21 2} 71. Kf6 {10.57/18 1} Ra6+ {9.13/24 0} 72. Kg5 {14.84/20 6}
Ra5+ {9.68/25 0} 73. Kh6 {(Kh4) 16.26/19 1} Ra8 {adjud. 12.17/16 3} 1-0

Fire 1.1 (with my settings) won now game 2 (!). It can not be bad also. 8-)


I don't think Firebird is a bad program, it is one of the top programs. I tested DD settings. Firebird 1.1 DD settings got crushed by houdini when I tested at longer time controls. Moving from 1+1 to game in 10 mins.

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Dr.Wael Deeb
Posts: 104
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:29 pm
Real Name: Dr.Wael Deeb

Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by Dr.Wael Deeb » Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:58 pm

FireBird 1.1 is the strongest version of the program....Believe me,I know what I'm talking about and I'll be surprised if Norman comes with a significant stronger version....now my settings give a boost of around 80-100 Elo and this is a fact too....so FireBird 1.1 Dr.Deeb I is a 30-40 Elo stronger than Deep Rybka 4 and Houdini 1.03a at my time control 20 mnutes + 20 seconds increment runiing on an overclocked Q9650 4.0GHz with 512 Mb ram under Fritz 12 GUI using q82010.ctg

I've underlined the conditions under which my personality outperforme all the top engines in my rating list,so please no 2 or 6 games samples running on an ancient hardware at 1 or 3 minutes to refute my nearly 3 month of hard work....


Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:09 am

Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by slobo » Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:47 pm

slobo wrote:
slobo wrote:
Dr.Wael Deeb wrote:
slobo wrote:
Dr.Wael Deeb wrote: I'll contact Norman as soon as possible Anthony....
The settings will be the default ones....as for the Analyze mode issues,norman will answer you better than me I guess...
The second set of ten games has not been happy for FB 1.1. Curiously, it was exactly against Rybka 4 that a disaster happened, which allowed Rbka 4 to resurrect on my rating list..

4 FB_11-in_WD_popcnt_x64_4cpu: 2542 20 (+ 7,= 8,- 5), 55.0 %
IvanHoe-T63Mini9_w64_4cpu     :   2 (+  2,=  0,-  0), 100.0 %
IvanHoe T-63Mini10_w64_4cpu   :   2 (+  1,=  1,-  0), 75.0 %
Rybka 4_w64_4cpu              :   4 (+  0,=  0,-  4),  0.0 %
IvanHoe 054_x64_4cpu          :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Houdini 103_POPCNT_x64_4CPU   :   2 (+  1,=  1,-  0), 75.0 %
IvanHoe-BetaWH_32_AMD64_4cpu  :   8 (+  3,=  4,-  1), 62.5 %

6/8/2010 10:22:36 :
Program                               Elo    +   -   Games   Score   Av.Op.  Draws

  1 IvanHoe T-63Mini10_w64_4cpu    : 2563   70  62    34    60.3 %   2491   67.6 %
  2 IvanHoe 054_x64_4cpu           : 2545   66  61    34    55.9 %   2504   70.6 %
  3 Rybka 4_w64_4cpu               : 2544   97  95    30    58.3 %   2486   43.3 %
  4 FB_11-in_WD_popcnt_x64_4cpu    : 2542  124 122    20    55.0 %   2507   40.0 %
  5 Houdini 103_POPCNT_x64_4CPU    : 2541   74  72    34    54.4 %   2510   61.8 %
  6 IvanHoe-BetaWH_24_AMD64_4cpu   : 2536   74  71    34    57.4 %   2485   61.8 %
  7 FB_11-in_WD_x64_4cpu           : 2525   70  68    30    51.7 %   2513   70.0 %
  8 IvanHoe-T63Mini9_w64_4cpu      : 2521   77  74    34    58.8 %   2459   58.8 %
  9 Fire_13_w64_4cpu               : 2517   63  57    28    53.6 %   2492   78.6 %
 10 IvanHoe 063b_prefetch_w64_4cpu : 2515   59  53    30    53.3 %   2492   80.0 %
 11 Houdini_101_w64_4cpu           : 2513   78  75    30    55.0 %   2478   63.3 %
 12 IvanHoe 065b_prefetch_w32_4cpu : 2498   57  44    30    55.0 %   2463   83.3 %
 13 IvanHoe 063b_default_w32_4cpu  : 2498   62  60    50    58.0 %   2442   60.0 %
 14 Houdini 103_x64_4CPU           : 2492   61  61    32    50.0 %   2492   75.0 %
 15 IvanHoe 054-2_x64_4cpu         : 2492   61  61    32    50.0 %   2492   75.0 %
 16 IvanHoe 052a_popcnt_x64_4cpu   : 2479   65  65    30    50.0 %   2479   73.3 %
 17 IvanHoe T-63Mini5_w32_4cpu     : 2478   53  53    32    50.0 %   2478   81.2 %
 18 Fire_12_new_SMP_KLO_w64_4cpu   : 2476   63  66    30    46.7 %   2499   73.3 %
 19 IvanHoe 065.02-JR_w32_4cpu     : 2470   62  60    30    51.7 %   2459   76.7 %
 20 FB 12_w32_4cpu                 : 2470   52  46    34    52.9 %   2449   82.4 %
 21 FB 11-ms_w32_4cpu              : 2463   62  60    30    51.7 %   2452   76.7 %
 22 Stockfish-18-ja-w64-4cpu       : 2457   93  94    28    46.4 %   2482   50.0 %
Hi Slobo,
I didn't say that it can't lose a game or two here and there,but overall,against several opponents with enough games,it's the strongest chess entity for now....

Hi Wael,

I just descovered that the settings ajusted yesterday have not been saved.
It is important to know: every time we start a GUI we have to set up all your parameters.

I´ll repeat the same set of games.


After 20 games, this time with the correct WD settings, we have the following situation:

6/8/2010 13:51:52 :
Individual statistics:

1 FB_11-in_WD_popcnt_x64_4cpu: 2600 20 (+ 6,= 13,- 1), 62.5 %
IvanHoe-T63Mini9_w64_4cpu     :   2 (+  2,=  0,-  0), 100.0 %
IvanHoe T-63Mini10_w64_4cpu   :   2 (+  1,=  1,-  0), 75.0 %
Rybka 4_w64_4cpu              :   4 (+  0,=  4,-  0), 50.0 %
IvanHoe 054_x64_4cpu          :   2 (+  0,=  2,-  0), 50.0 %
Houdini 103_POPCNT_x64_4CPU   :   2 (+  1,=  1,-  0), 75.0 %
IvanHoe-BetaWH_32_AMD64_4cpu  :   8 (+  2,=  5,-  1), 56.2 %
Program                          Elo    +   -   Games   Score   Av.Op.  Draws

 1 FB_11-in_WD_popcnt_x64_4cpu    : 2600   97  82    20    62.5 %   2512   65.0 %
  2 IvanHoe T-63Mini10_w64_4cpu    : 2567   70  62    34    60.3 %   2494   67.6 %
  3 IvanHoe 054_x64_4cpu           : 2543   66  61    34    55.9 %   2502   70.6 %
  4 Houdini 103_POPCNT_x64_4CPU    : 2541   74  72    34    54.4 %   2510   61.8 %
  5 IvanHoe-BetaWH_24_AMD64_4cpu   : 2532   74  71    34    57.4 %   2481   61.8 %
  6 IvanHoe-T63Mini9_w64_4cpu      : 2525   77  74    34    58.8 %   2463   58.8 %
  7 FB_11-in_WD_x64_4cpu           : 2520   70  68    30    51.7 %   2509   70.0 %
  8 Fire_13_w64_4cpu               : 2517   63  57    28    53.6 %   2492   78.6 %
  9 IvanHoe 063b_prefetch_w64_4cpu : 2516   59  53    30    53.3 %   2493   80.0 %
 10 Houdini_101_w64_4cpu           : 2511   78  75    30    55.0 %   2476   63.3 %
 11 Rybka 4_w64_4cpu               : 2500   84  83    30    51.7 %   2489   56.7 %
 12 IvanHoe 063b_default_w32_4cpu  : 2499   62  60    50    58.0 %   2443   60.0 %
 13 IvanHoe 065b_prefetch_w32_4cpu : 2497   57  44    30    55.0 %   2462   83.3 %
 14 IvanHoe 054-2_x64_4cpu         : 2495   61  61    32    50.0 %   2495   75.0 %
 15 Houdini 103_x64_4CPU           : 2494   61  61    32    50.0 %   2494   75.0 %
 16 IvanHoe-BetaWH_32_AMD64_4cpu   : 2485   68  71    28    46.4 %   2509   71.4 %
 17 IvanHoe T-63Mini5_w32_4cpu     : 2481   53  53    32    50.0 %   2481   81.2 %
 18 Fire_12_new_SMP_KLO_w64_4cpu   : 2478   63  66    30    46.7 %   2501   73.3 %
 19 IvanHoe 052a_popcnt_x64_4cpu   : 2474   65  65    30    50.0 %   2474   73.3 %
 20 FB 12_w32_4cpu                 : 2470   52  46    34    52.9 %   2450   82.4 %
 21 IvanHoe 065.02-JR_w32_4cpu     : 2470   62  60    30    51.7 %   2458   76.7 %
 22 FB 11-ms_w32_4cpu              : 2462   62  60    30    51.7 %   2451   76.7 %
 23 IvanHoe 063b_default_w64_4cpu  : 2458   72  74    30    46.7 %   2481   66.7 %
 24 IvanHoe 066b_prefetch_w32_4cpu : 2457   88  86    30    56.7 %   2410   53.3 %
 25 Fire_13_POPCNT_w64_4cpu        : 2454   73  77    26    46.2 %   2481   69.2 %
 26 Stockfish-18-ja-w64-4cpu       : 2451   93  94    28    46.4 %   2476   50.0 %
 27 Igorrit 0086v9_w32_2cpu        : 2451   74  70    38    60.5 %   2376   57.9 %
 28 IvanHoe 052_alpha_x64_4cpu     : 2447   46  59    26    46.2 %   2473   84.6 %
 29 Igorrit 0086v9_w32_4cpu        : 2445   70  68    30    51.7 %   2434   70.0 %
 30 FB 11-NS_w32                   : 2437   79  81    30    46.7 %   2460   60.0 %
 31 IvanHoe 064b_prefetch_w32_4cpu : 2436   78  78    28    50.0 %   2436   64.3 %
 32 Rybka 3 w64_4cpu               : 2436   57  62    38    43.4 %   2482   71.1 %

After 34 games, mostly 7 min/engine/game, I got the following results:

6 FB_11-in_WD_popcnt_x64_4cpu: 2521 34 (+ 8,= 21,- 5), 54.4 %

IvanHoe 065b_prefetch_w32_4cpu: 2 (+ 0,= 1,- 1), 25.0 %
IvanHoe-T63Mini9_w64_4cpu : 2 (+ 2,= 0,- 0), 100.0 %
IvanHoe T-63Mini10_w64_4cpu : 2 (+ 1,= 1,- 0), 75.0 %
Houdini_101_w64_4cpu : 4 (+ 1,= 1,- 2), 37.5 %
Stockfish-18-ja-w64-4cpu : 2 (+ 1,= 1,- 0), 75.0 %
Rybka 4_w64_4cpu : 4 (+ 0,= 4,- 0), 50.0 %
Fire_131_KLO_popcnt_x64_4cpu : 2 (+ 0,= 2,- 0), 50.0 %
IvanHoe 054_x64_4cpu : 2 (+ 0,= 2,- 0), 50.0 %
Houdini 103_POPCNT_x64_4CPU : 2 (+ 1,= 1,- 0), 75.0 %
IvanHoe 052_alpha_x64_4cpu : 4 (+ 0,= 3,- 1), 37.5 %
IvanHoe-BetaWH_32_AMD64_4cpu : 8 (+ 2,= 5,- 1), 56.2 %

6/8/2010 19:38:04 :
Program                          Elo    +   -   Games   Score   Av.Op.  Draws

  1 IvanHoe T-63Mini10_w64_4cpu    : 2561   70  62    34    60.3 %   2489   67.6 %
  2 IvanHoe 054_x64_4cpu           : 2538   66  61    34    55.9 %   2497   70.6 %
  3 Houdini 103_POPCNT_x64_4CPU    : 2534   74  72    34    54.4 %   2503   61.8 %
  4 IvanHoe-BetaWH_24_AMD64_4cpu   : 2530   74  71    34    57.4 %   2479   61.8 %
  5 Houdini_101_w64_4cpu           : 2524   77  75    34    55.9 %   2483   58.8 %
  6 FB_11-in_WD_popcnt_x64_4cpu    : 2521   74  72    34    54.4 %   2491   61.8 %
  7 Fire_13_w64_4cpu               : 2521   63  57    28    53.6 %   2496   78.6 %
  8 IvanHoe-T63Mini9_w64_4cpu      : 2519   77  74    34    58.8 %   2457   58.8 %
  9 IvanHoe 063b_prefetch_w64_4cpu : 2516   59  53    30    53.3 %   2493   80.0 %
 10 FB_11-in_WD_x64_4cpu           : 2514   70  68    30    51.7 %   2502   70.0 %
 11 IvanHoe 065b_prefetch_w32_4cpu : 2510   58  45    32    56.2 %   2466   81.2 %
 12 IvanHoe 063b_default_w32_4cpu  : 2497   62  60    50    58.0 %   2441   60.0 %
 13 Houdini 103_x64_4CPU           : 2494   61  61    32    50.0 %   2494   75.0 %
 14 IvanHoe 054-2_x64_4cpu         : 2489   61  61    32    50.0 %   2489   75.0 %
 15 Rybka 4_w64_4cpu               : 2489   84  83    30    51.7 %   2477   56.7 %
 16 IvanHoe T-63Mini5_w32_4cpu     : 2478   53  53    32    50.0 %   2478   81.2 %
 17 Fire_12_new_SMP_KLO_w64_4cpu   : 2474   63  66    30    46.7 %   2497   73.3 %
 18 IvanHoe 052a_popcnt_x64_4cpu   : 2470   65  65    30    50.0 %   2470   73.3 %
 19 FB 12_w32_4cpu                 : 2469   52  46    34    52.9 %   2449   82.4 %
 20 IvanHoe 065.02-JR_w32_4cpu     : 2468   62  60    30    51.7 %   2457   76.7 %
 21 IvanHoe 052_alpha_x64_4cpu     : 2465   49  53    30    48.3 %   2477   83.3 %
 22 IvanHoe-BetaWH_32_AMD64_4cpu   : 2464   68  71    28    46.4 %   2489   71.4 %
 23 FB 11-ms_w32_4cpu              : 2463   62  60    30    51.7 %   2452   76.7 %
 24 IvanHoe 066b_prefetch_w32_4cpu : 2457   88  86    30    56.7 %   2410   53.3 %
 25 Fire_13_POPCNT_w64_4cpu        : 2456   73  77    26    46.2 %   2483   69.2 %
 26 IvanHoe 063b_default_w64_4cpu  : 2454   72  74    30    46.7 %   2477   66.7 %
 27 Igorrit 0086v9_w32_2cpu        : 2451   74  70    38    60.5 %   2377   57.9 %
 28 Igorrit 0086v9_w32_4cpu        : 2444   70  68    30    51.7 %   2432   70.0 %
 29 Stockfish-18-ja-w64-4cpu       : 2443   89  90    30    45.0 %   2478   50.0 %
 30 FB 11-NS_w32                   : 2438   79  81    30    46.7 %   2461   60.0 %
 31 IvanHoe 064b_prefetch_w32_4cpu : 2436   78  78    28    50.0 %   2436   64.3 %
 32 Rybka 3 w64_4cpu               : 2435   57  62    38    43.4 %   2481   71.1 %
 33 IvanHoe 063b_prefetch_w32_4cpu : 2431   57  64    30    45.0 %   2466   76.7 %
 34 IvanHoe 065b_default_w32_4cpu  : 2431   57  63    28    46.4 %   2456   78.6 %
 35 IvanHoe v70-JR_w32_4cpu        : 2425   77  76    30    51.7 %   2413   63.3 %
 36 Fire_131_KLO_popcnt_x64_4cpu   : 2423   75  83    26    40.4 %   2491   65.4 %
 37 Rybka 3 w32_4cpu               : 2392   46  47    74    45.3 %   2425   66.2 %

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Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by xshat » Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:47 am

I am impressed with the Doctor's settings for Firebird 1.1. From my testing so far it is about tied in strength with 1.31, but I will not post results until at least 100 games have been played. The main advantages to point out are the aggressiveness, which is enhanced even further by these settings, and the pawn structure, which is extremely tactical. Pawn structure is one of the most overlooked aspects of chess programming and is often times the turning point in games. I look forward to Fire 1.4, hopefully it implements the best of each Fire release, such as the agressiveness of Doctor's 1.1 settings, and the amazing Knight skill of Fire1.31

Here is a good game which outlines the playing style of Fire 1.1

5 Seconds per move
[White "Fire_131_w32_NS"]
[Black "FireBird_11_w32_in"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Opening "Queen's Pawn"]
[Variation "Anti-King's Indian"]

Code: Select all

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. d4 Nc6 4. Bf4 Nh5 5. Bg3 Nxg3 6. hxg3 Bg4 7. Nh2
Bh5 8. g4 Bg6 9. e3 Qd6 10. Nf3 O-O-O 11. Bd3 Kb8 12. a3 h6 13. Qe2 e5 14.
dxe5 Nxe5 15. Bxg6 Nxg6 16. Qd3 Ne5 17. Nxe5 Qxe5 18. O-O-O c6 19. Ne2 Re8
20. Kb1 Be7 21. Nd4 Bf6 22. Rde1 Qc7 23. Nf5 g6 24. Nd4 Re4 25. Qd1 c5 26.
Ne2 Qb6 27. c3 Rd8 28. g3 Bg7 29. Qc2 g5 30. Rd1 Qe6 31. Rhf1 Rd6 32. Nc1
Rxg4 33. Ka1 f5 34. Rg1 Qd7 35. Nb3 b6 36. f3 Ra4 37. Rgf1 Kb7 38. Rh1 Qb5
39. Nc1 a6 40. Rh2 Qd7 41. Rhh1 Be5 42. Qg2 Qc6 43. Qf2 d4 44. exd4 cxd4
45. Nd3 Bg7 46. Nb4 Qd7 47. Qd2 Be5 48. c4 Bxg3 49. Qd3 Ra5 50. Nd5 b5 51.
Nb4 bxc4 52. Qxc4 Bf4 53. Nd3 Rc6 54. Qa2 Qc7 55. Qg8 Rb6 56. Kb1 Be3 57.
Nb4 Rab5 58. Ka1 Ka7 59. Nd3 Qc2 60. Qa2 Rb3 61. Nb4 R6xb4 62. axb4 Rxb4
63. Qf7+ Rb7 64. Qa2 g4 65. fxg4 fxg4 66. Rdf1 Qc6 67. Qg8 Qa4+ 68. Qa2
Qxa2+ 69. Kxa2 g3 70. Rf6 g2 71. Rb1 Rg7 72. Kb3 g1=Q 73. Rxg1 Rxg1 74.
Rf7+ Kb6 75. Kc4 h5 76. Rf6+ Kc7 77. Rf3 h4 78. Rh3 Rg4 79. Kd5 a5 80. b3
Kd7 81. Ke5 Kc6 82. Rf3 Kc5 83. Rh3 Rf4 84. Rh1 Kb4 85. Re1 Kxb3 86. Rb1+
Kc2 87. Re1 a4 88. Re2+ Kb3 89. Re1 a3 90. Rb1+ Ka2 91. Rh1 Kb2 92. Rh2+
Kb3 93. Rh1 a2 94. Rd1 Kb2 95. Kd6 a1=Q 96. Rxa1 Kxa1 97. Kc5 d3+ 98. Kb5
d2 99. Kc6 d1=Q 100. Kc7 Rf7+ 101. Kc8 Qd7+ 102. Kb8 Rf8# 0-1

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Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by kingliveson » Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:37 am

Final outcome with games played by IvanHoe 9.52b removed due to way too many time losses. 1+0, ponder off, egtb off, quad core.
Third World War  2010

1   Houdini 1.03a x64 POPCNT 4_CP  ***********  24.0 - 26.0  27.0 - 23.0  30.0 - 20.0  81.0/150
2   Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64         26.0 - 24.0  ***********  24.0 - 26.0  30.5 - 19.5  80.5/150
3   FireBird 1.1 x64               23.0 - 27.0  26.0 - 24.0  ***********  30.5 - 19.5  79.5/150
4   Ivanhoe-BetaWH_33_w64          20.0 - 30.0  19.5 - 30.5  19.5 - 30.5  ***********  59.0/150

game data available upon request.
PAWN : Knight >> Bishop >> Rook >>Queen

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Dr.Wael Deeb
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Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by Dr.Wael Deeb » Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:01 am

xshat wrote:I am impressed with the Doctor's settings for Firebird 1.1. From my testing so far it is about tied in strength with 1.31, but I will not post results until at least 100 games have been played. The main advantages to point out are the aggressiveness, which is enhanced even further by these settings, and the pawn structure, which is extremely tactical. Pawn structure is one of the most overlooked aspects of chess programming and is often times the turning point in games. I look forward to Fire 1.4, hopefully it implements the best of each Fire release, such as the agressiveness of Doctor's 1.1 settings, and the amazing Knight skill of Fire1.31

Here is a good game which outlines the playing style of Fire 1.1

5 Seconds per move
[White "Fire_131_w32_NS"]
[Black "FireBird_11_w32_in"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Opening "Queen's Pawn"]
[Variation "Anti-King's Indian"]

Code: Select all

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. d4 Nc6 4. Bf4 Nh5 5. Bg3 Nxg3 6. hxg3 Bg4 7. Nh2
Bh5 8. g4 Bg6 9. e3 Qd6 10. Nf3 O-O-O 11. Bd3 Kb8 12. a3 h6 13. Qe2 e5 14.
dxe5 Nxe5 15. Bxg6 Nxg6 16. Qd3 Ne5 17. Nxe5 Qxe5 18. O-O-O c6 19. Ne2 Re8
20. Kb1 Be7 21. Nd4 Bf6 22. Rde1 Qc7 23. Nf5 g6 24. Nd4 Re4 25. Qd1 c5 26.
Ne2 Qb6 27. c3 Rd8 28. g3 Bg7 29. Qc2 g5 30. Rd1 Qe6 31. Rhf1 Rd6 32. Nc1
Rxg4 33. Ka1 f5 34. Rg1 Qd7 35. Nb3 b6 36. f3 Ra4 37. Rgf1 Kb7 38. Rh1 Qb5
39. Nc1 a6 40. Rh2 Qd7 41. Rhh1 Be5 42. Qg2 Qc6 43. Qf2 d4 44. exd4 cxd4
45. Nd3 Bg7 46. Nb4 Qd7 47. Qd2 Be5 48. c4 Bxg3 49. Qd3 Ra5 50. Nd5 b5 51.
Nb4 bxc4 52. Qxc4 Bf4 53. Nd3 Rc6 54. Qa2 Qc7 55. Qg8 Rb6 56. Kb1 Be3 57.
Nb4 Rab5 58. Ka1 Ka7 59. Nd3 Qc2 60. Qa2 Rb3 61. Nb4 R6xb4 62. axb4 Rxb4
63. Qf7+ Rb7 64. Qa2 g4 65. fxg4 fxg4 66. Rdf1 Qc6 67. Qg8 Qa4+ 68. Qa2
Qxa2+ 69. Kxa2 g3 70. Rf6 g2 71. Rb1 Rg7 72. Kb3 g1=Q 73. Rxg1 Rxg1 74.
Rf7+ Kb6 75. Kc4 h5 76. Rf6+ Kc7 77. Rf3 h4 78. Rh3 Rg4 79. Kd5 a5 80. b3
Kd7 81. Ke5 Kc6 82. Rf3 Kc5 83. Rh3 Rf4 84. Rh1 Kb4 85. Re1 Kxb3 86. Rb1+
Kc2 87. Re1 a4 88. Re2+ Kb3 89. Re1 a3 90. Rb1+ Ka2 91. Rh1 Kb2 92. Rh2+
Kb3 93. Rh1 a2 94. Rd1 Kb2 95. Kd6 a1=Q 96. Rxa1 Kxa1 97. Kc5 d3+ 98. Kb5
d2 99. Kc6 d1=Q 100. Kc7 Rf7+ 101. Kc8 Qd7+ 102. Kb8 Rf8# 0-1
Thanks you for the testing and sharing your impressions about the playing style which are absolutely right....I seeked the aggressive playing style compouned with sound playing approach....
Looking forward to your results....

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Dr.Wael Deeb
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Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by Dr.Wael Deeb » Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:04 am

kingliveson wrote:Final outcome with games played by IvanHoe 9.52b removed due to way too many time losses. 1+0, ponder off, egtb off, quad core.
Third World War  2010

1   Houdini 1.03a x64 POPCNT 4_CP  ***********  24.0 - 26.0  27.0 - 23.0  30.0 - 20.0  81.0/150
2   Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64         26.0 - 24.0  ***********  24.0 - 26.0  30.5 - 19.5  80.5/150
3   FireBird 1.1 x64               23.0 - 27.0  26.0 - 24.0  ***********  30.5 - 19.5  79.5/150
4   Ivanhoe-BetaWH_33_w64          20.0 - 30.0  19.5 - 30.5  19.5 - 30.5  ***********  59.0/150

game data available upon request.
Yeap,an expected performance even though at long time controls FireBird 1.1 Dr.Deeb I will overtake both Rybka and Houdini by 30-40 Elo margin which is the case in my rating list approaching +400 games....thanks....

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Re: Dr. Deeb´s FireBird settings

Post by AnthonyTheSage » Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:18 pm

There must be quite a difference between the 64, 32, single and dual core FireBirds. I heard someone mention that FireBird losing on time. Thats seems a bit ridiculous. I can only speak for my lowly single core P4 but on my machine FireBird runs at exactly the same nodes per second as Houdini 1.03a, which is about 20 nodes per second faster than Houdini 1.01. But FireBird seems to use its time slightly better. Always with more time than Houdini in the end game. So as far as losing on time that seems a bit outlandish. I'm wondering is some of these testers are using the wrong version of FireBird. Also since both programs run at the same speed, it really comes down to search. All I can say is these settings are much stronger than the default and at least as strong, or stronger than Houdini 1.03a> which most consider to be the strongest blitz engine in the world.

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