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Trying to get RANDOM Opening Moves in GNUChess Book.dat...

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:20 am
by chessdev
The challenge:

- get MAXIMUM amount of random play from gnuchess
- want opening book to be only 6-10 ply deep
- need book.dat to be under 20kb

I know - it sounds really difficult I have something close now, but gnuchess is not using the full variety of the book.dat file. For example, if "book on" default, it always plays 1...e5 or 1...c5 to 1. e4. If I put it on "book random" or "book worst", it always plays "1.d6".

Is there a way to manually edit the book.dat file to show the move trees and values?

Happy to compensate you for your help.
