Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Discussion about chess-playing software (engines, hosts, opening books, platforms, etc...)
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Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by Thebossss » Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:55 am

Hi Jeremy Bernstein;

I asked for the adaptor file, i haven't got any reply.. Taking that as nope from ur side.

I request for the Stockfish PA_GTB with 28/10/2013 engine in it..

Jeremy Bernstein
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Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by Jeremy Bernstein » Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:16 am

Thebossss wrote:Hi Jeremy Bernstein;

I asked for the adaptor file, i haven't got any reply.. Taking that as nope from ur side.

I request for the Stockfish PA_GTB with 28/10/2013 engine in it..
Sorry, I have no experience with Polyglot, don't use it for anything and don't feel qualified to attend to this request, which would entail learning it for you, writing an .ini file for you and then testing it for you. I suspect that it's not that hard, though, and that you're thoroughly capable of doing it yourself.

Best, Jeremy

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Real Name: Chandru

Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by Thebossss » Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:30 am

Jeremy Bernstein wrote:
Thebossss wrote:Hi Jeremy Bernstein;

I asked for the adaptor file, i haven't got any reply.. Taking that as nope from ur side.

I request for the Stockfish PA_GTB with 28/10/2013 engine in it..
Sorry, I have no experience with Polyglot, don't use it for anything and don't feel qualified to attend to this request, which would entail learning it for you, writing an .ini file for you and then testing it for you. I suspect that it's not that hard, though, and that you're thoroughly capable of doing it yourself.

Best, Jeremy
Thanks Jeremy for the reply..
Yeah i know u r busy man.. When is next version of Stockfish PA_GTB released? Waiting for your new version 8-) ..

Jeremy Bernstein
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Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by Jeremy Bernstein » Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:52 am

Thebossss wrote:When is next version of Stockfish PA_GTB released? Waiting for your new version 8-) ..
Maybe I'll get something out on the weekend to celebrate the start of Stage 4 of nTCEC.


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Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by petevine » Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:43 pm

Guess I've been spoiled by critter's SF :)
Thanks again and keep up the good work!

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Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by petevine » Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:53 pm

Thebossss wrote:Hi Jeremy Bernstein;

Thanks for the file..

Can u pls provide the polyglot adaptor with the setting
You should turn logging on in your current ini file, then look into the log file - you'll have all the options listed there.

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Real Name: Chandru

Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by Thebossss » Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:23 am

petevine wrote:
Thebossss wrote:Hi Jeremy Bernstein;

Thanks for the file..

Can u pls provide the polyglot adaptor with the setting
You should turn logging on in your current ini file, then look into the log file - you'll have all the options listed there.
Hm i was looking for a polyglot file with only settings.
PA GTB has the engine and the settings together, whereas the .ini file provided has information on default settings.
Even if the .ini engine path is given, it still takes the default engine. Thats the reason i asked for PA_GTB file without engine so that using .ini i can map to engine whichever i want..
Have a look at the image provided..
Thanks for any positive replies..

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Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by ChessDrone » Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:55 am

here is a start for you

The polyglot file is divided into two sections:
1) Polyglot
2) Engine

In the Engine section, there are two parts:
1) Stockfish
2) supplement Gaviota
Note: It is not necessary to keep everything in the file, just keep the default settings that you intend to change
Any string beginning with a semicolon is a comment, so please do not remove the semicolons at the risk of breaking the file.

Code: Select all


EngineDir = .


BookTreshold =200
;; BookTreshold (default: 5)
;; Do not play moves with a weight (probability) lower than this (in
;; per mil).

;Log = false
;LogFile = polyglot.log

;; UCI (default: false)
;; If true PolyGlot will not understand xboard commands.

;;; This part is not necessary with the fritz interface ;;;

;Resign = false
;ResignScore = 700

;HandleDraws= false

;KibitzMove = true
;KibitzCommand = tellics kibitzalias

;; (default: 5)
;; How many seconds to wait before starting kibitzing.  This has an
;; effect only if "KibitzPV" is selected, move kibitzes are always
;; sent regardless of the delay.

KibitzInterval = 0
;; KibitzInterval (default: 0)
;; This is another form of throttling. PolyGlot will usually wait this
;; many seconds before doing the next kibitz.

;; UCI (default: false)
;; If true PolyGlot will not understand xboard commands.


;;; Stockfish part ;;;

Write Debug Log=false
; type check default false

Write Search Log=false
; type check default false

Search Log Filename=SearchLog.txt
; type string default SearchLog.txt

Book File=book.bin
; type string default book.bin

Best Book Move=false
; type check default false

Contempt Factor=0
; type spin default 0 min -50 max 50

Mobility (Midgame)=100
; type spin default 100 min 0 max 200

Mobility (Endgame)=100
; type spin default 100 min 0 max 200

Pawn Structure (Midgame)=100
; type spin default 100 min 0 max 200

Pawn Structure (Endgame)=100
; type spin default 100 min 0 max 200

Passed Pawns (Midgame)=100
; type spin default 100 min 0 max 200

Passed Pawns (Endgame)=100
; type spin default 100 min 0 max 200

Space type=100
; spin default 100 min 0 max 200

; type spin default 100 min 0 max 200

; type spin default 100 min 0 max 200

Min Split Depth type=0
; spin default 0 min 0 max 12

Max Threads per Split Point=5
; type spin default 5 min 4 max 8

; type spin default 1 min 1 max 64

Idle Threads Sleep=true
; type check default true

; type spin default 32 min 1 max 8192

;Clear Hash type button

; type check default true

; type check default false

; type spin default 1 min 1 max 500

Skill Level=20
; type spin default 20 min 0 max 20

Emergency Move Horizon=40
; type spin default 40 min 0 max 50

Emergency Base Time=60
; type spin default 60 min 0 max 30000

Emergency Move Time=30
; type spin default 30 min 0 max 5000

Minimum Thinking Time=20
; type spin default 20 min 0 max 5000

Slow Mover=70
; type spin default 70 min 10 max 1000

;;; Gaviota part ;;;

Use Persistent Hash=false
; default false (false or true)

Persistent Hash File=stockfish.hsh
; type string default stockfish.hsh

; Clear Persistent Hash type button

Persistent Hash Depth=20
; default 20 min 10 max 99

Persistent Hash Size=32
; default 32 min 4 max 1024

; Prune Persistent Hash type button

Persistent Hash Merge File=stockfish_merge.hsh
; type string default stockfish_merge.hsh

;Merge Persistent Hash type button

Persistent Hash As Book Depth=0
; type spin default 0 min 0 max 99

; type check default true (false or true)

; type check default false

; type string default c:/gtb

; type spin default 32 min 4 max 1024

Soft Probe Depth=10
; default 10 min 2 max 99

Hard Probe Depth=16 
;default 16 min 2 max 99

GaviotaTbCompression="LZMA-5-4k (cp4)"
;"LZMA-5-4k (cp4)"
;"Huffman (cp1)"
;"LZF (cp2)"
;"Zlib-9 (cp3)"
;"LZMA-5-4k (cp4)"
Last edited by ChessDrone on Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:47 pm

Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by petevine » Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:55 am

I don't understand your English but presume you're just missing the UCI options added by the pa_gtb patch. Here they are (the few remaining options I've left out you can find yourself in the log file):

Use Persistent Hash = true
Persistent Hash File = stockfish.hsh
Persistent Hash Depth = 17
Persistent Hash Size = 128
Persistent Hash As Book Depth = 30
UseGaviotaTb = true
ProbeOnlyAtRoot = false
GaviotaTbPath = /home/petevine/Tablebases/gaviotatb
GaviotaTbCache = 128
Soft Probe Depth = 2
Hard Probe Depth = 4

Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:15 pm
Real Name: Chandru

Re: Stockfish 4 PA_GTB

Post by Thebossss » Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:13 pm

[quote="ChessDrone"]here is a start for you

The polyglot file is divided into two sections:
1) Polyglot
2) Engine

In the Engine section, there are two parts:
1) Stockfish
2) supplement Gaviota
Note: It is not necessary to keep everything in the file, just keep the default settings that you intend to change
Any string beginning with a semicolon is a comment, so please do not remove the semicolons at the risk of breaking the file.[quote="ChessDrone"]

Hello Voila;
Thanks for ur time..
Ok let me make my point clear.. I want to use latest Stockfish version with those (soft probe, hard probe etc..) settings..
File compiled by Jeremy Stockfish PA_GTB 001 has Stockfish 101013 version..
So now when i copy your code in Polyglot.ini file with the engine linked to Latest (say for eg: Stockfish 021113). I dont find those settings (soft probe depth, hard probe depth, persistenet hash etc) in Fritz environment..
That was the reason i asked for Polyglot.exe file with only settings, no engine in the compile. so i can use ur code in polyglot.ini and link the latest stockfish engine. Once loaded in Fritz i will find the settings. :D
Yeah i ask too much but have no options.. Solve this or not, no problem Thanks for ur time..

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