Could someone knowledgeable tell me this:
I'm doing an iterative deepening. Each time a best move is found (beating alpha), I store it in the transposition table, with an additional information, the depth searched.
Say I found this move when my depth was 5, it means I found this move with an accuracy of depth 5. So in my iterative deepening, instead of doing AlphaBeta for every depth, I check if a best move was found at this position (from earlier searches). If so, I start the iterative deepening at depth found+1.
Code looks like this:
Code: Select all
for (mSearchDepth = 1; mSearchDepth < MAX_DEPTH; mSearchDepth++) {
line = "";
mNodes = 0;
node = mHashMap.get(mGame.getCurrentPosition());
if (node != null) {
bestMove = node.getMove();
mSearchDepth = node.getSearchDepth() + 1;
bestScore = alphaBeta(-Values.INFINITE, Values.INFINITE, mSearchDepth);
if (stop) {
node = mHashMap.get(mGame.getCurrentPosition());
if (node != null) {
bestMove = node.getMove();
} else {
I don't see a reason this should not work, but other programs seem to search from depth 1 for every move instead.