ChessGUI bug on ply 100 (50-move rule)

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ChessGUI bug on ply 100 (50-move rule)

Post by BB+ » Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:55 pm

The final game of the TCEC Division I was a bit funky in the ending, but it uncovered a 50-move rule bug in ChessGUI. On the 100th ply, HIARCS underpromoted a pawn to a bishop. The GUI listing was
134.a8=B { ev=0.00, d=32, pd=Rxa8, mt=00:00:10, tl=00:08:43, s=14529 kN/s, tb=15005,  }
 { Game Nr. 56 : Hiarcs 13.2 draws against Ivanhoe B47cB by 50-move rule
 GameDuration = 05:29:06, Finalposition B1k5/5R2/8/8/8/2K5/8/r7 b - - 100 134 }
As should be clear, the "100" in the Finalposition 50-move counter is simply wrong.

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Matthias Gemuh
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Re: ChessGUI bug on ply 100 (50-move rule)

Post by Matthias Gemuh » Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:01 pm

Thanks, BB+ ! ChessGUI 0.209 fixes that.
Aided by engines, GMs can be very strong.

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