world computer chess champion.

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Re: world computer chess champion.

Post by Uly » Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:54 am

I was talking about repeating time controls, specifically.

Posts: 71
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:41 pm
Real Name: Charles

Re: world computer chess champion.

Post by Charles » Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:50 pm

4 cpu, win xp 32 bit 3 gb ram, 128hash Rybka 3,4, select 5 man tb. on Arena.

silver suite
Houdini_w32_4CPU_1.03a - Rybka 4 TC3100150 : 55.5/100 28-17-55 (====11==1====0====110=01====0=1=1=10=======101====1111101====0=11110101==0==1==101==0====00==110=0==) 56%
Houdini_w32_4CPU_1.03a - Rybka 4 w32 : 57.0/100 33-19-48 (=1=11=111101=1100=0==0001010======1=11==0=11=0===010=110=11110==1=1=1===1====11==001====0========110) 57%

longer tc= 10 s per move fixed. (no time management)
ach-48 basic positions.
Houdini_w32_4CPU_1.03a - Rybka 4 w32 : 50.0/96 28-24-44 (110===0==1===10=10=110=10011001=1101=1=1=10===0===0=0=00==0=1==0=10===01====10=1===10==1==011101) 52%

I haven't been able to make Rybka 4 beat houdini at short to medium time controls..
The last tournament was supposed to prove that Rybka 4 was better than Houdni at a medium fixed time control -- did not quite get that result!

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