Interesting adaptive engine

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Re: Interesting adaptive engine

Post by noctiferus » Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:53 pm

---may be: if you could find that post we could check.

here is the link to the basic method . When I'll be back at university I'll try to find the whole paper. ... 85d1a505d5

---- I'm sure there is no problem in there. Jim was really very kind to reply; it didn't come to my mind to ask him why it's only on share, and not in his webpage . IMHO the reason could be, perhaps, that the engine is very experimental, and could not compare with the usual ones.

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Re: Interesting adaptive engine

Post by Hagen » Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:08 pm

I've downloaded the engine and installed it. I've played a few games against it and it's extremely weak. Aggressive...but weak. Plays blindly against strong defense and cheerfully gives up pieces willy nilly. This is a good engine if you want a good laugh and take your mind off your personal problems...but I'm not seeing the "heuristics" of this so called adaptive engine. It might help if they'd convert this to English based instead of Spanish. One unique fact about the engine is you can play with Black...but only see from White's point of view. WTF?!

I'll stick to Glass 1.6. Now *that* engine comes as close to human playing styles as I've ever seen.

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Re: Interesting adaptive engine

Post by noctiferus » Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:45 pm

I didn't test it (hopefully in august), but as I said, IMO Bayesian Nets are a weak context in which build a strong engine: I'll try to have the basic theoretical paper.

My doubt is that the great advantage of BNs is "locality of computation": in chess, you have global dependency of the evaluations.
To be more precise, I must read the basic paper.

Don't hold your breath :)

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Re: Interesting adaptive engine

Post by noctiferus » Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:20 pm

link to the working paper (spanish): ... nes/18.pdf

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Re: Interesting adaptive engine

Post by Darkanyons » Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:54 pm

I tried to run this on window7 x64 but it just can't initiate or start its program. Is there compatibility issues with win7 x64 ultimate?

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